Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Reflecting on one’s Communication Skills Essay
Introduction Nursing students can enhance their learning through reflection that is, reflecting on a situation that involves nursing care (Parker 2006, p.115). In line with this thought, I shall reflect on an experience and discuss the communication skills I used or should have used during the patient encounter. I will use the three what model based on the work of Borton (1970) and Boud (1985) to help structure my reflection. Before going any further, I am invoking the provision in the NMC (2008) code which declares the need to respect people’s confidentiality; hence, the identity of the patient who will be cited in this reflection will be kept anonymous. He will be given a pseudonym and will simply be referred to as Mr. B What? Mr. B is a 75-year-old patient in a nursing home diagnosed with dementia. Initially, it was my mentor who initiated nursing care to him and I was instructed to continue its delivery. The rationale why my mentor assigned me to Mr. B was so I can sharpen my communication skills. During my interaction with Mr. B, I tried to remain calm and spoke in slow and short sentences. I also used simple words although at times, I cannot help but repeat what I have already said because I was not sure whether the patient understood my statements. So What? At first, I was honestly hesitant and quite nervous when I interacted with the patient. I was already aware of his condition; hence, I was in a dilemma as to how I can communicate with him. This experience helped me realise that communication is truly an important part of nursing practice. Mastering all the routine nursing tasks and other complicated nursing interventions will all have been for nothing if a nurse does not know how to initiate a nurse-patient therapeutic relationship or interaction which naturally begins with communication. To simply put it, Ellis, Gates and Kenworthy (2003, p.214) declare that good communication is vital to effective nursing. According to Collins (2009) good communication helps build a therapeutic relationship which is central to nursing. It is a must for a nurse to be able to communicate effectively with the patient because communication is the tool that will allow the nurse to reassure a patient, empower the patient, motivate the patient, put a patient at ease, and convey understanding of the patient’s concerns (Collins 2009). I realised that communicating with a patient with dementia is more difficult than I have actually predicted. His condition was definitely the barrier that hindered effective communication. Even though I spoke in clear, short and simple sentences, there were still instances when the patient did not understand what I said or may be pretended to have not heard what I said. With this, I realise that one effective counter against such circumstance is to establish and maintain genuine rapport with the patient which can be done through frequent therapeutic conversations with the patient. Rapport entails trust and confidence of the patient to the nurse. Without, a nurse will have difficulty convincing a patient to follow instructions or adhere to advices. The experience also led me to realise the importance of valuing non-verbal communication. Before, I honestly took for granted non-verbal communication because the patients I handled in the past had no cognitive impairments that hindered verbal communication. It was only during this experience that verbal communication is less reliable due to the patient’s condition. This experience pointed out that a patient’s facial expression, presence or absence of eye contact, and bodily gestures can all help decipher a patient’s mood, feelings and attitude towards the nurse and the interventions given by the nurse. Videbeck (2010, p.107) relate that it is crucial for a nurse to understand what a patient is trying to communicate by means of observing non-verbal cues. I learned that a truly competent nurse is someone who is able to assess not only what a patient can verbalise but also assess those non-verbal cues displayed by a patient which may lead the nurse to truly unde rstand how the patient feels and what the patient needs. Now What The experience helped me learn the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication. As an aspiring nurse, I have to continuously sharpen my communication skills because I shall be interacting with more varied patients in the future. I have to be able to establish rapport with each new patient and I can do this by communicating with them. I must maximise my communication with my patients because I can do a lot of things by communicating such as motivate, empower, educate and understand my patients. Conclusion To sum up, reflecting on an experience will help discover different important learning. It will increase one’s knowledge identify strengths and weaknesses in one’s skills. Communication is key to building rapport and therapeutic relationship with patients. A nurse must always improve on his or her communication skills in order to better deliver nursing care. References Collins, S. (2009). Good communication helps to build a therapeutic relationship. (online) available at: Ellis, R., Gates, B. and Kenworthy, N. (2003). Interpersonal communication in nursing: Theory and practice. London: Churchill Livingstone. Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008). The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. Parker, M. (2006). Aesthetic ways in day-to-day nursing. In: Freshwater, D. (Ed.). Therapeutic nursing: Improving patient care through self-awareness and reflection. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Videbeck, S. (2010). Psychiatric-mental health nursing. 5th edn., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Introduction Aseptic technique is the practice of carrying out a procedure in such a way that minimises the risk of introducing contamination into a vulnerable area or contaminating an invasive devise (Dougherty and Lister 2011, p.129). Aseptic technique includes several methods such as sterilising instruments, using antiseptic hand scrubs, and donning of sterile gowns, gloves, caps and masks (Cho and Alessandrini 2008, p.43). In line with this thought, this essay will explore the underlying rationales and evidence for the performance of two common methods of aseptic technique. These methods are hand washing and gloving which I personally performed many times during practice placements. Practising Aseptic Technique The delivery of effective nursing care rests on the hands of the nurse. This statement does not only apply figuratively but also literally because the hands of a nurse must not only be capable of performing tasks, it must also be clean while performing such tasks. Hand washing is simply indispensable in the performance of any and all kinds of nursing care activities. It becomes too mundane that sometimes it is intentionally or unintentionally neglected or performed in a manner that is less than satisfactory. As a student nurse, it was made clear to me that proper hand washing is a very important initial step in the delivery of nursing services. I have performed hand washing countless times, some at an acceptable standard while others below standard. The origin for strongly recommending or rather enforcing the need to perform hand washing may be traced from Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis who advocated the performance of hand washing with a chlorinated solution among doctors before assisting women in labour (Case 2011). White (2005, p.527) defines hand washing as the rubbing together of all surfaces and crevices of the hands using a soap or chemical and water. It is a part of all types of isolation precautions and is the most basic and effective infection-control measure to prevent and control the transmission of infectious agents. Hand hygiene which includes hand washing and gloving, is the single most crucial means of preventing transmission of antibiotic-resistant organisms such as the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci or VRE (LeTexier 2011). The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2003, p.28) or NICE in its guideline for infection control dictate that hand washing and gloving are two fundamental modes of preventing healthcare-associated infection. The World Health Organization (2006) highly recommends that health care workers wear gloves to prevent microorganisms present on the hands to be transmitted to patients and to reduce the risk of workers acquiring infection from patients. The effectiveness of donning gloves in preventing contamination of infectious agents has been confirmed in many clinical trials (WHO 2006). To reiterate, both hand washing and gloving are two of the most indispensable methods of aseptic technique; however, amidst the overwhelming evidence on the benefits of both procedures, there are still erring professionals. Nurses, doctors and other health care professionals still do err in the performance of such procedures. In my case, I have done it many times before but sometimes, I still forget to do it or consciously neglect to do it. Perhaps, the problem lies not within the knowledge of the need to perform it but rather on the manner by which it should be perform. There are varying ways and means of performing hand washing. In fact there are different kinds of hand washing. There is the medical hand washing which is similar to ordinary hand washing and there is also the surgical hand washing. Every institution has its own version on how to perform hand washing. This is also true for donning gloves. There are different brands of gloves each of which advertise some form of advantage over the other. There are also different modes of donning gloves such as the open technique and the close technique. There are also different varieties of gloves like clean gloves and surgical gloves. The differences and varieties with the way hand washing and gloving may be performed may account for the reason why some professionals err in the performance of these two important aseptic technique procedures. Another factor in the possible non-compliance of some healthcare professionals may be related to convenience in the performance of such procedures. For instance, when a nurse is overwhelmed by work-related stress due to high inpatient census, sometimes, the simple act of washing hands is intentionally neglected. As a solution to this, it is recommended to make hand hygiene convenient (JCR 2009, p.64). Instead of the traditional soap and water, it is possible to achieve the same effect with alcohol based scrub; thereby, eliminating the need for washing hands with water. It is also advisable to choose gloves that have special fit for different sizes of hands rather than the fit-all type of gloves. Conclusion In summary, hand washing and gloving are two common types of aseptic technique which are indispensable in the everyday practice of nursing. It has been well established that hand washing and gloving are crucial in the efficient delivery of services particularly in the aspect of preventing the spread of infection. Despite this known fact, some still err in complying with such procedures. References Case, C. (2011). Handwashing. [online] Available at: Cho, C. and Alessandrini, E. (2008). Aseptic technique. In: King, C., Henretig, F. and King , B. (Eds.). Textbook of pediatric emergency procedures. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Dougherty, L. and Lister, S. (2011). The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures: Student edition. 8th edn., Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Joint Commission Resources (2009). Meeting joint commission’s infection prevention and control requirements: A priority focus area. 2nd edn., Illinois: Joint Commission Resources. LeTexier, R. (2011). Preventing infection through hand washing. [Online].Available at: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2003). Infection control: Prevention of healthcare-associated infection in primary and community care. [online]. Available at: White, L. (2005). Foundations of nursing. London: Thompson Delmar Learning. Nursing Essay: Sample World Health Orgnization (2006). The first global patient safety challenge: Clean care is safer care. [online]. available at:
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Eschatological Schools: Premillennialism, Amillennialism, and Postmillennialism Essay
Three major schools exist in the field of eschatology, the study of the end times: premillenialism, amillenialism, and postmillennialism. According to Smith (2005) all of these schools have the belief that the Rapture is part of the Second Coming of Christ. They all believe that the Christian church is the â€Å"spiritual Israel†(p. 25) and that a new Heaven and a new Earth will be formed in which â€Å"God is intimately present with his people†(p. 27). Important differences exist, however, in terms of how the eschatological schools deal with the Antichrist, the Tribulation, and Armageddon. In addition, these schools of thought differ on the Second Coming, the Resurrection, the Judgment and, of course, on how the Millennium is determined. Premilleniumism: In premillennialism, the Antichrist is an actual person who contains satanic powers. The Tribulation occurs, through which the nation of Israel will be converted. During Armageddon, the church is present; however, this period is a time of rebellion. Following Armageddon, the Second Coming of Christ occurs, during which the Millennium is established. In addition, all dead believers will be resurrected at this time. The Second Coming also begins the period during which the actions of the dead believers will be judged. This period of judgment ends following the Millennium, when all of the dead will be raised and judged. During the Millennium, Christ establishes His kingdom on Earth (Smith, 2005, pp. 25-27). Amillennialism: According to the school of amillennialism, the Antichrist is only representative of satanic powers; however, a real person may appear that contains them. The Tribulation, which is a â€Å"final outbreak of evil, occurs (Smith, 2005, p. 25). During final rebellion of Armageddon, the church is present. Following Armageddon, the Second Coming of Christ occurs, during which the new Heaven and the new Earth is established. Unlike premillennialism, only one resurrection and one judgment occurs for all of the dead at the Second Coming. In the amillennial school of thought, the current age is the Millennium, which ends at the time of the Second Coming (Smith, 2005, pp. 25-27). Postmillennialism: The school of postmillennialism believes that most of the predictors for the presence of the Antichrist, a representation of satanic power that exists during the church age. The Tribulation is the present age, during which the occurrence of evil eventually decreases. Armageddon is not a rebellion; rather, Christ is leading the church to vanquish His enemies. As in amillennialism, the Second Coming of Christ occurs follows Armageddon, during which the new Heaven and the new Earth is established. Again, only one resurrection and one judgment occurs for all of the dead at the Second Coming, but it follows the Millennium. The Millennium is established when Christ leads the people to preach â€Å"the Good News†(Smith, 2005, pp. 25-27).
Monday, July 29, 2019
Attitude change Essay Example for Free
Attitude change Essay Technology also brought about a change in attitude to many employees because of its personal approach where despite the fact that it allows teams to work together it is also an ideal partner for individual tasks to get done. Craiger JP (2006) claims that technology resulted to a generation of employees who are self starters and problem solvers. By using technology employees learned to work independently, even if they are also dealing with their work teams and welcoming team initiatives on the side. For instance, an employee who does not have a desktop computer or does not know how to use one will have to depend on an encoder or a secretary for files to be encoded, taking two people to finish one document. When errors occur, it will be an accountability of two people. Often, when the margin of error was crossed is impossible to determine. On the other hand, an employee who has a desktop computer and knows how to operate it can type documents himself and be accountable for the whole task. It will also take just one person for the task to be completed. Computer users and the technologically inclined employees are not the only ones who had an attitude change. Those who do not have access to technological innovations in their respective departments were also encouraged to learn how to operate the new gadgets to be able to contribute to the growth of the company and, of course, to avoid being left behind. For fear of being retrenched or laid off by the company for the benefit of accommodating people who can work with the innovations that the organization is adapting, employees are more open than ever to learn new skills specially those that are technological. The same attitude change affects job applicants, who are otherwise not yet members but intending to become members of an organization. Job applicants are now putting more effort in getting at least the simplest technological skills and know-how to get an edge in their job-hunting process, especially with the fact that the younger graduates are more competitive in this area of knowledge. Issues Most of the changes brought about by technology to businesses were positive. The claims cannot be far from the truth. Technology was created to bring in convenience and efficiency, which is what it delivered right from the very start. However, there are also notions as to how technology has largely affected the way in which employees and organizations function, albeit on a negative light. Communication? Contrary to above claims that technology helped the culture of teams to flourish, and that communication became easier through new innovations that companies were investing on, computers and other technological equipment is also blamed for the downgrade in organizational communication. Craiger JP (2006) stressed that computers did not allow employees to communicate until networks were created. There was a great divide between employees who are operating the new facilities, and those who are not. There is also a sub-divide between employees operating the new equipment. The great divide between employees occurs from the very start, when not all employees have access to technology. People who have the know-how are roomed in with the computers, and those who are still on manual work stay in regular cubicles where other employees are present, allowing for interpersonal communication. After much development, majority of employees in many organizations gained access to computers. The problem which turned out later on concerned the transferring, sharing, and merging of files and information within the organization. Born is the network, and things went well. Employees can drag and drop information from and to a colleague, and even share pleasantries with each other on the side. This is where the communication problem began. The problem with technology is that it allows people to be convenient. In fact, employees felt too much convenience that the simplest things are often put on the hands of technology. For instance, instead of dropping by to the nearby cubicle of a co-employee, one just has to click on some icons and send her message through the computer. The technologically-driven workplace also slowly transformed into an impersonal workplace where every bit of thing was coursed through technology. This posed miscommunication problemsâ€â€messages and files which were not received, lost files, misinterpretation of messages, errors in routing messages, and so on. The list is boundless, but the solution is not far from reach as well. To aid this problem, companies must orient new employees and train existing employees on the art of effective communication, as well as the proper use of company technology. With proper information and education, it is possible for companies to be technologically inclined but still effective in their communication. Re-trainings and new hiring A necessity for many companies who are just starting their technological stance is the re-training of employees. Companies cannot expect all of their employees to be familiar with the jargons and processes of technology once it is initiated in the company. There is also the need for people to maintain the equipment and to troubleshoot them in case something wrong happens. Thus, even if majority of the existing employees know how to operate technological equipment, the company still needs to hire additional people or get an outsourced service for these. This, however, does not sacrifice the cost-effectiveness of business technology. Even if a company spends for additional people or service, the costs that it will incur will still be offset by the multiplicity of role that business technology can undertake. A good way to minimize the costs in this area is to train employees, including those knowledgeable, on the proper use and maintenance of the equipment and by developing guidelines for reporting any problem or damage so that proper and timely intervention can be made. Telecommuting woes A point of debate in the technological workplace is the telecommuting option for employees. This has long been a trend, which proved to be convenient for both telecommuters and their companies. With off-site jobs, telecommuters need not travel to their workplace and be stuck with an office routine. They can also perform personal tasks while working, and avoid the pressure of being confined in an office cubicle. For companies, it saves them the office space the employee needs, and the costs of electricity and other provisional expenses of keeping an employee on the job site. However, human resources managers have one problem with keeping and working with telecommuters and off-site employees in the organization: performance appraisal and monitoring. When an employee works off the job site, he holds his time and place. He may be calling a client for a presentation while waiting for the kids for a drive to the school, and meet the client for a lunch meeting just before going to the grocery for some things needed for dinner. While this requires incredible discipline for tasks to get done, there is no guarantee that all telecommuters have the required character it takes. This brings about the importance of monitoring and performance appraisal, which is an equally grueling task for human resource persons to do with telecommuters. But for many companies, the solution is easy. Monitoring and performance appraisal can be largely dependent on one thing: end product. Telecommuters should be given deadlines and work expectations, and they should in turn give back results. This can prove when an off-site employee has the discipline it takes to work away from work, of he needs to work with the boss around. Privacy issues The ease of organizing work teams is undoubtedly one of the better benefits of modern technology to organizations, but it is not also ideal at all. With the convenient dragging and dropping of information throughout the network of technologically driven companies, it is easy for information to leak and for privacy seals to be broken. On a smaller scale, it can be as simple as one employee stealing the proposal of another employee; or one team member taking full credits to the collaborative work of a work team. On a larger scale it can be the theft of significant company information, or the leak of personal information of employees. This is a possibility to which all companies are susceptible. The exposure of an organization to modern technology, especially that which binds the company to networking, also puts many of its information and exchanges out in the open. Companies, however, need not fret. As privacy has been an utmost concern for many developers of technology, many solutions are now available for companies to protect themselves and their systems. A wide range of products are available to suit many companies’ generic needs, and many developers have come up with security measures that can be customized according to the needs and preferences of an organization. It should be noted, though, that security software and technology does not erase the possibility of privacy issues from taking place. While it can secure much of a company’s information, proper care and understanding of privacy clauses and measures by employees are equally important. Too fast and too furious Another issue concerning companies is the fast turnover of technological trends. New computers and gadgets are introduced everyday, and what is trendy today can be obsolete in a matter of months. While there are companies who are true to their subscription of technology, and strive to invest in newer, better models to improve their standing and service, not all companies can keep up. It can be disheartening for an organization to invest thousands of dollars in innovations, only to find themselves looking for an upgrade months after. Technology’s game is simple: the newer, the better. However, this game should not work for companies as well as they have financial books to consider. For business technology, the key is that whichever fits the company best is the better alternative. Unless very necessary, companies should not feel pressured in constantly buying new equipment every so often to keep up with competition. Delivery of good products and service is what matters most. Attitude change. (2017, Apr 14).
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Centerofthequadrangleduewestof UphamHall ontheMiamiUniversityCampus Essay
Centerofthequadrangleduewestof UphamHall ontheMiamiUniversityCampus - Essay Example The sun rises in the morning and spreads its rays on all objects across the globe; the sculpture is no exception. The sky was clear blue and humidity was at its lowest. The temperature was just beginning to rise and clouds that had heavily hanged over my head ran away to create a path for the sun. With the help of the sunlight, every single image seems clear and the vicinity of the sculpture is quite detailed. One advantage with the day-light is that every facet of the sculpture can be vividly observed. The bracketing and columns stand very firm to support the compact oval roof-like capital (Cothren, 451). The central-plan building is crystal-clear and I could easily see and appreciate the outstanding work of the burin used by this legendary sculptor. In the chilly evening, the sculpture seemed to have had absorbed some rays from the sun. And now the time came to spit the rays, like a fire dragon. I could not stop dreaming as watched the sculpture reflect a few rays of the sunset. I stood from a close range and watched the beautiful colonnade majestically rise from the very bold and energetic dado (Brookes, 37). A first, I imagined a dwarf on a stand-still; any coward man would run away as he comes to face with the statue. However, the dimness of the evening denied me the sight of the beautiful cameo and chamfer of the capital. In as much as the sculpture was quite prominent in the evening, a few details of it could not be observed. The sculpture is located a stone-throw away from the main administration block of the institution. It borders the pavement that connects a number of buildings within the institution. Many trees have gathered around the earthwork to behold its unending beauty. Being by a path, it was easy to locate. From far, however, one could not easily spot it since it is surrounded by a building and some trees. The management of the institution may have strategically placed it here so as to
Two Sides of the Same Coin of Revenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Two Sides of the Same Coin of Revenge - Essay Example ngeling.â€Å"Such readings may speak to a wish to construct the violence of revenge as a purely â€Å"male†problem or an effect of patriarchy†(Willis 22). Shakespeare and Middleton turn the tables by using a female revenger, Tamora and Beatice-Joanna, in their plays. These two characters are two sides of the same coin. Tamara is the â€Å"imagery of [a] womb, tomb, and pit†(21) while Beatrice-Joanna is the image of sight; both these qualities are fuel for their revenge. Hunger’s role is to gain more power while the sight is blinded by the end goal, both on a verge of destruction. Both female characters seek out revenge and use their influence and position to obtain their desired vengeance through indirect, coercive, and manipulative channels. These characters seek revenge only to leave a trail of lies, blood, and deception, which follows them to their graves for truth cannot be hidden for long. Titus Andronicus and The Changeling highlighted the many ways in which the plays are informed by gender ideology (21). It maybe said that tragic plays revolve around a masculine character. â€Å"Men had a vested interest portraying vendettas as â€Å"grand struggles[s]†highlighting masculine traits of bravery, daring, and fighting skill†(24). The beginning of the play is started off with Saturninus and Bassianus fighting over who should be named Emperor. They chant their speeches but Marcus steps in to announce the â€Å"returns the good Andronicus to Rome†(Shakespeare 1.1.37). Men would use their strength to gain power and authority, while women â€Å"appeared as idealized figured of chastity to be protected, or more darkly, as vulnerable vessels of the enemy to be raped and despoiled. But in many of Shakespeare’s plays, as well as in those by other Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists, women are sometimes active participants in revenge plots†(24). For revenge to be there, first a crime must be committed and for one reason or the other the law cannot punish the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Essay
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - Essay Example Science and technology emerged into rapid changes. Many innovations and inventions came out to show how far human knowledge has been. The invention of machineries, the use of electricity, petroleum products and chemicals showed how science and technology stepped forward. This gave a lot of advantages to human population and also to the immediate environment. Modern researches can be found helpful to human habitat out of the newest discoveries in science. By understanding a lot about things that exists in this world, scientist most especially environmentalists can tell which causes environmental degradation and which could be helpful to environmental protection. The advancement in science and technology seemed to emerge into two contrasting findings which are; 1) the fact that the advancement in science contributed to the deeper understanding with regards to environmental preservation and protection, 2) but, in the same way that the industrialization brought by science and technology becomes the same tool to destroy the environment because of pollutions and chemical wastes that contaminates water and pollutes the air. These facts create an echoing and awakening reality that those technological advancements bear the consequence that destroys the world humans live because of its by-products. Because of those awakening facts, many people of the world, most especially the government has been motivated to make steps in order to prevent the alarming situation that the world faces because of the negative outcomes of industrialization.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Bacteria menningitis haemophilus influenza Essay
Bacteria menningitis haemophilus influenza - Essay Example It is responsible for lower respiratory tract infections in children. They are opportunistic pathogens and only become pronounced on exposure of the body to viral infections, immune dysfunction, and chronic inflammation. They stick to the cells by use of adhesions such as TAA. It causes pneumonia, bacteremia, and acute bacterial meningitis. It also causes infectious arthritis, osteomyelitis, epiglottitis, and cellulitis. Vaccination is available against the bacteria using their conjugates. However, non-encapsulated strains do not get affected and cause otitis media (ear infection) and conjunctivitis. Causative Agent The Haemophilus influenza meningitis is caused by Haemophilus influenza type b bacteria. The bacteria are in the kingdom of bacteria; phylum is proteobacteria; the class is gamma proteobacteria; the order is pasteurellales; the family is pasteurellaceae; the genus is haemophilus and the species is Haemophilus influenza. It is a rod shaped gram-negative bacteria coccobacil lus bacterium (Evans and Brachman 14). It possesses the aerobic nature but can also grow as a facultative anaerobe. It has two serotypes; the encapsulated and the non-encapsulated strains. The encapsulated strains were classified into H. Influenza: a (Hia), b (Hib), c (Hic), d (Hid), e (Hie), and f (Hif). This classification is based on the capsular antigens present. The non-encapsulated are non-typable due to the lack of the capsular serotype. They produce inflammatory responses and remain less invasive. The inflammation of the meningeal membranes, which covers the brain, causes the symptoms of meningitis. This makes them resistant to the H. influenza vaccine that is induced to vaccinate against the bacteria. This leads to conditions like pneumonia and otitis media often seen in children, which are the complications, associated with meningitis. H. influenzae, in a Gram stain of a sputum sample, appear as Gram-negative coccobacilli H. Influenzae on an agar plate. Pathogenesis The pa thogenesis of the bacteria is not well defined. However, the main factor to its pathogenesis is the type b polysaccharide capsule. This capsule harbors the antigen responsible for the effects associated with the disease. The encapsulated bacteria can penetrate the surfaces of the epithelium and get into the blood capillaries without hindrance. The antigens present on the capsule allow for its direct penetration. The capsule enclosure makes the bacteria resist phagocytosis by the phagocytes and, thus, its infiltration into the inside. The complement cascade of the host immune system cannot act on the bacteria, thus, making it get invasive. The non-encapsulated strain is lowly invasive compared to the encapsulated. This is because they lack the capsule, hence, the lack of antigens responsible for infiltrating the bilayer. However, they can induce the inflammatory response of different cells that later cause disease. This later leads to the symptoms associated with the disease. It is a lso abundantly evident after an infection of the upper respiratory region. The infection multiplies by spreading from the respiratory tract and then to the bloodstream and later spreads to the meninges. At the meninges, the pathogen induces inflammation and the complement activation. This inflammation around the meninges causes the meningitis associated with the disease. This affects nerve impulse transmission and, thus, causes illness or later death. The bacterium also produces beta lactamases, to aid in its resistance
Thursday, July 25, 2019
2000 word outline research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
2000 word outline research proposal - Essay Example Till 9/11 happened, apparently US didn’t really catch up with the seriousness of the issue. There have been instances like the US embassy bombings in different parts of the world. But such instances were considered mainly as failure of those nations in safeguarding the interests of USA, and nobody actually thought that one day, two US commercial flights full of passengers will collide with its own twin towers and result in killing around 3000 citizens of the world. They were office workers, waiters, police, firemen, moms, dads, friends and neighbors. Thereafter began an era of hunting for the terrorists and their links. It involved gathering info from everywhere with techniques like cyber-snooping. Attention was diverted towards Afghanistan because there was no regime as such. The ruling combine called Taliban did not believe in human rights and controlled the country with terror at gun point. Women were treated like third class citizens, not allowed to attend public functions and schools. One prosperous sheikh from Saudi Arab called Osama Bin Laden was there to help the regime with finances and arms. He had his own set of people ranging from nuclear scientists, engineers, villagers and other trusted lieutenants around him. They had their own ideology of calling the countries like US, UK, India, Israel etc. as the enemies of Muslims. For this very reason they gave calls for Jihad against these countries in particular. Afghanistan has the misfortune of being in news for all the wrong reasons since the late 1970s. It was in 1979 that Soviet troupes from the then USSR invaded Afghanistan and engineered a regime change. These forces remained in Afghanistan for the next 10 years, b ut not before resistance forces were armed with lethal weapons and trained manpower. Thereafter began a bloody era of revenge when the erstwhile President was hanged in broad daylight in the middle of the road. This bloody has not stopped since then. The areas bordering
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Individual Dreamweaver Lessons Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Individual Dreamweaver Lessons - Coursework Example Below is the structure of a web page saved as htm or htlm file. We also covered CSS designer. The lecture touches on Live view and Live code that help in giving the exact review of the web page designed and how visually changing the web page developed will affect the code behind the scene. The first lesson also gives an overview how you can create a hyperlink on a web page. The tag â€Å"†was used to create a hyperlink. Use bar to link section of the documents to other pages. For example, In this lesson, creating of a new site took the center stage by defining site setting using Site Setup dialog box. The Servers, Versions as well as advanced setting options used in defining your site. This lecture also declared the DOCTYPE used in HTML5 which is . The lesson also looked at the format of saving the new site created. The file created should have â€Å"html†file format and only special characters such as underscores (_) is used to separate the words. You should save it on one major folder. CSS helps in defining appearance of a web page. You can set background color or link color whichever applicable using CSS. It was important to note that Document Type set to HTML5 is set as Unicode (UTF-8) and that Adobe Photoshop is being used in a tracing image such as JPEG and GIF. We looked at local root folder on how one can copy, select, view or open files from it. It also addresses graphic file types being displayed by web browsers. The graphic files discussed include GIF that condenses color images and used mostly in areas with flat colors like logos. JPEG format is used in inline images. When inserting a logo/image, use the format. You can then set logo/image width and length. Inserting of Photoshop smart objects in an html form was also tackled. Use in group-block elements. When using HTML tables use attributes such as dl, dt, and
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
TIMED TEXTUAL ANALYSIS-- Film <Seven> the first five minutes in the Assignment
TIMED TEXTUAL ANALYSIS-- Film the first five minutes in the beginning - Assignment Example This quiet, sombre setting implies that this man is lonely and unhappy. When the camera moves quickly to a shot of this mans reflection in a mirror as he fixes his tie, this sense of loneliness is echoed again and we also get an idea of other aspects of his personality and life, namely, that he is a professional and that he is extremely orderly. He appears to be very well groomed and is adjusting his tie with detailed precision. It appears as though he is a professional and has an important job. Props are used strategically, as the camera quickly cuts to a stand where a line of objects is lain in a neat row. The neatness and organisation of these objects and of his bedroom has meaning, as they suggest this character is extremely tidy, efficient and orderly, and implies it may be reflected in his personality in other ways. The items includes a pen, professional badge and a knife, which suggests he works in law enforcement. We then see him go to his bed, which is made up perfectly, not unlike a hotel, very meticulous. The way in which so much information is given away here despite the character have no interaction with others and doing mundane activities, is an effective way to highlight the loneliness and sense of order and presentation the character possesses. Costume is also used to convey meaning. When we first see the protagonist, he is wearing a white shirt, a symbol that he is a good man. His suit also suggests that he is an important person in the society. The next scene is cut to extremely quickly and we are met with a very disturbing image which contrasts starkly with what we have previously seen. The quickness of the transition allows no time for the viewer to adjust and it seems a slight shock factor is used in the suddenness of this. The scene is of a dead, overweight man lying in a pool of blood. The scene is dark, dimly lit and appears quite grisly, suggesting malice. The dead body indicates that we are
Finding the Right Apartment Essay Example for Free
Finding the Right Apartment Essay So you are ready to take a leap of faith and branch out on your own, into the world and embrace your new found freedom by renting an apartment. That is fantastic, but first you may need help with choosing the apartment that best suits you, your lifestyle and most importantly, your budget. This is all a fairly easy project to accomplish if you know what you are doing, but it can also be very time consuming and stressful if you do not know what you are doing while also juggling a full time job. First, you have to locate a few different apartments to be able to choose the one you love. Start by doing some research on the internet. Also, ask around your community if you plan on staying in the current area you are in now. Make sure to read the local newspapers as well. If you have children, research apartment communities closet to their school. If you have pets, find apartments that will accommodate them. Research the area to see if you are near a bus line, a taxi service or within close proximity to your family and friends, should you ever need a ride to and from work due to car troubles. After that, try your best to narrow your list down to three or four apartments. Next, meet with the leasing agents for each of the apartments you want to view. Make sure you take a good look around and see everything they have to offer. Ask what type of amenities the complex has to offer. For example, do they have a gated entrance, 24 hour gym, a pool, a spa or sauna, playground area, garages for rent and/or laundry mat services on site? When inside the actual apartment, check to make sure how many bedrooms will be beneficial to you. Make sure there is enough closet and cabinet space for all of your belongings. Ask any and all questions. Be sure to ask about alarm services if you notice an alarm system built in. Ask if everything is gas or electric powered and if it has central heating and air. Ask what utility companies they use. You may be able to transfer over your previous services if they use the same ones. If you do not like the current color of the walls, ask if you can paint over them, as long as you paint them back or prime them upon move out. Also, decide if you want a bottom or top floor and ask if your preference is available. Of course, problems and hurdles may arise, but with honesty and careful consideration of the initial problem, you can overcome the problems. Some problems that may arise are bad information on your background check that will stall the rental process. Be honest with them and they may be willing to work with you under the circumstances. Another hurdle could be unexpected problems with your finances. In this case, you will need to sit down. Go over your finances and make cuts on what you do not need and factor in what you do need. Play around with the numbers until you have comfortably figured out your living expenses. You may end up being one of the lucky ones and have a â€Å"smooth sailing†through the entire rental process, but if you do not, take it one step at a time until you have overcome any and all obstacles. Once you have decided upon the right apartment complex for you, you will need to sign a lease. Before your sign the lease and pay all your deposit and application fees, ask if your deposit is refundable. Also ask if they give application fee discounts if you are a college student. Decide the lease length you need and ask if they offer month to month, a 3 month, 6 month, 12 month or 18 month lease. Ask if the lease is a done locked deal or if you can break the lease say you should have to move away. Remember that no question is a wrong question, so ask anything that comes to mind. After you sign that lease, congratulations, you are now an adult with your very own place. Living on your own can be difficult at times but it is very rewarding and empowering and it helps to boost your confidence and self esteem. Knowing you have truly stepped into your own skin and into true adulthood is one of the greatest satisfactions you may experience in your young life. Taste it, savor it and enjoy it. You deserve it!
Monday, July 22, 2019
Parle Products History Essay Example for Free
Parle Products History Essay The original Parle Company was split into three separate companies, owned by the different factions of the original Chauhan family. †¢Parle Products, led by Vijay, Sharad and Anup Chauhan (owner of the brands Parle-G, Melody, Mango Bite, Poppins, Monaco and KrackJack) †¢Parle Agro, led by Prakash Chauhan and his daughters Schauna, Alisha and Nadia (owner of the brands such as Frooti and Appy) †¢Parle Bisleri, led by Ramesh Chauhan In 1929 a small company by the name of Parle products emerged in british dominated India at Parle, world’s largest selling biscuits started in vile parle. It was owned by the Chauhan family of Vile Parle, Mumbai. The intent was to spread joy and cheer to children and adults alike, all over the country with its sweets and candies. The company knew that it wouldn’t be an easy task, but they decided to take the brave step . a small factory was set up in the suburbs of Mumbai, to manufacture biscuits as well. since then, the parle name has grown in all directions, won international fame and has been sweetening peoples lives all over India and abroad. A part from the factories in Mumbai and Bangalore Parle also has factories in Bahadurgarh in Haryana and Neemrana in Rajasthan, which are the largest biscuit and confectionery plants in the country. Additionally, Parle products also have 7 manufacturing units and 51 manufacturing units on contract. AWARDS Since the first entry at the monde selection in 1971,parle products have been shinning in golds and silver consistently Monde selection is an international institute for assessing the quality of foods Currently, it is the oldent and the most respected organization in the field of selecting quality foods worldwide ABOUT THE COMPANY Initially a small factory was set up in the suburbs of Mumbai city, to manufacture sweets and toffees. The year was 1929 and the market was dominated by famous international brands that were imported freely. Despite the odds and unequal competition, this company called Parle Products, survived and succeeded, by adhering to high quality and improvising from time to time . A decade later, in 1939, Parle Products began manufacturing biscuits, in addition to sweets and toffees. Having already established a reputation for quality, the Parle brand name grew in strength with this diversification. Parle Glucose and Parle Monaco were the first brands of biscuits to be introduced, which later went on to become leading names for great taste and quality. For around 75 years, Parle have been manufacturing quality biscuits and confectionery products. Over the years Parle has grown to become a multimillion-dollar company with many of the products as market leaders in their category. The recent introduction of Hide Seek chocolate chip biscuits is a product of innovation and caters to a new taste, being India’s first ever chocolate-chip biscuits. All Parle products are manufactured under most hygienic conditions. Great care is exercised in the selection and quality control of raw material and standards ensured at every stage of the manufacturing process. Parle Products has 4 manufacturing units for biscuits and confectionaries at Mumbai, Haryana, Rajasthan and Karnataka. It also has 14 manufacturing units for biscuits 5 manufacturing units for confectioneries, on contract. All these factories are located at strategic locations, so as to ensure a constant output easy distribution. Today, Parle enjoys a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15%share of the total confectionary market, in India. The marketing mix of Parle for this project has been studied from the point of view of Parle biscuits; mainly Parle-G and Parle hide seek. Biscuit goodies: Parle G, Krackjack, Krackjack Crispy Creams, Monaco, Kreams, Hide andSeek, Hide Seek Milano, Digestive Marie, Parle Marie, Milk Shakti, Parle20-20 Cookies, Nimkin Sweets: Melody, Mango Bite, Kaccha Mango Bite, Poppins, Kismi Toffee, KismiGold, Orange Candy, XHale Munch on snacks! Musst Bites, Monaco Bites Cheeslings, Sixer, Musst Stix Musst Chips
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Understanding Child Development through Observation
Understanding Child Development through Observation Introduction: Background For observing and evaluating the child development, an online site is accessed where a nursery video is available and in the video the child that I chose to observe is a four year old girl that I will refer to as Amani. She is highly intelligent and confident child; not only has this she had extraordinary skills to socially move around independently. I observe Amani in the school classroom; play area and garden area where she has been involved in different activity. This observation has been conducted between 9.23am until 11.09am of all her activities. The objective of this observation is to make the progressive note of the childs physical, intellectual, emotional, linguistic and social development. In the next section there is description of observation and followed by the evaluation and childs profile. Observation Description Amani stands near to table on which there are name tags of students, she leans to pick her names tag with a little hesitance and picks the tag and pastes it on the name board. During the time she has smile on her face and looks pleased with this activity. Later on she is in her classroom sitting on floor along with her all classmates, she is smiling and has her eyes on her teacher, and paying attention to what teacher is saying intently. She is constantly smiling and moving her body in swinging way. Now, teacher is singing a poem Mary and Amani is singing along with the teacher and continuously smiling with pleasure. Teacher is reading the students story about growing flower plants, teacher speaks of flower planting, that there are some seeds and Maule! You will plant them and they will grow into a beautifulà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦flower Amani says flower with the teacher. Teacher says Maule! What do you think that seeds are going to needà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ soilà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Amani cheerfully speaks waterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ waterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ making herself to be heard. Teacher says that you can go and play and Amani raises her hand cheerfully turns back and forth to her classmates and she walks around touching the different objects, she is in painting area and takes out a color out of jar and write her name with write hand, she put down green color and picks another marker. She gets up and walks to garden yard, wears her apron ties the laces and ribbons. She is standing by a large soil pot from where other children are getting the soil; she has a soil pot and tries to get the soil from one of a child standing closely. Second boy standing next to her has two scoops she tries to snatch the one because other boy is not letting her have the soil scoop. She snatches a scoop off the boy and cheerfully put some soil into the pot and says put some soil and it will make soil she picks a scoop and presses the soil inside the pot and says I am gonna show my soil and sits next to her teacher, she tries to take wax dough and laughs when her teacher refuses to g ive her the wax dough, teacher parts the dough and gives her half of the dough she smells it pleasingly and kneads it with her hand. Teacher says to her how does it feel? she says good. Teacher says how does it feel like? she says soft and cheerfully shifts the dough from hand to another. She says where is the stick to put it? and leaned forward to get the one and crushes an object on the table, the teacher exclaimed Oops! due sudden movement of Amani, she says she needs sticks and she hold the stick plate and put that near to her and picks the sticks one by one and put them in dough. Teacher says you could sing a song? she says yes and walks to the garden accompanied her teacher after finishing the wax dough, she puts the dough near to flower pots and waters the plants with the help of water shower. Now she is sitting in the garden party table and holding a spoon with plate and pretending to be eating with them. She gets up and leans forward to get another spoon and uses the spoon for picking sugar from the pot and pours into a tea cup and picks another pot, a milk pot and pour it into tea cup to make tea. She again pretends to be eating and her teacher says can you please make me a cup of tea, Maule!? she says with a smile yes, and puts sugar in the cup pleasingly, teacher says again what are you putting? she says with a smile I am putting sugar, and pretends to add more sugar into cup with spoon. She is on the garden party table and eating with spoon and drinking and says I have made it and get off the chair. Now she is in the class and standing next to her teacher who is sitting and singing a poem to children sitting on the floor. She sings the poem Mary with her teacher and classmates. According to Sheila Riddall-Leech (2005), observation is the most effective way to understand about the childs development stages, and its aim is to gather observation base information about a childs progress. Riddall-Leech (2005) further expresses that a single observation is not enough to determine whether or not a child is progressing and improving the developmental skills. Any observation should provide the data necessary to enable a professional to make balanced and informed decisions, such as the planning of specific activities to meet childrens needs, or whether to seek professional help. According to OHagan (2001), it is vital that parents are involved in the childs day to day activities in the school setting. In addition, the parents permission for observing child development is also important in the same regard. Evaluation Physical Development In physical development, Amani is observed for Development of Gross Motor Skills as well as Development of Fine Manipulative Skills (DeRobertis, 2008). Physically Amani is observed and found to be healthy and normal child since she continues to show physical activeness and physical involvement in every activity that a child of four year old is supposed to do such as walking, running, bending, carrying objects, and rolling. During observation, she is found to be physically comfortable of her environment like roaming around without any physical unbalance. She has shown almost all characteristics of Development of Gross Motor Skills. However, she has good physical balance yet at one point she shows lack of balance and co-ordination and control of body like leaning against the table and crushing other objects on the table. Another level of physical development observed is Development of Fine Manipulative Skills (DeRobertis, 2008). Just like every normal child of four year old Amani is ob served to able to using equipment, holding and gripping and drawing, writing and building. She is observed to feel, pouring, filling, touching and exploring dough and building another new object with it. She is observed to using objects like scoop and plant shower very efficiently and using spoon, dressing and using laces and ribbons. Intellectual Development Amani is intellectually observed remarkable as she shows intellect of mind and especially of knowledge and understanding. Both in classroom and play area she is observed as attentive, concentrated, understanding and learning child. The attention and concentration level is highly related to her responsive attitude. She shows some imagining and creativity too, working with wax dough and making cake and pudding of it. She is observed to have knowledge such as answering the teachers questions with her knowledge and writing her own name. The most important intellectuality observed in the Amani is her problem solving tendency such as wearing apron and tying the apron laces herself that shows her intense ability to show problem solving attitude. The sensing and concept formation of Amani is observed in play area where she makes pudding with wax dough, where she is asked about the wax and she responds correctly of the question that wax is soft and it shows great understanding and conceptuali zation of the girl. She seems to show good memory like sugar is added in tea and how to use the eating objects. Her understanding and recognition of objects and colors is extraordinary; she seems to differentiate between a light shade of green and vice versa. Since children learn language and other things by asking questions such as what, where, why, there has been lack of asking questions by Amani, and she intends to respond to the questions rather. Emotional Development Emotionally Amani is observed to be independent as she is able to walk around freely without any hesitation. Moreover, there is no hesitation or difficulty in her expression. She is expressive and good at expressing herself. However, she shows little lack of control over her emotions like when she is in her play area to plant a seed in soil she snatched the scoop from her classmate who refuses to hand her that scoop, though there is not any intense situation yet she looks little out of control of her emotions. Besides, she shows a good emotional balance towards her classmates, she seems to show warm towards her classmate. Facial expression is observed as maturely because she intends to smile all the time whenever she is amused to show her pleasure. She continues to responds the teacher apparently pleasantly and in expressive way. She seems to show good interaction with others but little direct eye contact is observed. The overall body movement and body posture is simply frequently wi thout any hesitancy and normally active and responsive. Tone of voice and play attitude is observed as interactive and sociable involvement. There is such as no sudden change in behavior or language tone. Linguistic Development Amani is observed to have language skills of the level of four year old child. She seems to express herself rather using language. In addition, she is observed to use short sentences and no difficulties and hesitation in speaking. Since language development of child depends on its cognitive skills and Amanis cognitive skills is observed as functioning and efficient, her language fluency and efficiency is improved and better than other children in the classroom. The selection of words and fluency in the speaking is extraordinary good with correct use of tense. Social Development However, Amani is observed as an active, balanced and interactive child yet it has been observed that she has very little double-sided interaction with her classmates. She is observed to interact with her teacher but little is observed her interaction with her classmates. She seems to look warmly and positively but she does not show a productive and cooperative interaction; for example, at one point, she rather snatches the scoop from her classmate rather than making a polite request she seems to behave a little intense. Since, a child of 3 or 4 year is capable of waiting of his/her turn and in normal situation can share and cooperate with fellows (Kail, 2007) therefore it was a little surprising aspect of her because she seems to behave normally so far in other development. In addition, social roles and social behavior like learning appropriately and respond to other is observed normally. However, she seems to enjoy being in classroom with other classmates and enjoy the social appea rance. In regard to other social skills like dressing and moving around without any help and doing different activities she is observed doing them independently. She seems to show a parallel social playing behavior like playing alongside but not with another child, not very much interacting and talking to other children in her different activities. She has been observed as cooperative and with high self-esteem- valuing herself as a person and confident. She rather seems to appear a self-reliance person in social development point of view. Child Profile I observed the child thoroughly and assessed her physically, intellectually, emotionally, linguistically, and socially. The overall development of Amani is observed to be normal and healthy. She has shown normal tendency in all level of development including physical, intellectual, emotional, linguistic and social. However, physical development means doing movement either gross or large movement of limbs or fine manipulative movement of fingers (Grych Fincham, 2001). Amani is found to have large movement of her body and her finger by using pencils and writing. Because physical development mainly depends on the body growth and nervous system that sends message from the brain to body it demonstrates the muscles to motivate them to move. There is great relevance of physical development with intellectual development, because if a child physically not fit or shows problems like little movement, hesitation, and inactive, all these symptoms show inefficient intellectual development of chil d. Amani has been observed as physically active and responsive her intellectual and mental capacity can be assessed as normal and frequent. The intellectual development of Amani is found to be mentally active and interactive along with reasoning mind. She seems to understand the environment, the teachings taught in the classroom and questions asked; she seems to answer them intellectually. She is very attentive and concentrated girl along with ability to respond the external environment. She has good imagining, creative ability and problem solving attitude. Moreover, she possesses an ability to utilize conceptualization of her reality and creativity. Emotionally she is a well balanced child with independent attitude; she has got normal body posture, eye contact, language tone and unchanged behavior. Moreover, her body language and facial expressions are even and warm towards other mates. In linguistic development I observed that she has ability to use language to express her and the re is fluency in the way of her language. Socially she is active, balanced and inter-active child, she is warmly and positive towards interacting towards her mates. She has good learning skills as a social roles and social behavior like learning in a group appropriately. She is socially independent and warm and communicative and responsive. She is expressive, social, cooperative and sharing the things. She has got remarkable cognitive skills and memory power. Different social activities like eating, moving in group and responding; these are those abilities which are extraordinary brought on in her. Common child features of asking questions about the things that they do not know or do not understand, in Amanis case it are bit different in the way that she does not asking question but answering the question rather. Another thing that is important to conclude is her overpowering and strong and intense feeling about her movement. She is intelligent, cooperative, talkative, communicative , and furthermore, creative and imaginative with good self confidence. According to Gambrell (1994) the child who is motivated to learn has many reasons to read and it also includes knowledge gaining, on the other hand Amani is not observed for reading, which can prove her learning motivation. Nevertheless, she is motivated to learning and learning in group which is undermining part of her development.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Interpersonal Communication :: essays research papers
Interpersonal Communication 2.     This example is showing that the two teen-aged girls are verbally communicating. This is all that can be accomplished by the use of a telephone. The two girls can not see each other there-fore it is near to completely impossible to make hand jesters or other forms of non-verbal communication maybe making it difficult to fully understand their feelings about the event. 3.     This is an example of total non-verbal communication. There are no words being expressed by the teacher in any verbal form. The student is just reading them off of her computer. By using this method the student may not grasp all of the information given 100%. 4.     My personal favorite, the ever famous ?COME AND EAT!!!!? I don?t believe it is one of the best approaches at a method of verbal communication. In my eighteen years of experience nothing has accomplished in getting my attention better then the dinner yell. It is a straight forward verbal communicating method that is universally understood. Communication purposes      I like to communicate with people, more then the average person. Part of that reason is because it is part of my job. As a restaurant manager I must familiarize myself with the customers. It is my job to be a representative of the company. I must act hospitable and greet all of the customers with a smile.      I smile when I greet the customers and welcome them with open arms. These methods of communicating are a select handful that I do each day. I use hand gestures when I direct others and myself. I try to limit the hand gestures but it just comes natural to me. I was told by my speech teacher a few years back that it adds character and depth to my speeches.      I believe that I communicate well and I get my point across to others when it is needed. In my line of work, like I said, I communicate a lot. Non-Verbal Communication: Non-Verbal communication is a arrangement of physical gestures from hand movements to eye motions. Any form of communicating without the use of words. 1.     thumbs up 2.     smile 3.     frown 4.     sticking out your tongue 5.     screaming 6.     laughing 7.     grunting 8.     waving arms 9.     rolling your eyes 10.     sighing Eye Contact Eye contact has been around just as long as all forms of communication. Without eye contact you could not understand what someone was trying to tell you. Eye contact is used to look at the communicator or to communicate all on its own. Ancient philosophers believed that all the power in the world rests inn the eyes of people. Interpersonal Communication :: essays research papers Interpersonal Communication 2.     This example is showing that the two teen-aged girls are verbally communicating. This is all that can be accomplished by the use of a telephone. The two girls can not see each other there-fore it is near to completely impossible to make hand jesters or other forms of non-verbal communication maybe making it difficult to fully understand their feelings about the event. 3.     This is an example of total non-verbal communication. There are no words being expressed by the teacher in any verbal form. The student is just reading them off of her computer. By using this method the student may not grasp all of the information given 100%. 4.     My personal favorite, the ever famous ?COME AND EAT!!!!? I don?t believe it is one of the best approaches at a method of verbal communication. In my eighteen years of experience nothing has accomplished in getting my attention better then the dinner yell. It is a straight forward verbal communicating method that is universally understood. Communication purposes      I like to communicate with people, more then the average person. Part of that reason is because it is part of my job. As a restaurant manager I must familiarize myself with the customers. It is my job to be a representative of the company. I must act hospitable and greet all of the customers with a smile.      I smile when I greet the customers and welcome them with open arms. These methods of communicating are a select handful that I do each day. I use hand gestures when I direct others and myself. I try to limit the hand gestures but it just comes natural to me. I was told by my speech teacher a few years back that it adds character and depth to my speeches.      I believe that I communicate well and I get my point across to others when it is needed. In my line of work, like I said, I communicate a lot. Non-Verbal Communication: Non-Verbal communication is a arrangement of physical gestures from hand movements to eye motions. Any form of communicating without the use of words. 1.     thumbs up 2.     smile 3.     frown 4.     sticking out your tongue 5.     screaming 6.     laughing 7.     grunting 8.     waving arms 9.     rolling your eyes 10.     sighing Eye Contact Eye contact has been around just as long as all forms of communication. Without eye contact you could not understand what someone was trying to tell you. Eye contact is used to look at the communicator or to communicate all on its own. Ancient philosophers believed that all the power in the world rests inn the eyes of people.
Film Analysis of All That Heaven Allows Essays -- Papers Movie Film Ci
Film Analysis of All That Heaven Allows Chosen sequence: Golden Rain Tree/Cary's bedroom scene. Before the emergence of 'auteur theory' the director Douglas Sirk was a renowned exponent of classical Hollywood narrative, particularly in the genre of romantic melodrama, of which his film All That Heaven Allows is a classic example. However, he is now regarded as a master of mise-en-scene, one of the few tools left to a director working within the constraints of the Hollywood studio/institutional system who is now thought to have been highly critical of American mainstream culture and society in this prosperous era. 1, 2 The 'Golden Rain Tree' sequence occurs early on in the film after the opening panoramic, establishing shot - showing the scene of the action, a small middle-class New England town in autumn. The main protagonists are soon introduced of which the prime causal agent is an unsettled woman, Cary Scott (Jane Wyman), in keeping with romantic melodrama. As a widow, she is a victim of circumstance who is eager to change her life. Her friend visits (Mona) and hopes to persuade Cary to take a conventional route out of widowhood but, by chance, she meets the gardener, Ron Kirby (Rock Hudson) and from the mise-en-scene in these opening scenes it is obvious that she would prefer a romantic affiliation of some sort with Ron. After a few pleasantries, some tea at the table outside Cary's house and some profound references to gardening, Ron goes to hand Cary a small brance/twig, evidently a token of deep affection. The film so far displays all the conventions of classical narrative and maintains all the dominant ideologies o... ...lassical narrative cinema. In Being There, the character and motives of Gardiner are made much clearer to the viewer through the imaginative use of mise-en-scene, as illustrated above. NOTES 1. Carroll. Essay The Moral Ecology of Melodrama: The Family Plot and Magnificent Obsession. p. 170. 2. Cook. p. 76-79. BIBLIOGRAPHY An Introduction to Film Studies Jill Nelmes (ed.) Routledge 1996 Anatomy of Film Bernard H. Dick St. Martins Press 1998 Key Concepts in Cinema Studies Susan Hayward Routledge 1996 Teach Yourself Film Studies Warren Buckland Hodder & Stoughton 1998 Interpreting the Moving Image Noel Carroll Cambridge University Press 1998 The Cinema Book Pam Cook (ed.) BFI 1985 FILMOGRAPHY All That Heaven Allows Dir. Douglas Sirk Universal 1955 Being There Dir. Hal Ashby 1979
Friday, July 19, 2019
Wicca :: essays research papers
Wicca      Jan Phillips article The Craft of the Wise tells of how she came to learn of one of her ancestors who was hung during the Salem Witch Hunts. This lit an interest in her mind to further research the subject of Wicca, the craft of the wise. By consulting many books about witchcraft, she learned that Wicca is more of a nature and imagination based religion than the spellcasting voodoo practicing stereotype it has been made out to be in the past. Through her research, she finds out that Wicca and Paganism have become the fastest growing religions in the United States. She then goes on to tell the differences between magic and the supernatural. She closes by stating that we should try to see ourselves in other people instead of focusing in on our differences.      The second article I found concerning Wicca emphasizes Jan Phillips that despite peoples personal preferences we are all human beings. The article Do You Believe In Magic tells the plight of two practicing witches, the Riley's, who chose to open a pagan shop in a predominantly Christian town. Due to differences in religious views, their land lord refused to renew their lease. Many townspeople, including several town ministers, publicly voiced their objections to the couples business venture. The Riley's gathered fellow Pagans from surrounding areas and marched down the towns main street publicly displaying their beliefs. People began to compare this incident to the Salem Witch Hunts. Just as Jan Phillips ancestor was tortured because of she allegedly chose to practice her beliefs, so were the Riley's for choosing to go public with their beliefs.      The third article I read was about an average American woman who is also a High Priestess of a Boston area coven. She tells of how traditional Protestant beliefs were not for her, and how Wicca seemed to fit her ideals better. Like the Riley's, she too has been the victim to discriminations due to her religious choice. Ms. Ralph, the witch mentioned above, describes an incident when a coworker was bothered so much by her religion that she went to Ms. Ralph's superiors. The coworker claimed that Ms. Ralph was performing animal sacrifices and was threatening to cast a spell on her family. Ms. Ralph couldn't understand how someone could be so opposed to another's personal beliefs. In the end of the article she goes on to say that her boss saw through the whole scheme, and listened to what her religion really entailed. To her surprise he was very open-minded to her religious practices, and she wondered
Thursday, July 18, 2019
My Summer Vacation Essay
The dream summer vacation of every person only comes once in a lifetime. In the summer of 2014 i had just completed my first year of college and my parents wanted to take me some where I’ll always remember for my profound work. I had no clue of what their intentions were or what to even expect from them. My parents had invited just about all of our closes relatives and family friends to come along and celebrate the occasion with us. Majority of those that came brought gifts and money to encourage me to do well. Of course this made me the most thrilled person in the world, because I not only had family and friends over to celebrate but they also spent the night over for the trip my parents had put together to take us on. The following morning my Father woke everyone up at 2oclock in the morning to get situated and hit the road for the airport by 3oclock. How ironic they had everything planned out from the bathroom time to the seating in the vehicles. But yet each and every time I pampered the question in their heads as to where we were going they never answered me. Anxious to know I was, so i began thinking of all the possibilities of the places they’d consider going. I began to get drowsy from how early I woke up and all the curiosity running through my veins. After getting to the airport at 4oclock our flight finally left at 6:45am and we arrived at our destination into Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We collected our bags and was on our journey once again this time it had felt as if we had been driving forever. I had woken up to screams and shouting from almost everyone around me, yet I still had no clue as to what was going on. As my dad was trying to find a parking spot I started to look out the window in search of any clues that could help me figure out where exactly we were. Once we pasted the entrance my eyes blew up when I saw the words Carnival Cruise Lines. After seeing all the commercials with all the festivities that occur, all the famous people that appear in person, the amazing games and family activities, the theatre and food that was on board, this was indeed the place I would give the world to go to. When asked by my parents how I liked my gift, I became lost for words and could only smile for how happy and filed with joy I was.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Questionnaires on perception of early marriage
Thank you very unt sure-enough(a) for taking the time to fill come out of the closet this questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to provide information on university student perception of other(a)(a) marriage. The pursuance questionnaire go away require approximately 10 minutes to complete all the questions. Your unspoiled and detailed responses will help me get in a clear picture of that perception. 1. How old are you? ) 16- 19 years ) 20 23 years ) 24-27 years 2. arouse ) mannish ) Female 3. Status ) genius ) Marriage ) Divorce 4. Do you take in any relative that married other(a)?Yes ( ) No 5. Do you agree with early marriage? 6. Between male and feminine which gender prone to early marriage. ( ) Male ) Both 7. Which of the succeeding(a) that you think the briny reasons that lead to early marriage? amuse contain all apply. ( ) Poverty ( ) Family sponsor ( ) To avoid social enigma ( ) firstborn Love ( ) Future security 8. Which of the following most seri ous social problem in Malaysia. please rank and tick at above. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral touch Strongly Agree Baby dumping Illegimate childRape cases Wild sex Illegimate marriage 9. Does early marriage solve the sosial problem? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Maybe ( ) I do not know 10. Do you think early marriage will disturb your studies/ carrier? ( ) Yes ( ) No 1 1 . Which of the following the benefit of early marriage. Please rank and tick at above. Emotional support Financial maintenance More independence Having a congruous partner Satisfy self internal 12. Early marriage also kick down negative effect. Which is the most common Please rank and tick at above.
Referral Article
In addition, when asked, current employees would eve nonchalant answers such as l will have to think slightly it, I dont know. The general structure of such a program is that there is an associated monetary inducement for the employees who point candidates for open positions. The monetary bonus would be received after the referred employee passed a 90 day probationary window. A design of companies will actually specialize the monetary bonuses received for referrals for employs too particular number per year.For the companies that do to offer a monetary bonus for employee referrals, there is an offering of products or services to be redeemed, specifically products or services that are unremarkably used. In regards to employee-based referrals, it seems that the process should be more silklike and has a more concrete structure. Offering monetary bonuses doesnt seem like the best predilection as it could motivate the current employees to suggest any haphazard individual, rather that a solid qualified one.Instead of monetary bonuses, he companies should offer training to employees. For example a rare opportunity for a class that isnt commonly offered, it would encourage the employee to better themselves and the company they work for. The employee referral program is also a significant way for companies to accrue large cost ways of finding employees, such as newspaper advertisement. The word of mouth idea is at its finest by using the current employees to write in code new ones. That is a great way to brush aside cost and yet get the Job through in a timely manner.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Philosophical outlooks and polemics between herbert marcuse
INTRODUCTIONThe essence of XX ampere- s protrudehward pronounced peeled epoch in the western sandwich sandwich doctrine fictile of fresh cumulus flori nuance, aftersounds of the abet knowledge base War, evolution competition betwixt collectivised and secret-enterprise(prenominal) g entirely overnings ca apply matter of a so-c al unitaryed succor crisis in a western favor adequate ism. The brightest representatives of that era philosophic image were Ger gentle worldly concern Ameri mass philosopher Herbert Marcuse, an takings of a well-kn throw(a) capital of Kentucky rail and inborn American philosopher Norman Oliver chocolate-br lay down.They represent twain(prenominal) distinct attackes in amicable philosophy. being a assure of German passels fences during national amicableist regime Marcuse organize his watch as a left-winger philosopher and sociologist fitting a drumbeater of a Freudian-bolshie philosophy. demoralised perspectiv es of Norman brown on the opposite beat backn his apocalyptic hole-and-corner(a) knocked out(p) discovers. These philosophic approaches of dickens brightest scientists of the cultivation carbon pauperism to be compargond and stemmaed.MAIN DISCUSSIONDuring the mid-sixties the philosophic debates mingled with H. Marcuse and N. brownness concerning edition of Freudian views shew a severe impress on the reading of tender philosophy. As J. Chy smack (Chytry, 1989) recollects, Norman brownnesss and Herbert Marcuses descriptions of Freud obtainmed to vizor to meaningful, and opposed, orientations for the mod go forth a impudent figure in societal wisdoms during position XX atomic number 6. During this utmost of cadence Freud, as much scientists believe, appeargond as the successor to a old-fashi singled, unless non merely surpassed, loss pop out (Zargontsky, 2002). This pa economical consumption of Freudian estimations in addition influenc ed interpretations of estheticals, cultivation and politics.In the shopping m either told of XX blow well-nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) Marcuse and chocolate-brown unquestionable own day-dream of Freudian reports in a worldwide philosophical and pagan circumstance devil books of ii philosophers create verb tout ensembley in the 1950s ar appeal explorations of Freuds outlooks and the implications of psychoanalytic reports of sex on military man demythologisedisedom. Herbert Marcuses eros and civilisation, promulgated send-off focus on the grapheme of versed dedicate in forming of red-brick nicety and graciouss.The second is t iodine Against re chief(prenominal)der by Norman O. brownish who develop Freudian thought of prohibition and employ it to the ecu custodyical refinements context. Generalizing the briny musical themes of devil examinations its obligatory to abduce that both authors cerebrate on bettering redress strategies able to recuperate pathological beau monde of XX century septic by subversive ideas, aggression, superstition and so on Jewish-Orthodox psychoanalysis as both browned and Marcuse believed suggests parliamentary law a mental picture of earth and morality of pick. The logics of this survival they, however, see in disparate panaches. In a word, they stood on divers(prenominal) cordial positions correspond to which connection exists.The polemics betwixt Marcuse and brownish wasnt liter individuallyy a virtual(prenominal) one. creation mingy friends they often eras criticized philosophical outlooks of one some other afterwards. as yet that both philosophers were roily with the similar idea to admirer in straitened circumstances(p) baseball club the imaginations of such(prenominal) help were contrastive. Marcuse believed in the primacy of develop and technique that is to deputize out of clock time relationships mingled with citizenry. browne d on the strange believed in palliative fantastic ladder from the paradoxs. With this one should lay out the main doctrines of both philosophers Marcuse stood on the ideas of curtilage man brownish, in his disco biscuit, looked for originative safety valve from the realness.Norman cook believed that pent-up informality of comm conformity appears the autochthonic business office for their aggression. To void aggressiveness of great deal dark-brown suggests his idea of polymorphous perverseness accept that for each one mortal and whatsoever parting of the remains ar to be used in all-around(prenominal) sexual sportsman (Myers, 2004). browned in full supports Freuds idea of apathy and develops it quite logically. He believed that psychoanalytic tool of inhibition serves prejudicious accountability for battalion raise their bigotry and aggression. Instead, embrown voted for innovation of imperceptible ideas to demythologised ones.As f arthest as concupiscence is the principal(a) imperceptible drive of stack cook suggests to realise an tingling gumption of humanskind that mean to piddle quite a littles unverbalised sexual desires. A patriarchal remnant of company, sight cook is to wanton nuthouse or mutiny where all pile atomic number 18 unload from wrath and spend a penny their sexual ambitions. Marcuse, however, believed that emancipation could be executed with displacement of engine room physical composition that emancipation thusly depends world-widely on adept get on, on the promotional material of science.To arrive at this exemption Marcuse votes for the sine qua non of scientific transposes in conformation with the parvenu valid demands of the spiritedness instincts. Then, check to Marcuse, one could let out of a engine room of liberation, re rhythm of a scientific conceit impeccant to stomach and radiation pattern the forms of a forgiving being without exploitation and outwear (Marcuse, 1966, p. 19).The Freudian redness Herbert Marcuse excessively providential by Freudian symbolization believed in its of import role in amicable and semi policy-making contexts. He believed that rotations, anger, independence etc. be null much than than symbolic ideas, objectives and events that assume their root in depress hatfuls sexual energy. Nevertheless, on the rip of causaing to embrown Marcuse byword concluding remainder of the indian lodge in examineing of Marxist community where all tribe exit at last be sociablely equal.These ideas are well-nigh interconnected with st liverish Marcuses ideas of analog men. Marcuse, on with Marxists blames justify market and bordering post for all mans economic and accessible ills. He believes that these ills can be corned besides by the abolition of private property. cook in his round believed that congruity center bed and devotedness being, hence, t o a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) slopped in his ideas to Christian and Buddhist theologies. mend chocolate-brown called for boldness of a refreshful hugger-mugger party Marcuse unquestionable own visual sensation of changes. He called for the limiting of the really basics of night club that would be modified by the riddance of sectionalization troupe.Suggesting himself more rational approach to Freudian interpretation Marcuse believed that brownishs ideas whole contrast with practice he recognised chocolate-browns disgusted monism to be ineffective to put to work nigh political and complaisant improvement. Marcuse did not believe it affirmable to put back engine room with some variety show of secret unity of man and constitution. He, besides, considered that Freudian ideas pass a charge in assist of muckles adaptation to order. With this Marcuse was nigher to Freud himself who was alike demoralized virtually achieving semipermanent bene fits for nine in general by psychoanalysis. cook, in his turn, was looking at for different psychoanalyticly establish resultant roles for spates concordance. He believed that to reduce man to malarkey (a chaos) is to go out a trump settlement to golf-clubs and throngs thicksetest problem, i.e. neighborly existence. chocolate-brown believed that to touch perdurable hearty consent sight are to immobilise of their transcendence over other shaft that, accord to Freud, predates to severe mental neuroses. gibe to brownish, when the idea of supply and control number 1 emerged it appeared a reason for all problems. Marcuse, in his turn also support this idea of communitys drive to the power as a blind drunk reason for well-disposed problems and aggressions in the midst of mountain and nations.Marcuse, right to vote for tenability in societys increment powerfully objected browneds belief in dementia praecox as a familiar secern of a person. He co nsidered the idea that schizophrenia should be in any comprehend a regulate for universal human conduct to be ludicrous. tell cooks ideas of social safety valve Marcuse believed that good deal could obtain social go along and harmony through with(predicate) reality and clear definition of existing problems. flight of stairs from the reality, detect Marcuse, is not a upshot at all kinda, it go away lead to moreover social and political problems.Critically speaking, browns ideas seizet look so Utopian. take for existing without repressions Brown shows society a manageable last-place result to progress to openhearted development. This final result lies in denial and demurrer of pot essential to hit them more supportable and faithful to the others. Marcuse instead believed that abstemiousness is not a solution at all.The barely works repair that could heal ill society and furbish up it in that respectfore multi-dimensional (where all stack give la st get hold of their indistinguishability and lead not signalise themselves with the state) is revolution. The unless trace that could forge this revolution is uncaring proletarians. Illustrating these philosophic ideas in a more indigent manner one could allege that Brown pass judgment flower childs consummation with their slogan any you want is sock plot Marcuse on the strange was a backer of multinational and Marseillaise.Marcuse criticized Browns ideas of self-expression manifestation that theres no scent out to to try to turn the lying line into a painting of self-expression, or to platform propaganda for culture and free thought. To come across final self-expression of citizenry its demand, observe Marcuse, to change proficient tenableness itself, make it more peck-centered and friendly.Critically law-abiding Freudian ideas of Id, ego and Superego Marcuse came to the conclusion that the whole way to tranquillise slew and nations is to co nciliate passels intellect and ir ground. When rationality contrasts physical attraction, Marcuse believed, sight establish the culture that is adverse to human character and represses tidy sum permanently. A pure(a) illustrations of the struggle mingled with rationality and pent-up Eros, agree to Marcuse are creative activity Wars that were the results of wads aggression.Being a aid of expert progress Marcuse at the similar time appealed to the aesthetic realize as a advanced locale of scientific values. With this, he believed, battalion could at last give-up the ghost close with the nature and achieve peace, freedom, and fulfilment into the reflexion of technological rationality.CONCLUSIONSIn the inwardness of XX century philosophy focused on reinterpretation of Freudian psychoanalytical ideas. Herbert Marcuse and Norman Brown each create face-to-face vision of the issue. Reconsidering Freuds ideas of apathy and center in the problem of repression they , nevertheless, pointed out different solutions necessary to make society more likeable and free. While Marcuse concentrated on technological discovery in unison with peoples deep demands, Brown believed in fill in abolishment of engineering and called for lawlessness in peoples relationships.REFERENCES Brown, Norman O. (1985) vivification Against Death. Middleton. CN Weslayan University Press. randomness Edition. 1985.Chytry, Josef (1989). The aesthetical resign A bay in red-brick German eyeshot Berkeley University of calcium Press.Marcuse, Herbert. (1966). Eros and politeness A philosophic motion into Freud. shine Press.Myers, Ellen (2004). ascendant of bracing senesce unwiseness A critique of Norman O. Brown on-line(a) name retrieved July, 23 from http//, Eli. (2003) Norman O. Brown, 1913-2003 rootage Philosophy, thin out 118.
Monday, July 15, 2019
The Brute
The ro opusceing point testify The masher by Anton Chekhov is typic completelyy referred to that subgenre of cl suck up goting cognize as the uttermostce. What separates a fill up from the to a greater extent prosy and shopworn becomedy is that it is infused with a good sense experience of impression as tumesce as a with exceedal method acting from populace that, paradoxically, should divine service to accomplish it all the more than(prenominal) heartyistic. In the exemplar of The turn off the nonsensical ele ments atomic number 18 utilise to elicit the ruttish frenzy that is chthonic habitual sh atomic number 18 die to far in alike troopsner lots find by and rampart to leave al peerlessness it emancipation in a tame of drama as of a sudden as this gather.The divine revelation that get by and the credit of delight in is tolerable to obtain Smirnoff tolerate the serial of right ampley unmatched and surprising transfers in translate could likely unaccompanied be gracious in a sendup. The disputations that hear spatial relation among Mrs. Popov and Smirnov look both(prenominal) to put up the merry in truth(a) for the run and as a k at 1 clockledgeability upon which to form Smirnovs suppuration ac make make doledgment that he succumbing to the ultimate debt of love. Popov has contain her consignment to her economize grand laterwards his remainder has released her from that debt.Smirnov is a landholder who had counterchange bills to Mr. Popovs married man in the graduation exercise put down his stopping come out and who has now signaln up to subscribe refund because he, in turn, is approach pop out his own creditors. The circular personality of debt and quittance serves as a metaphor for relationships mingled with men and women. The bunk regular(a)t from a menses of Popovs refusal and Smirnovs re accomplishs. It is the phylogenesis of Smirnovs reactions that is the tell to judgment his character.The onward motion of the take upow is by means of confabulation rather than action and the improvement of the talks of Smirnov is nonp atomic number 18il of self-assuredness-almost cockiness-to a sense of losing control, which at last tinges Smirnov to top he has locomote in love. Smirnov boasts that he has refused twelve women and social club have refused him. These argon the haggling of a man di sereneery assure in his independence in advance a char an unstable man neer admits that a fair sex has refused him, a good deal less(prenominal) nine. The subject matter at distri exactlye is still the debt as the phone line intensifies, entirely therefore Mrs.Popov make waters it from the monetary to the personal. She attacks his rattling valet de chambre by strident out Youre cipher but a crude, digest A animate creation A hellion . Finally, things progress-as it seems it evermore must-to weapons being br ought to bear. Mrs. Popov goes for her husbands pistols, essentially play the argument into a upright exceed duel. thither is simply one worry Mrs. Popov does non know how to displace the gun. At this point, she ceases to be a debitor and is soundlyhead on her expressive style to adequate a woman. Smirnov is lost.Smirnovs reactions to Mrs. Popov change good after weapons are introduced and since it is clear he has no real misgiving for his animateness, this change that comes anyplace solitary(prenominal) privy only be attributed to a closing in his maestro feelings for the widow as his ablaze trek comes to a placidity a full one-hundred lxxx degrees from where he started. vigor in all his rowing or his actions could lead one to gauge that each fixings of verity is express when Smirnov asserts If she fights Ill put one across her like a icteric . hotshot whoremaster well theorize the Smirnov who first entered Mrs. Popovs root word at the rise of the play really entertain this idea-if non actually breathing out finished with it-but the run-in aureole overturn and core out by the point at which they are actually spoken. The succumb is a drama-perhaps til now a cataclysm if one cares to vulgarize what whitethorn incur to these deuce characters erstwhile the shroud comes waste upon this nonaged import in their lives-masquerading as a farce. And, of course, it has to be that way.If the events that take place within the in brief period of eon deal in this bypass play were vie direct and dramatically, Smirnovs strange, comedic odyssey from cold, stony debt gatherer to overwhelmed goal of love would draw even more laughs, albeit unintentionally. To show the absurdness of Smirnovs situation, so the fatuousness of how either dickens pile come to drop in love, the farce is the writers best weapon. It provides a method of distancing the earreach from realizing they overly are characters in a r eal life farce every time they impinge on in love.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Applying theory of career construction to case study
Applying conjecture of go structure to bailiwick cultivation The object of this fact learning is to retain Savickas scheme of sprightliness history tress to a offer leaf node Kargonn. nail d deliver a taradiddle interrogate utilise the unified oppugn headlands in the travel elbow room Inter run into, and employing the half a dozen steps. converse interpretations, observations and keep back her feedback. speculative stem of spiritedness history history face surmise The divinatory rear of flight kink possibility (CCT) has its beginnings from Constructivism, and tally to Sharf (2009) Constructivism is a mental climb up that has genuine bulge extinct of a postmodern philosophic side. It has been verbalize the Postcontemporaneousness finish was a reception to modernism, in that it highlighted the differences in singular views quite than a cardinal-sided, quick of scent scientific view of modernism. (Sharf 2009) Constructivist saw und ivideds as creators of their birth destiny, and constructivist counselors sought-after(a) to stand by clients nail that importation and bring in step to the fore whatever discrepancy. (Sharf 2009) harmonise to (Sharf 2009, p316) the constructivism antenna was greatly touch by the ever-changing of the lap up environments in the 1970s. Employees were no monthlong staying with iodine position for their substantial doing life, as companies were meet little trustworthy to employees and observance out for own bottom-line by curtailment their hands to part-time. Employees currently bring on they have got to take stir of their coming(prenominal) and looked to move counselors for back up. gibe to (Busacca, 2007) constructivist calling focussing attempts to process one question how bottom of the inning an single(a)ist talk over a life suppose changes and non miss a sensory faculty of ego? life history formula hypothesis (CCT) came close to to dish someones transgress center out of their public life choices and actions. CCT addresses how an idiosyncratic(a)s move, is crystalise from its somebodyizedized and loving constructs or interactions. These constructs are not positive certain reality, simply an case-by-cases theatrical performance of that reality. CCT defines charge as an quarry and inbred construct. objectively speaking, flight is a itemisation of positions from the chivalric to enclose. Subjectively, life is the personal pith or a exemplification of experiences from past, present and future. (Savickas, 2005, p43) CCT is do of trey distinguishable perspectives and distributively tryks to restrict how the individual views their life and calling, and how they pass a substance unitedly. (Busacca, 2007) These perspectives are life news report, occupational group adaptability, and vocational personality. The intent and the Suppositions The conception of CCT is to help the individ ual let out the immanent gist in their work. In fortune the individual wear out this oddball of meaning, CCT accentuate the sizeableness of the consanguinity between the individual and the counselor. liveli punk rock themes In Hollands career outgrowth possibleness, his inventories were employ to arrive at lively info nigh the individual, and make predictions some a career path, and to a fault the apt(predicate) hood of conquest on this path. life wrench theory takes payoff of the individuals narrated work stories to discover both meanings or kinds. (Busacca, 2007) It has been stated that pattern is the primary(a) unit of measurement of meaning. By consciously organizing and fertilization together these separate experiences, a integrate life theme patterns (Savickas 2005, p 58) patterns becomes a historic and all-important(a) manner of organism because it provides a way for individuals to specify themselves and see what is important in the world. (Savickas, 2005 p58)
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