Monday, September 30, 2019
Resource File Essay
Select four songs, finger plays, word games or poems that you can use to promote phonological awareness. Describe the strategies to promote phonological awareness among children whose home language is other than English. Phonological awareness involves the detection and manipulation of sounds at three levels of sound structure: (1) syllables, (2) onsets and rimes, and (3) phonemes. 1. Speak English, and speak it often, associate words with objects as often as possible. For example, show the child a book and say, â€Å"Book. Repeating words and phrases often will train the child to associate certain objects with certain words mentally; and more than that, it will enable the child to pick up on the phonemes of the language subconsciously. 2. Play word games to promote phonological awareness. With a toddler who has limited English skills, â€Å"sound soup†is a fun game to play. Bring out a big soup pot and tell the child, â€Å"We are going to make ‘k’ soup today! †Then, begin to fill the pot with items that start with the ‘k’ sound  carrots, kale, clocks. The point of the game is to get the child to become very familiar with a particular sound and to recognize it as a sound that can occur at the beginning of a word. 3. Play sound recognition games that require more of a response on her part. One such game is the â€Å"find it†game. Say a sound â€Å"r,†for example and ask the child to find you an object in the room that begins with that sound. 4. Identify the number of words in a short sentence. For example, â€Å"Pat has a cat. How many words are in that sentence? †5. Next focus on onsets and rimes. For example, â€Å"c†plus â€Å"at†equals â€Å"cat†; â€Å"cl†plus â€Å"own†equals â€Å"clown. †Beep! Choo! Zoom! Honk! We’ll be going on vacation in our car. (Pretend to drive a car. ) Beep-beep. (Pretend to honk horn. ) We’ll be going on vacation in our car. Beep-beep. We’ll be going on vacation. We’ll be going on vacation. We’ll be going on vacation in our car. Beep-beep. Train – choo choo (Put arms by sides and pretend to chug. ) Plane – zoom zoom (Make a plane with your hand and fly around. ) Bus – honk, honk (Pretend to pull down on a horn. ) Oh, we’ll all have lots of fun when we go Beep beep, choo choo, zoom zoom, honk honk. . . Apples and Bananas I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas Now change the vowel sound to A: I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays Now change the vowel sound to E: I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and bee-nee-nees I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and bee-nee-nees Now change the vowel sound to I: I like to ite, ite, ite i-ples and bi-ni-nis I like to ite, ite, ite i-ples and bi-ni-nis Now change the vowel sound to O: like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos Miss Mary Mack Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack All dressed in black, black, black With silver buttons, buttons, buttons All down her back, back, back. She asked her mother, mother, mother For 50 cents, cents, cents To see the elephants, elephants, elephants Jump over the fence, fence, fence. They jumped so high, high, high They reached the sky, sky, sky And they didn’t come back, back, back ‘Til the 4th of July, ly, ly! Teddy Bear Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Shine your shoes. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Skidoo. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Go upstairs. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Say your prayers. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn out the light. – Teddy bear, teddy bear, Say good night.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
WC = 1,489 GEO 101 Dr. Housel April 20, 2012 Nike – Hilversum, The Netherlands Hilversum, The Netherlands Hilversum, The Netherlands Beaverton, OR Beaverton, OR Have you ever heard of the phrase â€Å"Just Do It? †Do you know what the ‘Swoosh’ is that represents Nike’s logo? Nike’s headquarters in the United States is in Beaverton, Oregon and became a mainstream sporting sales corporation in 1978. The popularity of their apparel increased when multiple athletes signed a contract to promote and wear Nike in sporting events.Since citizens in other countries thrived on Nike clothing, Nike finally went overseas to build a corporation in The Netherlands (or The Dutch); this project was complete in 1999. The headquarters is located with easy access to the train station and was the site of a former harness track and Olympic training ground (McDonough). Nike products are sold to customers around the world. The athletic gear is made to have style and catch the eye of others. If the sales were good and there wasn’t a relapse, then why did Nike go overseas?In 2007, Nike got a lift courtesy of favorable exchange rates; a weaker dollar means greater sales abroad, as the products are priced more cheaply (Forbes). The income that Nike receives is thrived on by many features including promotions, new gear, and athletes. Both promotions and new gear have to do with buyers altering their costs to Nike for their deals and willingness to pay for the product. Athletes are the ones who sign a deal (either with Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, etc†¦) to wear and encourage viewers to buy their apparel while participating in their sport.As Nike moved into Europe where soccer is popular, more European soccer professionals made contracts with Nike. In past years, Nike has been one of the most prolific companies to excel in overseas sales with reaching 1. 48 billion dollars a year (Forbes). As football continues to be rise in the United Sta tes, Nike sales in football equipment are doing the same. Likewise, soccer is dominant in Europe, therefore more soccer paraphernalia is being produced overseas; every corporation will produce whatever brings in the most capital.The Netherlands’ most popular sport is soccer, with the Royal Dutch League being the largest sports federation in the country with over a million players (WIKI). Following the transaction of Nike going to Hilversum, The Netherlands National Soccer Team that participates in the Olympics changed sponsors to Nike in appreciation and to support the new corporation. Viewers realized the move and sales of The Netherlands gear rose to an all-time high. Another reason why they built in The Dutch was their living standards.The Dutch prosper through life with building wealthy families and neighborhoods to provide one of the most attractive places to settle in. The architecture of Nike’s Corporate Office in Northern Europe reflects the creativity and eye- catching techniques they believe in. When Nike went global, they made sure to adapt to the culture of The Netherlands and Northern Europe – if they didn’t and kept everything that Americans viewed as normal, employees may not feel comfortable in the workplace.Once the building was signed off, architects had already started implementing a plan to make the architecture of the new Nike European Headquarters match the unique, beautiful designs of other buildings in The Netherlands. The creative company of architects, William McDonough + Partners, has built many structures in Europe and this was their next challenge. In 1999, after years of work, the building was ready to be put to use and attract everybody in sight. The part of culture that sports, especially soccer, plays in Northern Europe is a strong.Therefore, it’d be smart to establish grounds around the Headquarters to promote athletics; and that’s what they did. The Nike European Headquarters site was once a former harness track and Olympic training ground that now continues the tradition of physical excellence through a jogging track, a central pond that freezes in the winter for an ice rink, and numerous athletic fields and courts (McDonough). Nike welcomes customers day in and day out to visit their grounds and enjoy the outside comradery with the rest of the community.Also, Nike created and bought multiple soccer attires to sell to the soccer-like customers in the region. As expected, the articles of clothing were a hit and that only created different types of soccer gear to be produced. The public was very intrigued with the effort and creativity of Nike employees, leading the entire Nike company (in both Europe and the United States) to receive gains of almost two billion dollars a year. A main environmental aspect The Netherlands flourishes on is ‘going green. Nevertheless, providing healthy air and helping the environment with an eco-friendly building is also what t he architects did. The Headquarters in Europe is said to be the most prominent example of green design and the green revolution is spreading to historic landmarks around the Northern European area now (Preservations). The building had success in doing the practice that they foresaw in the future. This architecture philosophy strives to minimize buildings resource and energy needs by using recycled or renewable building materials, solar power, and water efficiency (Preservations).The community was in awe when the building was finalized because they realized the new building in Hilversum was environmental friendly and did zero harm to society with saving energy. The Nike Headquarters in Hilversum opened up in 1999 – customers and employees immediately accepted the inside of the building because of the art placed throughout the structure. The art that is most accepted in Northern Europe is Flemish and Dutch due to religious backgrounds of most. Nike felt it would be more accepte d if they place these types of art throughout the building, in another way of a warm welcome to everybody that enters.The changes that Nike in Europe did from Nike in the United States put on inside is immense and the McDonough partners did a phenomenal job with it. In general, most businesses lose money when they outsource and go overseas. When Nike built in Hilversum, the attractiveness the building brought to the area encouraged everyone to visit, buy their apparel, and have fun outside the Headquarters. The main expense Nike had to worry about was advertising the new Headquarters and clothing that was being produced.But after Nike took a hit in the United States from low sales, Nike in Europe did more than making up the shortage and produced up to one point four eight billion dollars in the previous year (Forbes). The sales did not taper off, as they were seen to do, and Nike continues to be extremely popular in places other than just the United States. Nike building a Headquart ers overseas was one of the best ideas they could have implemented as a worldwide company. When they saw the sales weren’t increasing in the states and the dollar was down in Europe, they took the smart move and produced in Hilversum.Right away, the company universally flourished and provided a means of athletic gear to the European nation. The glocalization that Nike did made them even more of a world renowned entity to buy sportswear and to have attractive clothing that was bought at a great price. The takeaway for businesses expanding overseas is about competition and providing quicker access to items others don’t have near them. For instance, the competition that was brought to Europe when Nike moved allowed for those people to check out Nike rather than home-named brands that were in the area.Also, even though Nike was still heard of, they had to order it from the United States, which involved days of travel and excess money of shipping than if Nike was within ran ge of their homes. Before writing this paper, I didn’t realize that glocalization was a big part of how businesses excel overseas. After seeing the positives it brings, I believe more American businesses should expand overseas with a Headquarters (just not a sweatshop). I thought it was very unique in that Nike provided a place that made adapting simple to the new building; it created limited confusion and great attitudes throughout their new workplace.If I were a president of a company and wanted to receive more capital than I was getting, I would reach an identical plan to what Nike did and surpass any opinion or prediction that people would make on what the overseas business would do for the company worldwide. Works Cited McDonough, William. â€Å"Nike European Headquarters. †William McDonough Partners. William McDonough, 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2012. . Farrell, Andrew. â€Å"Nike Swooshes Up Overseas. †Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 21 Sept. 2007. Web. 6 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Nike, Inc. †Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Mar. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2012. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nike,_Inc. â€Å"Companies: Shared Services Centers. †Company Profiles. Oct. 2008. Web. 06 Apr. 2012. . Hawes, Alex. â€Å"Going Green. †Preservationnation. org. 27 Nov. 2001. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
American History - Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
American History - Interview - Essay Example Anything prior to this period is termed as pre-history. However, history is not limited to the past only; it can also be study of present events and people still alive who can give their own unique take on certain events as they see them. This paper is more concerned on current history and how people see some events as truly defining in terms of their historical significance. Discussion My interviewee is my grandfather who is now 75 years old; this means he was born in the year 1936 which is prior to the Second World War. When that war started, he was about five years old and can still recall his father going to the Pacific to fight the Japanese soldiers who had invaded parts of Southeast Asia (the former British and Dutch colonies, such as Malaysia, Burma and Singapore as well as Indonesia). This war in the Pacific theater started when Japanese planes bombed the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii in a sneak attack on December 8, 1941. America had initially refused to be drawn into th is war as the public was isolationist and pacifist, thinking the war in Europe then was too far away to be concerned with it directly. He can still remember but only vaguely how his father explained to him why he has to go to fight the enemy; at that time of course, he could not understand the significance of it all. In his neighborhood, a lot of men (some of them quite young) were also enlisting and so their place became quite empty, leaving only mostly women who took over some of the jobs of the men. He was very happy when his dad came home a few years later who regaled him with war stories. As he grew older and enrolled in school and continued on with his studies, he by and by learned the importance of civic duty for people to serve willingly in the military service for sake of freedom and in defense of democracy. He explained America and the world is now a safer place. I chose my grandfather as he is very close to me and I am one of his favorite grandsons. Further, his memory is still very lucid. He does not suffer from old-age diseases like Alzheimer's or other debilitating ailments associated with the elderly. His recollection of certain past events is fairly accurate and he gives them enough perspective in context of today's current events also. In retrospect, he more or less focused on his teenage and younger days which was in the 1950s and the 1960s which were the two decades in which America enjoyed relative peace and prosperity. In particular, this period was during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961). The questions I had asked by grandfather were all about his impressions of those years. In general, he recalled those years as â€Å"the good old days†when jobs were plentiful, the pay was equally great, there was job security, people could buy what they want as they had a purchasing power unlike today (due to the strong dollar) and American citizens were rightfully expecting to be able to attain the â€Å"American Dream†of owning their homes, move to the suburbs and have a decent car, go to college and reach their ambition to get out of poverty and be in middle class. Some of the answers he gave were forthright, in my own assessment. But he was quite evasive also on other topics, which I think are better left unanswered as I did not think it is very proper to insist on him answering some questions which he
Friday, September 27, 2019
Argument-driven essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Argument-driven essay - Research Paper Example If an advert targets specific futures in competitor's product, it achieves results that are more appealing. This paper will address a Samsung Galaxy Phone advert in the New York Times magazine. The magazine is in a business environment and therefore the advert is customer oriented. However, the advert has peculiar features that make it stand out amongst other competitive adverts. Firstly, the advert is titled â€Å"A Phone Bristling with Extras.†This a critical catch-up line for any advert on technology commodities. Arguably, people or consumers are on the lookout for new ideas or values. Thus, consumers will ignore or reject an advertisement that contains mediocre information. For instance, the ad would have had minimal views if it were titled â€Å"A Phone with exciting features.†This is because nearly all phones have exciting features. In addition, the message would be vague since it does not clarify how exciting phone’s features are. Thus, most readers will ignore such advertisements. Secondly, consumers are on the lookout for commodities that provide extra value. Therefore, consumers prefer commodities that provide satisfaction beyond their commodity value. It seems that developers of the ad had a clear understanding of consumer behaviors and psychology. Into the adverts’ content and you will notice stuff that is more exciting. The nature of excitement portrayed in this advertisement is market oriented. Clearly, the advertisement wishes to utilize already existing market by creating new value. In particular, the advert is targeting the iPhone market with the aim of having a share of its fortune or capitalizing on its marketing networks. The editorial environment is also business oriented. This is because the advert wishes to create an instant market. Consumer decisions are influenced by group dynamics more than rational decisions do. Thus, consumers will buy or consume commodities based on the popular belief. This is of partic ular interest in technology-based commodities such as phones, laptops, iPods, and cars. Most consumers are not capable of evaluating such commodities and, therefore they are dependent on popular belief as criteria for their evaluation. Recently the iPhone and most of other Apple products have had high market ratings. However, these ratings are not a sufficient measure for the product’s superiority. In fact, the iPhone might be equivalent to other cheap Smart Phones produced by less popular manufactures such as Huawei. The advert demonstrates the role of brands and popular belief in marketing. In addition, the ad demonstrates the target points in successful advertisement. In particular, successful sales message should target the brand rather than the product. This is a significant aspect of advertisement and, it seems to attract the desired traffic. Specifically, the S III ad targets iPhone ads with the aims of establishing a similar market. Considering that, Apple products ha ve had successful marketing opportunities. From the advert, it seems that the message is comparative. This is because it relates a particular feature in S III to a similar feature in iPhone. Moreover, the ad explains why S III features are superior to those of Apple’s iPhone. For example, the ad refers to S III as the latest machine that has stunning features. In addition, the new devise is smarter than the iPhone. This is because
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Technology in Education in NYC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Technology in Education in NYC - Assignment Example This study highlights that the NYC local government should enhance the use of effective techniques such as the Learning Analytics to assess the progress of education. The learning analytics policy approaches facilitates measurement of various elements that affect education. Learning Analytics facilitates the collection of useful information about the students, parents, and the community that can be used to regulate the use of technology in schools. In essence, the use of Learning Analytics facilitates impromptu research on learning institutions to evaluate the functionality of technology in the education field. In this regard, all the stakeholders in the education sectors should be involved in the research in order to decide the most effective means of solving the challenges facing use of technology in education.From this paper it is clear that the approach used to address the issue of hacking and damaging of education devices presently in the NYC presently is ineffective. Eve n though hacking is monitored via online platforms, the infrastructure is not convenient for complex soft-wares such as the eSpark. In addition, the mechanisms used to monitor the usage of learning devices are defective. For instance, parents are not involved fully in the monitoring devices monitoring process. Therefore, the NYC education sector should consider adopting the changes discussed above to improve the security of education documents and longevity of learning devices.  Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Does the impact of higher education have large effects on an Essay
Does the impact of higher education have large effects on an individual's income - Essay Example e most supportive in respect of offering the individuals with maximum earning level in the aftermath of the completing their formal and professional education. The study will be supported with Labour Theory of Value developed by David Ricardo and Income Distribution Theory of contemporary era. The researcher aims to choose the culturally diversified society of the United Kingdom as the universe of his research, where the people belonging to different education and income levels will be taken as the units of analysis for the present study. In addition, being demographically diversified city, the individuals belonging to divergent cultural, religious, social, economic, racial and ethnic groups and communities could be selected as the sample of the present study. The researcher will select both the genders as well as different age groups by applying quota sampling in his study in order to justify the complete presentation of various groups of society. It may take approximately three months in the completion of the entire research work. After the gathering of the data, the findings would be tabulated and the statistical tests would be applied in order to interpret the results, on the basis of which the hypotheses were either accepted or rejected subsequently. This part of the dissertation has been dedicated to all those who have made their valuable contributions at any level during the completion of the present research. First of all, the researcher pays his humble gratitude to his Lord, Almighty God the Omnipotent, Who has blessed him with the power to accomplish this arduous task of writing the dissertation and displaying his gifted abilities in the field of research and writing. Secondly, the researcher also feels happy in paying his sincere thanks to his compassionate parents, who provided him with the shelter of their unwavering love, affection and kindness as well as a very comfortable atmosphere during the conducting of his research work. Moreover, the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Energy Conservation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Energy Conservation - Research Paper Example Though the imperative to conserve energy is as old as the use of energy itself (Wulfinghoff, n.d.) it could be argued that the modern push for energy conservation has been driven by overreliance on fossil fuels and the accompanying fear over their rate of depletion, rising costs of fossil fuels and the effects of fossil fuels on the environment. Herein we can single out the production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that lead to global warming as a significant environmental problem within energy conservation. Greenhouse gases are those gases that absorb and emit heat in the atmosphere e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor and nitrous oxide. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the greatest contributors to the greenhouse effect. However, according to Jacob (1999) water vapor resides in the atmosphere for a period of about nine days before it condenses and precipitates, unlike carbon dioxide and the other greenhouse gases which mix in the atmosphere and reside there for years. It is this lack of natural processes to remove the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide that leads to the earth heating up because the gases entrap heat within our atmosphere. Seas / lakes, vegetation, land, wildlife and livestock are some of the living and nonliving factors that contribute to or are affected by energy conservation. Seas have a huge potential with regards to providing an alternative source of energy in the form of wave or tidal energy. Tidal energy provides a renewable source of electricity that should lessen our dependence on fossil fuels thus reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. However, it must be noted that harnessing tidal energy through building of dams near bays or estuaries could result in negative impacts on aquatic and shoreline ecosystems (Ocean Energy Council, n.d.). Secondly, utilising seas/oceans for energy generation would reduce the need to open up more oil exploration in the seas which could lead to leaks and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Healthcare - Essay Example These are integrated in medical bylaws of hospitals, where they are used in assessing professional and ethical qualifications of medical applicants. The process is common in public hospitals, while modifications are seen in private ones--the latter are given discretion in executing their institutional regulations, provided that these do not clash with statutory constitutional rights of medical professionals, in general. 2) The concept of confidentiality is a protective regulation that safeguards the right of medical practitioners subjected to peer-review evaluations. In the absence of the confidential value in peer review functions, disruptions and inaccurate evaluation of professional performance can result. Another significant concept surrounding peer reviews is involvement of potential breach in liability principle. Medical colleagues to be evaluated are accountable to protect the sets of information revealed during such review. The revealed information can be carried out not from good faith, but for selfish purposes.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Minimum Wage in the United States Essay Example for Free
Minimum Wage in the United States Essay A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily, or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees or workers. The debate over minimum wage in the United States has been ongoing for over 100 years. It is a hot topic in labor, human interest, and especially in economics. Is the minimum wage too low? Is it too high? Should we have one at all? Does having a minimum legal wage help those who it is intended to help, or does it actually make them worse off? Theses questions are asked on a daily basis by interested parties. While there may not be one definitive correct answer, there are compelling arguments on both sides of the issue, and those who represent their â€Å"side†are passionate about their opinions. This is one of a few social topics about which people are generally not indifferent. Much of the adult workforce in the United States has worked a minimum wage job at some point in their career, so we can easily relate to the challenges that face today’s minimum wage workers. This paper is not intended to solve the debate over minimum wage, nor will it attempt to persuade the reader in one direction or the other regarding what should be done concerning minimum wage. The pages that follow will present a brief history of the minimum wage debate in the United States, and then present some of the arguments offered by both sides of the debate. A Brief History of Minimum Wage Although New Zealand was the first country to formally enact minimum wage legislation in 1896,[i] the United States was one of the first major industrialized nations to set a national wage floor for their workers. For decades during the industrial revolution, workers in the United States endured work environments that consisted of long hours, dangerous working conditions, and low wages. Small movements to develop a national minimum wage by labor unions and activist groups were met with predictable resistance from business people, and ultimately struck down by the U. S. Supreme Court. [ii] Finally, in 1938 President Roosevelt and Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. This act was intended to alleviate some of the poor working conditions that mostly women and young children were subject to. Additionally, this act imposed a federally mandated minimum wage of $0. 25 per hour, with some exceptions. [iii] There have been subsequent pieces of legislation that continue to address and improve workers’ rights since that time, focusing more on quality of life issues rather than eliminating abuses by employers. Additionally, individual states now have the right to enact their own minimum wage, so long as it is no lower than the federally mandated minimum wage. Since 1938, the national minimum wage has been raised 21 times, most recently in 2009, and is currently $7. 25 per hour. Today, more than 90% of countries in the world have some sort of wage floor for their work force. [iv] The Case for Minimum Wage Those in favor of a minimum wage argue that it increases the standard of living of workers and reduces poverty. [v] Those workers that are paid minimum wage are unskilled laborers, perhaps first entering the job market. Without any marketable skills, the worker needs some protection that they will be paid a fair rate that will enable them to be self-sufficient until such time that they have learned a skill or trade that will allow them to work their way up from the low wage jobs. Without a minimum wage, employers would have significantly more market power than the workers – a monopsony – and that could result in the intentional collusion between employers regarding the wage they will offer. [vi] Absent this protection, workers would be forced to accept the artificially low wages, resulting in a very low quality of life. Additionally, the argument can be made that paying a â€Å"livable†minimum wage incentivizes workers to not only get a job, but to work hard to keep that job. When minimum wages are significantly greater than payments received through a social welfare system, people are rewarded for their hard work. If a person could receive an amount close to what they would earn at minimum wage through the welfare system, what motivation would they have to work the minimum wage job? In contrast, if workers are paid an amount that is considerably more, they will find and keep work. This serves another purpose, to decrease the cost of government administered social welfare programs by getting people off of welfare and onto payrolls. Another common argument made by those in favor of the minimum wage is that it actually helps to stimulate spending, improving overall economic conditions. [vii] The theory behind this argument is that low wage earners typically spend everything they make. Whether on necessities or luxury items, minimum wage earners are likely to spend their entire paycheck. If there were an increase in the minimum wage, the people who would receive the pay increase would turn around and spend their new money. This would help to cover the costs of the increased wages as many businesses would see an almost immediate return through increased sales. While this argument seems to make sense, it must be clarified that no empirical evidence to support this claim could be found. Another argument made is that an increase in minimum wage helps to improve the work ethic of those who receive the increase. The implication is that if their employer is forced to give them a raise, they will be compelled to work harder to improve their efficiency and increase their productivity in return. Again, there is no evidence to either support or refute this claim, and opinions run strong regarding this argument. Perhaps the most basic and most often made argument in support of a national minimum wage law is that it is simply the correct thing to do, morally speaking. The idea that we should want to take care of each other and make sure that everyone made a comfortable wage is one of the most basic tenets of the philosophy of those who support it. Arguments against Minimum Wage Laws: On the other side of the argument are those who are opposed to increasing the minimum wage, as well as some who think it should be abolished altogether. Many businesspeople and economists are on this side of the debate, and they present some pretty compelling arguments. They argue that imposing an increase on the federally mandated minimum wage actually will do more economic harm than good. [viii] The main argument deals with the elasticity of demand regarding employment. A minimum wage increase actually reduces the quantity demanded of workers, either through a reduction in the number of hours worked by individuals, or through a reduction in the number of jobs. ix] Simply put, employers are likely not going to increase their salary budget, so if the hourly wages increase, then they must reduce the number of hours of work that they are paying for. This could result in the exact opposite impact of that which is intended. Those earning the minimum wage and are facing reduced hours or even being let go will find themselves much worse off as a result of an increase than leaving it at its current rate. Additionally, often the way out of e arning minimum wage is through skills learned through those minimum wage jobs. If there are fewer of these jobs as a result of the wage being higher, fewer people will be able to learn the skills needed to move up on a career path and break the cycle of poverty. Secondly, if employers are unwilling or unable to reduce the number of hours they pay their employees, they will simply attempt to make up the increased salary expense through increased prices. On a small scale, this may not have a large impact on the overall economy. When this is done on a large scale because many employers need to cover their increased costs, this is likely to lead to inflation. x] Higher salaries necessitate higher prices which will erode most if not all of the benefits of the increase in pay. The minimum wage workers will have the same buying power as before, but because of unnecessary inflation, the lower middle class will actually face the biggest impact because their wages will not have increased but their purchasing power will also have eroded. Another area that may be impacted by a mandated wage increase is training. As most workers who earn the minimum wage typically have little education and training, their biggest chance to work their way into a higher paying job is through on the job training. One part of an employer’s budget that could face cuts would be for providing training to employees. Often employers provide training to their employees that would help them advance in their career, but may not be completely necessary in their current position. Unnecessary expenses such as this will most likely be trimmed, resulting in fewer opportunities for the working poor. [xi] Perhaps the simplest argument is if a minimum wage worker is producing $4. 00 per hour worth of product, and then the federal minimum wage is raised to $5. 0, the employer must find a way to increase the workers marginal productivity or face operating loses due to underproductive employees. One final thought from opponents is that once all of the aforementioned arguments are considered, there are more effective ways of helping address the issue of poverty. The Earned Income Tax Credit is pointed to as a strong example of one of the more effective ideas, rather than putting the burden of poverty on em ployers, it is shifted to the government. [xii] Empirical Data: When considering both sides of this debate, it is important to realize who are the workers earning minimum wage, and what role they have in providing for their families. Of the 1. 9 million workers in the United States who were paid the minimum wage in 2005 (most recent information available), more than one half (53%) are between the ages of 16-24. These workers are most likely high school and college students, and most of them do not work a full time schedule. Two thirds are members of families who have a combined income of at least 2 or more times the official poverty level based on their family size. Less than 17 percent are the only wage earners in their families, and less than 6 percent are poor single mothers. [xiii] What does this information tell us? The most important thing is that an increase in the minimum wage would target a majority of people who may not be living in poverty and are otherwise not in need of direct assistance. The far-reaching effects of raising minimum wages across the board in order to get help to the approximately 22 percent of earners who are truly living in poverty seems to be at the least ineffective, and at worst it could epresent a terrible misstep in economic policy. It is difficult if not impossible to identify the jobs lost because of minimum wage, but it is very easy to identify the additional income for a minimum wage worker. This is often the first retort from minimum wage advocates in response to arguments made by the other side. Alison Wellington’s research found that a 10% increase in the minimum wage resulted in a 0. 6% decrease in teenage employment, with no effect on unemployment rates. [xiv] A study along the same lines by David Neumark and William Washer in 2008 found contrasting results. They concluded that minimum wage resulted in a reduction in employment opportunities for low skilled workers, it was most harmful to poverty-stricken families, and that it lowers the adult wages of young workers by reducing their ultimate level of education. [xv] There are countless studies on both sides of the issue, and each one only solidifies each side in their existing opinion. No matter what position one takes regarding the minimum wage debate, there are a multitude of studies available to support it. The seemingly obvious fact is that these small increases that are enacted every few years are never enough to truly make a difference in bringing a person or a family out of poverty. A fifty cent increase in the minimum wage results in about $20 more per week for a full time worker. In my estimation, it is quite unlikely that small amount is making the difference in a person or a family living in poverty and living comfortably. A study of PhD members of the American Economic Association found that 46. % of respondents wanted minimum wage completely eliminated while 37. 7% want the minimum wage increased. [xvi] Such division among even the most expert economists shows exactly how contentious this issue is, and that there is no black and white, right or wrong answer to solve the debate. Perhaps as time goes on and there is more historical data to review, there may be a more definitive answer regarding this debate. Until such time, both sides will most likely remain entrenched in their current position.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The cultural and memory institutions Essay Example for Free
The cultural and memory institutions Essay There has been a radical change for the cultural and memory institutions across United Kingdom and these changes are moreover due to the changing facet of technology and the growing feature of user demands. The modern trends influence the purpose of the traditional as well as modern culture preservation and its management. The new technology has brought about rapid changes with its ways to preserve culture in its conventional form by scholarly studies and development of supporting strategies. In this regard, the possible ways, UK’s cultural institutions should probably approach is discussed here in this report. The objective of this study is provide recommendations and options so as to make visible the country’s cultural institutions and actors. It is hopeful that the study will help to improve the way UK’s cultural actors organize for the predictable changes that will take place in the next five years. This report aims to converge the three main trends discussed in the report – technology, culture, their interaction in order to increase the social participation and how new emerging web technology and online services can help to increase the public participation in culture. Definitely, internet technology or more profoundly, digitization has changes the scenario to a large extent and has created demands for on-demand, continuously available, personal access to products. Almost every library, archives and museums in UK have become digital by now and have changed their roles from the customary bodies to hybrid organizations that know how to take care of all the various cultural resources. The adaptation of the cultural contents to the digital form of content has presented a new dimension to the society to access their cultural heritage in ways that were unbelievable about a decade ago. According to Paul Fiander, Chief of BBC Information and records, UK, â€Å"The dividend from investment into going digital is substantial. †With the increasing levels of knowledge in the society, there will always be an increasing demand for quality and rich content and the Cultural institutions can cater to this need of learning services that are needed at all levels of the society. The modern internet technologies can play a major role in enhancing and delivering new content about culture heritage of the society. With this addition of innovative internet technologies, users will be able to enjoy easier access to their cultural lives and will be able top actively participate in events and cultural communities world wide. Users will be able to locate their areas of interest, visit virtual museums, and libraries to search for information they would have to toil hard to obtain. According to David Bearman,AMICO, â€Å"Offering highly interactive and rich environments will become a competitive factor within the cultural heritage community. In the future, we will expect that you can manipulate digital images in many ways, turn them around, look at the bottom, etc. Those resources that you cannot manipulate will be perceived as second rate. Moreover, the museums they come from will be perceived as second rate. †Displays, narrations and visuals combined with studies or information are learnt to have more positive effect on any student or end user. Latest advancements can provide a more effective and interactive learning environment for the users to add value to their studies and research works based on cultural heritage. Nevertheless, technology cannot alone boost the growing needs to reinforce a cultural scenario within the British society or anywhere else in the world, for that matter, but it also requires the understanding and the intellectual â€Å"capital†to create and develop new and rich cultural content material. This will help the cultural institutions to unlock the rich cultural heritage to the masses. Meanwhile the private sector has already started its efforts in the direction to re-invent the cultural content online. Amazon, BBC, Wikipedia, Second Life and MySpace have out in considerable efforts in this field and have changes the content landscape on the internet within a short period of time. These companies have done revolutionary digitization changes with the existing online content and have improved it beyond imagination. The truth is that they are inevitably assimilating. However, the next big question is that, what are most suitable policies that can meet the desired aims to merge technology and culture at the same time and what will the opportunities that online cultural opportunities can bring forward in a fast changing world. This paper throws some light in these issues and what can be the roles that the different organizations can play to achieve this aim.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Aqualisa Quartz Showers Market and Business Analysis
Aqualisa Quartz Showers Market and Business Analysis 1 Introduction/Case study analysis Aqualisa quartz shower, the top, state of the art product of the Aqualisa, was launched in May 2001. Quartz was the result of the intense market research, fantastic piece of technology and design. The compatibility, ease of installation and reliability were popular among the plumbers while the beautiful design, stability of temperature and good pressure made it ideal for the consumers. Unexpectedly, despite of the Quartzs fantastic features, it did not get the overwhelming success that Aqualisa expected. 2 Consumer Behaviour The consumer behaviour with regards to its purchase of shower in UK was somewhat complex and problematic. Only 60% homes had showers. Gravity-fed plumbing meant slow water pressure (3 to 4 litters per min). Varying temperature was also a problem. The individual consumer market had various priorities (see the table (a) below).44% of UK market for shower was replacement shower. So there was a demand for durability. Similarly the do-it-yourself consumer was keener on convenience as well as value of the product. Property developers wanted a product which they could use in their developing properties which should not only be cheap but stylish and long lasting as well. The plumbers played very important role in the selection of showers for the consumers. Individual consumer market fell into three pricing segments Segments Shop from Priorities Premium Showrooms Quality and design Standard Plumber recommendations Quality and durability Value Plumber selection Convenience and price Table a Do It Yourselfers proffered to buy showers from BQ style chains, which were easy to install, despite of being bulky, within a day without any help. The property developers needed stylish an attractive design, cheap and which would work in multiple setting. Showermax was designed for them which were very popular among them. The plumbers preferred the apparatus with which they were familiar to avoid repeat plumbing. The lack of trust in electric shower because of previous failure made them sceptical about electric showers. 2.1 Market Players their Strategies In the UK the main players in terms of market share were Triton, Mira, Gainsborough, Aqualisa and Masco with 545,500, 390,000, 203,500, 122,000 and 120,000 sold units respectively.* Tritons simple strategy was to create awareness at consumer level. This strategy gave them an edge and as a result more trust was developed in the product. They had range of all three kinds of shower e.g. electric shower, mixer shower and power showers, so targeting several segments. The distribution of the products of particularly Triton and Mira, in all distribution channels was exceptionally well. 2.2 Swot Analysis The following is the swat analysis of the Aqualisa Quarts. Strengths 5% to 10% market growth High tech products Showers with better water pressures than the competitors Brilliant, researched based designs Innovative products(e.g. Quartz) No 2 in mixing valve and 3 in over all UK market. Good service provider Popular in plumbers Elegant designs and Clever products Weakness 10% products still goes faulty Should be available in up to 90% of trade shop, show rooms and out lets. Weak marketing strategy for Quarts as the sale forces for Aqualisa spends 90% of time on maintaining existing account while the 10% on developing new customers Opportunities brand awareness Maximum sales and profits in case of Quartz success. Market leaders in innovative showers products Road to new inventions and ideas Leave the competitors behind Threats Other competitors catching up to Aqualisas product quality Perception of the product as overpriced Too much focus on innovation thus spending more money on inventions and ignoring core issues like providing basic service to customers.(10% items still goes faulty) 3 The Product development and launch process for Aqualisa Quartz Aqualisa was a respectable company with a 25% net return on sales and 5% to 10% growth in the market*. Despite the fact that the company was at the third position in the market as a whole and was considered respectable and reliable, it was feared by the company that the rivals may well beat them if they dont come up with something innovative and novel. The managing director Harry Rawlinson organised (RD) Research and Development team of Aqualisas sales and marketing Directors, market researchers, Cambridge scientists, and top industrial designers*. All the experts through brain storming and market research came up with the idea of the product which involved a small apparatus installed remotely in order to mix water. This idea was very powerful as the product installation wouldnt require excavation. After feedback from the 60 consumer field test sites and three years of development and expenditure of around  £5.8 million Quartz was developed. It cost the company from  £175 to $230 to make*. The Aqualisa was launched in the major showrooms like Bathroom Expo in London in May 2001 and was awarded fist prize. There were good and positive reviews about the product in the news papers. The fact that the product had good flow of water, very convenient and fast to install and accurate temperature control made it a popular product. Quartz was on the covers of major trade journals. There was a single time add run in news paper on Sunday too. 3.1 Positioning Strategies and Marketing mix The positioning strategy of the Aqualisa quarts was complicated. Following chart would show some pros and cons of the Positioning of the Quartz. Positioning Pros Cons 1 Targeting Consumer Directly If the consumers were targeted directly there was a good chance of the revitalization and an increase in the sale of the product once aware of the advantages of the product. Insist /influence the plumbers to use the Quartz. The advertisement would cost  £3 to  £4 million in two years 2 Targeting Do It Yourselfers Quartz was so easy to install that anybody could do it easily, so if advertised to d.i.y market could be beneficial. If advertised as premium value product the partner like BQ could help boost the advertising campaign too. If the item was associated with the d.i.y products it would never take its premium position. It was too good to take place of value product. 2 Targeting Developers Large- volume channel Developers would enforce more plumbers to install quarts so plumbers would get more confidence about Quartz Never accepted Aqualisa product even at 50% discount No guarantee that reducing price would defiantly attract them. Table c McCarthy (1999) classified the tools that constitute the Marketing mix, into four famous Ps Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. In case of Aqualisa Quartz as a Product it was a fantastic piece of technology and art. It was ticking all the boxes for what the consumer wanted. The plumbers regarded it as a wonderful product because of the ease of installation. It was innovative, state of art product. Quartz was premium Priced. The price was high because of the Quartz being innovative and state of the art product. It wouldnt be long when the competitors would be following the same route and may price their product even higher, so just because the Quartz did not get the overwhelming success in its first phase of launch, the price should not be reduced. Place; the Quartz was distributed to various channels e.g. trade shops and showrooms etc. There were a good number of plumbers working for Aqualisa who were also introduced to the product. They loved the ease of installation as it took half a day to install. In spite of that very few sale were made. Promotion; the product at the time of launch was exhibited in London in May 2001 at Bathroom expo. It was given first prise for being a fantastic product*. Similarly a single time add in the mail on Sunday magazine was run. Major news papers and trade magazines had it on its front pages. Still the promotion was not enough to make the product successful as it failed to target the potential buyer. 4 Reasons of Failure of Aqualisa Quartz in the initial phase There were many reasons to the failure of the product despite its fantastic qualities and innovations. Some of the reasons are listed below. The Quartz was an innovative and fantastic product but it was considered an expensive product. Although the price was high but the product deserved a higher price being so distinctive than traditional products in market. The twenty sales personal would spend mere 10% of time on gaining new customers while 90% on maintaining old customers. Obviously more than 10% of time was required to attain new customers. Reluctance of the Plumbers to accept electric showers due to previous failure of the electric shower so they were eager to try Quartz. Consumers often had to force the plumber to install the Quartz for them. But once they installed it they were converted and were convinced that it was a brilliant product. Weak positioning also created a vague image of the product as the plumbers were sceptical and the individual consumers were not fully aware of the advantages the product was offering. The Marketing mix of the product was also not perfectly well executed as the item was although available through main channels but little work was done on the promotion of the product. At the time of launch it was exhibited at the London Expo and it won the first prise and it was on the front pages of trade magazines, still it was not enough. Intense marketing at individual level was also required for the awareness and promotion of the product. 4.1 Strategies to revive the product Following strategies could revive Quartz. Segmenting the market and Targeting the independent plumbers which constituted the 54% of the UK market*, was of core importance. A vigorous marketing was needed to target them. The plumbers were sceptical of using the electric showers but once they used Quartz they were converted. Targeting 54% of the market could be really beneficial for the company. Following this strategy the Quartz could dominate as a successful product up to 90% of plumbers who made 100% of decision for 54% of market in the. change the perceptions of the consumers particularly property developing market which constituted 20% of the UK market (source Aqualisa). Once the independent plumbers were converted then that would eventually change the status of the product as a reliable and efficient. Availability of Quartz in max no Show rooms, Trade shops and D.I.Y sheds. According to the UK shower market in 2000, total electric shower units sold in show rooms was 55,000 *. It was important to make sure that the Quartz is present in max no of showrooms and. Similarly 330,000 electric units were sold by the trade shops and a good no of plumbers were working for these shops*. The presence of the product in the trade shops would mean better chances of exposure to the consumer. The D.I.Y sheds like BQ could promote the Quartz as a premium high quality product with the benefit to install independently. The sale of electric shower in UK at D.I.Y sheds in 2000 was the max i.e. 550,000*. If the product was placed in the D.I.Y sheds with the help of BQ promotions it could get the success it deserved. Launch an intense marketing campaign was vital to target the consumer directly. Once the product is successful the profit would cover the costs of marketing. Only one time add in magazine is not enough. Electronic media e.g. TV and radio should run advertisements for the product. Microsoft launched a massive $500 million marketing campaign, when it introduced the original Xbox, promoting the new product through in store merchandising, retailer incentives, events and sponsorship in addition to traditional advertising. (Alice z. 2004) Position Quartz as a family product. In the showrooms once the individuals with families had a look, they bought it as it was perfect and safe for all ages. Targeting the consumer directly through advertisement would let the families realised that the Quartz is a family need. Brand awareness would attract the families, plumbers, D.I.Yers and property developers as they would become aware of the product benefits. Justify high price by emphasising the qualities of the Quartz. Promotional low prices temporarily for the new buyers particularly the property developers. Once they plumbers used the product they were converted. So by low promotional prices would attract massive audience who could be converted as well. To increase the 20 person sales force. To increase from 10% to at least 50% of time to spend on new customers attainment. 5 Conclusion Aqualisa Quartz despite of the fact that it was a fantastic product, it failed to achieve the success it deserved in the beginning. The product was such an innovation that it should have made records of best selling product. The push button technology, ease of installation, stable temperature and ideal water pressure made it ideal shower. It was safe to use with children as well as with elderly. Aqualisa was expecting huge sales but the results were rather disappointing when there were only few sales in the first phase. Robert Lauterborn (1990) suggested that the sellers four Ps correspond to the customers four Cs. Four Ps Four Cs Product Customer solution Price Customer cost Place Convenience Promotion Communication. The Quartz was a fantastic Product and it was offering perfect customer solution. Similarly the price was just ok for the product as it was one in all products. And customer would pay high Price for an item if it is fit for purpose and providing the luxury at the same time. Thats when the Promotion comes in. But at the same time Quartz needed wright positioning and good marketing to attract the consumer. The product was available through trade shops, Showrooms and D.I.Y sheds. The plumbers working for the Aqualisa were also introduced to the product. Still more was needed. So if all the strategies listed above are tried, it should not take long when the Quartz would be on its way to success.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Jean Paul Sartre :: Philosophy, God, Creation
Discussion Most western Philosophies and monotheistic traditions base the creation of man as a design of god. God is the primary artisan that is the creator for all, and god’s conception of man is conceived before the creation of man. For Sartre this means that because god created humanity through a conception, it must mean that we are all created to that conception and are created with a purpose, or as Sartre defines human nature (Sartre, p.206-207). As an atheistic existentialist Sartre sees a problem with a notion of a divine creator, as this would mean that our essence precedes our existence. Jean Paul Sartre’s notion of existence preceding essence is his ideology that debates freedom and human choice. Sartre’s basic claim is that the existence of humanity exists before there is conception of values and morals, human nature (Sartre, p 207). For Sartre humanity is born with a blank slate, no predetermined value and no basic essence that humanity shares. Subsequently this means that because we have no particular ideal abstract of human nature, we are all responsible to create our own construction of essence through the choices we make. We define ourselves by the sum of choices and actions we make. (Sartre, p. 208) Sartre’s argument denies the traditional philosophy of an existing human nature, or an ideal abstract of being that we are all born with. Sartre’s theory articulates the absence of an omnisc ient creator (Sartre, p. 209). Sartre believes that man creates his nature and finds value though his free choices. Sartre elaborates this through his concept of freedom by establishing that our conscience is separate from the physical world; it is without restriction and therefore must be free. (Sartre, p. 239-241) The radical freedom Sartre expresses however does have restrictions of facticity. The limitations that are instilled in us, the situations we are all thrown in does restrict some possibilities of our freedom, this is called facticity. Facticity is the situation we find ourselves in, but this does not change that we are still more than our situation; we always have choice and are destined to it. (Sartre, p 240-241) Analysis: To accept that existence precedes essence one would have to come to the conclusion that there is no innate human nature and therefore no god to conceive it (Sartre, p.207). For many western philosophies and monotheistic religions this proves to be problem and they dispute existentialism in that respect. Jean Paul Sartre :: Philosophy, God, Creation Discussion Most western Philosophies and monotheistic traditions base the creation of man as a design of god. God is the primary artisan that is the creator for all, and god’s conception of man is conceived before the creation of man. For Sartre this means that because god created humanity through a conception, it must mean that we are all created to that conception and are created with a purpose, or as Sartre defines human nature (Sartre, p.206-207). As an atheistic existentialist Sartre sees a problem with a notion of a divine creator, as this would mean that our essence precedes our existence. Jean Paul Sartre’s notion of existence preceding essence is his ideology that debates freedom and human choice. Sartre’s basic claim is that the existence of humanity exists before there is conception of values and morals, human nature (Sartre, p 207). For Sartre humanity is born with a blank slate, no predetermined value and no basic essence that humanity shares. Subsequently this means that because we have no particular ideal abstract of human nature, we are all responsible to create our own construction of essence through the choices we make. We define ourselves by the sum of choices and actions we make. (Sartre, p. 208) Sartre’s argument denies the traditional philosophy of an existing human nature, or an ideal abstract of being that we are all born with. Sartre’s theory articulates the absence of an omnisc ient creator (Sartre, p. 209). Sartre believes that man creates his nature and finds value though his free choices. Sartre elaborates this through his concept of freedom by establishing that our conscience is separate from the physical world; it is without restriction and therefore must be free. (Sartre, p. 239-241) The radical freedom Sartre expresses however does have restrictions of facticity. The limitations that are instilled in us, the situations we are all thrown in does restrict some possibilities of our freedom, this is called facticity. Facticity is the situation we find ourselves in, but this does not change that we are still more than our situation; we always have choice and are destined to it. (Sartre, p 240-241) Analysis: To accept that existence precedes essence one would have to come to the conclusion that there is no innate human nature and therefore no god to conceive it (Sartre, p.207). For many western philosophies and monotheistic religions this proves to be problem and they dispute existentialism in that respect.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Free Essays - Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello :: Othello essays
Jealousy in Othello "O, Beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster (3.3.195-96)..." If a monster with green eyes were coming at an individual, what would one do? The answer of course, depends on the circumstances of that particular person. Would one permit the green-eyed monster to conquer his or her own mind, and control his or her every move? In this case the green-eyed monster would indeed be jealousy. Now lets use Iago for example. He was prejudice towards the African American, Othello, to whom he held a lower military position; a less qualified man, Cassio, was promoted as Othello's lieutenant, and he wasn't high in social classes. Iago's life was excruciatingly unsatisfactory and Iago welcomed the green-eyed monster with is arms wide open. First of all, why does one feel a need for control over others? Besides jealousy, could ones own life not be going the way they would like? Iago didn't have power over anything. The only thing he had power over was his emotions, and he couldn't even control them. He says, and I quote, "Tis in ourselves that we ar e thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners (1.3.361-63)." In translation, it means only we have control over out internal selves. We are also the only one's who can take control over our feelings. As soon as Iago put his scheme into action, he saw results: "Now art thou my lieutenant (3.4.545)." Iago had Othello under his control, just as he anticipated. Iago told lies to Othello and to try and convince him to bring his own wants to life; one being lieutenant for Othello. Additionally, how could a person be so cruel? Iago was ruthless and surmounted by jealousy, selfishness, prejudice, and he was also spiteful. Iago had said, "I have it. It is engendered. Hell and night must bring this world's light (1.3.446-47)." Iago was referring to his cruel scheme designed to destroy Othello's life. How selfish of Iago to want to impose his cruel lies and actions on these somewhat good, unsuspecting people. He wanted to cause destruction for the so le purpose of satisfying his desires. Next, what happens when an individual has fulfilled his or her goals?
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Electric vs. Gasoline Essay
Nowadays, people all over the world do their best to live greener and not contribute to global warming. An invention that is meant to help reduce the amount of toxic waste that is polluting the environment nowadays is that of the electric car. But is electric really so much better than gas? Electric cars are emission free, compact and lightweight, and three times as efficient as gas engines. Compared to gasoline cars, electric car motors are very efficient, converting over 90% of electrical power supplied into motion. Still, there is about a 50% chance in the United States that burning coal, which, in turn, severely harms the environment, generates the electricity that is used to charge the batteries of a plug-in electric vehicle. Another advantage of an electric vehicle, is its durability: except for the fact that it has lower emissions, the electric car is in no need for oil changes or tune-ups, and with regenerative braking, brakes last longer. The gasoline car, on the other hand, has to deal with part failures associated with belts, hoses and cooling systems. The gas-powered car has a fuel tank, which supplies gasoline to the engine. The engine then turns a transmission, which turns the wheels. An electric car functions just a little differently than the gas-powered one: in comparison, it has a set of batteries that provides electricity to an electric motor. The motor then turns a transmission, and the transmission turns the wheels. When it comes to safety, although the weight and the bulk of the batteries make the electric vehicle heavier compared to gasoline vehicles and takes up more interior space, it is proven that the occupants of a heavy vehicle will, on average, suffer fewer and less injuries than the occupants of a lighter vehicle. Yet, although having an electric car has so many advantages, there are, as associated with all things, a few disadvantages that could make the ownership of an electric car somewhat challenging. Electric cars tend to require long recharge times. This means that the car cannot be used while the battery is charging. Also, the electric car has been known to be extremely expensive to purchase – the costs should break down outside the warranty coverage. The battery, too, has to be charged for at least 12 hours (a time which can only be done overnight, if one travels a lot by car), and there are few stations that make it possible to charge, other than your own house. In the end, it is all up to the individual to make the decision: if one is determined to help save and protect the environment, and is willing to take up the costs and time and effort it takes to charge the vehicle . Bibliography: http://truecostblog. com/2009/01/04/electric-vs-gasoline/ http://www. weatherimagery. com/blog/electric-vs-gasoline-vehicle/ http://www. ehow. com/about_5456046_electric-vs-gas-cars. html http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car1. htm http://www. articleinspector. com/articles/452/1/Learn-Pros-And-Cons-About-The-All-Electric-Car/Page1. html.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Kiss: Brancusi and Rodin
Auguste Rodin was a French artist most famous for his sculpting. He was born in 1840 and survived into the Twentieth century, dying in November of 1917. He possessed and innate ability to sculpt in clay, creating dynamic movement in roughly pock marked human figures with a high degree of realism. His work was not well received initially though he came into vogue rather quickly.He was schooled in a traditional manner on the Ecole de Beaux Arte in Paris but in his work he was in the vanguard of the movement toward modern sculpture ( Rodin). Constantin Brancusi was born in Romania in 1876 and died in 1957. His sculptures were simple, reflecting his background as a stonemason in his native land. Having run away from home at an early age to escape the abuse of his father and brothers, he impressed an employer with his carving ability and the man financed his secondary education at a crafts school where he graduated with honors. He then attended the Bucharest School of Fine Arts ( Brancusi).Brancusi made his way to Paris, the center of the world of art at that time, and made the acquaintance of fellow artists and intellectuals (Franck & Liebow). For two years he labored in the workshop of Antonin Mercie of the Paris Ecole des Beaux Arte. At that point he was invited to work with the master, Auguste Rodin. Brancusi recognized the genius of Rodin but apparently felt smothered by the essence of the great sculptor and left after a few months. He was quoted as saying that, â€Å"Nothing can grow under big trees,†( Brancusi) Rodin was, at his core, a naturalist, and as consumed with the emotion and character he found in the model as he was in faithfully rendering an exact likeness.He also, it was said, believed, more so than other sculptors, that a human’s character is revealed in his physical features. His theory was that every portion of the sculpted work had a part to play in communicating the feeling, po wer and inner strength of the work. The grip of the toes, for instance, in his Thinker, is depicted to show the intensity with which the subject is going about his task. â€Å"What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes†(quoted in Rodin) he said.While most of Paris’ sculptors were working in clay and having their work cast in bronze, Brancusi most often labored as a carver and utilized the direct method of creating his sculpture. He removed the superfluous material and was left with his creation. In the case of his original The Kiss, (there are several versions), as the old saw goes, he simple cut off everything that did not look like a pair of kissers. Carved in limestone, it measures 23†x 13  ¾ â€Å" x 10  ¾Ã¢â‚¬ . It is a highly stylized depiction of a man and woman face to face, their arms entwined, their lips pressed together and their bodies touching.The work gives the impression that the two are so engrossed and joined in love and sensuality that they have become one. Rodin’s version of the same subject is likewise carved directly into stone, in this case, marble, though there exist many replicas of the work in bronze, cast from Rodin’s original carving. The original title was Francesca da Rimini and depicted a scene from Dante’s Inferno. It represents an Italian noblewoman who falls in love with her husband’s younger brother. The couple are nude and embracing, with their lips close, each to the other, but not actually touching, so the kiss is not consummated.Both works by these two contemporary masters, working in the same city, are of the same subject and both are carved directly into stone. Here the similarity between the two ends. Rodin’s powerful style is seen in the work and t here is no question as to what he means to say. The sensuality of the Rodin work is manifest in the texture of the piece and the rendition of muscle and bone. There is a tension in the work that is palpable. Brancusi’s Kiss is simple and direct. It is highly stylized and cubistic in its conception.There is more than a hint of the primitive in the statue. The two artists chose to handle form in a drastically different manner while addressing the same theme. Rodin’s work and even its original title suggest sensuality, passion and perhaps even outright sin. Brancusi’s Kiss is more suggestive of love than of passion (Art 101). It is static and has no movement to it. The two humans depicted in Brancusi’s work are bonded as if they are one unit, suggesting a stability and deeper emotional unity than that conveyed by RodinThe two artists have, as would have likely pleased Robert Frost, taken different roads. It is not certain which of the two men chose the o ne less traveled but there are differences that make it obvious that they diverge. As to which is the better work, that is not possible to determine, for art, like much of life, is subjective and largely up to individual taste.But Rodin’s work is more academic and conventional where Brancusi’s work is more primal and addresses a basic emotion in the heart and soul of humanity in perhaps a more direct manner. It is possible to dismiss Brancusi’s work at first glance, saying that a child could have done it, while Rodin’s piece has a realism that would belie such a thought.There are those critics who suggest that the Emperor is indeed nude and the Brancusi work is a joke foisted on the art public much like the attitude many take toward the works of Picasso. Rodin’s work became acceptable after a period of adjustment and the public began to understand what he meant to convey. Brancusi’s work is similar in that aspect, and more acceptable as the public gets past their original assessment. Still, both pieces are from the hand of a master who has chosen his own method of bringing his vision to the world.Works Cited.Franck, D. and Liebow, C. Bohemian Paris: Picasso, Modigliani, MatisseAnd the Birth of Modern Art New York: Grove Press Auguste Rodin 2007 Retrieved 6-7-07 from:     Â
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Angelina Jolie Speech Essay
Introduction When she is not working as the UN Goodwill Ambassador, she’ll be acting or directing another film, or looking after her six adorable children. a. Today I will be speaking about the amazing Angelina Jolie, my inspiration in so many aspects of life and a truly amazing woman. b. I will cover three main areas with regards to her life and accomplishments. My first point will be about her career and family. Second, I will be mentioning her involvement in various worldwide humanitarian activities. Finally, I will also mention her support for medical health. (Insert Connective: First, I will give a brief introduction to the life of Angelina Jolie†¨ Identify type: Transitions) I. Body – (include citations of sources) Angelina Jolie Voight was born on June 4th, 1975. She started acting at a young age and soon became a very successful actress. You may have seen her act in films such as Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Maleficent. a. She is also an accomplished film director and has won various awards in the film industry, including Academy Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards and Golden Globe Awards. (Hollywood Life, Angelina Jolie) b. In her personal life, she is married to fellow actor Brad Pitt. i. They have 6 children, of whom three are adopted, and three are their own biological children. ii. Angelina Jolie is a strong supporter for adoption of children from all over the world, and her support can be seen in her actions. 1. Three of her children were adopted from Cambodia, Ethiopia and Vietnam c. The adoption of her first child from Cambodia bridged the change of her image from ordinary actress to humanitarian worker, which she further developed in the following years. (Insert Connective: Now that I have spoken about Angelina Jolie’s career as an actress as well as her participation in overseas adoption, I will now speak about her humanitarian work. identify type: Signposting) II. In an interview, Angelina Jolie mentioned that she was first exposed to what other people around the world faced in 2001, when filming in Cambodia. (UNHCR, Fact Sheet) d. After seeing the suffering in Cambodia, Angelina Jolie contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and offered her help. This truly kick-started her humanitarian efforts in the world, as she was then named a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, with the aim to focus on refugees and displaced people during conflict. iii.She has since visited over 30 countries during her time as a ambassador. iv. She has been brave in the locations she has visited. 2. For example she visited Sudan during the internal conflict, Chad during the civil war as well as Iraq and Libya during the Libyan revolution. e. Angelina Jolie has also set up and financed many charity organisations, such as the Maddox-Jolie-Pitt Foundation, dedicated to community development and environmental conservation in Cambodia. (MJPAsia) All of this intensive humanitarian work has earned her the status as youngest recipient of the Jean Hersholt Award for humanitarian activities in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts. (The Star, Humanitarian Work) (Insert Connective: My third and final point will cover Angelina Jolie’s support for physical and mental health in women identify type: Sign posting) III. In a New York Times article titled â€Å"My Medical Choice†, Angelina Jolie made headlines across the world when she announced that she underwent a double mastectomy so she could prevent chances of breast cancer. (Nytimes, My Medical Choice) f. This courageous choice was made due to the fact that she carried a gene which increased the risk of both Ovarian and Breast cancer. (Breast Cancer Screening, The Guardian) g. This choice raised a new awareness of people suffering from breast cancer, as well as the various options women faced with the disease. h. She also revealed that she had battled anorexia and self harm earlier in her life, and has openly supported various charities with regards to mental health and depression in youth and adults. II. Conclusion Angelina Jolie has accomplished so much in her life, and has become a role model not only for her own children but also for so many of us in the world. a. She has used her celebrity status to do humanitarian work and inspire many people. I will conclude my speech with a quote by Angelina Jolie, which I find inspirational and relevant to our lives. â€Å"No matter what you have gone through in your youth, it is about who you choose to be in life. You can define your own destiny. You can be stronger than a very difficult past and overcome it.†(SMH, Angelina Jolie Interview) Thank you very much, and I hope you have also come to appreciate Angelina Jolie as an amazing and inspirational person. Bibliography (use APA / MLA style) Hollywood Life (2012, April 21). Angelina Jolie. Retrieved September 12, 2014, from UNHCR (2009, November 13) Angelina Jolie Fact Sheet. Retrieved September 12, 2014 from The Star (2013, Nov 18) Angelina Jolie receives her Jean Hersholt Humanitarian award. Retrieved September 12, 2014) from http:// Nytimes (2013, May 14) My Medical Choice. Retrieved September 11th, 2014 from Ingham, A. (2014, August 18). Breast Cancer Screening on the Rise Since Angelina Jolie. Retrieved September 12, 2014, from http:// Maddox Jolie Pitt Asia. (2008, May 2). MJPAsia. Retrieved September 12, 2014, from Lifetime TV (2014, April 29) Angelina Jolie Biography September 12, 2014, from biography-angelina-jolie Sydney Morning Herald (2011, December 16) Angelina Jolie Interview Kung Fu Panda 2 Retrieved September 12, 2014 from
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Context in Frankenstein and Blade Runner Essay
The context of the time of writing is an integral part of a text’s composition and ideas. This notion is evident in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s 1982 science fiction film, Blade Runner. They both address ideas contemporary at the time, but are both interconnected through a common questioning of what may happen if humans attempt to play god. As a romanticist, Shelley condemns Frankenstein’s intrusive attempt to play the creator. Scott spurns man’s ruthless ambition through a dystopian environment created through ruthless quest for profit by commercially dominant, greedy corporations. Both texts employ techniques such as allusion and characterisation to depict similar dystopian visions ensuing from man’s dereliction of nature. Composed during the Industrial Revolution at a time of increased scientific experimentation, Shelley warns and forebodes her enlightened society of the consequences which come about from playing god. She uses Victor Frankenstein as her platform, whose self-exalting line â€Å"many excellent natures would owe their being to me†represents a society engrossed with reanimation. Recurring mythical allusions to Prometheus, â€Å"how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge†portray Victor as a tragic hero; a noble character whose â€Å"fatal flaw†of blind ambition ultimately results in his own downfall and dehumanization, â€Å"swallowed up every habit of my nature†. In addition, Victor’s impulsive rejection of his grotesque creation, leads to the Monster’s rebellion (â€Å"vowed eternal hated and vengeance to all mankind†). Despite the mismatch in time and context, Scott also incorporates similar elements of horror, but procures a man-made cataclysm that is a product of his own desire to achieve commercial dominance. Unlike Shelley’s moralistic warning, the flames in the opening scene highlight a dystopian world that has already reached an undesirable outcome. Revising Victor’s undermining of God’s prerogative, Scott conveys Tyrell’s capitalist fixation through his mantra â€Å"commerce is our goal†. The composer reinforces this through multiple low angle shot of Tyrell’s monolithic corporation, highlighting its command over its depressing urban surroundings. By doing so, Scott denounces the arrogance of corporate giants and their reckless disregard for the proletarians. Furthermore, Scott’s reflection of a society engulfed within Cold-war paranoia of a potential nuclear disaster is depicted through Tyrell’s violent death at the hands of his own creation, Batty. Here, Tyrell’s scream as Roy ruptures his myopia-riddled eyes, a metaphor of his blind ambition, creates an ambience of utmost horror as responders construe how man’s hubristic desire to achieve utmost power results in his destruction. However, unlike Shelley’s critique of heedless scientific pursuit, Scott’s perspective has shifted to that of man’s capitalist voracity and is a reflection upon the 20th century’s rapid expansion of multinational corporations. In comparison to Shelley’s discourse, Scott’s manifestation of a plain, industrialised world is his suspicion that technological progression has already discerned man’s divergence from nature. In the film’s opening sequence, Scott portrays his dystopian society through film-noir style of perpetual darkness, where the superficial world’s only source of illumination is from the glow of man-made neon lights. Moreover, the composer’s representation of a world ravaged by technological expansion is symbolised through the absence of authentic fauna and their substitution with artificial fauna. However, in light of Shelley’s embrace of sublime nature, Scott also conveys how the presence of nature can facilitate the hope of spiritual renewal; proposing its entire restoration. The composer denotes this through his transient but vivid depiction of Deckard’s fleeting unicorn dream. Contrary to Shelley, however, Scott’s depiction of nature within a subliminal dream is metaphorical of his belief that rapid technological innovation has already superseded the position of nature. Therefore the film’s 20th century context encompassing fears ecological degradation evokes his admonition that rapid technological progression may already have made impossible a possible return to nature.
Alliances of Ww1 Essay
war. The alliances were one of the long-term effects of world war one. All alliances started secretly before world war one but what made it significant is when it was clear after Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia declared war on Germany and Austria and the domino effect started, which in the end led to world war one. However, all these alliances in world war one were intended for defense against the expanding Germany army. While, in world war two the alliances were not used for defense†¦ Militarism- The military grew in competing countries. The contest between Germany and Britain at sea between Germany, France, Russia Alliance System- where big countries stayed together incase of a war. The triple alliance and leaders of big alliances acted reckless towards others. Imperialism- Ruling over a country. European countries ruled smaller countries, and competed with each other. Colonies became known as Imperialism. France and Britain had many colonies in Africa and Asia. Germany†¦ involved. The war drew in all the world's great economic powers, which were assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies and the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Although Italy had also been a member of the Triple Alliance alongside Germany and Austria-Hungary, it did not join the Central Powers, as Austria-Hungary had taken the offensive against the terms of the alliance. These alliances were both reorganized and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy, Japan and the United States†¦ Events Leading to WW1 World War 1 was the start of changing times in the early 1900 's. This was a time for countries to draw a line in the sand and make a mark as to who would be the new world order. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was an heir to the country of Austria. Once Ferdinand became ruler, he proposed some policies that didn 't pass over well with the other leaders within Austria. One policy would aim at becoming 16 states rather than have Austria fade into the background of Hungary 's government†¦ by Gavril Principe, a Bosnian Serb citizen of Austria-Hungary and member of the Black Hand. The retaliation by Austria-Hungary against Serbia activated a series of alliances that set off a chain reaction of war declarations. Within a month, much of Europe was in a state of open warfare. The war was propagated by two major alliances. The Entente Powers initially consisted of France, the United Kingdom, Russia and their associated empires and dependencies. Numerous other states joined these allies†¦ IMPACTS OF WW1 ON AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY Almost a century has passed but Australia still identifies strongly with the Anzac ‘legend' that emerged during the First World War. Entering the war as a small outpost of the British Empire, no one would have anticipated the courage and tenacity displayed by the Australian troops or the extent to which their war efforts would become the foundation of our national identity. While it lacked large numbers of troops to contribute to the British war effort,†¦ World War 1 (WW1) World War One, the first of two wars which shook the very foundations of the earth. The war was as long as it was brutal, consisting of the world’s greatest powers vied against one another in a brutal, slow conflict. In this war there were the Central and Allied powers, which fought one another for both heroic and selfish reasons. All the while trying to maintain their land and nobilities from being threatened by the other side. The war had many various reasons for beginning,†¦ weapons.†â€Å" Alliances also contributed to the war because when they signed an alliance with another county they gave each other their help if they needed it. Then Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia. Germany declared war on France two days later; they went through Belgium, which was neutral. Great Britain declared war on Germany after France was attacked. Then Austria-Hungary declared war on England and WW1 began†( â€Å"The countries that were involved in WW1 that were Central†¦ Impact of WW1 on Russia Social and economic: The war proved an economic disaster for Russia, the direct cost of war rose from 1,500 million roubles in 1914 to 14,500 million in 1918. And this was an expense of the rural or industrial workforce, thus production slumped and in any case in time of war the country needed to be producing more, not less to feed and supply its armies Military problems: Although the Russian government managed to mobilise around 15 million men between 14-17, mainly†¦ Although the alliance between the UK and the USA had been established for many centuries, especially in the shared cause in WW1, it wasn’t until 1944 that the term ‘special relationship’ was used to describe Anglo-American relations. Winston Churchill said in 1944 that â€Å"unless Britain and the United States are joined in a special relationship, another destructive war will come to pass†, this was the foundation of the term ‘special relationship’. After the American Declaration of Independence in†¦
Friday, September 13, 2019
Project Management Take-Home & Interview Assignment
Project Management Take-Home & Interview - Assignment Example These individuals take part in the decision-making processes that may occur when the project is underway. To ensure a success for the project, the roles of ach of the members of this project organization need to be specified and each individual should stick to his are of jurisdiction. The project manager is the leader of the project organization. The manager has the responsibility of managing the resources that are available for the project. He or she is also responsible for ensuring that the project is executed according to the schedule. Communication is very important in the management of a project. ‘It is important that all members of the project team (including the client) be on the same page at the same time during every phase of the project’ (Goto, 2000, p.5). It should be noted that all the activities in a project are essential for the completion of the project. A close and effective communication mechanism will enable the project manager and the other members of the team to identify the areas that may cause delay in the completion time of the project. This problem can then be fixed in liaison with the client depending on its gravity. There is need for constant communication with the project sponsor/client. This can be achieved by issuing more than one reliable communication means like mobile phones, e-mail addresses. The client organization and the consulting firm both have their permanent contacts that should be exchanged during the execution of the project. Failures in projects can be caused by risks and uncertainties that may not be foretold. However, the risks can be minimized by observing certain criterion. In planning for the project, it is important to ensure that the activities involved in the tasks are identified and time estimates given accordingly. The project manager should ensure that proper
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Global Warming, Extraction and Exploration Essay - 6
Global Warming, Extraction and Exploration - Essay Example Oil plays an endless and crucial part of the modern world. Other than being a critical source of energy, petroleum items serve as feedstock for a few purchaser products, subsequently playing a developing and pertinent part in individuals lives. Then again, the oil business holds a noteworthy capability of risks for nature and may affect it at distinctive levels ranging from air, water, soil, and every living being on the planet. Consequently, the broadest and hazardous outcome of oil and gas industry exercises is contamination and pollution. Pollution is experienced throughout all phases of oil and gas creation, from exploratory exercises to refining. Some of the main environmental effects include; While the greater part of global warming happens in the in rich nations such as the United States and other parts of Europe. It is the poorest nations, those that can least bear to adjust to an evolving atmosphere, who are suffering the most. Developing nations economies are hurt when oil is extracted from them, or when they are subject to unpredictable oil imports. Also, when the oil is at last flared and the carbon contained in it discharged into the environment. Oil contributes intensely to diminished agricultural output, extended dry spells, human health effects, displacement of people and other effectively watched and anticipated effects of environmental change (McKibben Para. 3). The impacts of environmental change are as of now being felt everywhere throughout the planet as climate change is turning out to be less predictable and everything from agribusiness and fisheries to the insurance business is being impacted. According to Hunter (24), when conducting oil exploration for offshore oil, the oil companies use seismic waves to analyze the possibilities of the rocks below the water surface to be bearing gas and oil. This process may result in the destruction of tissues and organs of fish and also alter the means of communication of marine organisms as well as how they search for food.Â
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Jesus, Antigone and Augustine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Jesus, Antigone and Augustine - Essay Example This paper shall seek to look at the figures of Antigone, Jesus Christ and Augustine. These three figures fought against established forms of authority. What is significant about this collection of revolutionaries is that all three of them adopted methods that were not violent. All three of them were however, practitioners of very different methods and controversies remain as to the reasons as to why these three employed the methods of resistance that they employed. Antigone is a fictional character created by the great playwright Sophocles. His characterization of Antigone was meant to evoke strong reactions. On the other hand are Jesus and Augustine, both of whom are historical characters about whom most information is present, however, in the form of legends. Augustine is more of a historical character than Jesus, since information regarding him survives in the form of his writings. Jesus Christ was a person who lived during the times of the Roman Empire was a Jew who was consider ed to be the messiah of the Jews. The Jews in the Roman Empire lived under the control of the Roman Empire and were resentful of the control of whom they considered to be foreigners. Jesus, according to the Bible, was the Messiah (Mark 8: 27-32). He claimed to be the son of God and thus divine. He, according to the Bible, was the person who had taken on the form of man in order to wash off the sins of mankind and provide him with redemption. According to writers like John Milton, he was to be considered to have volunteered to save man from eternal perdition by laying down his own life voluntarily. By voluntarily undergoing a gruesome death at the cross, Jesus would act the role of the sacrificial lamb and thus free mankind from the original sin. Milton talks of the beginning of this story in his great work Paradise Lost (Milton). This account of the life of Jesus is however, not a strictly historical one. Historically, he is considered by many to have been a member of the Jewish com munity that was oppressed by the Roman Empire. He was a religious leader who sought to change the dynamics of power as they existed between the Roman officials and Empire and the Jews and the other original inhabitants of what is known today as Israel. Jesus’ contribution to the liberation of the people f Israel is considered to be seminal and this is considered by some to be the reason as to why he was deified by some. Antigone, on the other hand, is an almost completely fictional character. She is present in the work Antigone, by Sophocles. The importance of the character can be gauged from the fact that she is the titular character in the play. She also is the character who provides the play with its thematic thrust with an emphasis on the resistance to the established powers of the state. She is the daughter of Oedipus, who was once the king of Thebes and Jocasta, who was also the mother of Oedipus. The Oedipal tale is one of how man is unable to change his own fate. The tale of Antigone is however, that of one who makes an effort despite this knowledge, to change her fate. The very existence f Antigone is a challenge to the traditional social structures of her time, since she is the product of incest. Hers is a situation where her mother and her grandmother are the same person. This situation is according to conventional understandings of events, an unnatural one and Antigone is thus, a challenge to the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Independent Creative Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Independent Creative Writing - Essay Example I have created my time capsule keeping this fact in mind. It would be difficult to write about the culturally diverse American society and for this reason, a DVD should be made that would record the different aspects of the American society. These different aspects would be personal, business and recreational society. For this purpose, the video recorder will have to visit different homes, business centers including the White House and popular recreational spots including fast food joints such as McDonald’s. This DVD would be the main object of the time capsule. To ensure that the DVD is playable, a DVD player would also be included in the time capsule. Along with the DVD, an album of pictures will also be put in the time capsule. This album will have pictures of popular spots that are idolized by the society including Hollywood, fast food joints, stadiums, and theaters etc. The composition of the pictures would be such that the essence of the place is captured, that is, stadium during a football match. I would also include a recent newspaper. This newspaper will cover most aspects of the contemporary American society including the most recent headlines and the opinions of leading journalists on the pressing problems of today’s society.
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