Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Ethical Requirements Of Sharing Music - 1613 Words
Even broadcasters had no rights to their broadcast. Finally, for performers, their live performances could not be fixed and disseminated. In 1950, the international Federal Phonographic Industry, European Broadcasting Union and the International Federation of Musicians represented the three interests. These finally gave birth to the Rome Convention. Copyright is protected in different Articles of the Convention. Just to highlight one of them, Article 7 provides that performers are to be given rights that prevent broadcasters from communicating the information to the public. This is congruent with the ethical requirements of sharing music. It also prevents performance, fixation and reproduction without their consent. These provisions, among others, apply to music recordings and performances in Canada by being a member of the convention. In most cases, we find that ethical expectation in the way music is shared in Canada is also provided in statutes, boards, and treaties. With this, th e ethical channels needed in sharing music may not have been expressed by are implied in the underlying legalities (Freeman, 2015). The next section addresses Immanuel Kant’s moral value of intellectual property. Kant Theory on Intellectual Property: The Injustice of Reprinting Books After the protracted explanation of the current laws, regulations and treaties relating to copyright and applicable in Canada, some loopholes have been realized. I will first give illustration throughShow MoreRelatedThe Copyright Law Of Canada Connected With An Ethical Line Within Music Sharing1672 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper discusses the copyright law in Canada connected with an ethical line in music sharing. Before embarking on the discussion, it is imperative to understand what copyright entails under the umbrella of intellectual property; the latter refers to intangible property, which is entirely a creation of the mind (Alexander Penalver, 2012, p. 188). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
A Detailed Speech Outline Free Essays
This page explains how to make a detailed outline of a speech. It should be remembered that depending on the type of speech, the outline may vary. However, if you base your speeches on this outline you should be able to make a successful speech. We will write a custom essay sample on A Detailed Speech Outline or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to make a detailed and useful outline you must understand the structure of a speech. The basic structure of a speech and how to make a simple outline has been explained on another page. On that page it was shown that there are three main parts to a speech; The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. These three parts can be further broken down. The structure of these three main parts can be seen in the outline below. A presentation outline is a way to organize your material logically and clearly. You should make an outline before you start to write a speech. In fact the writing of a speech comes towards the end of the speech creation process (see ’11 Steps to Creating a Speech’). By using a presentation outline, you can â€Å"see†your speech and determine where you need to add or revise information. It provides the structure for the introduction, body, and conclusion of your speech. In addition, it can serve as your speaking script. This outline consists of Four parts; The Header, The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. Before you start writing your speech you should make an outline using these 4 headings and their sub headings. 1. Header Topic Decide on your topic. Audience Analyze your audience. What do they already know about your topic? Are they interested in the topic? Refine and limit topic Based on your analysis of the audience you may need to slightly change you topic, by either changing the focus, or the scale of the topic. Purpose Statement Write down a clear statement of what it is you intend to achieve. What is the purpose of your speech. For example; The purpose of this speech is to inform the audience how to travel in Japan without spending to much money. Organizational Method or Pattern There is no single way to organize a speech. The pattern you will select will be determined by the information you have and the specific purpose you want to achieve. There are six basic patterns for organizing a speech: Logical or topical Chronological Spatial Classification Problem-Solution Cause-effect Once you have completed these five parts of the ‘Header’, you are then ready to start planning the speech itself. . Introduction Greeting and Attention getter How will you greet the audience? How will you get the audience’s attention? Think of a sentence that will make the audience sit up and listen. Thesis Statement The ‘purpose statement’ is where you simply state what your goal is. However, it is not possible to use this in the speech. You need to convert it to a ‘thesis statement’. A thesis statement is one sentence in the introduction in which you declare your purpose and topic. For example, a thesis statement of the above purpose statement would be; ‘Traveling in Japan need not be an extravagance. Credibility If the audience do not know who you are, you will not only need to introduce yourself, but you will also need to ‘establish your credibility’. This means you will have to explain to the audience why you are ‘qualified’ to speak about the subject. Outline of main the points – overview What are your main points? Why? Tell your audience why you think your presentation will be useful to them. 3. The body Transition Think of a sentence that will make it clear to the audience that you have finished the introduction, and are now about to start the body of the speech. Main points and ideas Main ideas Supporting ideas Details Examples Visuals Write your main points and ideas hereWhat ideas will you tell the audience to support your main points? What details or examples do you have? Will you have any visuals to help explain your points? main ideas = sub-topics supporting ideas = sub-sub topics evidence = details and examples 4. The conclusion Transition Think of a sentence that will make it clear to the audience that you have finished the body and are now coming to the end of the speech. Restatement of main points Summarize your main ideas and think of which piece of information you really want the audience to remember. Closer Think of a final sentence to help the audience remember your speech. Note that the presentation outline is not a word-for-word script for the speech but an outline of ideas to serve as an organizational and presentation tool for the speaker. Once you have finished the outline you are then ready to start writing. Copy this into a word processor document, and use the headings to make your own outline for your demonstration speech. How to cite A Detailed Speech Outline, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Statutory Interpretation and Tort Law
Question: Discuss about the Statutory Interpretation and Tort Law. Answer: Introduction: In the present case, it has to be seen if Anna can bring a successful election in negligence against Trevor. Anna had injured her knee when she went on a walking tour that was organized by Honey Bee Nature Appreciation Tours (HB). The tour was supposed to last only six hours and during daylight. However on this particular day, they became late and returned after sunset. Although it is required that the walkers should be appropriately dressed and wear proper shoes but while returning, Anna decided to wear her high heel shoes. Trevor failed to notice that Anna had changed into high heel shoes because at that time he was busy in observing a rare Marbled Fragmouth. If similarly, when they were taking a break, Trevor decided to leave the walkers and went to scout for new location. During this time, Anna consumed half a bottle of wine that she had brought with herself as it was her birthday. Under these circumstances, Anna's heel caught on a tree root and she fell down, injuring her knee. She had to stay in the hospital for a month. Later on, Anna decides to sue Trevor in negligence and claim the lost income for 12 months and punitive damages from Trevor. Therefore, in the present assignment, it has to be seen if Anna can successfully sue Trevor under negligence and at the same time, it also needs to be seen if the defense under contributory negligence is available to Trevor. In order to deal with this issue, first of all it needs to be seen what negligence is. In this context, in cases where one person has a duty of care towards the other, negligence can be described as doing or the failure to do something that would have been done by any other reasonable person and due to which any damage/injury/loss has been caused to the other person due to such an act (Deakin, Johnston and Markesinis, 2003). In Australia, the provisions of Civil Liability Act are used to decide the negligence of the persons and also the liability faced by them due to the negligence acts that have been committed by them (Hepple, 1997). In case a person decides to sue the other person in negligence, the person seeks financial compensation for the damage suffered by it. Such a person needs to be placed in the same position in which the person would have been if the negligence of the other person would not have taken place. DUTY: In order to decide if negligence has taken place, there are four questions that need to be satisfied. Hence, it has to be seen if the defendant had a duty of care towards the plaintiff, if the duty of care has been breached by the defendant, if any injury or loss has been suffered by the plaintiff and if the injury or damage suffered by the plaintiff was the result of such a breach (Donoghue v Stevenson, 1932). For bringing a successful claim in negligence, it is necessary that all the above-mentioned factors should be satisfied. In case even if one factor is not satisfied, then it cannot be said that the plaintiff has suffered damage as a result of the negligence of the defendant (Grant v Australian Knitting Mills, 1933). The duty of care can be described as the legal obligation which requires that persons should avoid causing harm. Such a duty arises when the harm caused to the other person was "reasonably foreseeable" if care was not exercised (Stapleton, 2003). In this context, the law requires that they should be a sufficient close relationship present between the parties so that it can be said that one party had a duty of care towards the other (Wyong Shire Council v Short, 1980). An example of such a situation can be given in the form of the relationship that exists between a doctor and the patient or the relationship that is present between the driver of a vehicle and the other road users. According to the Civil Liability Act, some conditions have been imposed on the duty of care, for example donors and good Samaritans. In this way, the people who decide to act in a situation of emergency, without expecting any payment or the persons who are providing food for the charitable purpose are general ly assumed to be exempt from civil liability, provided they have not acted negligently (Kujinga, 2009). The next issue is to decide when the breach of duty of care takes place. For the purpose of establishing if there has been a breach of duty of care, first of all the court will look at the standard of care that needs to be applied in the particular circumstances of the case. In such a situation, the standard of care needs to be decided by considering what would have been done by some other reasonable person under the same circumstances or if the actions of the party but below the standard that can be expected in such a case, it can be said that the party has breached the their duty of care imposed on it under the circumstances (Shaddock Associates v Parramatta City Council, 1981). Some of the common examples of the imposition of duty of care are the routine activities like driving. Hence it is expected that all the road users and should behave in a reasonable manner. Therefore while dealing with the issue if the defendant had breached and the duty of care imposed on it, the court will see if the defendant had failed to do what would have been done by some other reasonable person under similar circumstances (Tomasic, Bottomley and McQueen, 2002). The key test related negligence is the probability and the likely seriousness of the harm that may be caused by as well as the burden of taking the precautions and the social value aspects of taking the precautions against such a risk. In Wyong Shire Council v Short (1980), the court stated that while deciding if there has been a breach of the duty, the court will consider the probability of, as well as the likely seriousness of the harm and the fact how difficult it would have been to take precautions against it and the conflicting responsibilities related to taking such precautions (Stapleton, 1991). It also needs to be seen if the above-mentioned breach of duty has resulted in an injury. Sometimes it is obvious that the breach has resulted in an injury (Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Morts Dock Engineering Co Ltd., 1961). For example when a person has slipped on the wet floor and broken his leg, a clear connection exists between the injury suffered by the person and the wet floor. On the other hand, sometimes it is a complex task to find the cause of the injury. There can be more than one event that may have resulted in the injury. For instance a person has slipped on the wet floor but on the same morning, the person has also fallen from a bicycle, a question may arise if the injury was caused by one event or both the events and to what extent. The two main differences that are available in the case of negligence are contributory negligence and the fact that the risk was voluntarily assumed by the plaintiff. In this regard, contributory negligence takes place when it can be said that the plaintiff had failed in making the required standard of care under the circumstances for ensuring their own protection (Barker, 1993). And it was a contributory cause, along with the conduct of the defendant, behind the injury suffered by the plaintiff. In this way, contributory negligence can be described as the failure of the plaintiff to avoid the harm that has been suffered by it as a result of the conduct of the defendant. For example if a pedestrian had suddenly decided to cross the street without looking and such person is hit by a speeding car. The law provides that when contributory negligence exists, the responsibility for the injuries suffered by the plaintiff has to be apportioned among the defendant and the plaintiff, in accord ance with their respective degree of their responsibility. The Civil Liability Act also provides that now it is available to the court to reduce the damages awarded to the plaintiff even by 100%. The main remedy that is available in case of negligence is damages. Damages put a monetary value on the harm suffered by the plaintiff, in accordance with the principle that the plaintiff should be placed in the same position if the negligence of the defendant would not have taken place (Gardiner and McGlone, 1998). Therefore, for most purposes, the level of culpability regarding the breach of duty is not relevant. Once it has been established that there is a breach of duty, it only needs to be seen how to compensate the victim. Generally the types of damages awarded by the court are as follows. Special damages, general damages and punitive damages. The examples of special damages include lost wages, damage to property or medical bills. The general damages are the damages that cannot be quantified in monetary terms (McDonald, 2005). The examples of general damages are the amount paid for the pain and suffering experienced by the plaintiff in a car accident. The purpose behind awardin g punitive damages is to punish the defendant, instead of compensating the plaintiff in cases involving negligence. Mostly, punitive damages can be recovered in an action for negligence only if the plaintiff is successful in establishing that the conduct of the defendant was something more than ordinary negligence. Conclusion: On the basis of the above-mentioned principles related with negligence, it can be said that in this case, Anna can bring a successful election in negligence against Trevor. The reason is that Trevor had failed to ensure the safety of the walkers. For example he left the walkers unattended when they were taking a break and he had gone to scout for a new location. Similarly he lost track of time and spend too much time over there. The result was that the walkers had to walk back in the dark. Similarly he also failed to stop Anna from consuming the bottle of wine that she had brought with herself. Moreover he did not saw that when they were returning back, Anna changed into her high heel shoes. In this way it is clear that Trevor was negligent and the injuries suffered by Anna was the result of the negligence of Trevor. But in this context it is also worth mentioning that Anna had also contributed in this negligence. It was negligence on the part of Anna when she decided to consume half a bottle of wine during the walk. Moreover, Trevor had told the walkers that they should be appropriate clothes and shoes but while returning, Anna decided to wear her high heeled shoes. Moreover, as Anna had recovered completely within a month, she cannot claim the lost income for 12 months. References Barker, K., (1993) Unreliable Assumptions in the Modern Law of Negligence 109 Law Quarterly Review 461, 483 Benjamin K (2009). "Reasonable Care And Skill The Modern Scope Of The Auditor's Duty". GAA Accounting Deakin, S., Johnston A and Markesinis B (2003) Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law, Oxford University Press Gardiner D and McGlone, F., (1998) Outline of Torts (2nd ed,), Butterworths Hepple, B, (1997) Negligence: The Search for Coherence, 50 Current Legal Problems 69 McDonald, B (2005). "Legislative Intervention in the Law of Negligence: The Common Law, Statutory Interpretation and Tort Reform in Australia". Sydney Law Review. 27 (3) Stapleton, J., (1991) Duty of Care and Economic Loss: A Wider Agenda, 107 Law Quarterly Review 249 Stapleton, J., (2003) The Golden Thread at the Heart of Tort Law: Protection of the Vulnerable 24 Australian Bar Review 135 Tomasic, R. Bottomley, S, and McQueen, (2002) Audits and Auditors, Corporations Law in Australia, Federation Press Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 Grant v Australian Knitting Mills (1933) 50 CLR 387 Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Morts Dock Engineering Co Ltd [1961] AC 388 (Wagon Mound No 1 Case (1961)) Shaddock Associates v Parramatta City Council (1981) 150 CLR 225 Wyong Shire Council v Short (1980) 146 CLR 40
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Racial Identity and Religion
Introduction Cultural differences can be explained using multicultural concepts that may include racial identity and religion. These two concepts can summarize the behavioral norms in both a single cultured and a multicultural society. Both concepts are important in enhancing the development of co-habitation in the contemporary fast growing world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Racial Identity and Religion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Multicultural concepts do also come in handy in societal development especially when they tackle the subject in question on an interaction perspective. This is because development does not take place in single isolated variables. They take place in totality. This work gives a brief but comprehensive discussion of the two multicultural concepts which are quite significant in the understanding of cultural differences. Racial Identity It should be noted that the genesis o f racial concepts is closely related to the classification of human beings. Many racial theories have attempted to demarcate and elevate one particular social group from others, thereby justifying the oppression and exploitation of certain ethnic groups who are presumed to be inferior. The inferiority concept here refers to the level of intelligence, degree of morality, physicality of the individuals in the social group and culture of the social group (Fedelina and Guido-Dibrito, 1999). As a result, there was the institutionalization of enslavement of Africans by the whites. Another act that is related to racialism is the terrorism committed against particular groups. Racial identity is the subjective sense of an invigorating sameness and continuity. The concept is known to interact closely with the social class, culture, gender and other biological factors. Racial identity takes on many forms. The concept begins during the early stages of childhood development and develops rapidly amongst groups so visibly recognized by race. Such messages are conveyed through metacommunications which are subtle and often unspoken messages that are learned early in life and reinforced without the aid of spoken words. Thus, it may not emanate from the teachings of parents. This is pretty evident especially in racially integrated schools. In such schools, there are racially homogeneous eating areas in lunch rooms. The unspoken rule in these lunch rooms is that boundaries must not be violated. Thus, whites eat with whites; blacks eat with blacks, Hispanics with Hispanics and so forth. This instance explains the fact that even without parents verbal teachings on racial orientations, racialism can still be conveyed implicitly in racially segregated housing patterns and socioeconomic relationships.Advertising Looking for research paper on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As an individual matures, he or she de velops a personality that is informed by social and moral attitudes, behaviors, and feelings. It should be noted that social and personality developments are strongly intertwined with racial presumptions that are learned through copying (Fedelina and Guido-Dibrito, 1999). This habit is internalized and further enhanced by the need to conform the prevailing racial norms so that the individual’s characters are socially acceptable. It is quite disheartening to understand that racial segregation still has its roots in the modern society. In places where race is still a powerful divider, sociocultural backgrounds and ethnical similarities do not matter a lot even if it is within the particular social group. The reality of sociocultural and ethnical similarities is quite irrelevant in such situations. A good example is the relationship between the Whites and the Blacks in America. Their cultural similarities are so obvious to people living outside the United States. However, racial spheres still exist and it is the major tool that obfuscates the two races. Religion Religion is the culture of a belief in a deity or a superior being that is believed to control natural phenomena among those who practice it. Religion concerns with nature and life’s purpose especially when viewed in the perspective of creation and a holy being (Culture and religion, 2010). Religion is actually a wide subject that requires extensive research concerned with the development of personalities in a multicultural society. There are so many religions at present and they include Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism among many others. The above are just the major religions. Otherwise, there are many other religions whose beliefs are practiced by fewer numbers of the population. In a multicultural society, it is quite difficult to enhance specific religious convictions. In the western society, for example, Caucasian, Afro-Caribbean, South Asian and Chin ese people jostle every street. The presence of these people comes along with different cultural and religious backgrounds. Such kinds of society are usually faced with the problems of decisions on how to adjust to make their own ways. Such people may insist upon many religious beliefs as essential tools for the satisfactory livelihood of the entire community in question. Thus, there must be a visible line that distinguishes between religion and culture is such a pluralistic society (Culture and religion, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Racial Identity and Religion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is here that pluralism must take effect so as to take care of the various modes of freedom. These forms of freedoms include the freedom to believe or not to believe, and the freedom to conform or not to conform. Also in this system lies the freedom from the domination of one religious group. Religiou s beliefs are taught to children and enhanced through internalization and the need to maintain the individuality and character of the religion. Some people tend to be exclusivists by thinking that only their religion is right. Integration plays a major role in the adaptation and acceptance of different religious groups. It is through integration, adaptation and acceptance that a particular religious group may secure homes, incomes, and amenities together with other different groups. In many urban multicultural societies, religious affiliations have continued to diminish in use as a benchmark for public decision making. The act of assimilation in exclusivist societies is quite difficult taking into consideration that most of these societies come from rural backgrounds. Exposure to different religious beliefs other than ones own is a factor that plays a big role in acceptance of the other religions. However, it should be noted that integration of particular religious groups is quite d ifferent from assimilation. Assimilation is not easy when dealing with enhancement and maintenance of a particular religion. However, integration is quite easy because it comes along with acceptance that means trust. As it is well known, trust is not a threat to the society as a whole. Conclusion Many racial theories have attempted to demarcate and elevate one particular social group from others, thereby justifying the oppression and exploitation of certain ethnic groups who are presumed to be inferior. Racial identity is the subjective sense of an invariant sameness and continuity. The concept is known to interact closely with the social class, culture, gender and other biological factors. On the other hand, religion is the culture of a belief in a deity or a superior being that is believed to control natural phenomena among those who practice it. In a multicultural society, religion requires integration to develop the culture of acceptance and adaptability.Advertising Looking for research paper on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Culture and religion, (2010). Culture and Religion: Thoughts on Religion. Retrieved from http://www.cultureandreligion.com/html/thoughts_on_religion.html Fedelina, A., Guido-Dibrito, F. (1999). Racial and Ethnic Identity and Development. New Directions For Adult And Continuing Education. No. 84. Web. This research paper on Racial Identity and Religion was written and submitted by user J0anna to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Hobbes, Locke essays
Hobbes, Locke essays This comparative text is a bit complex in the assumption that all three essay questions can be properly justified in one large endeavor. I will begin by stating that I found all three philosophers writings challenging and insightful but to a point obscure and confusing. Yet each philosopher shared a distinct view on how the state of nature argument molded society. I will commence with Hobbes, then Locke, and conclude with Rousseau, for he is the most ambiguous of them all. In Leviathan, Hobbes begins by stating that human beings naturally desire the power to live well and that they will never be satisfied with the power they have with out acquiring more power. Hobbes also begins by strongly stating the belief of equality, that every one is created equal. He explicitly points out that all individuals have the same ability to kill one another, and hence be killed. Hobbes believed that the nature of humanity leads people to seek power. He looked on the individual as selfish, concerned with self-preservation and when two people want the same thing they become enemies, thus the creation of war. Hobbes uses three basic causes for war, competition, distrust, and glory. In each of the previous cases, men use violence to gain power. He believed that that with out a common power to unite the people, they would be in war of every man against every man. In a sense, Hobbes states that in order to create order, individuals will have to surrender their rights to the sovereign in order to create a state whereby they can be protected. It is perhaps not necessary for this to occur, but rather a side affect of human nature in which human beings must gather into groups to create a convent of natural laws in which to abide and survive from. In regards to the use of property, Hobbes conception is that property is to be distribute among human beings according to the level and perseverance excerted towards individua ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How To Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing - CoSchedule Blog
How To Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing Blog There’s a lot of talk about social media video these days. However, sometimes Twitter gets overshadowed in that discussion by Facebook and other rivals. That’s a shame, because the platform has done a lot to create new opportunities for social video marketing. If Twitter is keeping pace with social media video trends, then marketers and content creators should be too. In this post, we’ll cover: How to shoot and upload Twitter video. Which types of Twitter video content perform best. How to schedule video tweets along with your other content. Think you dont have video skills? No problem. Youll feel like the next Spielberg by the time were done. How To Get Started With Twitter Video MarketingTo help with your video projects, download our free video script template: Why Does Twitter Video Matter? Video content is gaining steam on social media. That includes on Twitter. A 2015 report from Twitter confirmed some interesting statistics: 82% of users watch video on Twitter 90% of those views happen on a mobile device 41% of users think Twitter is a great place to find video content That should settle any skepticism. Despite these stats, not all brands are creating Twitter content. That means more opportunity for you to stand out. Did you know 82% of users watch video on Twitter? How To Create Twitter Video Content There are three ways to create video content on Twitter: Shooting video in-app using Twitter Video. Directly uploading video files. Sharing video links from YouTube (and other video sharing services). Let’s walk through how each method works. How To Shoot Video Using The Mobile App Shooting video directly in the Twitter mobile app is simple. Here’s how it works: 1. Download the Twitter mobile app (iOS or Android). 2. Open a new tweet window and press the camera icon: 3. Next, select the video camera icon: 4. Then, hold down the button to record your video: Once you’ve shot your video, you’ll be able to upload it directly to Twitter. These screenshots were taken on an Android device. However, the steps are the same for iOS users (the icons just look slightly different). For further details and in-app video editing direction, check out Twitter’s help documentation. How To Import Video From Your Phone Importing video from your phone to Twitter is easy, too. 1. Open a new tweet window and select your video: 2. Next, you’ll have an opportunity to edit your video: 3. Finally, write your post copy and publish your video: How To Direct Upload Video Files To Twitter What if you have a video file you want to share on Twitter? That’s easy enough as well. On Mobile 1. Open a new Tweet window. 2. Select your video from your available media: 3. Write your message and publish your video tweet. On Desktop 1. Open a new tweet window and click the camera button: 2. Find a video file to upload: 3. If your video is longer than 2:20, you’ll need to edit it down. Fortunately, Twitter makes it easy to select which portion of your video you’d like to post. Click and drag the blue tab left or right to make your selection: 4. Write your tweet and publish it. That's it! What About YouTube Links? Videos directly uploaded to Twitter look awesome. However, chances are you’ll want to share YouTube links, too. No problem. YouTube videos look great on Twitter as well, and you don’t need to do anything more than paste your URL. Here’s what the live tweet looks like: Clicking the thumbnail then expands the video player: Recommended Reading: Introducing Social Video from What Are The Pro’s And Con’s Of Video On Twitter? Twitter's mobile app has cool applications for shooting video in the moment. If your video is already created though, you have a choice to make. Should you upload it to YouTube, and then paste the link in a tweet? Or should you upload your video file directly? It depends. Before making a decision, you’ll need to weigh some pros and cons. What Are Twitter’s Technical Requirements For Video? What Equipment Do I Need To Succeed? You just need a phone or a camera, right? Sure, that’s a start. But what about mics? And what kind of camera? Does it matter if you have an iPhone or Android device? Let’s run through your options. iPhone Vs. Android: The Eternal Debate If you plan on shooting mobile video, either iPhone or Android smart phone will work. Windows phone users can’t shoot in-app video, but you can always use your phone’s video camera, and then upload the file via the Twitter app. How Can I Get Better Sound? Smartphone mics are decent enough for basic purposes. If you want better audio quality though, external microphones can help. There are also some simple tactics you can employ. This video from StoryGuide offers an excellent primer on improving smartphone audio recording quality: Got The Coffee Shakes? Get Yourself A Tripod. If you’re handholding your phone while shooting video, some shakiness is inevitable. For those times you need a steady shot, though, a tripod can help. A search for â€Å"smartphone tripod†on Amazon gets more than 500 results, ranging in price to fit your budget (disclaimer: Amazon didn’t pay us anything for this link). What About Editing Software? If you plan on editing your videos outside the Twitter app, and then uploading them later, you’ll need editing software. Windows Movie Maker (Windows) and iMovie (Mac/iOS) are both more than good enough for basic needs. Recommended Reading: How To Do The Best Content Marketing On A Limited Budget Which Types Of Marketing Videos Should I Shoot For Twitter? Now we’re ready to actually shoot some videos. But, what kind of video will you create? We have some ideas to share. How-To Videos How-to videos are essential for any content marketing video strategy. Twitter is no exception. Shoot videos that quickly show people how to do something useful. Check out this video from Home Depot: A Smarter Home makes life easier more enjoyable. Here are 2 easy projects to get started. https://t.co/KxbKIgp0LE pic.twitter.com/0npqitB6jG - The Home Depot (@HomeDepot) August 31, 2016 Product Demonstration Videos Video is key for helping customers do product research. If you have a new product line, service, or feature, shoot a quick video showing how it works. Here’s an excellent example from Google: Capture and share VR photos with #CardboardCamera, now on iOS as well as Android. https://t.co/H4muxNBCSD pic.twitter.com/RFpcVMIyPx - Google VR (@googlevr) September 12, 2016 Culture Videos People love getting behind-the-scenes looks into brands they enjoy. It humanizes your product and helps people build a connection with who you are, and what you do. Twitter for Video is perfect for capturing candid moments around the office. That’s what online retailer RealTruck.com did when they held their own â€Å"Office Olympics†: Recap video of our office Olympics. Fun was had by all! https://t.co/GEb5WLavxP - RealTruck Culture (@RTCultureTeam) August 25, 2016 Recruiting Videos What is it like to work for your company? Show people! That’s what Amazon did in this example: Have you ever wondered what it is like to work for Amazon as a Software Development Engineer (SDE) ? VIDEO https://t.co/D5aITyVUZC #awscloud - Amazon Careers Dub (@AmazonDublin) July 12, 2016 Response Videos Social media is important for customer service. In fact, some brands are even using video to respond to customers. Next time you get a tweet from a customer, shoot a quick video response. It gives your communication a personal touch, and the extra effort will be appreciated. Promotional Videos If you have a sale or promotion, draw attention with a video. Here’s how Gamestop did just that: Enter the latest @GameStop promotion to win cool Gears prizes! #MyGearsMoment #Sweepstakes pic.twitter.com/jOPPuU3FTT - Rod Fergusson (@GearsViking) September 2, 2016 Shout Out Videos Do you have a partner or cause you want to shout out? Do it with a video. Take a cue from Zappos here: Happy Birthday to the National Park Service! 💠¯Ã°Å¸ †Get out there and #FindYourPark!#NPS100https://t.co/qDS4K68Fvl - Zappos (@zappos) August 25, 2016 Interview Videos Contact an influencer or subject matter expert, interview them, and get it on video. Then, share a clip on Twitter. Watch how Mention pulled this off: We asked 5 top influencersâÅ" ¨1 BIG marketing question. Watch 🎠¥ full video here: https://t.co/3SqpkIgopz #mktg pic.twitter.com/XkLiOocJvc - Mention (@Mention) September 12, 2016 Event Videos If you’re hosting an event or attending a conference, shoot a video and show people. Here’s one from Idealist: Had a great time at the @Idealist Grad Fair last night! How about you?!? #gradschool #goals https://t.co/ThWHlf74by pic.twitter.com/iLQB4jPMFn - Idealist Careers (@IdealistCareers) September 9, 2016 Wait, How Did You Embed Those Twitter Videos? Every video above has been embedded from Twitter. Here's how to embed Twitter video content yourself. How To Embed A Tweet With A YouTube Link 1. Find a video tweet you'd like to embed: 2. Then, click the ellipsis and select Embed Tweet: 3. Copy the embed code and paste it into your content's HTML: 4. If you're embedding your tweet into WordPress, paste the code where you'd like in the Text editor: 5. And here's what the end result looks like: In case you missed it! #FutureofMarketing for the #StateofInbound with @larrykim and @JoannaLord https://t.co/7LJMm92KGw - WordStream (@WordStream) September 13, 2016 How To Embed A Tweet With Native Twitter Video The process is mostly the same here. The only difference is you can choose to either embed the entire tweet (video, text, and links), or just the video: Here's what this video looks like on its own: Just checking out our applications new video feature. pic.twitter.com/zAKpoAzq6N - Brock (@BrockGAzure) September 13, 2016 Recommended Reading: How To Develop A Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) How Can I Create Better Videos For Twitter? We'll defer to Twitter themselves for this one with this handy infographic: Recommended Reading: How To Write Like A Journalist To Be A Better Marketing Storyteller How To Use Social Media Analytics To Create The Best Content How To Generate Better Social Media Campaign Ideas Like A Creative Genius Publish Twitter Videos With Social Video From Did you know you can schedule and publish Twitter videos in ? We launched our Social Video feature just last week. It’s something we’re really excited about, and should make creating and scheduling video tweets a whole lot easier. Here’s how it works:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Performance Management in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Performance Management in Organisations - Essay Example The paper offers a thorough analysis of the performance management system (PMS). It provides the information about vital components of the PMS, namely, its objectives, stages of development, setting of company goals and standards, working on performance appraisal, communication, and training. The author proves that an effective performance management system enables an organisation to set targets, monitor implementation, and evaluate the performance of its employees. It provides a platform to the management for communicating with employees in order to evolve ways and means to increase productivity and efficiency of the organization as a whole. The research shows that a successful PMS facilitates an effective dialogue between employee and supervisor to enhance individual performance. In particular, it gives managers and supervisors opportunities for giving positive reinforcement to employees. In order to be effective and acceptable, performance appraisals should be fair, open, and posi tive with developmental objectives. The unique part of the work is that the notion of the PMS is studied not only theoretically, but also through the comparison of the PMSs of two institutions,a state secondary school and a haulage firm. The author creates performance appraisal sheets for measuring teachers' and managerial work. Appraisal parameters of teachers' performance are academic knowledge and communication skills, ability to prepare lesson plans and to deliver them. Appraisal parameters of managerial work are managerial, operational, administrative, and decision-making skills.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Feminist Perspective of The Awakening by Kate Chopin Essay
Feminist Perspective of The Awakening by Kate Chopin - Essay Example Her interest in art is portrayed as one that directly corresponds to her lifestyle. The changes described in the novel relate to the confusion of her function as a female artist. Her ideas have made her confused resulting to the decay of her relationships and ultimately, her own death. The novel has three perspectives. The feminist perspective, historical perspective and the psychoanalytical perspective, however, we get to discuss the feminist in detail using Edna as its symbol. The feminist perspective will be discussed to portray the plight of women in the setting of this novel. Other characters are incorporated in brief discussion to define some norms in the society. The Awakening is a novel written during a time that marriage was perceived to be a traditional rite of passage. The rules that applied then do not apply at the moment as people have evolved. Women at that time were forced to marry someone that was arranged for them. This way, the woman had no opinion on who she would marry. The father of the girl child would select a suitable husband for the girl and the girl had no alternative other than to marry the person selected for her (Chopin, 1994). Contrary, in today’s society, women can marry whoever they want to as they have a choice. Women then were forced into loveless marriages and Edna became a victim. This was carried out to create a good picture to the society. The novel outlines the plights that the women faced. Marriage was something that suffocated them and Edna felt it was too much and that she needed to be more than just a mother and a wife. Edna did not want to settle and be like the rest of the women. She chose a different path, one that would not be restrictive to her. This led to her denial of her role to be a mother and a wife. She portrays this rejection slowly by slowly by being against the societal and natural beliefs of motherhood that existed in her society. Edna refuses to be identified as the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A case study on the acute leukemia of lilly a cancer fighter Essay Example for Free
A case study on the acute leukemia of lilly a cancer fighter Essay Six months after her 30th birthday, Lilly was diagnosed with acute Leukemia. She and her husband, Jake, have no children together. She has been relatively healthy most of her life, despite suffering from minor medical mishaps. Lilly’s socioeconomic factor is that she is a middle class, a Caucasian woman who was a top ranking salesperson for a cosmetic company. While the case study has no mentioned specific issues, Lilly has hinted past confrontations with her parents. Lilly has been evasive about all aspects of her life that occurred before she came to the clinic. The social worker intern mentioned that Lilly gave up a baby in her early 20’s. Despite the closeness with the social worker intern through the physical and emotional upheavals, her defenses surrounding her past would not budge. Through the case study, the social worker realized that Lilly’s mental health deteriorated when she lost her ability to speak due to sores in her mouth. The social worker believed that because Lily was a sales representative, losing her ability to speak negatively affected her sense of self-worth. To have that taken away from her, as the intern suggested, is an attack on her ego functioning and can deplete her mental stability in fighting this illness. However, the salient aspects that the intern failed to address is the correlation of emotional distress and the fighting spirit on the survival time for people combating life-threatening illnesses like cancer. Due to Lilly’s socioeconomic background and support of her parents, she was able to pay for her treatments and sustain economic stability despite her health deterioration. After the reading the case, I have several questions: was different modalities of treatments other than ego psychology that could have helped her?  Would expose her parents to relaxation training or stress management have helped alleviate some of Lilly’s anxieties? Why would Lilly keep her past so hidden, and more specifically, why wouldn’t she discuss giving her baby away for adoption?  Would there be different ways of conducting interviews with her in times when she was more relaxed? The narrator of this article articulates the typical issues that any cancer patient faces: death, dying, health, family dynamics, physical changes in appearance, and resentment towards others and projection. The intern discussed common experiences from other patients to help normalize what Lilly was going through. For example, when Lilly said she felt like she was hallucinating, the intern informed her that this was common when receiving a morphine drip. The intern seems very helpless at times. She mentions in her transcript that she feels sad and even guilty for being healthy when talking to sick patient. I feel like this social worker is risking the overwhelming need to figure everything out for Lilly, such as digging up the past and figuring out ways to repair her relationships. Her health decline, Lilly’s emotional functioning is not an optimal state and I feel that Lilly just wanted focus on the future. However, I find myself intrigued at what Lilly has to say in coming t o terms with what has happened to her life and what choices she could’ve done differently. I believe there might be something in her past that Lilly is afraid to confront. I don’t believe Lilly felt marginalization due to her race, class or economic background. I believe the mere fact that this social worker intern is alive, healthy and autonomous could create tension in the relationship. For example, Lilly wants to be home with Jake and her cat, but she is forced to stay in the hospital while this social worker intern has the luxury to go back home and rest in her bed, free from the medical tubes, the chemo, and loss of bodily function. I am a first generation Ecuadorean-American who is also a cancer survivor. I come from a lower-middle-class economic background and my parents did not even finish grade school. They do not know how to communicate in English. I hold privilege in the fact that I am 14 years in remission with cancer that I struggled with combating for 1- ½ years. The implications of my sociocultural location in my identity as a first-generation cancer survivor with the lack of resources can help me understand the implications that it might have in my treatment with this client. Due to my class, race and economic background, I am marginalized from Lilly. On the other hand, she is from a middle class, held an influential position and had supportive parents that knew the language. These differentials can cause a clash of cultures. On one hand, I am marginalized because I didn’t have the same opportunity in my treatment and care as Lilly did. Some of which were unethical such as translating my whole treatment process to my parents from Spanish to English and telling my parents as an 8-year-old, â€Å"I have cancer†. Yet, I am still here and cancer-free. My identity as a first-generation cancer survivor with the lack of resources could have implications in my treatment with this client. I am aware of my role as a social work intern to not influence economic privileges in the assessment. My case writing would have to focus on her mental health and provide a support system with which I am familiar with as well. My hope is despite our many differences, I would have been a support system for her because the communal understanding of the initial feeling after prognosis, the physical changes, the sickness after chemotherapy, the reactions to medications, the dynamic changes in parents due to being â€Å"sick†and having the utter realization of oblivion is something that is out of your control. With the dynamic of being cancer-free and dealing with a cancer patient, I am afraid of holding the privilege over Lilly because I have beaten cancer and so far, it hasn’t come back. Although it is not a socio-cultural aspect, it is part of my identity. The word â€Å"cancer survivor†will always play a role in how I interact with people as well as being Latina, born from illegal immigrants of South America. With this fact in mind, I think to have someone that was 14 years in remission would’ve given Lilly a glimmer of hope in those moments when the alienation the person feels when they experience cancer and how little they have in common with their healthier loved ones. The cultural differences such as being Hispanic and White could play a role in how we interact with one another. It is a cultural thing to become â€Å"too caring†for someone that is sick. I witnessed it with how my family has taken care of me and I have witnessed it in my time at the Domestic Violence Crisis Center. I realized that it could’ve been something that Lilly needed but it would’ve triggered a complexity in the relationship with transference and countertransference that would’ve been something to be addressed to my supervisor. I feel that I would’ve grown attached and cared for her too much as I would’ve seen a version of myself in her in a nurturing way.  However, I think having someone understand on a more intimate level of the medical terminology and the cancer treatment process would’ve made a world of a difference on the alienation she felt at times between her family and friends. I feel at the stage of the treatment Lilly’s anxiety when she was in the ICU and facing her fears about the irrevocable reality that she might not get better. The fact that she survived those two weeks was a miracle, yet she didn’t see it as a triumph but a truth that this is going to be her reality from now on. This experience of death, dying and the inevitable decline in death is the juxtaposition to my story of recovery and health. I would experience great sadness and anxiety if she were to die in my stay as a social worker intern and would have to have self-awareness with my identity as a â€Å"cancer survivor†and not a â€Å"cancer-statistic†.  Nevertheless, my cultural way to nurture the sick, care for the helpless and communication can be helpful in this situation. I believe that our social locations of class, race and economic boundaries are diminished when we are both bonded by same harsh reality. The truth is, when it comes to cancer, it doesn’t judge of identities or race. I do believe class and economic factors place a role in treatment. However, handling my case with Lilly, I would acknowledge our differences yet manage to find similarities in our situations. We are both women, who even though at different ages, have a self-esteem issue when it comes to losing our hair. Women identify feminity with their hair and even as an 8-year-old; being bald was a harsh reality of my illness. I resonated with Lilly when she felt disgusted when she looked at the mirror and her baldness. I understand the feeling. Although I did not have the luxury of having my parents pay for my insurance, I did have a support system at the time and it helped with the treatment process. I feel like our differences are profound: I was an 8-year-old, Ecuadorean, lower-income, first-generation cancer fighter and Lilly was a 30-year-old, middle-class, American, cancer fighter. The differences are striking when we tell our stories yet the treatment process is still the same across all boards. The conversations that would have would be reassurance, installation of hope and not just by words but by actually being â€Å"living proof†that there is a chance. Lilly talked about that 50% chance of fighting the disease with the bone marrow transplant. I had a similar prognosis after my first chemotherapy. Our conversation would have been so profound. I would have given her hope by just being there.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Why Build Solar? Essay -- Essays Papers
Why Build Solar? The question is, â€Å"why utilize the solar energy for our homes that is given from an existing power source for free?†A simple answer could be because the source of power in the long run is for free. The truth to the statement is nothing is for free because taking advantage of the sun does require some effort, but there certainly isn’t as much effort compared to the energy sources that we use today. More importantly there aren’t any severe consequences left for the environment during the process. The more learning and the more realization of how fast the quality of life is depreciating environmentally conscious citizens look to others observing ignorance for failing to come to the same standards of view. Utilization of solar energy can be very inexpensive, making several techniques feasible for today’s homeowner. The problem is the majority of the worlds population don’t see the benefit to the environment on themselves. Throughout history the sun has been a utilized asset to civilization. The Greek have spread their building far enough apart facing south to utilize the sun’s heat, accepting the sun through large entries of the villas. They even used transparent windows to decrease the rate of solar escape. During the 1500’s the Dutch used canvas and double-pane glass to further contain the heat. In the early 19th century they used green houses to capture heat as they opened up vents to warm the main house. Other forms of solar transfer were becoming more prominent, evaporation contained and used as a water pump. Minds were heavily looking into further use of the suns power. Leaps were taking when Walker showed how a solar water heater could be connected to an auxiliary heat source. To further add ... .... Close the shades of your home to help prevent the heat from escaping. Plant deciduous trees where the sun shines the most on your home. If building a home, face it south to receive the sun the most. These methods have some how been avoided for some time. It truly is unfortunate that the only way there will be a change in the use of energy is because oil prices are exploding, oil supply is diminishing, and most likely economics will eventually create the change because solar will be cheap. The future is efficiency because the world doesn’t have a choice or we’ll be consumed by or own pollution. The climate change and greenhouse gases are pointing towards an environmentally safe use of energy. Insulation will become more technologically sound. Windows currently are expensive but strongly efficient. The world has no choice if it intends on to stay living.
Monday, November 11, 2019
IPO of Hertz Essay
1. Why are the private equity sponsors pursuing an IPO of Hertz at this time – that is, what is the purpose of the IPO? The sponsors wanted cash in order fund another special dividend. They felt that even though they had only owned the company for short time, they were in the perfect position to sell it. There are several reasons why 2006 was an opportune time for the IPO of Hertz. The market was on the rise with the S&P up over 10% on the year. The IPO market itself was incredibly strong, outperforming 2005 by November. As the case states â€Å"198 IPOs had price raisings approximately $41 billion. The pricing of IPOS also seemed solid. Of the 198 deals, the average first-day return (not annualized) was 8.8%. After four weeks, nearly 60% were trading above their offer prices†. Hertz was also recognized as one the top car rental brands in the world, it’s branding was dominant throughout North America, which in turn, gave it premium pricing power. At the time, Her tz also had the opportunity to expand in both the non-airport and equipment rental markets, which also has higher margins than general car rentals. 2. What are the differences between conventional IPOs and IPOs that arise from leveraged buyouts? First of all, it appears that private equity-led IPOs (RLBOs) are more successful than their non-buyout-backed counter parts. According to the case â€Å"a study which examined nearly 500 private equity-led IPOs from 1980 to 2002. For example, relative to $1 invested in the S&P, investors in RLBOs earned $1.05 on average over 36 months following the IPO compared to $0.81 in non-buyout-backed IPOs.†Sponsors also take it upon themselves to use debt in order to issue a special dividend and pay themselves for their work. This action typically raises concerns whether the sponsors are invested in the company over the long term. However, private equity firms claim that one of their advantages is their long-term perspective, a study by Moody’s involving 222 buyouts determined that this was not the case and that Special dividends resulted in a credit downgrade almost half of the ti me. 3. Should the sponsors have taken on additional debt and paid themselves a dividend from Hertz? No, the sponsors should not have taken on additional debt and paid themselves a dividend from Hertz. This pre-IPO action implemented by the sponsors shed negative light on themselves and the company as a whole. It portrayed entitlements of greed while hurting Hertz well established market reputation, it discouraged investors from potentially investing in the company, as well as throwing a negative persona over the future outlook for Hertz. The dividend payment also caused a media uproar with more negative externalities being portrayed against the sponsors, as they were seen as money hungry investors with no true intention of expanding the value of Hertz. They were viewed as just wanting to receive their money and exit the company. Their actions were seen as selfish by the public and their peers, which was reflective by the demand for Hertz shares decreasing, along with the range of the IPO value falling from a stronger near $18 dollar range to a substantial decrease at around $15. The dividend payment provided doubt on the sponsors in how it was seemingly impossible to achieve value creation as well as significant management improvements in such a short time period, overall hurting the value of the company. 4. What are the pros and cons of public shareholders should consider when investing in sponsor-backed IPOs? This question boils down to the differences between investing in a sponsor backed IPO and investing in a non-sponsor backed IPO. During the time of this deal, the Great Recession was nearing its start, so the market took a big hit with that being said. Both sponsor and non-sponsor backed IPOs underwent price declines in their share-price valuation during this time, which should be viewed as a negative when considering investing in sponsor backed IPOs. To build on that with something that can be viewed as a positive, is that sponsor backed IPOs fell at a lesser rate than non-sponsor backed IPOs, decreasing at roughly 9% and 12% respectively. Another positive of sponsor backed IPOs is that they tend to generate greater post IPO price appreciation than that of non-sponsor backed IPOs. All in all, PE sponsors, â€Å"create value from being able to invest and operate with a longer-term perspective than public companies.†This long term perspective leads sponsors to make tougher decisions in terms of operations and debt, as well as being able to, â€Å"hold managers more accountable for higher levels of performance than public companies.†The quick exit tactic often used by PE sponsors does however bring to debate whether these sponsors are, â€Å"in it for the long haul or only for themselves.†5. At the $15 offer price, does the Hertz IPO represent a good investment opportunity for Berg? Would you invest in the Hertz IPO? After conducting our analysis of the value of Hertz, we believe that offer price of $15 is still too low. We believe the share price to be about $12.69. Therefore, Hertz would not be a good investment opportunity for Berg and I personally would not invest in the company either. 6. The sponsors invested $2.3 billion in equity (divided equally among them) to finance the $15 billion buyout of Hertz in December 2005. If the Hertz IPO is completed at the $15 offer price and the overallotment option (Greenshoe) is exercised, what is your estimate of the gross returns to the sponsors will earn on their $2.3 billion investment in Hertz (i.e. ignoring carried interest or management fees on the funds)?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise / Operational Risk Management IT Audit Manager City National Bank California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a relatively new discipline that focuses on identifying, analyzing, monitoring, and controlling all major risk classes (e. g. , credit, market, liquidity, operational risk classes). Operational risk management (ORM) is a subset of ERM that focuses on identifying, analyzing, monitoring, and controlling operational risk. The purpose of this paper is to explain what enterprise risk management is and how operational risk management fits into the ERM framework. In our conclusion, we discuss what is likely to happen in the ERM / ORM environment over the next 5 years. Introduction As the Internet has come of age, companies have been rethinking their business models, core strategies, and target customer bases. â€Å"Getting wired,†provides businesses with new opportunities, but brings new risks and uncertainty into the equation. Mismanagement of risk can carry an enormous cost. In recent years, business has experienced numerous, related risk reversals that have resulted in considerable financial loss, decrease in shareholder value, damage to company reputations, dismissals of senior management, and, in some cases, the very dissolution of the business. This increasingly risky environment, in which risk mismanagement can have dire consequences, mandates that management adopt a new more proactive perspective on risk management. What is Enterprise / Operational Risk Management? Clearly, there is a correlation between effective risk management and a well-managed business. Over time, a business that cannot manage risk effectively will not prosper and, perhaps fail. A disastrous product recall could be the company’s last. Rogue traders lacking oversight and adequate controls have destroyed old well-established institutions in a very short time. But, historically, risk management in even the most successful businesses has tended to be in â€Å"silos†â€â€the insurance risk, the technology risk, the financial risk, the environmental risk, all managed independently in separate compartments. Coordination of risk management has usually been non-existent, and identification of emerging risks has been sluggish. This paper espouses a recent conceptâ€â€enterprise-wide risk managementâ€â€in which the management of risks is integrated and coordinated across the entire organization. A culture of risk awareness is created. Companies across a wide crosssection of industries are beginning to implement this effective new methodology. 1 Enterprise / Operational Risk Management At first glimpse, there is much similarity between operational risk management and other classes of risk (e. . , credit, market, liquidity risk, etc. ) and the tools and techniques applied to them. In fact, the principles applied are nearly identical. Both ORM and ERM must identify, measure, mitigate and monitor risk. However, at a more detailed level, there are numerous differences, ranging from the risk classes themselves to the skills needed to work with operational risk. Operational risk management is just beginning to define the next phase of evolution of corporate risk management. Should firms be able to develop successful ORM programs, the next step will be for these firms to integrate ORM with all other classes of risks into truly enterprise-wide risk management frameworks. See Exhibit 1 for an example of an ERM / ORM organizational structure representative of the banking industry: ERM Organization Chart CEO Group Risk Director (ERM) Economic Capital (Planning) & Risk Transfer Group Risk Executive Committee Change Program Credit Risk * Market Risk* Operational Risk (ORM)* Corporate Compliance IT Security and Business Continuity Corporate Risk Evaluation (Audit) †¢ Note – the major categories of risk to which financial services firms expose themselves are credit risk, market risk and operational risk. Not surprisingly, financial services firms’ largest risk concentrationsâ€â€credit risk and market risk are most effectively managed. Exhibit 1 2 Why Enterprise / Operational Risk Management? There are many reasons ERM / ORM functions are being established within corporations. following are a few of the reasons these functions are being established. Organizational Oversight Two groups have recently emphasized the importance of risk management at the organization’s highest levels. In October 1999, the National Association of Corporate Directors released its Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Audit Committees, which recommends that audit committees â€Å"define and use timely, focused information that is responsive to important performance measures and to the key risks they oversee. †The report states that the chair of the audit committee should develop an agenda that includes â€Å"a periodic review of risk by each significant business unit. In January 2000, the Financial Executives Institute released the results of a survey on audit committee effectiveness. Respondents, primarily chief financial officers and corporate controllers, ranked â€Å"key areas of business and financial risk†as most important for audit committee oversight. In light of events surrounding recent corporate scandals (e. g. , Enr on, etc. ), and the increasing executive and regulatory focus on risk management, the percentage of companies with formal ERM methods is increasing and audit committees are becoming more involved in corporate oversight. The UK and Canada have set forth specific legal requirements for audit committee oversight of risk evaluation, mitigation, and management which are widely accepted as best practices in the U. S. Magnitude of Problem The magnitude of loss and impact of operational risk and losses to date is difficult to ignore. Based on years of industry loss record-keeping from public sources, large operational risk-related financial services losses have averaged well in excess of $15 billion annually for the past 20 years, but this only reflects the large public and visible losses. Research has yielded nearly 100 individual relevant losses greater than $500 million each, and over 300 individual losses greater than $100 million each. 1 Exhibit 2 is a listing of major operational losses. Interestingly enough, the majority of these losses have occurred in financial services, which explains the industry’s leading focus on operational risk management especially in the area of asset-liability modeling and treasury management models to manage risks in the highly volatile capital markets activity of derivative trading and speculation. The 1 Hoffman, Douglas G. , Managing Operational Risk (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002), p. xvi. 3 Top Operational Risk Losses Company Numerous Financial Institutions and Others BCCI Sumitomo Corporation Tokyo Shinkin Bank Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Daiwa Bank Barings Non-Financial Institutions: LTCM Texaco, Inc. Cendant Corporation Dow Corning St. Francis Assisi Foundation Mettlgesellschaft Owens Corning Fiber Glass Orange Count y Atlantic Richfield Kashima Oil Showa Shell Prudential Securities Drexel Burnham Lambert General Motors Phar Mor Loss Amount $20 million. Initial Estimates $17 billion $2. 9 billion $2. 3 billion $1. 8 billion $1. 1 billion $1 billion $4 billion $3 billion $2. 9 billion $2 billion $2 billion $1. billion $1. 7 billion $1. 6 billion $1. 5 billion $1. 5 billion $1. 5 billion $1. 4 billion $1. 3 billion $1. 2 billion $1. 1 billion Date 2001 1991 1996 19901991 1992 19831995 1995 1998 1984 19851998 1994 1999 19911993 1980s1990s 1994 19861990 1994 19891993 1994 19981993 1996 1992 Description Terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center. Over 2000 lives lost. Countless businesses impacted. Regulators seized about 75 percent of The Bank of Credit and Commerce International’s $17 billion in assets in a major fraud. Sumitomo Corporation incurred huge losses through excessive trading of copper. The manager of the Imasato branch forged 19 deposit certificates, which were used to raise money for stock deals. Former employees plead guilty to conspiring to arrange $5 billion in unauthorized loans to Iraq. Loss due to unauthorized trading by an employee. This catastrophic loss has become a benchmark for operational risk. Losses due to lack of dual control and checks and balances. Huge market losses due to inadequate model management and inadequate controls at Long Term Capital Management. Pennzoil sued Texaco alleging that Texaco â€Å"wrongfully interfered†in its merger deal with Getty. Largest and longest-running accounting fraud in history. Former executives conspired to inflate earnings. The company agreed to pay settlements to 18 women who indicated breast implants made them ill. Insurance fraud case in which Martin Frankel allegedly stole as much as $2 billion from this foundation. Loss due to liquidation of oil supply contracts. Settlement of asbestos-related claims. Largest people risk class case in financial history. Largest investment loss ever registered by a municipality. Settlement of North Slope oil royalties dispute with Alaska. Disguised losses on FX forward contracts. Major oil refiner in Japan faced losses from forward currency contracts. Settled charges of securities fraud with state and federal regulators. Former employees filed a class action suit charging the company with fraud, breach of duty and negligence. Heavy losses suffered due to 3 strikes. A former president of the firm defrauded in an embezzlement scheme. Exhibit 2 Source: Hoffman; Managing Operational Risk 4 Increasing Business Risks With the increasing speed of change for all companies in this new era, senior management must deal with many complex risks that have substantial consequences for the organization. A few forces currently creating uncertainty are: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Technology and the Internet Increased worldwide competition Free trade and investment worldwide Complex financial instruments Deregulation of key industries Changes in organizational structures from downsizing, reengineering, and mergers Increasing customer expectations for products and services More and larger mergers Collectively, these forces are stimulating considerable change and creating an increasing risk in the business environment. Regulatory The international regulators clearly intend to encourage banks to develop their own proprietary risk measurement models to assess regulatory, as well as economic, capital. The advantage for banks should be a substantial reduction in regulatory capital, and a more accurate allocation of capital vis-a-vis the actual risk confronted. In December 2001, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision submitted a paper â€Å"Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk†for comment by the banking industry. In developing these sound practices the Committee recommended that banks have risk management systems in place to identify, measure, monitor and control operational risks. While the guidance in this paper is intended to apply to internationally active banks, plans are to eventually apply this guidance to those banks deemed significant on the basis of size, complexity, or systemic importance and to smaller, less complex banks. Regulators will eventually conduct regular independent evaluations of a bank’s strategies, policies, procedures and practices addressing operational risks. The paper indicates an independent evaluation of operational risk will incorporate a review of the following six bank areas:2 †¢ †¢ Process for assessing overall capital adequacy for operational risk in relation to its risk profile and its internal capital targets; Risk management process and overall control environment effectiveness with respect to operational risk exposures; 2 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk, (Basel, Switzerland: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2001), p. 1. 5 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Systems for monitoring and reporting operational risk exposures and other data quality considerations; Procedures for timely and effective resolution of operational risk exposures and events; Process of internal controls, reviews and audit to ensure integrity of the overall risk management process; and Effectiveness of operational risk mitigation efforts. Market Factors Market factor s also play an important role in motivating organizations to consider ERM / ORM. Comprehensive shareholder value management and ERM / ORM are very much linked. Today’s financial markets place substantial premiums for consistently meeting earnings expectations. Not meeting expectations can result in severe and rapid decline in shareholder value. Research conducted by Tillinghast-Towers Perrin found that with all else being equal, organizations that achieved more consistent earnings than their peers were rewarded with materially higher market valuations. 3 Therefore, for corporate executives, managing key risks to earnings is an important element of shareholder value management. The traditional view of risk management has often focused on property and iability related issues or internal controls. However, â€Å"traditional†risk events such as lawsuits and natural disasters may have little or no impact on destroying shareholder value compared to other strategic and operational exposuresâ€â€such as customer demand shortfall, competitive pressures, and cost overruns. One explanation for this is that traditional risk hazards ar e relatively well understood and managed todayâ€â€not that they don’t matter. Managers now have the opportunity to apply tools and techniques for traditional risks to all risks that affect the strategic and financial objectives of the organization. For non-publicly traded organizations, ERM / ORM is valuable for many of the same reasons. Rather than from the perspective of shareholder value, ERM / ORM would provide managers with a comprehensive overview of other important items such as cash flow risks or stakeholder risks. Regardless of the organizational form, ERM / ORM can be an important management tool. Corporate Governance Defense against operational risk and losses flows from the highest level of the organizationâ€â€the board of directors and executive management. The board, the management team that they hire, and the policies that they develop, all set the tone for a company. As guardians of shareholder value, boards of directors must be acutely attuned to market reaction to negative news. In fact, they can find themselves castigated by the public if the reaction is severe enough. As representatives of the shareholders, boards of directors are responsible for policy 3 Tillinghast-Towers Perrin, Enterprise Risk Management: Trends and Emerging Practices. (The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation, 2001), p. xxvi. 6 matters relative to corporate governance, including but not limited to setting the stage for the framework and foundation for enterprise risk management. Right now, operational risk management is a â€Å"hot topic†of discussion for regulators and in boardrooms across the US. In the wake of the 2001 releases from the Basel Risk Management Committee, banks now have further insight as to the regulatory position on the need for regulatory capital for operational risk. Meanwhile, shareholders are aware that there are means to identify, measure, manage, and mitigate operational risk that add up to billions of dollars every year and include frequent, low-level losses and also infrequent but catastrophic losses that have actually wiped out firms, such as Barings, and others. Regulators and shareholders have already signaled that they will hold directors and executives accountable for managing operational risk. Best-Practice Senior managers need to encourage the development of integrated systems that aggregate various market, credit, liquidity, operational and other risks generated by business units in a consistent framework across the institution. Consistency may become a necessary condition to regulatory approval of internal risk management models. An environment where each business unit calculates their risk separately with different rules will not provide a meaningful oversight of firm-wide risk. The increasing complexity of products, linkages between markets, and potential benefits offered by overall portfolio effects are pushing organizations toward standardizing and integrating risk management. Conclusion It seems clear that ERM / ORM is more than another management fad or academic theory. We believe that ERM / ORM will become part of the management process for organizations in the future. Had ERM / ORM processes been in place during the past two decades, a number of the operational risk debacles that took place may not have occurred or would have been of lesser magnitude. Companies are beginning to see the benefit of protecting themselves from all types of potential risk exposures. By identifying and mapping risk exposures throughout the organization, a company can concentrate on mitigating those exposures that can do the most damage. With an understanding of risks, their severity, and their frequency, a company can turn to solutions; be it retaining, transferring, sharing, or avoiding a particular risk. Our thoughts on what will happen in the ERM / ORM environment in the next 5 years are: In the next 5 years, it is likely that companies will no longer view risk management as a specialized and isolated activity: the management of insurance or foreign exchange risks, for instance. The new approach will 7 keep managers and employees at all levels sensitized to and concerned about risk management. Risk management will be coordinated with senior management oversight and everyone in the organization will view risk management as part of his or her job. The risk management process will be continuous and broadly focused. All business risks and opportunities will be covered. In the next 5 years, the use of bottom-up risk assessments will be a standard process used to identify risks throughout the organization. The self-assessment process will involve everyone in the company and require individual units to focus and report on the threats to their individual business objectives. Through the selfassessment process, the organization will be able to understand loss potential and risk control by business, by profit center and by product. The individual line manager will begin to understand the loss potential in his or her own processing system. In the next 5 years, the use of top-down scenario analysis will be another standard method used to identify risks throughout the organization. Top down scenario analysis will determine the risk potential for the entire firm, the entire business, organization, or portfolio of business. By its very nature, it is a high-level representation and cannot get into the bottom-up transaction-by-transaction risk analysis. For example, because Microsoft has a campus of more than 50 buildings in the Seattle area, earthquakes are a risk. 4 In the past, Microsoft looked at silos of risk. For example, they would have looked at property insurance when they considered the risks of an earthquake and thought about protecting equipment and buildings. However, using scenario analysis they are now taking a more holistic perspective in considering the risk of an earthquake. The Microsoft risk management group has analyzed this disaster scenario with its advisors and has attempted to quantify its real cost, taking into account how risks are correlated. In the process, the group identified risks in addition to property damage, such as the following: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 4 Director and officer liability if some people think management was not properly prepared. Key personnel risk Capital market risk because of the firm’s inability to trade. Worker compensation or employee benefit risk. Supplier risk for those in the area of the earthquake. Risk related to loss of market share because the business is interrupted. Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, and Robert Mark, Making Enterprise Risk Management Payoff (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001), pp 132-133. 8 †¢ †¢ Research and development risks because those activities are interrupted and product delays occur. Product support risks because the company cannot respond to customer inquiries. By using scenario analysis, management has identified a number of risks that it might not have otherwise and Microsoft is now in a better position to manage these risks. The future ERM / ORM tools such as risk assessment and scenario analysis will assist companies in identifying and mitigating the majority of these risks. In the next 5 years, companies will be using internal and external loss databases to capture occurrences that may cause losses to the company and the actual losses themselves. This data will be used in quantitative models that will project the potential losses from the various risk exposures. This data will be used to manage the amount of risk a company may be willing to take. In the next 5 years, companies will allocate capital to individual business units based on operational risk. By linking operational risk capital charges to the sources of that risk, individuals with risk optimizing behavior will be rewarded and those without proper risk practices will be penalized. In the next 5 years, internal audit will become even more focused on how risks are managed and controlled throughout the company on a continuous basis. Internal audit will be responsible for reporting on integrity, accuracy, and reasonableness of the company's entire risk management process. In addition, Internal Audit will be involved in ensuring the appropriateness of the company's capital assessment and allocation processes. Furthermore, audit will influence continual improvement of risk management and controls through the sharing of best practices. In the next 5 years, management will be looking for individuals who are skilled in risk management. Professional designations such as the Bank Administration Institute's Certified Risk Professional (CRP) and the Information and Audit and Control Association's Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) will demonstrate proficiency in the risk management area and will be in demand. In the next 5 years, external auditors will be required to report on the efficiency and effectiveness of a company’s risk management program. These companies will be required to disclose the scope and nature of risk reporting and/or measurement systems in their annual reports. Overall, companies will be better positioned in the next 5 years to deal with the broad scope of enterprise-wide risks. By implementing the ERM / ORM process now, companies will begin to maximize their overall risk profile for competitive advantage. 9 Bibliography Barton, Thomas L. ; Shenkir, William G. ; Walker, Paul L. Making Enterprise Risk Management Pay Off. New Jersey: Financial Times / Prentice Hall, 2002. 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Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hydrogen sulphide colourless and flammable gas Essay Example
Hydrogen sulphide colourless and flammable gas Essay Example Hydrogen sulphide colourless and flammable gas Essay Hydrogen sulphide colourless and flammable gas Essay 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Hydrogen sulfide Hydrogen sulfide or H sulphide ( H2S ) is a colourless and flammable gas, it has a high solubility in H2O and possesses the characteristic odor of icky eggs. H2S is a major constituent of natural gas and although it is found in little measures in normal air it occurs to a much greater extent in vents, hot springs and hydrothermal blowholes, which are countries on the sea bed place to legion bacteriums that utilise H2S and hence back up a battalion of beings. It is besides encountered in sewerage intervention workss, swine containment, and manure-handling operations and in any contained infinites in which organic stuff has decayed or in which inorganic sulfides exist under cut downing conditions ( Guidotti, 1996 ) . By far the largest industrial path to H2S occurs in crude oil refineries via thehydrodesulphurizationprocess which releases sulfur frompetroleumby the action of H ( Guidotti, 1996 ) . Besides being a byproduct to industrial and agricultural procedures H2S besides has valua ble applications in industry. Production of thioorganic compounds and alkali metal sulfides, which can be used to degrade polymers still depend on H2S. Besides, the gas had importance in analytical chemical science for over a century although it has been superseded by thioacetamide as a beginning of sulphide ions in little graduated table analysis. H2S is a extremely toxic compound with legion human deaths due to exposure, both inadvertent and premeditated. It exerts a figure of inauspicious effects on organic structure systems, although inspiration of up to 10 ppm H2S has little or no metabolic consequence on human voluntaries when resting or exerting ( Bhambhani et al. , 1996 A ; 1997 ) . However, higher concentrations of inhaled H2S ( up to 30 ppm ) can do sickness, purging, concern and shortness of breath whilst even greater exposures ( 150-250 ppm ) elicit respiratory tract annoyance and pneumonic hydrops ( Oesterhelweg and Puschel, 2008 ) . H2S is a powerful reduction agent. For illustration H2S reacts with and quenches the superoxide anion ( O2- ) every bit good as other reactive O species ( ROS ) ( Chang et al. , 2008 ) and sulfide is capable of cut downing cytochrome a3 every bit good as cytochromes c and a ( Nicholls and Kim, 1982 ) . H2S toxicity arises from adhering to cytochrome oxidase enzymes in a complex mechanism which consequences in a concluding inhibitory consequence resembling that of nitrile. Inhibition of the cytochrome degree Celsius oxidase enzyme involves an initial rapid reaction of sulphide oxidization and O uptake with a subsequent measure that reduces cytochrome a. In the concluding inhibitory measure sulphide binds reversibly to the heme aa3 site of cytochrome hundred oxidase ( Nicholls and Kim, 1982 ) accordingly suppressing mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and barricading the capacity for adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) production. Ultimately this disrupts cell respiration and metamorpho sis since ATP holds a cardinal function in metabolic reactions every bit good as other energy dependent procedures such as active conveyance and DNA synthesis. The intervention of H nitrile ( HCN ) toxic condition is successful utilizing methemoglobin, nevertheless this is non effectual in H2S poisoning despite the ferrous heme group of methemoglobin scavenging H2S. This gives rise to other mechanisms of H2S toxicity that involves depletion of GSH ( glutathione ) and activation of O to organize reactive O species that can take to hurtful effects ( Truong et al. , 2006 ) . 1.2 Nitric oxide and C monoxide established gasotransmitters Nitric oxide ( NO ) and C monoxide ( CO ) are gases that besides show toxicity in worlds. Both are found of course in the ambiance and besides as the consequence of human activities. CO reversibly binds the heme aa3 site of cytochrome hundred oxidase like H2S to irreversibly suppress mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. CO besides exhibits toxicity by adhering other haem-proteins such as cytochrome P450 and hemoglobin thereby capacity of O2 passenger car ( Piantadosi, 2002 ) . NO besides affects mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in the same manner nevertheless it does so reversibly ( Li et al. , 2009 ) . Despite their toxicity NO and CO are of import go-betweens in physiological procedures and disease provinces and are produced endogenously. NO synthesis takes topographic point in the vascular endothelium with L-arginine moving as a substrate for the enzyme NO synthase ( NOS ) , of which three isoforms exist. Endothelial ( vitamin E ) NOS is constitutively expressed in endothelial cells and produces NO in response to physiological stimulations and emphasis, whereas inducible ( I ) NOS generates larger sums of NO in response to immunological stimulations and is transcriptionally regulated ( Palmer and Moncada, 1989 ) . Neuronal ( N ) NOS produces NO in the nervous system where it has a function in cell communicating ( Southan and Szabo 1996 ) . NO produced in the endothelium has a relaxatory consequence on vascular smooth musculus by triping soluble guanylate cyclase ( sGC ) which increases intracellular degrees of cyclic GMP triping protein kinase G, finally dephosphorylating myosin visible radiation concatenation kinase and loosen uping vascular smooth musculus to do vasodilatation ( Surks, 2007 ) . The endothelium affects smooth musculus by impacting cell proliferation and migration every bit good as keeping the balance between vasodilatation and vasoconstriction. Endothelial disfunction leads to the break of this balance and causes harm to the arterial wall, in the vasculature this is an early index to many cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, myocardial ischaemia and coronary arteria disease ( Herman and Moncada, 2005 ) . Despite legion other endothelial maps, endothelial disfunction has become synonymous with decreased biological activity of NO ( Yetik-Anacakand Catravas, 2006 ) , hence NO is an indispensable biological go-between that besides commanding vascular tone besides prevents cardiovascular disease. The synthesis of CO is mediated by heme oxygenase ( HO ) of which three isoforms exist, HO-1, HO-2 and HO-3 ( Wu and Wang 2005 ) . The HO enzymes catalyse the debasement of haem giving biliverdin, CO, and Fe as the concluding merchandises ( Kikuchi et al. , 2005 ) . HO-1 is an inducible enzyme whereas HO-2 is a constitutively expressed enzyme expressed extremely in the encephalon ( Leffler et al. , 2006 ) , the function of HO-3 is non as clearly defined as the other two isoforms. CO is a laggard go-between that can adhere to calcium ( Ca2+ ) -activated-potassium ( K+ ) -channels ( BKCa channels ) , promoting the Ca2+-channel sensitiveness opening BKCa channels and hyperpolarising the smooth musculus cell ( Leffler et al. , 2006 ) . 1.3 Hydrogen sulfide synthesis Although toxic, in recent decennaries H2S has been found to be produced endogenously in different tissues with its relevancy as a biologically active gas going evident. In mammalian tissues the procedure of H2S production is reliant upon two pyridoxal 5-phosphate ( PLP ) -dependent enzymes, cystathionine gamma-lyase ( CSE ) and cystathionine beta-synthase ( CBS ) , with other enzymes playing a function. L-cysteine is the lone known precursor of H2S in mammals, CSE and CBS are non merely responsible for its transition into H2S, they besides play a function in the production of L-cysteine ( Fig1 ) . CBS catalyzes the condensation reaction between homocysteine ( Hcy ) and serine to organize cystathionine. CSE hydrolyses cystathionine to organize L-cysteine which now contains the sulfur atom from Hcy, and a-ketobutyrate ( Stipanuk and Ueki, 2009 ) . The same desiccation reaction that CBS catalyses to bring forth cystathionine is employed to bring forth H2S endogenously, the lone difference being the replacing of serine with L-cysteine under physiological conditions. Other alternate reactions catalyzed by CBS seem to do a undistinguished part of L-cysteine to desulphuration ( Singh et al. , 2009 ) . In worlds CSE combines L-cysteine with H2O to bring forth serine, pyruvate, NH3 and H2S ( Chen et al. , 2004 ) . H2S exerts a negative feedback consequence on the activity of these enzymes by suppressing CSE activity and besides suppressing the rate of gluconeogenesis from L-cysteine ( Wang, 2002 ) and in add-on CBS activity is mediated by Ca2+ and calmodulin, its activity is suppressed by calmodulin-specific inhibitors ( Eto et al. , 2002 ) . CSE appears to be the outstanding enzyme responsible for bring forthing H2S in mammalian systemic vass ( Szabo, 2007 ) , bring forthing H2S in vascular smooth musculus cells but non in the endot helium ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) Activity of CSE is besides noteworthy in the liver and kidney ( Ishii et al. , 2004 ) . CBS messenger RNA is extremely expressed in the encephalon, particularly in the hippocampus, while CSE messenger RNA is non noticeable ( Abe and Kimura, 1996 ) , in add-on Eto et al. , ( 2002 ) province that CBS is the lone enzyme that produces H2S in the encephalon and this enzyme is besides expressed in peripheral nervousnesss. Brain homogenates of CBS-knockout mice green goods H2S at degrees similar to those of wild-type mice, proposing the presence of another H2S-producing enzyme. 3-mercaptopyruvate sulphurtransferase ( 3MST ) along with cysteine transaminase ( CAT ) are found to bring forth H2S in the encephalon from the precursor 3-mercaptopyruvate ( 3MP ) , which is synthesised from L-cysteine and a-ketoglutarate by CAT ( Shibuya et al. , 2009 ) . In add-on, 3MST and CAT are localised to endothelial cells of the thoracic aorta, although merely 3MST is present in vascular smooth musculus cells ( Shibuya et al. , 2009 ) . Another less of import endogenous beginning of H2S is the non-enzymatic decrease of elemental sulfur to H2S utilizing cut downing equivalents obtained from the oxidization of glucose ( Searcy and Lee, 1998 ) 1.4 Endogenous effects of H sulfide 1.5 Brain and nervous system At physiological concentrations the map of H2S in the encephalon is to modify long term potentiation ( LTP ) ( Abe and Kimura, 1996 ) . This is a long permanent sweetening in signal transmittal between twoneuronsthat consequences from exciting them at the same time and is widely considered one of the major cellular mechanisms that underlieslearningandmemory ( Cooke and Bliss, 2006 ) . In add-on, H2S can be locally and transiently increased in response to neural excitement thenceforth stamp downing excitant postsynaptic potencies ( EPSPs ) ( Abe and Kimura, 1996 ) . H2S marks NMDA receptors in the encephalon to heighten NMDA receptor-mediated currents and ease the initiation of hippocampal LTP. H2S modulates NMDA receptors and enhances the initiation of LTP by increasing production of camp and triping protein kinase A resulting in the activation of NMDA-receptor-mediated excitant postsynaptic currents in neural and glial cells every bit good as oocytes ( Kimura, 1999 ; Wang, 2002 ) . The CBS cistron is encoded on chromosome 21, a part associated with Down syndrome and as a consequence it has been proposed that over production of H2S may be involved in the cognitive disfunction associated with Down syndrome ( Kamoun, 2001 ) . In Alzheimer s disease topics have abnormally low degrees of H2S due to alterations in the look of CBS ( Kamoun, 2004 ) . Uniting this cognition with the fact that polymorphism of the CBS cistron is significantly underrepresented in kids with high IQ compared with those with mean IQ suggests a function for CBS and hence H2S in cognitive map ( Kimura, 2002 ) . 1.6 Endocrine system Much is known about the function of ATP-regulated K+ channels in commanding the map of insulin releasing pancreatic A ; szlig ; cells. Rat insulinoma cells transfected with CSE or given H2S exogenously both showed reduced insulin release whereas CSE inhibitors caused an addition in insulin release ( Yang et al. , 2005 ) . 1.7 Inflammation The consequence of H2S in redness is combative. Experiments on mice with caecal ligation and puncture ( CLP ) -induced sepsis found that H2S significantlyaggravated sepsis-associated systemic redness whereas CSE inhibitors significantly reduced sepsis-associatedsystemic redness ( Zhang et al. , 2006 ) . Furthermore mice injected with LPS ( E. coli lipopolysaccharide ) , a go-between of redness, that were so administered with H2S showed an addition in lung redness and raised plasma TNF-alpha concentration. Conversely in mice given a CSE inhibitor marked anti-inflammatory activity was observed. In separate experiments worlds with infected daze showed higher degrees of plasma H2S than normal ( Li et al. , 2005 ) . H2S givers reduceoedemaformation andleukocyteadherence to thevascular endothelium and can increase the opposition of thegastric mucosato hurt and accelerate fix. In add-on increasedbiosynthesisof H2S has been demonstrated in carnal theoretical accounts of infected, endotoxic andhaemorrhagic daze, pancreatitisand carrageenan-evoked hindpaw hydrops in rats. In each instance, pharmacological suppression of H2Sbiosynthesisis anti-inflammatory ( Wallace 2007 ; Li et al. , 2006 ) . 1.8 Cardiac map H2S shows negative inotropic effects in rat myocardial tissue ( Geng et al. , 2004 ) but at the same clip plays a cardioprotective function. H2S produced in the bosom protected against harm following coronary artery judicial proceeding in rats ( Zhu et al. , 2007 ) and besides has a function in angiogenesis, a procedure whereby new blood vass are grown. The mechanism behind this procedure seems to be related to activation of Akt ( Cai et al. , 2007 ) 1.9 Vasculature H2S is by and large regarded as a smooth musculus relaxant that increases the quality of blood vass later doing a lessening in blood force per unit area. H2S has been shown to do vasorelaxation in stray rat aorta, stomachic arteria and portal vena ( Hosoki et al. , 1997 ; Zhao et al. , 2001 ) and besides in perfused rat mesenteric ( Cheng et al. , 2004 ) , but non coronary vascular beds ( Johansen et al. , 2006 ) . The relaxatory consequence is besides reported in different species of rat mice aortal rings and mesenteric arteria every bit good as bovine arteria ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ; Cheng et al. , 2004 ; Yang et al. , 2008 ) . In add-on to this the same consequence is seen in other invertebrates ( Dombkowski et al. , 2005 ) . However at that place seems to be marked species and vascular bed differences in the response to H2S. For illustration H2S causes a relaxation in stray rat pneumonic arterias ( Wang et al. , 2008 ) but in bovid pneumonic arterias it caused a contraction ( Dombk owski et al. , 2005 ) . In add-on a contraction response has been reported in rat aortal rings ( Kubo et al. , 2007 ; Koenitzer et al. , 2007 ; Ali et al. , 2006 ) and a double vasodilative and vasoconstrictive consequence of H2S has besides been observed in the human internal mammary arteria ( Elsey et al. , 2010 ) . The relaxatory response of H2S is largely due to its gap of ATP-regulated K+ channels in vascular smooth musculus cells ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) which causes hyperpolarisation of the cell membrane and closes voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, later diminishing the concentration of Ca2+ within vascularsmooth musculus cells ( Wilson et al. , 2005 ) . This decreases the contractility of the smooth musculus cells which contract via protein kinase A and myosin visible radiation concatenation kinase ( MLCK ) activation in the presence of increased intracellular Ca2+ . The application of the NOS inhibitor L-NAME or the co-application of Ca2+-dependent K+ channel blockers and the remotion of the endothelium attenuated the vasorelaxant consequence of H2S ( Zhao and Wang, 2002 ) . The relaxation induced by H2S is partly endothelium dependant and mediated by the release of NO and any vasoconstrictive consequence observed with H2S is the consequence of suppressing the NOS enzyme involved in the tract of NO production ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ; Cheng et al. , 2004 ) . This indicates that the mechanism of relaxation associated with H2S does non merely affect ATP-regulated K+ channels, and the release of NO, EDHF ( endothelial-derived hyperpolarising factor ) or the effects of H2S on ATP production and cell pH might besides lend to its vasoactivity. The short continuance of the hypotensive consequence of H2S could be attributed to the scavenging of H2S by metalloproteins, disulfide-containing proteins, thio-S-methyl-transferase and heme compounds ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) . Apart from impacting vas qualities H2S may besides forestall diseases in the vasculature. Its angiogenic and cut downing belongingss coupled with its ability to suppress hypochlorite-induced alteration of LDL, an of import measure in atherogenesis, makes H2S a subscriber to the bar of coronary artery disease ( Laggner et al. , 2007 ) . 2.0 AIM This undertaking aimed to analyze the effects of H2S in mammalian vasculature specifically utilizing porcine tissue since much of the current literature is based on rats and mice. We besides aimed to find the mechanisms of its action, and whether endogenous production of H2S was apparent in these vass. 5.0 DISSCUSSION When gassed with Carbogen or 95 % air, 5 % CO2 NaHS caused a variable response at low concentrations, normally a little contraction, followed by a big vasorelaxation at higher concentrations. This was occured in all experiments where NaHS was being cumulatively added regardless of any other substances being present ( Fig 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 7a, 7b and 8 ) . This observation is consistent with current literature which province that H2S elicits smooth musculus relaxation in rat aorta, stomachic arteria and portal vena ( Hosoki et al. , 1997 ; Zhao et al. , 2001 ) and besides in perfused rat mesenteric arteria ( Cheng et al. , 2004 ) . The same consequence is besides seen in other invertebrates ( Dombkowski et al. , 2005 ) . The little contraction prior to the big relaxation is non something uncommon. ( Zhoa et al. , 2001 ; Cheng et al. , 2004 ) study this contraction which may be the consequence of H2S suppressing the NOS enzymes that produce NO. Numerous articles account for the engagement of ATP-sensitive K+ channels with the relaxation of H2S ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ; Zhao and Wang 2002 ; Wang 2002 and 2004 ) and have proved this by cut downing the relaxant effects of H2S by adding glibenclamide ( Kubo et al. , 2010 ) . In add-on to this H2S induced vasorelaxation is inhibited by high concentrations of TEA proposing the engagement of non-specific K+ channels ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) . Besides, different blockers for KCa or Kv channels fail to impact the vascular effects of H2S ( Nelson and Quayle, 1995 ) , so the relaxation caused by H2S occurs largely by opening ATP-sensitive K+ channels ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) . However our observations with glibenclamide and TEA did non correlate with these surveies. It has besides been hypothesised that the mechanism of H2S induced vasorelaxation involves the endothelium and NO. H2S might move as a hyperpolarizing factor, of which the consequence is amplified by the endothelium ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) and portion of the relaxation caused by H2S is endothelium dependent and mediated by the release of NO and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing ( EDHF ) from the endothelium ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ; Cheng et al. , 2004 ; Zhao and Wang 2002 ) . Alternatively, endothelium-derived vasorelaxant factors may be released by H2S as L-NAME was reported to suppress the consequence of EDHF and reduced H2S induced vasorelaxation ( Cheng et al. , 2004 ; Doughty et al. , 1999 ) . Besides, the presence of an integral endothelium might retain H2S in the blood vas wall so that its vasorelaxant consequence can be potentiated and prolonged ( Zhao and Wang 2002 ) . On the contrary H2S has been found to well loosen up vascular tissues after endothelium remotion and there is no important difference in the consequence of H2S in the thoracic aorta with and without endothelial cells, proposing that the part of the endothelium to the relaxatory consequence of exogenic H2S must be low ( Hosoki et al. , 1997 ; Zhao and Wang 2002 ) . This is consistent with our findings since there was no important difference in response to NaHS between endothelium denuded and endothelium integral vass. However, when utilizing 95 % air, 5 % CO2 gassing conditions in endothelium denuded tissues there was a inclination for a greater vasorelaxation and the initial contractile response at low NaHS concentrations was abolished. This may be due to H2S releasing of a factor from the endothelium that causes vasoconstriction such as endothelin or prostaglandins ( Flower et al. , 2007 ) . Alternatively, the contraction may be due to the wipe uping up of a vasorelaxant released fr om the endothelium. For illustration NO, since incubation of H2S with NO or NO givers leads to the formation of nitrosothiol ( Whiteman et al. , 2006 ) . We found this non to be the instance since L-NAME did non hold the same consequence as endothelium remotion. However, NO regulates the endogenous degrees of H2S in vascular tissues by straight increasing CSE activity ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) since CSE contains 12 cysteine residues that are possible marks for S-nitrosation, which may heighten the activity of CSE ( Koenitzer et al. , 2007 ) . In add-on, NO up regulates the look of CSE and by increasing the activity of cGMP dependent protein kinases can in bend stimulate CSE ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) . Furthermore H2S induces vasorelaxation which is partly attenuated by encirclement of NO synthase ( Kimura 2010 ) and by direct suppression of NO utilizing L-NAME ( Kubo et al. , 2010 ; Zhao and Wang 2002 ) . Although the relaxation consequence of H2S entirely is weak, there is a synergism between NO and H2S on vascular smooth musculus relaxation ( Hosoki et al. , 1997 ) . Our surveies failed to demo an interaction between NO and H2S despite all literature on the subject bespeaking that a important difference should hold been observed. Exogenously applied L-cysteine causes a concentration dependent relaxation of strips of human principal cavernosum. L-cysteine induced relaxation is suppressed by a CSE inhibitor, PPG ( Kimura, 2010 ) . Our tissue readyings were unable to bring forth H2S from L-cysteine despite it being the lone known precursor to H2S and CSE being the lone known H2S bring forthing enzyme in the fringe ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ; Szabo, 2007 ) . As a consequence the outlook would hold been a response in the control and AOA experiments ( CBS inhibitor ) but these tissues were besides unable to bring forth H2S. This may be due to a deficiency of cofactors or effecters necessary for CSE and CBS activity such as pyridoxal-phosphate ( PLP ) and S-adenosyl-L-methionine. However, in a survey conducted on rat coronary arteria there was no statistically important consequence in response to the add-on of NaHS or L-cysteine ( Johansen et al. , 2006 ) so this may be a characteristic of mammalian coronary arteria. This leads us to believe that the mechanism of H2S vasorelaxation that we observed does non affect K+ channels, be they non-specific or ATP-dependant, and that neither NO or the endothelium have any engagement in loosen uping vascular smooth musculus in porcine coronary arteria. The big relaxation we observe may be the consequence of toxicity ; this is plausible because the normal scope of H2S in vascular tissues is ( BLA BLA BLA. ) . Indeed the relaxatory consequence of H2S is chiefly due to the direct consequence on ATP-sensitive K+ channels nevertheless every bit mentioned before H2S is toxic and can suppress metamorphosis via suppression of cytochrome hundred oxidase ( Nicholls and Kim, 1982 ) . It can therefore cut down the intracellular concentration of ATP which is needed for actin-myosin cross-bridge cycling and finally smooth musculus contraction ( Beauchamp et al. , 1984 ) . In add-on, GSH normally acts as an antioxidant to take ROS but it in the presence of H2S there is an surplus of ROS which is a natural by merchandise of metamorphosis, this leads to damage of DNA, oxidization of specific enzymes by oxidization of co-factors and lipid peroxidation ( Truong et al. , 2006 ) . The relaxation at higher concentrations of NaHS is besides transeunt and attenuates near to its basal degree before add-on of the concluding NaHS aliquot. The ground for this short continuance of relaxation could be attributed to the scavenging of H2S by metalloproteins, disulfide-containing proteins, thio-S-methyl-transferase and heme compounds ( Zhao et al. , 2001 ) . Besides the direct consequence of H2S on ATP-sensitive K+ channels doing relaxation it may besides be the consequence of its toxicity, since the decrease in ATP may be the cause of the evident addition in ATP-sensitive K+ channel currents produced by H2S. This is supported by the fact that metabolic inhibitors produce a glibenclamide-sensitive vasodilatation in guinea hog coronary arterias ( Daut et al. , 1990 ) . Although there was no important difference in response to NaHS in 95 % air compared to 95 % O2, a p value of 0.0931 for the peak contractions indicates a definite tendency for the tissues to contract more in a less oxygenated environment until the highest concentration is added where they behave likewise. One ground for this is that H2S catalyzes the release of NO from S-nitrosoglutathione in an O2 dependant mode ( Koenitzer et al. 2007 ) , so in low O2 degrees this procedure is non a marked giving a little contraction. It is possible that possibly with more experiments we would bring out a important difference between the responses in 95 % air compared to 95 % O2. The fact that the vass responded likewise to the concluding add-on of NaHS ( peak relaxation of -33 Â ± 9 % and 28 Â ± 20 % in 95 % air and 95 % O2 severally ) is farther grounds that the relaxation is chiefly due to the toxic effects of H2S. 6.0 Decision Harmonizing to our informations H2S causes a little contraction at low concentrations by suppressing the NOS enzymes and forestalling by the release of NO from S-nitrosoglutathione, at higher concentrations it causes a transeunt big relaxation which is the consequence of the toxicity of H2S. We are lead to this decision because there was no statistically important informations to propose the engagement of K+ channels, NO or the endothelium. The literature on H2S in the vasculature suggests otherwise and states that the relaxation induced by H2S comprises a minor endothelium dependent consequence and major direct consequence on smooth musculus, and that the consequence is mediated by the gap of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. In add-on to this the presence of CSE but non CBS moving on L-cysteine has been shown in the vasculature, and NO has been found to play a function by increasing CSE look and exciting it ( Zhoa et al. , 2001 ; Cheng et al. , 2004 ; Zhao and Wang 2002 ; Johansen et al. , 2006 ; Szabo, 2007 ) . However, all but two of the diaries mentioned in this thesis really experimented on coronary arterias and of the two that did ( Johansen et al. , 2006 ; Daut et al. , 1990 ) neither were porcine. As a consequence our findings in the porcine coronary arteria are plausible. The consequence of H2S is now a good documented country, peculiarly in the vasculature and encephalon, but at present the information that exists has been carried out on a figure of different animate beings such as rats, mice, cattles and fish. Of these animate beings the consequence in different species and vascular beds has been investigated, and as such it is a challenge to to the full categorize the consequence of H2S in the vasculature with the differences that arise with informations coming from such a assortment of beginnings.
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