Saturday, August 31, 2019
Enzyme Catalysis Essay
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts to regulate metabolism by selectively speeding up chemical reactions in the cell without being consumed during the process. During the catalytic action, the enzyme binds to the substrate – the reactant enzyme acts on – and forms an enzyme-substrate complex to convert the substrate into the product. Each type of enzyme combines with its specific substrate, which is recognized by the shape. In the enzymatic reaction, the initial rate of activity is constant regardless of concentration because the number of substrate molecules is so large compared to the number of enzyme molecules working on them. When graphed, the constant rate would be shown as a line, and the slope of this linear portion is the rate of reaction. As time passes, the rate of reaction slowly levels with less concentration of the substrate. This point where the rate starts to level is called the Kmax, in which the peak efficiency of enzymes is reached. In order to start the reaction, reactants require an initial supply of energy called activation energy. The enzymes work by reducing the amount of free energy that must be absorbed so that less required energy leads to faster rate of reaction. The rate of catalytic reactions is affected by the changes in temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration. Each enzyme has an optimal temperature at which it is most active; the rate of reaction increases with increasing temperature up to the optimal level, but drops sharply above that temperature. Most enzymes have their optimal pH value that range from 6 to 8 with exceptions, and they may denature in unfavorable pH levels. An increase in enzyme concentration will increase the reaction rate when all the active sites are full, and an increase in substrate concentration will increase the rate when the active sites are not completely full. The enzyme used in this lab is catalase, a common catalyst found in nearly all living organisms. Catalse is a tetramer of 4 polypeptide chains, each consisting of more than 500 amino acids. Its optimum pH is approximately 7, and optimum temperature is about 37 Â °C. The primary catalytic reaction of catalase decomposes hydrogen peroxide to form water and oxygen as shown by the equation: 2 H2O2 > 2 H2O + O2 . Within cells, the function of catalase is to prevent damage by the toxic levels of hydrogen peroxide by rapidly converting them to less dangerous substances. In this lab, we will show how catalase from 2 different sources (pure and potato extract) affects the rate of reaction by using titration to measure and calculating the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen gas with enzyme catalysis. Part II – Material and Methods In Part 2A, I tested for catalase activity by using the seriological pipette to transfer 10mL of H2O2 into a beaker. The serological pipette was utilized in all transfer of substances in this lab because of its high quality and accuracy in measurement, especially with delicate control of volume and graduations that extend all the way to the top. Then, I used another serological pipette to add 1mL of catalase in the beaker. After observation, I analyzed and recorded the results. The above procedure was repeated with the boiled catalase solution using another beaker and serological pipette. I analyzed and recorded the results after examination. In Part 2B, I established the baseline to determine the amount of H2O2 present in the nominal solution without adding the enzyme. I used serological pipettes (for the same reason mentioned above) to transfer 10mL of H2O2 in a beaker previously labeled as baseline and 1mL of distilled H2O into the same beaker after that. Next, I added 10mL of 1. 0M H2SO4 into the beaker and mixed the solution by gently swirling the beaker. The sulfuric acid was used to lower the pH and thereby stopping the catalytic activity. Using the serological pipette, I removed 5mL of the mixture into a different beaker to assay for the H2O2 amount through titration. This was done particularly through the titration technique because it can determine the concentration of a reactant – in this case, remaining amount of H2O2 – with volume measurements. After recording the initial burette reading, I placed the assay beaker underneath a burette containing KMnO4 and gradually added the titrant with controlled drops while gently swirling the beaker until the color of the mixture turned permanently pink or brown. Then, I recorded the final burette reading. The potassium permanganate was specifically used because its excess amount will cause the solution to change color, and the amount used to change the color is proportional to amount of remaining H2O2. In Part 2D, I measured the rate of H2O2 decomposition with enzyme catalysis in 5 different time intervals of 10, 30, 60, 120, and 180 seconds. After labeling 5 beakers with each time interval, I transferred 10mL of H2O2 to each beaker with the serological pipette (for the same reason mentioned in Part 2A). For the 10 second time interval, I added 1mL of catalase extract and swirled the beaker for 10 seconds. Next, I added 10mL of H2SO4 to stop the reaction. I repeated the above procedure 4 more times, varying the 10 second time interval to 30, 60, 120, 180 seconds. Then, using the serological pipette, I removed 5mL sample from each of the 5 beakers and found the amount of remaining H2O2 by titration with KMnO4. The reason and procedure for titration was identical to those in Part 2B. Part IV – Discussion In Part 2A, the enzyme activities of catalase and boiled catalase were observed. According to the data, the bubbles began to form in the mixture when the catalase was poured into H2O2. The bubbles are the O2 that results from the breakdown of H2O2 as the catalase takes effect. In the case of boiled catalase, there were no bubbles, which points to the absence of oxygen. This absence shows that unlike previous catalase, boiled catalase had no effect on the rate of reaction. The data supports the background information provided in the Introduction. The boiling of the catalase will alter its temperature above its optimal level, and that explains the significantly decreased reaction in the boiled catalase mixture compared to the catalase mixture. In Part 2B, the data represents the amount of H2O2 used in the reaction without enzyme catalysis, hence establishing the baseline. The collected data of initial reading and final reading was used to calculate the baseline of 4. 7mL KMnO4, which is proportional to the amount of H2O2. The 4 groups combined data as a class and took the average of the 4 baselines by liminating the highest and lowest number and taking the average of remaining 2 numbers. The established baseline was 4. 4mL. In the Charts A1 through B2 of Part 2D, the collected data of initial reading and final reading was used to calculate the amount of KMnO4 by subtracting the initial from the final. Since the amount of KMnO4 is proportional to the amount of H2O2 remaining, it was used to calculate the amount of H2O2 used in the reaction by subtracting it from the baseline. The computed data and the time intervals were graphed into 2 scatter plots separated by the type of catalase (pure and potato extract) with the lines of best fit drawn. The trend that should have shown in all 4 graphs was a steady increase from zero in the beginning and a gradual leveling off into a horizontal line towards the end. However, the actual results did not exactly come out as expected. In Graph A1, the data of Group 1 did steadily increase in the beginning, but the amount in 120 seconds was off and the data of Group 3 started with a negative amount, which went up and down throughout the time intervals. In Graph B1, the data of Group 2 started with a steady increase and slightly declined towards the end although the graph started at a negative number. In the same graph, the data of Group 4 also started negative and declined further, but it increased rapidly in the time intervals of 30-120 seconds and slightly declined at the end. Out of all the groups, the data of Group 2 was the most closest to the expected and the data of Group 4 was the most skewed. Overall, most groups had a line of best fit that began with a steady line that gradually smoothed out into a curve after, which matched the expected graph. Generally, the rate was the highest in the beginning from 0 to 120 seconds because that was when the H2O2 and catalase were first combined and the substrate molecules outnumber the enzyme, allowing the enzyme to collide with substrates more frequently. The rate was lowest towards the end after 120 seconds because that is a while after the hydrogen peroxide began to be decomposed and there is less of the substrate to bind with the enzyme, which means slower rate of reaction. This corresponds to the both graph’s line of best fit, which relatively supports the background information. The rate of enzyme activity on the reaction would decrease with lowered temperature since the lowered average kinetic energy of the molecules decrease the chances of the enzyme colliding and binding with the substrate. Also, the enzyme may be denatured with low enough temperature. The function of catalase is inhibited by sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid removes the enzyme’s function as a catalyst by transfiguring the protein conformation, which is critical to the binding of the enzyme to its substrate because the specificity is entirely dependent on the structure. Part V – Error Analysis The data from Part 2D did not completely support the background information, which could be explained by errors that was made in the lab. One major error in the data was the negative amount of H2O2 used in the 10 second time interval with exception of Group 1. This may be the result of a human error made in the process of titration. A student may have had trouble controlling the amount of KMnO4 with the burette, unable to record the exact amount at which the color of the mixture changed and adding too much KMnO4. This would have resulted in larger amount of KMnO4 used, thus, leading to a smaller amount of H2O2 used in the solution, which could result in a negative number. Another major error was the up and down fluctuation in the graph drawn from the data of Group 3 and Group 4. This could be due to any measurement error made during the lab, such as the measurement for the sample used in the assay. The directions called for 5mL of the mixture to be titrated; however, students may have measured wrong or mistaken the amount to more or less than 5mL. The assay of more than 5mL would result in a smaller amount of H2O2 used and the assay of less than 5mL would result in a larger amount of H2O2 used, which would account for the incorrect fluctuation of the graphs. Part VI – Conclusions In this lab, I conclude the following: Part 2A: ?Catalase reacts with H2O2 and produced H2O and O2 while boiled catalase does not engage with the substrate. This is shown by the formation of bubbles in the catalase mixture and the absence of bubbles, which indicates absence of oxygen, in the boiled catalase mixture. The function of catalase is affected by temperature because the boiling of the catalase denatured its catalytic ability, thus leading to absence of bubbles in the boiled catalase mixture. Part 2B: ?The amount of H2O2 remaining in the catalyzed reaction is generally less than that in the established baseline due to faster rate in the decomposition. In the data of Group 1, the amount of KmnO4 (proportional to the remaining amount of H 2O2) is 4. 4mL, 4. 2mL, 3. 9mL, 4. 2mL, and 3. 9mL over different time intervals. They are less than or equal to the baseline of 4. 4mL. Part 2D: ?The rate of catalytic reaction changes over time; the rate is constant in the beginning and gradually decreases towards the end, leveling off into a curve from a line. This is best illustrated in the best fit line of Group 2 data in Graph B1. ?The rate is highest when the reaction begins and becomes lower as time passes. The slope of the linear portion of all graphs in the data is greater than the slope of the gradually curving graph with increasing time interval.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Lord of The Flies Human Allegory Essay
In Lord of the Flies William Golding uses allegories to illustrate the human psyche. Different characters are used to represent different parts of an individual’s mental structure: the impulses of the Id, the rationality of the Ego, and the moral understanding of the Superego. Golding carefully describes each character’s actions to coincide with each part of the psyche. Jack, Piggy, Simon, and Ralph are characters in the story that represent the psyche. According to Sigmun Freud, the Id is the impulsive part of the psyche. Evidence of this is the killing of the sow. To elaborate, the killing of the sow has been deemed a â€Å"symbolic rape,†symbolizing man’s sexual desire. The manner that the boys go about in killing the pigs is based on sexual desire and violence; all parts of the Id. An example of this is the boys chant they recite after the hunt, as well as the lust they receive when chasing the sow. The pig’s head also represents the Id in the boys. The pig’s head becomes evidence of their atrocities brought on by impulsive and animalistic behavior. The boys wanted satisfaction, ultimately achieving it through the brutal murder of the sow. Furthermore, Golding’s Jack has been interpreted to personify the Id. An exemplar is his thirst for blood which gives him gratification. He takes great pride in hunting and killing pigs, eventually smearing the pig’s blood on his face. This is violent and primal, not very productive for the group and is meant as a source of satisfaction. Hunting should be pointless, the boys are on an island surrounded by fruit. Golding states, â€Å"†¦gorging fruit in the forest.†(pg.25). Jack is too busy wanting to hunt that he forgets about being rescued. One instance being early in the novel when a boat appears on the horizon; Jack allows the fire to burn out while hunting; eliminating aspirations of rescue. Moreover, as Jack embodies the Id; Ralph represents the ego. Ralph epitomizes the reasoning among the group. Sine Ralph is the leader, it becomes his responsibility to keep order. The ego makes rational choices while satisfying the Id. For instance, Ralph’s main task is to keep the order and control Jack and his impulses. Ralph delegates jobs: Jack and the choir become hunters and the rest will build the huts. For example, Ralph comes up with the idea the idea that who ever holds the conch gets to talk. Also, Ralph is the one who comes up with the idea to get the boys names. Golding writes,††¦If a ship comes near the island†¦We must make a fire.†(pg.35). This quote shows Ralph’s rational thinking on how to get rescued. Ralph thinks of the sensible thing to do for instance, Golding states â€Å"What was the sensible thing to do?†(pg.196). Due to Ralph’s rational thinking, he has been interpreted to manifest the ego. Furthermore, readers have drawn conclusions that Piggy represents the super ego, Piggy acts like the conscience for the group; for example, Golding inscribes â€Å"What’s grown-ups goin’ to think? Young Simon was murdered.†(pg.157). This quote communicates how Piggy attempts to guilt the boys for the terrible crime they committed. Piggy comprehends moral values and tries to guilt Ralph for participating in the murder of Simon. Throughout the story Piggy constantly reminds Jack and Ralph about the priorities. He nags them incessantly about the fire, as well as; the importance of the conch and assemblies, the proper way to do a task, and how to act properly. Golding writes, â€Å"There was no Piggy to talk sense.†(pg.196). This quote justifies how Piggy acts like the boys conscience. In addition to Piggy, Simon has also been interpreted to represent the super ego based on his actions throughout the novel. For example, when the little kids wanted the fruit Simon got it down for them. Another example is when Simon attempts to warn the others that the beast is them. Golding states, â€Å"‘You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you?†(pg.136). Moreover, Simon’s moral values become evident when he gives meat to Piggy. Golding exclaims, â€Å"†¦Shoved the piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy.†Simons moral values on how to treat others, based on his actions in the novel clarifies how readers could draw conclusions that he embodies the super ego. Subsequently, interpretations on the novel have revealed Piggy’s death to represent the Id’s complete take over of the island. Golding exclaims, â€Å"The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow †¦the body of Piggy was gone.†(pg.180). Without Piggy, there is no moral reasoning to help make the right choices. After Piggy dies, Jack attempts to kill Ralph to eradicate rational thinking. This is an example of the Id’s superiority and strength over the ego, without the presence of the super ego. Without the super ego deciding the right from the wrong, the Id will take over. In the novel, had the naval officer not intervene, Jack would have completed the Id’s takeover of the egos by killing Ralph. As a final point, Golding uses Freud’s philosophies regarding the psyche to show human nature in Lord of the Flies. Ralph, Jack and Piggy represent the different parts of the psyche and what happens when one falls. Jack represents the Id with his impulses to kill. Piggy represents the super ego through his moral understanding, while Ralph symbolizes the ego, caught between the Id and super ego. Golding illustrates in â€Å"Lord of the Flies†that the Id is most powerful and comes out when a man is subjected to a primitive mindset. The further into this mindset, the stronger the Id becomes resulting in a loss of the ego and super ego. Works Cited Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1954.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Discuss the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour in relation to the evolutionary theory
Differences exist between the male and female reproductive behaviours and according to evolutionary theory, these are due to different selective pressures. Characteristics that indicate reproductive success are selected for our mates. Dunbar and Waynforth found men valued physical attractiveness and youth in females, supporting the concept that males seek fertility and reproductive success in females. Females on the other hand value financial security in males to ensure they can support and provide for a family. These findings have cross-cultural strengths as Buss collected data from 33 countries. This suggests that these traits are genetically determined with an evolutionary value rather than a nurtured preference. However, Bereczkel et al found that women actually want males that are more family orientated therefore are less concerned about resources therefore contradicting this theory of choosiness and human reproductive behaviour. In addition, it has been argued that men prefer a youthful female because of social power. Younger women are easier to control and are therefore preferable as mates. But Kenrick et al found that that teenage males are attracted to females who were 5 years older. This therefore goes against the evolutionary explanation. Buss’s study also may not provide strong support for the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour because answers they gained may be what they preferred but not what they had because they may have compromised. However, another study conducted by Buss of actual married couples supported the original results that men do marry women that are younger than them, thus increasing the validity of this explanation. According to Darwin selection processes shape are reproductive behaviours. Intersexual selection (competition between genders) is dominant within females, whilst Intrasexual selection (completion within the same gender) is more dominant in males. Therefore men’s best mating strategy is to have many sexual partners to ensure reproductive success as they have lots of small mobile sperm which they produce over a long period of time. Whereas women benefit from nurturing selected offspring as they produce, fewer larger eggs over a short time. Penton-Voak et al supported the idea that females use intersexual selection. They found that the female mate preference varied depending on menstrual cycle stages. During high contraceptive risk phase of the cycle, females preferred masculinised faces and short term sexual relationships. In contrast outside this stage, they focus on long-term relationships. This supports that our sexual selection is underpinned by reproductive behaviours and evolutionary origin. This is because short term mating is linked with childbearing and therefore key preferences could be strong genes and attractiveness emphasised by masculine measures, whereas long term the mores important traits are competence in raising a child and resources so softer features associated with support and nurturing. Miller et al’s research does suggest that despite gender stereotypes, women are biologically programmed from reproductive opportunities. He found that lap dancing females who were in the most fertile stage of the cycle gained more tips. Suggesting males are most attracted to females who are in the most fertile point. However, clear gender difference in the general willingness to engage in uncommitted sex. Clark and Hatfield found 57% of males would accept an offer for a one night stand with a stranger compared to 0 females. This suggests males have evolved a motivation for casual sex. The implications of the research were supported by Buss et al who found that women want less sexual partners then males. This approach suffers from a strong gender bias as males are accused of wanting to spread their seeds due to evolutionary reasons but this behaviour would not be learned without willing females. As a result, the role of females in this process is under evaluated. Grilling and Buss suggested that females could also profit from short term mating such as a way to leave a poor relationship or producing more genetically diverse offspring. Therefore, short term mating suffers from gender bias, particularly saying that women cannot be sexually promiscuous and that it is a male characteristic, which is isn’t in modern society. Overall, these explanations can be criticised for being reductionistic as they cannot explain homosexual relationships and the drive for these relationships, as there are no reproductive advantages. Reproductive behaviours have changed dramatically over the last century with non-heterosexual relationships, widespread of contraception and choosing to not have children. This implies we have more free will over our behaviour than implied by the evolutionary approach. The approach also supports gender stereotyping with men being players which suffers from ethical implications. Therefore a more holistic approach which included psychological rationale might be more appropriate form explain homosexual relationships and provide a more balanced explanation rather than an approach that suggests we are a product of our genes.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China Assignment
Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China - Assignment Example Mao Zedong is the leader who led to the significant drawback. Mao did not support the learning process because he believed that the process was tedious for the children and the students needed the first hand experience in agriculture. The ideology of Mao Zedong was based on the principle of simplicity. The country experienced significant problems with the approach developed by Mao Zedong. The drought experienced at the end of the period led to serious catastrophe. The impact of the cultural revolution by Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution took place from 1966 to 1976 under the leadership of Mao Zedong. The goal of Mao was to establish a more effective bureaucracy. Mao employed the young people to spread the idea of socialism around china. The impact of the Cultural Revolution was so adverse that it affected the industrialization of the country. It had a negative impact on the people and the economy a major drawback affecting even the foreign countries. The Cultural Revolution was based o n the concept that the schools did not offer proper learning because of the complexity. The complexity was the major issue the group highlighted in the education system (McCarty 67). Mao’s plan was to brainwash the Chinese citizens in order for them to uneducated and mindless. During the Cultural Revolution May Chinese students were not able to study because they were forced to farm and do manual labor. The values of the Cultural Revolution were taught in schools because it was a requirement of the government. Additionally, during 1966 and 1967, the students were required to complete a course covering the ideals of the Cultural Revolution in order to graduate. The process blocked many students making the completion of the school impossible and increased school drop outs. Over four million high school and college graduates were sent to farm land where they ended up being working in the farms instead of industries. The success of the move was evident because many talented stude nts were wasted by sticking and working in the fields. The ten years of Mao Zedong leadership brought with it significant challenges and affected the economy of china by changing the educational system. The impact of the change was handled for very many years later (McCarty 89). Mao’s philosophy led to adverse problems in all the sectors of the economy leading to serious problems. The industrialization era was postponed to after the end of the Cultural Revolution. Therefore, the country's industrialization was postponed until 1970s. The industrialization of china occurred later on compared to the western world. Industrialization and the Chinese culture Industrialization affected the Chinese culture significantly. The major change occurred in the social values of the community. The industrial revolution brought with it the several challenges including the creation of a great divide in the classes and class warfare. The new culture created the rich in the society with their foc us being on the acquisition of wealth and greed. The poverty gap increased after the end of the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution helped in creating a balance between the rich and the poor through the use of equity. The change from the agrarian revolution came to an end with the start of the industrial revolution with the Chinese citizen. The citizens were forced to take up jobs in the companies with the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Amazon-Pestel -swot -porter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Amazon-Pestel -swot -porter 5 - Essay Example An analysis of the macro-environment using PESTEL indicates that there are major threats and opportunities in the environment. However, it is the company’s ability to utilise these opportunities and by using its strengths to minimise the effects of these threats that will be of importance. In the political environment the company’s sales are subject to both economic and political considerations ( 2011). There may be restrictions and foreign ownership. In order to meet local ownership and regulatory licensing requirements the company’s Joyo Amazon business is operated by Chinese companies. The economic environment in which the company operates is affected by fluctuations in exchange rates and changes in interest rates. Approximately 45% of the company’s revenues are associated with its international business ( 2011). If there is a major interruption in telecommunications the company could losing a significant amount of business. The company faces inventory risk if it over stocks as it may be left with goods that are not returnable. On the other hand if it runs out of stock it will lose business. The company only deals with a few shippers any unforeseen circumstances which affect the shipment of Amazon’s products and will have negative implications for the company’s business. The company’s business is seasonal with between 35% and 39% of its annual sales taking place in the last quarter in 2008, 2009 and 2010 ( 2011). The company faces competition for qualified employees including computer scientist and softwa re engineers. This means that it has to compete on price with companies like Apple in the digital media device arena. In terms of the company’s social environment the employees are motivated by being compensated with shares. This means that they are not just employees but also owners of the company ( 2011). It is therefore likely that they
Monday, August 26, 2019
SWOT Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
SWOT Analysis - Assignment Example Locked into lower voltages due to interchangeable battery systems Opportunities: Can diversify into other product lines Can leverage position in Japanese and US markets to expand into various other markets across the world New technology manufacturing plants ensures low costs at manufacturing end thus allowing cost of end product to be low but without compromising on quality Can introduce higher voltages and consolidate position as innovator in the market Threats: Position in US market may be reversed due to dependence on currency exchange rates which may turn unfavourable Risks losing the opportunity to be proactive about higher voltages, by waiting for the rest of the players in the market Becomes reactive and may lose the current edge in the market if competitors come out with higher voltages first Imports from Far East may diversify into professional tools at a much lower cost for the same quality S&W - Minimising weaknesses and threats: The first step is to phase out the older technology at manufacturing plants and replace it with newer, more efficient technology. This will lead to reduction in costs - both manufacturing and labour. A solution to the high pricing issues will result from this move. The newer technology will be leaner, thus streamlining the company and making it quick to react to changes in he market. Innovation and diversification into other technologies will be required to maintain market leader status. Change in attitude towards distributors is needed to convince them that the company is not abusing its market leader position. S&W - Maximising strengths and opportunities: The multi national presence of the company can be leveraged to expand into new products in various markets. Cooperative advertising and cross... The multi national presence of the company can be leveraged to expand into new products in various markets. Cooperative advertising and cross promotion implies less spent on advertising. These savings can be sunk in R&D for innovation and developing new products. A step-by-step replacement of the old interchangeable battery systems is required so that Makatume is in a position to bring in newer higher voltages. A change in strategy is needed so as to avoid depending on the currency rate for a favourable market position. The company needs to be proactive and take a decision about higher voltage so as to avoid losing the edge they have in the market. Makatume must innovate and diversify into other products as soon as possible to avoid losing the share they have captured in the professional tools segment. An expansion in markets in other countries is also advisable to consolidate the market leader position. By introducing higher voltages, Makatume stands to become an innovative market leader. Assuming Makatume's point of view, having captured large shares in the Japanese and US markets, I would be proactive and launch the higher voltages. But I would do this in a phased manner so as not to lose the customers that Makatume already has. By doing so, Makatume would be perceived as an innovator which would add to the value of the brand.
Factors that organisation can utilise to help build brand equity Essay
Factors that organisation can utilise to help build brand equity - Essay Example The clients, through what they speak of the product, ultimately determine the brand equity of a commodity. In this case, the most promising products in meeting the needs of the clients have a strong value for their brand. Through the use of information available at the market and the clients’ perception of the products capacity to meet the needs, an appropriate product is selected. This is greatly influenced by the beliefs and perception of the client towards a commodity in relation to the specific needs that need to be addressed. In the course of improving brand equity of a specific product or institution, the two main factors that are taken into account include brand knowledge and brand awareness. The product should be placed in the client mind to an extent that when s/he is confronted with a problem, the products appears to be the first choice among the products that could address the challenge. Understanding the rivals in a business Understanding the brand equity of compet itors is important in the making of brand equity; this is mainly because the organization will maximize on their weaknesses. Moreover, this will provide sufficient information in preparation of a brand that is unique from the existing ones and thus easily identifiable by the clients. This places the product as well the organization at a competitive edge in the market that is ever competitive, thus enjoying customer loyalty, increased sales and consequently growth. Approaches for ensuring brand equity There are various approaches to ensure brand equity in an organisation within the market in which its supplies products to its customers. Customer-based equity brand approach is one in which an organisations considers various factors to be implemented so as to come up with a brand that is strongly established in the market. Customer-based brand equity model ensures that an organisation can be able to attract its customers by clearly considering their choices as could be determined by th eir preferences. Kevin Keller developed the model and hence it also bears the name Keller’s Brand Equity and it involves four steps of developing a stable and strong brand in the market. The first step of customer-based brand equity implies that a product needs to be logical, and should integrate different aspects of life as well as establishing itself in the market. This happens by creating customer awareness or salience, which aims at ensuring that a brand stands out, and customers recognise it. According to this step, an organisation, which is implementing a branding venture, should focus on being all-inclusive and focusing on its ability to its establishment in the market. This means that for a brand to thrive in a market, it will have to undergo the process of growth to establish itself in the business by involving as many people with their own differences. This means that an
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Essential question #4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Essential question #4 - Assignment Example Secondly, assessment also provides a continual feedback in how the students are able to actively retrieve information to facilitate learning that is long lasting. Standardized assessments are therefore necessary because they make students develop performance related goals. As the students get assessed, they are able to get motivated by their earned grades, the rankings as well as intrinsic rewards that result from assessment. These assessments deepen the students’ memory for the assessed materials. As such it enables better performance of students. Additionally, assessment provides the students with significant challenge which makes them work harder to improve their learning as well as playing to a student’s strength. According to Shaw, (2014) when a school is said to be doing well, the following is implied: the students are gaining new levels of understanding each time. â€Å"The hope is to help students gain expertise much like musicians improve with repeated guided practice†, John Bransford. Thus students expertise can be measured and progress shown. Secondly the students are buying in on what they are instructed. As such they are gaining knowledge. â€Å"The greater understanding, is so much more enriching than having a lecture and regurgitating information.†Sandomirsky. This implies that there is increased understanding of the curriculum and as such the students are getting gainful knowledge. Eisner, (2012) outlines; A school is thus said to be doing well when they ensure accountability as well as be flexible so that it leaves no child behind in the learning process. Additionally the school needs to have a rationalized approach dependent on easily quantifiable standards. Thus the purpose of a school assessment can be understood in various levels as follows: formative assessment will enable the teachers know how the students learn best. As such ideas are
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Possible Turnaround Strategies for the Business Essay
Possible Turnaround Strategies for the Business - Essay Example The paper tells with the understanding that the business operation is based on a quality product as the explanation, increasing the presence of the business in the local market would help to create a good name and a household brand which can be easily sold to outside world. With the brand now famous in the home country, it would be easy even to partner with the international companies and market the products since they would be acting as ambassadors based on the good name built in the local market. However, this would be a wise decision because of the local competition and the possible saturation of the local market. Increase competition or saturation of the local market would make the operation and expansion strategy difficult for the business. According to Audley, the other strategy can through going international at once. This is probably the most efficient way of expanding a local SME to attain international standard. However, this would be a tricky move also very involving. It w ould require proper preparation in terms of capital investment and also in terms of management. Going international for an SME is quite involving but very rewarding in case it is executed accurately. Having seen at the two possible turnaround strategies for the business, let us now look at the requirements that would help in the expansion process. First, it would require a huge amount of capital investment. This is needed in for licenses and business premises. Perhaps the most important thing to understand here is that the owner must first become conversant with the international laws governing international business. This is important in order to understand the terms of payment and transfer of money. The owner of the business needs to establish an account to receive all payments depending on the mode of operation. Having a sound financial backing is of crucial importance before venturing into international business as the business requires huge inputs.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Plan Paper On Grocery Delivery (only 2 sections of the Research
Business Plan On Grocery Delivery (only 2 sections of the overall ) - Research Paper Example It is an effective online marketplace facilitating simple buying as well as selling of groceries. Cornunopia Grocery Store aims to tap the growing Frisco, TX areas consumer goods market. Cornunopia Grocery Store mission is to provide an online stand where people can shop for groceries all along with door step delivery. It taps the unattended desires of the people who does not get traditional trading suitable due to many inescapable reasons. Cornunopia Grocery Store foremost mission is to grant convenience to the clients followed by best cost for money backed by excellence and pleasure. Cornunopia Grocery Store is a common stage where the distributors, retailers, as well as wholesalers, can provide their supplies to the needs of the home customers. It also enables a greater market arrive at the suppliers as well as convenience to the clients. Furthermore, it gives an online platform for household clients to choose from an extensive variety of products planned by the suppliers who are: distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. It as well permits the suppliers to enlist their goods to ramp up their retailing by raising their reach. This doorway also acts intermediately involving the distributor with wholesalers or retailer to deliver goods that are out of stock locally (Tanskanen & Holmstrà ¶m, 2015). This is meant for only the household clients. This model revolves around providing ease, quality as well as the best value for cash to the end consumer. The clients can browse through the catalogs as well as see the diverse items programmed by the suppliers. The buyer or client orders the select items and the company deliver the product or good on their doorsteps. This is their main focus, and it concentrates all of its initial capital at this. This model is destined for the wholesalers as well as retailers who need a number of goods which are not accessible in the local marketplace. This is for mass shipments and the store can
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Favorite Restuarant Essay Example for Free
Favorite Restuarant Essay Every year for my birthday we go out as a family to my favorite restaurant, Benihana! For those of you that are ready to have a good time with family or friends this place is definitely the place to go, but it is best to book a reservation ahead of time it isn’t a secret to society. Benihana is an all-time favorite restaurant of mine, with great location, unforgettable entertainment and an excellent menu choice. Benihana is an all-time favorite restaurant of mine because it is located in the heart of downtown, in the midst of all the city lights and city life. When we go to Benihana we park around the block and get a horse carriage to take us to the door. Parking is free the carriage is extra. This is an excellent idea for any special occasion or just a date night on the town. The location is convenient to any of the major freeways (I-45, I-10 and 59). Aside from the location, Benihana is an excellent place to go for a fun filled night of entertainment. I can assure anyone that after an experience at the original Benihana it will be easy to see why I am declaring it to be my favorite restaurant. Benihana has unforgettable entertainment from the moment you walk in. Walking into the restaurant the guest will be greeted by the amazing aroma of some of the best food, laughter and fun for all! The server will take drink orders from each guest and when they come to bring the drink orders, the fun decorated souvenir glass starts out as a unique conversational piece, as the cook prepares the table for even more unforgettable entertainment. At Benihana the food is not only cooked its choreographed. The chefs will have you craving for more as they slice and dice and chop your meal before your eyes, very skilled and trained, in the art of entertainment or â€Å"eater-tainment†as they call it themselves. Each table’s personal chef will perform a uniquely amazing presentation as they cook each guest personal favorites. Everything is cooked right in front of the guest on a Japanese style on a hibachi table. The best entertainment is the entertainment your taste buds get from the outstanding menu. The menu has anything from sushi to steak. Everything is fresh no frozen, no canned, no additives! Each guest will be brought a hot towel to clean their hands. Then served a hot onion soup, as well a huge favorite to many; the salad with the Benihana dressing over the top! You can use chop sticks or the regular silver ware, it’s fun to learn how to use chop sticks, and in case you may not know how to use them, the server will be glad to give quick, fun lessons! One of my personal favorite items from the menu is the â€Å"Sea and Meadow†or better known as steak and shrimp, is served to perfection with vegies, fried rice and sauteed bean sprouts over extra more shrimp. Anything from the menu is to die for and all ranges in price from $10. 75-19. 95 not bad for steak, chicken, and shrimp, or lobster and scallops. Don’t forget to order dessert from the menu, maybe a tempura banana or rainbow sherbet. After dessert the guest have had the most memorable night in a while entertained and full to the brim. For those looking for a new favorite restaurant I would recommend Benihana or even if you are just looking for something outside the norm, or maybe a special someone is having a birthday or anniversary, this is definitely a restaurant that will leave the guest wanting to come back time and time again. Benihana is conveniently located in the heart of downtown, it’s full of surprises, and extreme diner entertainment and everything on the menu is delicious and healthy! Book your reservations and enjoy the experience that will leave a lasting memory and bring home some uniquely designed souvenir cups.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Ordering System Essay Example for Free
Ordering System Essay Introduction There are many approaches to guarantee that a business can achieve success. Among such business are the printing press and one of the approaches is ordering process.  Ordering is the process of arranging orders of customers. The way of handling the process should be swift and organized to attain satisfactory services. Printing press has spread and evolved almost in every country and around the world bringing its name in the business industry. However, considering that printing press require funds, there is a need that there is an effective and reliable ordering system. In most cases printing press has the traditional ordering system or the manual. These are some which have employed the automated ordering system to ameliorate effectiveness and efficiency. At Southern Negros Printhaus employs the ordering services. However, it is manual system. It is therefore desired by the researchers to develop computerized ordering system for the said printing press to help improve it service and management. System Description An ordering system designed for Southern Negros Printhaus that provides templates on different types of paperwork allowing customers to choose desired designs and forms with an efficient automated ordering process for better services. System Objective The proposed system aims to provide automated ordering system that functions on computerized recording of transactions. Also intends to provide sample templates for wide customer’s selection. System Purpose The proposed system aims to deliver enhanced service of the company, organized management process and provide customer satisfactory service through the use of the automated ordering system. Scope of the Study This proposed system can provide sample templates of paperwork to print. It can edit paperwork for printing and can register and record customers’ orders.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
External Factors Affecting Hyatt Regency
External Factors Affecting Hyatt Regency Strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more and how its going to get there. Typically, the process is organization-wide, or focused on a major function such as a division, department or other major function. Simply put, strategic planning is clarifying the overall purpose and desired results of an organization, and how those results will be achieved.(Mc Namara, September 30, 2010) Strategic Planning in any organization clearly define its strategy or direction by using its available resources, making decisions for achieving its strategy including its investment and the manpower. Many organizations can use SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) in strategic planning process. It helps an organization to find out the future roadmaps, where to go. It deals with: Where are we nowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Current situation. Where we want to beà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Objectives How to go thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Strategy Which is the best possible meansà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Tactics Who is going to do whatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Activities How do we ensure safety arrival?Control Measures This is all about the Strategic planning process. If an organization is clear about its mission and vision; than it can achieve its common goals by using its available resources and by using different strategy. Strategy planning is most essential in any type of firm. Ac1.1 Explain the importance of external factors affecting on Hyatt Regency: External factors are also called the macro factors. Market environment consist of all factors that in one way or another that affects or getting affected by an organization decision. The macro factors which may affects indirectly in an organization are- -Political -Environment -Social -Technological -Economical -Legal These all the external factors that may affects in the internal environment of an organization. The interior factors like 5 Ms are Management Money Manpower Machine Material The political disorder of any country may affects in the decision making process in an organization. Similarly the unstable government may be the other factor which may affects to provide the regular service to the customers. Similarly Social factors may include life styles of the people, age, sex, income of the people, etc. The legal factors, by which legislation in society may affect the business, e.g.: changes in the working hour of the manpower, etc. The term economic affect the business in the term of Taxation of the government, demand and supply policy, interest rates, exchange rates, etc. Besides these, the technological issues may affect in the business like how rapid pace of change in production processes and production of the business. The ethical issues may include the moral lesson like what is right and what is wrong for an organization to do. It may be culture of the society, norms and values, etc. Thus, we can say that the external factors will indirectly affects in the business. In order to get success in the competitive market, an organization has to think ahead and act according to the situation of the environment. AC1.2 Analyses the needs and expectations of stakeholders of Hyatt Regency: Stakeholders are an integral part of a project. They are the end-users or clients, the people from whom requirements will be drawn, the people who will influence the design and, ultimately, the people who will reap the benefits of your completed project. (Nick Jenkins 2011) Thus, Stakeholders can be a person, customers, group of people who have direct or indirect shares in the organization. In the Hyatt Regency, there are different types of stakeholders in the Hyatt regency, who play an important role in up grating profits for an organization. Some of the stakeholders are- Customers Board of Directors Government Staffs Shareholders Suppliers Stakeholders Needs and Expectations Customers -good customer service Quality product at reasonable price -Good, warm and peace, environment Board of Directors(BOD) -high profit margin -Bonus -expansion of Business -High Turnover Government -TAX -Security deposit -Community Support(CSR) -Creating job opportunities. Staffs -Secured job -High pay rate -Promotion -Annual pay leave -Intensive and benefits Shareholders -Dividend -Bonus shares -right shares -Loan at low interest Suppliers -Loyalty -Regular supplies -Money on time. Thus different stakeholders have the different expectations and different needs, they want from an organization and thus, they are investing their money within it. So, an organization has to look after each members expectation and make them unified in order to achieve target goals. Ac1.3 Analyses the major changes taking place in the external environment that will affect strategy of Hyatt Regency: PESTLE Analysis: This is the macro environment of the company which deals with all the environments which affects the company policy. PESTLE stand for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental. These all are same of PEST Analysis or PESTLE Analysis. (Andrew Whalley, 2010) Political/ Legal: Environmental regulation and protection Taxation international trade Regulation These all are about political and legal issues. Government may change policies, making rules and regulation may directly affect the business. So the Hyatt Regency (a food service industry) should develop its marketing strategy according to government policy. Economic: Economy growth (overall; by industry sector) monetary policy (interest rates) government spending (overall level, Specific spending priorities) These all about the economic issues, the increasing in the purchasing capacity of the people, Government policy towards unemployment benefits and government taxation will directly affects in the Hyatt Regency strategy. Social: Income Distribution (change in distribution of disposable income) Demographics (age structure of the population; gender; family size and composition; changing nature of the occupations) Labor / Social mobility These points are all about the Social aspect. The changing in the life style of the people will directly affect on our business, similarly the education will play a major role in the marketing strategic policy. Technological: Government spending on research. Government and industry focus on technological effort New discoveries and development These factors are all about the changing in technology. In this modern age, technology are changing rapidly, like internet, new discoveries, research, etc will directly affects on the marketing strategy of the Hyatt Hotel. So the hotel has to develop its plan by the above mentioned factors. Benefits of PESTLE in an organization: By knowing the current environment and the external factors, it will better placed an organization for the future than the competitors. It is the useful tools for understanding the risks associated with the market. It will helps an organization to understand Meso-economic and the macro- economic environments in which they operate. (The Meso-economic environment is the one in which we operate and have limited influence or impact, the macro-environment includes all factors that influence an organisation but are out of its direct control) Ac2.1 Use appropriate tools to analyses the effects of current business plans of Hyatt Regency: There are different marketing tools which can be used in an organization in order to lead the business in the path of success and prosperity. Some of the marketing tools are as follow: . BCG Matrix: This is called Boston Consulting Group Analysis. This is about chat which has been created by Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1968. The main purpose of this BCG-matrix is to help the organization business units or product lines. It will help an organization to use the available resources and its brand marketing by using strategic management and the portfolio analysis. BCG-Matrix is very important for the manager and its a great tool because for studying it has two aspects. One is for relative marketing share and another one is marketing growth. Relative marketing is about the competitor around business. BCG Growth Share Matrix Relative Position (market share) Fig1.: The BCG Matrix Strategic marketing, page 58 BCG Matrix is divided into four areas. They are: Stars: Stars are high growth of businesses and the profitability is very high in compare to competitors. More often they need the very high investment in order to sustain. Frequently their business will be slow down and they have to maintain the market. Cash cows: Cash cows are the low growth business with the relative high market share. This is the successful period and maintain continue profit with less investment. So they continue gives strong cash flow to became star in the business. Question Marks: This is about the low market shares which operate in high market shares. They will have potentiality but in order to sustain they may invest in the business in order to struggle with competitors. The managers will have ideas about which one area should focus and which area should shrink. This is about question marks what to do and what to think. Dogs: The dogs refer in business which has low relative shares in uninterestingly. In this period the growth of market will be low. This period may generate enough cash flow to break-even but it is rare. Effects of this model in the organization: There are different stages in the business and the manager should evaluate their business in order to move a straight away with range of investment. The matrix ranks is about market shares, about the industry growth and its profitability. In the dogs period, may be business flowing continuously and may not require cash investment. The second things is that its all about business growth and the estimate or guesswork for the future. In the period of question mark, if the leader is smart and enthusiastic, he may invest lots of cash in order to maintain continuous profit. He should have an idea about time and situation and ability the capacity to grab it. Thus it is all about present situation of the organization and estimate for the future, how to go, where to go and what to achieve. B. Product life cycle: It has been assumption that every product has its life period, it will introduce in the market, it grows, and at the last point it may die. There are four stages on it. They are- 1. Market introduction stage 2. Growth stage 3. Maturity stage 4. Saturation and decline stage. 1. Market Introduction stage: This is the first stage of product life cycle. In this stage an organization has to spend lots of money on advertisement, demand has to be created, no profit margin , no competition at all, and in facts no sales volume. Growth Stage: This is the second stage of product life cycle. Here, profit will begins to rise, customers will aware about product, sales volume will increase, will increase competitions, etc. Cost and expenses will reduced and start to have more profits. Maturity stage: This is the third stage of product life cycle, here, in this stage, cost of an organization will minimum because of huge production, sales volume will reach on the peaks, brand differentiation and features diversification, and the industrial profits go down. Saturation and decline stage: This is the last stage of the product life cycle. Here, in this stage, sales volume decline, prices, profits diminish; profit will be more challenges on production volume, etc. Fig: Product life cycle The effects of product life cycle use in the Hyatt Regency: An organization can introduced new products in the market with fix separate budget. It will help an organization to lead their product globally and in competitive market. It will give general ideas about skills and resources required to launch new product in the market. Company can focus on the different stages for profit margin. Thus the use of marketing tools use by an organization will help them to come ahead in this competitive world with right products on the right place on the right time. 2.2 review the position of an organization in its current market. In order to find an organization position, a company can focus on the different criteria, which are as follow: Existing market shares: An organization should find out how much shares they have and how much percentage covered the market. The current product and services offer: The product which is supplied in the market, are up to customer target and these meet the customer expectation or not. Their competitive strength: The Company needs to find their strength and their possible criteria in the market. Their current size and location of the market: A company needs to understand the market size and their product consume customers, they can calculate to find out their position in the market. Their current planning strategy: In order to cover some marketing shares, planning plays an important role and their strategies for the future. Thus to find out company shares and their spreading products in the market, an organization can do more homework on its own for more quality product, applying reasonable pricing strategy (like different skim), etc. By doing so, a company will boost up with new and new ideas and cover more market shares. 2.3 evaluate the competitive strengths and weaknesses of an organizations current business strategies. In any organization, there are some strength and weaknesses on its own. The organization has to find out its strength and its weaknesses on its own. When finding out weaknesses and strength, they can convert the strength in to opportunities and can alert from the potential threats. Some of the strength are as follow: Strength: Loyal customers: Customers are Loyal on the brand of the company. Being international chain hotel, it has its own customers who always loyal and believe on the brands. High quality Products: Hyatt regency produce the high quality products by which guest are satisfy form it. High Skilled workforce: In the Hyatt regency there are lots of skilled members by which company is getting more popular among others. Locations: Hyatt Regency is opened in the heart of centre city Kathmandu, Nepal which is the strong points on its own. Weaknesses: Insufficient Resources: There are some less resources like Refrigerator, chilling freezer, big utensils for the party, etc. Outdated Technologies: The machines and electronics item use in Hyatt regency are old and not working properly. Lack of Planning: In the kitchen department, there is improper planning during party time and the busy time. Everyone are getting puzzle because of not clarity of job among them. Thus, if the company can rectify its weakness on its own, this company will lead successfully in the number one position in this competitive market. Ac 3.1 Use modeling tools to develop strategic options for Hyatt Regency: Strategic options are creative alternative action-oriented responses to the external situation that an organization (or group of organizations) faces. Strategic options take advantage of facts and actors, trends, opportunities and threat of the outside world. Strategic options can be identified after an institutional assessment, keeping in mind the aspirations (basic question) of an organization. The tool Strategic options helps to identify and make a preliminary viewing of substitute strategic options or perspectives. There are different types of strategic options use in an organization. such options are- Ansoff strategies, vertical, backwards and forwards integration, horizontal integration, differentiation, cost leadership, Mintzbergs strategies emergent, leadership and differentiation, strategic alliance, merger, acquisition, competitive strategies, value-based strategy, contingency strategy, etc. Some of them are describe below: Mintzbergs strategies: There are five definitions of strategies are- Plan Ploy Pattern Position Perspective Plan: In this strategy, the actions are made in advance to which is to apply and this actions are developed consciously and purposefully. Ploy: As plan, a strategy can be a ploy too; really just a specific man oeuvre intended to take in a challenger or competitor. Pattern: A pattern in a stream of actions. Strategy is regularity in behavior, whether or not intended. The definitions of strategy as plan and pattern can be quite independent of one another: plans may go unrealized, while patterns may appear without preconception. Position: Position means of locating an organization in an environment. By this definition strategy becomes the mediating force, or match, between organization and environment, that is, between the internal and the external context. Perspective: Perspective shared by members of an organization, through their intentions and / or by their actions. In effect, when we talk of strategy in this context, we are entering the realm of the communal mind persons united by common thinking and / or actions. B. Cost Leadership: This is concept developed by Michael Porter which is used in business strategy. The meaning of cost leadership is to operate a lowest cost of operation in an organization. The cost leadership strategy is depending upon organization efficiency, size, scale, and cumulative experiences. The main function of the cost leadership strategy is to find out the scale of production its scope and in other economies, producing highly standardized product and using of new technology. Cost leader companies do compete on price and are very effective at such a form of competition, having a low cost structure and management. Ac 3.2: Create options to form the basis of future organizational strategy (p9): Among all the strategic options I would like to recommend Vertical Integration in the Hyatt Regency. Vertical Integration: The word vertical integration describes a style of management control. Vertically integrated companies in a supply chain are united through a common owner. Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or (market-specific) service, and the products combine to satisfy a common need. It is contrasted with horizontal integration. The concept and use of vertical integration is introduced by Andrew Carnegie. This led other business people to use the system to promote better financial growth and efficiency in their businesses. Vertical integration is the point to which a firm owns its downstream suppliers and its upstream buyers. Contrary to horizontal integration, which is a consolidation of many firms that handle the same part of the production process, vertical integration is typified by one firm engaged in different parts of production (e.g. growing raw materials manufacturing, transporting, marketing, and/or retailing). The Benefits of using vertical integration by Hyatt Regency: Hyatt Regency is the chain international service industry. There are many hotels under the same management throughout the world, i.e. the same management policy. It has its own brand name products use in every hotels. For example, a company is using its own soaps, shampoos, towels, carpets, etc. Whenever we go, we will find out same quality and same brand name products, thus by being chain hotel, it has same system of servicing guest in each hotel. The same suppliers and manufacturer are engaged in producing guest supplementary product. Thus the vertical integration, a strategic option is the best in this scenario. Ac3.3 For your chosen organization purpose a suitable structure that would ensure participation of all stakeholders. (P10) A person, group, organization, or systems that affect or can be affected by an organizations actions are the stakeholders. The stakeholders may be directly or indirectly may involve in the organization decision process. The following chat would be suitable structure for the participation of all the stakeholders in the Hyatt Regency: Stakeholders strategies Way of communication Duration/time Customers Research on the needs and expectation of the customers, involving customer service department. Flip card, survey 3months Staffs Invent new products, Technicians, recruitment on research. Meetings with managers, survey and feedback, presentation, spot training, job trainings 1 month shareholders awareness about new products Internal meetings, 1 month Government BOD(board of director) Launching new product which has to be environmentally friendly, not affecting by government policies. Financial structure for the purposed plan, giving executive decision, Invitation on seminars, presentation Newspapers, meetings 15 days Up to 1 month Thus different stakeholders can participate in the organization decision process and launching of the new products according to their label. AC4.1: Develop criteria for reviewing potential options for a strategy plan (P11) There are different strategy plan for reviewing potential options are: attractiveness to stakeholders, balanced score card approach, stakeholder participation, feasibility studies, etc. Balanced scorecard approach: The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. (2011 Balanced Scorecard Institute ) Adapted from Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System, Harvard Business Review (January-February 1996): 76. The balanced scorecard is a management system (not only a measurement system) that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It provides feedback around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance and results. The balanced score card have four perspective in order to develop metrics, collect data and analysis it. These four perspectives are as follow: The learning and growth perspectives: This is the growth phase of the organization. This includes employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self-improvement. Here, employee skills are the most important factors than other else. The business process perspective: These perspectives indicate internal business processes. Metrics based on this point of view allow the managers to know how well their business is running, and whether its products and services conform to customer requirements. The customer perspective: These perspectives indicate how important customers are. Customers needs and expectations are the most important factors in this area. If the customers are not satisfy, they will choose the other options and our business will be on the decline stage. Thus we have to meet their needs and satisfy them. The financial perspective: Timely and accurate funding data will always be a priority, and managers will do whatever necessary to provide it. It is more over related to financial status of the company. Thus, balanced scorecard approach is the best approach to find out the plan and progress report of an organization. Ac4.2 Construct an agreed strategy plan that include resource implication: In order to launch the new product from the Hyatt Regency, we have to analysis, assessing and addressing issue. To analysis the current situation, SOSTAC is the best methods to evaluate. S stands for Situation Analysis which means where are we now? O stands for Objectives which means where do we want to go? S stands for Strategy which summaries how we are going to get there. T stands for Tactics which are the details of strategy. A is for Action or implementation putting the plan to work. C is for Control which means measurement, monitoring, reviewing, updating and modifying. Situation analysis In the situation analysis, we are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in this position and we want to reachà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. in this position. Objective Increased no of customer by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦%, brand expansion Strategies Launch new product within à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Months. Tactics Break down the strategy in to action, investment decision, new market shares, differentiation Action Company tactics into action, planning about finishing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.within 1 month à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦will finish with in 2 month, survey on the effects, feedbackà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..cost, location, etc Control Measures Control measures through monitoring, new technology Ac4.3: Compare core organizational values (ethical, cultural, environmental, social, and business) with the current business objectives of an organization. (P13) A business objective is a detailed picture of a step you plan to take in order to achieve a stated aim. Objectives should be SMART in order for the business to know what progress it has made towards achieving the objective: Specific clear and easy to understand. Measurable i.e. able to be quantified. Achievable possible to be attained. Realiable- Durable and T stand for time bound. In order to get the objectives of the company, the organization should focus on ethical, cultural, environmental social and business factors. Ethical: In order to operate the business the company not only should look forward for the profit but should also look for norms and values of the society; i.e. either the product of the company accepts by the society either it match with the society standard or not, right to life, right freedom, and right to privacy, such things are lies under ethics. Culture: Culture includes life style of the people, demand, age group, etc. The product what we launched in the market should focus on the people lifestyle and the demand of the people. Environmental: The Company should bring such a product which should be environmentally friendly. The product should not harm the environment from inside the organization and outside the organization. Social: The product should be community based like preservation of the wildlife, ecological friendly. In society there are various types of community and the product should focus on the societies norms and values Business: Business makes things happen and affect every part of our society. Whatever you want to do, understanding business will help you achieve it. Thus the Hyatt regency if launched a product in the market, the above mentioned points has to consider in the mind for the better product and public better life. Ac5.1 Develop appropriate vision and mission statements the organization. (P14) Mission: A mission report is the head and the heart of an organization and serves as the lens through which organizational programs and strategies are viewed. In this case a mission statement should be closer to the social need rather than the visionary social impact. A mission statement evolves as the social need evolves while also remaining anchored to the vision. In this context, a facilitator also has a role for helping an organization understand its mission as well as its vision. The following illustration creates the linear process: Social Need ==> Mission ==> Programs/Strategies ==> Vision of Social Impact. Vision: Vision creates that force of growing expectation about the future, where change is embraced as a step closer to that very compelling picture of whats coming next. The excitement about the future trumps any worry about the unsure change is recognized as the catalytic converter it is. Vision is being able to see where youre going, to see whats up the road ahead, in both literal and symbolic senses. The link between Mission and the vision: Mission and the vision are the statements from the organization that answer questions about which we are, what we value, and where we are going. For mission, managing with greatness and untamed strength, improving everything daily. For vision, leading with inspiration and courage, obsessed with future possibility, in a love affair with change. Vision is our desired picture (realistic though) of the future. Mission is what you want to achieve by our actions, so that the desired future would be reached. The vision is bigger picture and future oriented while the mission is more immediately focused on the present. Thus, the vision that defines the end game and the mission is the road map that will take. It is much more important that your vision and mission be understood by company employees. Customer do not want to know about what is written on the paper but they care immensely about whether or not a companys vision and mission are reflected in a fulfilled brand promise. So these both are interlinked and interrelated to each other. AC5.2 Produce agreed future management objectives for an organization: An objective is a sub goal. It identifies a short-term, measurable step within a designated period of time that is moving toward achieving a long-term goal.(SIL International 1999). Objectives of the company should be SMART. Where SMART stand for SMART Objectives SMART Meaning Examples Specific Objectives should sp
Essay --
Main Ideas Europeans Explore the East Section 1 1. The factors that helped spur European exploration were the new spirit of adventure and curiosity brought on by the Renaissance, the desire to be rich, the desire to spread Christianity, and advances in sailing. 2. Portugal’s Prince Henry conquered Ceuta, a Muslim city in North Africa. Prince Henry and his men discovered stores with exotic spices and large quantities of gold, silver, and jewels in Ceuta. Once he returned to Portugal, him main goal was to find the place in the East where the treasures came from while spreading Christianity. Eventually, he founded a navigation school to teach his students how to improve such skills as mapmaking, instrument making, and shipbuilding. 3. The significance of Dias’ voyage was to spread Christianity while serving His Majesty, to grow rich and "give light to those who were in darkness" while da Gama explored the East African coast and its rare silks and gems. He returned to Portugal with spices, such as pepper and cinnamon, and provided Portugal with a direct sea route to India. 4. The Dutch were so successful in establishing a trading empire in the Indian Ocean because they were a leading sea power with the largest fleet of ships in the world and they established the Dutch East India Company which minted money, made treaties and raised its own army. The Dutch seized the port of Malacca and the Spice Islands which helped Amsterdam become a leading commercial center and controlled the Cape of Good Hope which was a resupply stop. China Limits European Contacts Section 2 5. China did not undergo widespread industrialization because the idea of commerce conflicted with China's Confucian beliefs and their economic policies favored agricult... ..., Tokugawa Ieyasu was upset by the success of missionaries converting the Japanese and felt that the missionaries were belittling Japanese traditions and beliefs in order to convert the Japanese to Christianity. Sometimes the missionaries became involved with politics and tried to reform the local governments. Also, by 1612, the shogun banned Christianity and tried to get rid of all Christians in his country. 5. The Manchus earned the respect of the Chinese by upholding China's traditional Confucian beliefs and social structures. One leader, Kanghi personally led troops to the northern border to protect the people against Mongols threatening there and also reduced government expenses and taxes, offered intellectuals government positions, invited Jesuits at court where he learned about developments in medicine, science and mathematics that were popular in Europe.
Monday, August 19, 2019
On Feminism and Postmodernism Essay -- Feminist Sociology Essays
On Feminism and Postmodernism It seems fitting that the 'marriage' of feminism and postmodernism is one fraught with both difference and argument. The fact that these disagreements occur within the realm of the intellectual undoubtedly puts a wry smile on the face of either party. While feminism and postmodernism share several characteristics, most notably the deconstruction of the masculinised western ideology, feminism chooses to place itself within the absolutism of the modernist movement. While feminism argues for the continuation of the subject/object dichotomy, aiming largely to reverse the feminine position of the latter to the former, postmodernism would have the modernist movement deconstructed in its entirety, including all such metanarratives. Postmodernism also champions the fragmented self, the idea of a unitary 'whole' existing only within a fictitious reality. This idea is one which feminism has taken up in recent years. In this era of postfeminism, new avenues are being sought to spread the ideals of feminism and the potential of possible vehicles, such mass media, are being realised. However, when using mass media, such as television, in such a fashion, the intellectualizations of the highbrow modernist/feminist movements have been largely stripped away, leaving little but an easily digestible skeletal foundation. The aim of such a method is to target a younger demographic than traditional critique would usually focus upon. The television program Buffy the Vampire Slayer is such a vehicle, presenting feminism in a postmodern form 'for the masses'. While this works to reveal an 'acceptable', albeit feminist, perspective of gender and identity, following such an avenue problematises both feminism and ... ..."Vampires, Postmodernity and Postfeminism: Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Journal of Popular Film and Television, vol. 27, no. 2, Summer 1999, pp 24 - 31. Vint, Sherryl, "'Killing us Softly?' A Feminist Search for the "Real" Buffy", Slayage, The On-line International Journey of Buffy Studies,, accessed 15/4/2002, 9.05 am. Whedon, Joss, Audio Commentary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season One, Welcome to the Hellmouth & The Harvest DVD, 2001. Wilkinson, Sue ed., Feminist Social Psychologies: International Perspectives, Open Universities Press, Buckingham, 1996. Filmography: Smith, Charles Martin, Welcome to the Hellmouth, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 1.1, 1997. Kretchmer, John T., The Harvest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 1.2, 1997. Whedon, Joss, The Gift, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 5.22, 2001.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Environment Analysis of Greater Manchester County Essay -- Environment
My essay focuses on the county of Greater Manchester in North West England. A thriving metropolitan area, the county has been a place of interest since its rise in the Industrial Revolution. Greater Manchester is a landlocked county in the North West region of England. The Pennine mountain range runs along its northern and eastern borders, whilst the West Pennine Moors are found on its western border. To the south lies Cheshire, a flat county with large plains left by glaciers in previous Ice Ages. Greater Manchester therefore has a graded profile, with steep mountains and hills to the north-east gradually settling out to low-lying, fertile plains in the south-west. The county’s geology consists mainly of rock from 3 geological periods; the Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic, alongside glacial deposits left over from Ice Ages in the Quaternary period. The oldest rocks seem to be found in the north-east of the county, and the youngest in the south-east. The Permian and Triassic rocks laid down are indicative of hot, desert conditions with the formation of mudstones and sandstones; Red Permian sandstones are overlaid by red, brown and yellow Triassic sandstones and mudstones from the Sherwood Sandstone Group. These rocks are found mainly in southern Greater Manchester. (Natural England). Glacial till is also common in the low-lying areas to the south and west of Greater Manchester. Following frequent changes in climate in the Quaternary period, glaciers have advanced and retreated leaving a layer of glacial deposits in their wake (Natural England). These deposits were transported downstream via meltwater rivers to lowland areas, making them fertile and very useful for pastoral farming. As such, lowland areas have become popula... ...ved January 16, 2011, from Crimestop Guards: Geology Roam. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2011, from Edina Digimap:;jsessionid=2E1FABFC46F36A0FF08FE920D9377244?execution=e1s1 Greater Manchester. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2011, from Wikipedia: Natural England. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2011, from Natural England: Seager, R. (2006). The Source of Europe's Mild Climate. American Scientist, 334 - 341. UK Mine & Quarry Listout - North West England. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2011, from UK Mine & Quarry Listout - North West England:
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Soundbuzz’s Music Strategy for Asia-Pacific
Case Study 3 SOUNDBUZZ’S MUSIC STRATEGY FOR ASIA PACIFIC Q1 : Analyze Soundbuzz and its business strategy using the competitive forces models. What strategies did it develop for dealing with competitive forces? There are four concepts of the competitive forces models: new market entrants, substitute products and services, suppliers, and customers. In terms of customers, Soundbuzz were really well responded to situation that they faced.When they launched B2C model, they found that because of customers` behavior (customers are seeking to download music freely) they cannot make much margin compared with the time when they used B2B model. So they aim other business as their customers. In terms of products and service, they serviced new encrypted MP3 format which makes them be able to sell music in their web sites. Also, they started to treat the music video contents which never treated on-line before. Finally, they launched ISPs billing systems for customers, which makes customers easily purchase their products.Q2 : What are the critical elements for an online music service? Using the value chain model, analyze Soundbuzz's business processes. Administration and Management : Online and Mobile music company. Technology : Source from local and independent record label and content is secured using digital right management technologies consisting of web server , license server , database server and media server. Procurement : Internet and finance industries Q3 : Why did Mototrola acquire Soundbuzz? What synergies will be created through the partnership?Through its MOTOMUSIC service, Motorola has more than two years experience delivering mobile music to consumers with its carrier customers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The acquisition of Soundbuzz allows Motorola to expand MOTOMUSIC beyond China, into India, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. With well over 90 percent of all digital music content in Asia sold via mobile channels, a level expected to rema in in the coming years, Motorola's strength in music delivery will help its carrier customers access this growth opportunity.The expected timetable for completing the proposed transaction between Motorola and Soundbuzz, future financial and operating results, benefits and synergies of the transaction, future opportunities for the combined company and products, any other statements regarding Motorola's or Soundbuzz's future expectations, beliefs, goals or prospects and any statements that are not statements of historical facts might be considered forward-looking statements.While these forward-looking statements represent managements' current judgement of future events, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, include: i. the parties' ability to consummate the transaction. ii. the conditions to the completion of the transaction may not be satisfied, or the approvals required for the transaction may not be obtained on the terms expected or on the anticipated schedule. ii. the parties' ability to meet expectations regarding the timing, completion and accounting and tax treatments of the transaction. iv. the possibility that the parties may be unable to achieve expected synergies and operating efficiencies within the expected time-frames or at all. v. Motorola's ability to successfully integrate Soundbuzz's operations and technology into those of Motorola and the possibility that such integration may be more difficult, time-consuming or costly than expected. vi. evenues following the transaction may be lower than expected. vii. operating costs, customer loss and business disruption (including, without limitation, difficulties in maintaining relationships with employees, customers, clients or suppliers) may be greater than expected following the transaction. viii. the retention of certain key employees at Soundbuzz. ix. the other factors described in Motorola's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 and its subsequent reports filed with the SEC.Motorola assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement in this press release, and such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Q4 : Explore the Soundbuzz Website (www. soundbuzz. com). Briefly describe its products, technology platform, payment methods and revenue models. Product : – downloadable music and video. – digit right clearance. – acquisition of licenses from music publisher and recording company. – music video. Technology platform : – bundled with creative ‘s MP3 players. – Windows Media Player 10. Payment methods : multiple billing channel through Internet Service Provider bills. – mobiles operator bills to its customers. â⠂¬â€œ Trivnet payment solution. – making micro payment. Q5 : Do you think Soundbuzz is successful? What are the things it can do to improve its business model? What can it learn from iTunes? No. Along with the dramatic demise of Motorola’s mobile phone business in the past two years, Soundbuzz now also faces closure of its own. It’s an ironic end for a company that seemed ahead of its time when it came out selling legit music in 1999 – at the century of illegal downloads.Many were surprised at the time, when Soundbuzz CEO SudhanshuSarronwala, a former MTV stalwart, managed to court the music labels even when they were more interested in blocking people from ripping CDs. Its music collection was built up very fast, providing users in Singapore with a legit alternative to pirated songs. But soon, the competition came for â€Å"Suds†and his company. Though Apple iTunes is still not officially here in Singapore now, Nokia has launched its own music st ore and Sony Ericson has partnered with SingTel to offer a direct-to-mobile music download service too.Soundbuzz, meanwhile, was a much smaller player and had a less extensive music collection. Plus, it somehow only supported the Internet Explorer browser, likely because of its Windows Media back-end, which kept out a lot of users. The final mistakes is the sale to Motorola, a company that invented the cellphone, but somehow failed to manage its own cellphone business due to poor management and decision making . Soundbuzz shall support the popular browser like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari and expand its music collection.This will attract more users since most internet users are no more using Internet Explorer due to it slow performance. iTunesoffers a catalogue of albums, user reviews, album art, Internet radio, and podcast listings for free. Consumers can benefit from iTunes' content and services without ever making an online digital purchase. Apple even gives a way new content every week, so users can expand their music collection without any commitment to buy anything. Soundbuzz shall synchronize and reform a convenient and fresh look to attract consumers. Soundbuzz is shut down on 15th July 2009
Friday, August 16, 2019
Outline of Plague Essay
Prompt: Analyze the various responses to the outbreaks of plague from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Discuss the beliefs and concerns that these responses express. In the mid-fourteenth century of Europe, a deathly plague struck killing about 25 million people from a single fleabite. Once infected, a person would experience very high fevers, buboes, and die within a few days and it was an airborne disease making it an even more contagious disease. Depopulation, trading seized, and many people relocated are just some results of the plague. Many Europeans had numerous different beliefs and concerns about the plague such as fear, greed, or turning to faith for help. Topic sentence: Fear of the plague predominantly came from not knowing the cause of the disease and not knowing how to cure it. Supporting document #1: Document #2 Analysis sentence #1: Theologian Erasmus, fears the plague as he blames the filth and dirt on the streets for it and its spread. Supporting document #2: Document #6 Analysis sentence #2: Fear of the plague was also seen in Giovan Filippo’s, a Sicilian physician, statement. Extreme measures were taken including bonfires to burn anything infected, quarantines were built, and regulations were enforced to try and prevent the plague from spreading. Topic Sentence #2: As the plague swept through the nation, many Europeans exploited the plague realizing wealth was more important than anything else. Supporting document #3: Document #4 Analysis sentence #3: In the work The Deceptions of Demons by Johann Weyer, he discusses how the heirs of the dead smeared an infected cream on gate towns so that anyone who would touch it would catch the disease and die. They did this so they could acquire their inheritances faster. Supporting document #4: Document #11 Analysis sentence #4: Nurses from Barcelona would take advantage of their patients by making them die faster instead of trying to heal them. All they wanted was to get their agreed upon fees and leave as quickly as they could. Topic Sentence #3: One final belief during the plague was turning to one’s faith or church for a cure and hope to survive. Supporting document #5: Document #7 Analysis sentence #5: A housewife Lisabetta, witnessed her husband heal after he ate a piece of bread that touched the body of St. Domenica. Supporting document #6: Document #9 Analysis sentence #6: A priest Father Dragoni wrote a letter to the Health Magistry of Florence stating that he fed the sick, helped them, and he paid the guards and gravediggers with charity from the lordships. However, a health official should have been sent to heal the sick and manage the houses. Conclusion (sentence or two): In conclusion, during the plague there were many beliefs and concerns including terror of being infected, exploitation, and looking to the Church for hope to survive through the plague.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Communication Process
Hypothesis The following hypothesis is used as a logical approach for completion of the essay. A hypothesis is used in order to identify all the key elements of the essay in a logical and a systematic order. The hypothesis is as follows; â€Å"Is effective communication more about identifying and overcoming barriers to communication? What is the nature of effective communication? †Based on the above hypothesis, I have listed the following key elements. 1. Communication 1. Communication process 2. Types of communication 3. Importance of communication 2.How communication can influence an organization? 3. Effective & ineffective communication 1. What is effective communication? 2. Importance of effective communication 3. What is ineffective communication? 4. How both effective and ineffective communication affects an organization? 4. Identifying & overcoming communication barriers 1. Barriers to effective communication 2. How to overcome barriers to communication? 1. Introductio n â€Å"Communication is the use of verbal and non-verbal communication between people trying to create shared meaning. †(Yoder, Hugenberg & Wallace 1996)Throughout the history of mankind, their uniqueness in communication has become the key element in their success to become the most developed and well organized living beings among thousands of others. It is no different when comes to the corporate world, better the communication process that an organization posses, better the performances they achieve in today’s competitive world. So it has become vital for an organization to keep its communication process as effectively as possible in order achieve its organizational goals in a both effective and efficient manner.So the following essay was prepared with the intention of giving the readers a better understanding and a clear view of what is effective communication and what makes the communication a process an effective one. 2. 0 What is communication? Communication i s where two or more people will transfer information, feelings, ideas and opinions between or among each others. 2. 1 The communication process This is the standard model of a communication process. This process always takes place between two parties.Sender – The starting point of the communication process, sender will encode the message Message – The information which is sent to the receiver. Channel – Is the medium which transfers the message from the sender to the receiver. Barriers – Barriers are the distortions which make the message not to be conveyed as intended. Receiver – The person who’s at the end of the process and who’ll decode the message Feedback – It will be the final step of the communication process where receiver sends a message as reply to the sender. 2.Types of communication Different forms of communication media like televisions, radios are used by people in order to communicate information,opinions, etc, among each others. The most primitive ways of communication are by body language,speaking,sign language and eye contact. All of those communication methods can be broadly divided in to two main types. Those two types of communication are as follows. †¢ Verbal communication †¢ Non verbal communication 1. Verbal communication Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking.When it comes to business, verbal communication is very important for the reason being that you are dealing with a variety of people through out the day. In some cases you may deal with people who have different culture, ages and with different levels of experience. Fluent verbal communication is essential to deal with people in business meetings. Business communication self-confidence plays a vital role which when matched with fluent communication skills. 2. Non verbal communicationNon-verbal communication involves physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voic e, touch, smell and body motion. Symbols and sign language are also included in non-verbal communication. Body language is a non-verbal way of communication. Body posture and physical contact convey a lot of information. Body posture matters a lot when you are communicating verbally to someone. Folded arms and crossed legs are some of the signals conveyed by a body posture. Physical contact, like, shaking hands, pushing, patting and touching expresses the feeling of intimacy.Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are all different ways of communication. 3. Importance of communication Every action a person or an organization takes is mostly based on the information available; to perform that specific action as intended, relevant information will be required. Even after performing the act, the party which performed it will need a feedback to identify whether the performed act bore the intended results. So it is clear that, without communication, none of those would be possible. 3. 0 Involvement of communication in an organization.For an organization to run smoothly, it has to have a well structured communication process inside its own. According to Kondrat (2009), Communication is the â€Å"lifeblood†of every organization. A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication. Decision making is the most vital activity in an organization, to make decisions, to implement them and to reassess those decisions, organizational management will require relevant information. As discussed previously to have better information, better communication among all layers is required.So it is evident that, better the communication inside the organization, better the decision it makes and also better the results. 3. 1 Formal communication channels Formal channels are used within an organization in order to make the flow of information smoother among all levels in the chain of command. In the general aspect, there are three main c ommunication flows within an organization. Those are downward, upward and horizontal communication. 3. 1. 1 Downward communication It is the communication flow which is used by managers in an organization mainly to give orders and instructions.In a downward communication, the information flow will be from top to bottom, where managers will send messages to their subordinates. Those messages will include implementation of managerial decisions such as goals, plans and strategies, job instructions, rationale, procedures, practices, performance feedbacks, etc. 3. 1. 2 Upward communication Under this channel, information flow will be from the lower levels to the higher levels. Upward communication is more popular in learning organizations, where the lower levels of employees do get involved in the decision making process by giving their suggestions.Upward communication can be helpful in problem solving as the parties who are actually involved in the problem can give their point of view t o the higher management. 3. 1. 3 Horizontal communication In horizontal communication, parties which are in the same level will communicate with each others. (e. g. inter departmental) This can be helpful to coordinate activities and request support. 3. 2 Informal communication channel These are the communication channels which are not authorized as formal communication channels and it doesn’t have a clear pattern of the hierarchical levels included.Literally an informal communication channel is a channel which can connect anyone in the organization. Examples for informal communication channels †¢ Management by walking around (MBWA) †¢ Grapevine 4. 0 Effective and Ineffective communication As the topic of this essay relates, achieving effective communication is vital. So before discussing about methods of achieving effective communication, it is more sensible to discuss what is meant by effective communication and what is meant by ineffective communication. 4. 1 Wha t is effective communication?The communication process can be recognized as an effective one, when the receiver decodes and understand the message as intended by the sender. Furthermore, a proper feedback from the receiver to the sender will also facilitate effective communication. 4. 2 Importance of effective communication Effective communication skills is most likely to prevent conflicts and solve current conflicts it is learnt that through effective means of communication people can negotiate and arrive at possible solutions. The benefits of effective communication are many as they enhance all aspects of personal and professional lives. . 3 What is ineffective communication? This is a process by which the meaning the receiver attaches to a message may be completely different to the message intended by the sender. So it is evident that the basic concept of communication, which is sharing ideas and information among each other will be broken down if ineffective communication takes place. 4. 4 Importance of effective communication to an organization According to Panse (2009), Most companies and organizations have people working in small teams.This has been found to be more effective and productive than a single individual toiling away at a project. When you have three or four more people working on an issue, you have the advantage of having access to more ideas and solutions for the project, of having more checking safeguards against any flaws in the plan, and of being able to establish more network connections. A group is also more likely to take on and complete large-scale, complex projects. For the team to operate smoothly there must be open and efficient communication between the members of the teamTeam communication is important for the following reasons – †¢ Project-related information needs to be shared. †¢ Each member of the team needs to be acquainted with the team goal and his/her role in the team. †¢ Effective and open communic ation lines create feelings of trust and of belonging to the team. The more the members feel valued the more dedicated they are likely to be, and this in turn makes it easier for the team as a whole to achieve its goals. 4. 5 Affects of ineffective communication on an organization Ineffective communication hampers organizational success.This can also be seen as miscommunication. In an organization ineffective communication can occur due to many reasons. So it is important as a manager to curb these issues and create an effective communication channel. Ineffective communication leads to conflict within the organization and lead to distortion of information and this misunderstanding between department and individuals. Lack of effective communication may lead to a breakdown in interactions between employees in the organization. 5. Identifying and overcoming communication barriers.As discussed under the communication process, communication barriers are universal for any type of communic ation. In the perspective of an organization, barriers to communication can be divided into two main categories as individual barriers and organizational barriers. 5. 1 Individual barriers – Individual barriers are fatigue, poor listening skills, attitude toward the sender or the information, lack of interest in the message, fear, mistrust, past experiences, negative attitude, problems at home, lack of common experiences, and emotions. . 2 Organizational barriers – One of the major organizational barriers is the high power distance between low and high level employees. Due to this subordinates will not share sensitive information with their superiors as a result of the fear of facing negative reactions from the top management towards them. Poorly structured organizational channels will also active as an organizational barrier towards communication. 5. 3 Methods of overcoming barriers †¢ Using constructive feedback Training employees to involve active listening whe n they communicate †¢ Training employees to constraint their emotions †¢ Eliminating differences in perception †¢ Proper communication channel selection By using some or all of the methods mentioned above, an organization can reduce the impact done by communication barriers. 6. Conclusion In conclusion under the current situation, effective communication has universally become mandatory in order to achieve success. According to Kondrat (2009), Communication is the â€Å"lifeblood†of every organization.A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication. If a manager is able to communicate their ideas clearly, so that employees definitely know what is asked of them, the subordinates will, consequently, perform their jobs correspondingly. On contrast, an aggressive way of managing reports results in employees’ getting more and more frustrated often guessing what their real faults are To achieve effective communicatio n, one must have a clear understanding about the communication process and how it functions.On the other hand, having a thorough understanding about the communication process will not help to build up effective communication. So it is wiser to find out what factors make communication effective. As discussed above, what make a communication process ineffective are the communication barriers. When those barriers are in place, they can disrupt the communication process in a huge manner. Those barriers will make, encoding and decoding the message hard. If it happens, the message will not be sent and received as intended.So then the whole communication process will become ineffective, as the sole reason for the process’ existence relies on conveying the intended message properly. This proves that identifying and overcoming communication barriers are important to have effective communication. Understanding the communication process will definitely help to make communication effecti ve, but it will not eradicate the main obstacles for effective communication, which are the communication barriers.So it is now very clear that identifying and overcoming the communication barriers are far more important for effective communication than understanding the communication process. 7. References Communication Skills-Start Here, (1995). Retrieved on April 30, 2010 from http://www. mindtools. com/CommSkll/CommunicationIntro. html Management Skills Resources, (2009). Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. bizmove. com/skills/m8g. htm Maya Pillai, (n. d). Barriers to effective Communication, Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. buzzle. om/articles/barriers-to-effective-communication. html Mortensen (1998) Communication Models, Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. shkaminski. com/Classes/Handouts/Communication%20Models. htm Overcoming Communication Barriers, (n. d) , Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://managementstudyguide. com/overcoming-communication-barriers. htm Sonal Panse, (2009). Effective team communication. Retrieved on May 1, 2010, from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/small-group-communication-effective-team-communication. html â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Feedback Barriers Receiver Message Sender
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