Thursday, October 31, 2019
Jean Watson's Theory of Caring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jean Watson's Theory of Caring - Essay Example In the modern days, caring science is a field of study that has many disciplines of study that includes nursing, feminist study, ecology, philosophy, arts and other humanities. Application of Jean Watson’s theory The Jean Watson’s theory has been applied in several ways as the literature in the theory suggests. The theory has been used in the creation of a humanistic system. These are values which develop at an early stage of the nurse. They can also develop as a result of sharing with parents and the people around him or her. Life experiences and personal exposure to the real world can also create these humanistic values in the life of a nurse. These experiences have of great necessity in nurse’s maturation, this in return leads to the development of altruistic nature of the nurse towards other people (Watson, 1999). Hope and faith of nurses are some of the traits that have been greatly improved by the creation of this theory. Faith and hope are v ery essential character traits that every nurse should possess. The theory describes it to be of great importance for both carative as well as curative stages. When the doctor has no more to offer to the patient the nurse should use the faith and hope aspects to show a sense of recovery to the patient (Watson, 1999). The theory has also enabled the nurse to cultivate sensitivity to oneself and to his or her patients. If a nurse is willing to hold a genuine conversation between himself and the patient he needs to be in the same emotional state as the one with the patient. As the nurse becomes more sensitive he or she also develops an authentic value. This encourages the nurse in self growth as well as self-actualization to both the nurse and other people whom he or she interacts with. When a personal relationship has been  developed, there is a higher level of functioning and also the promotion of health (Watson, 1999). The theory has been used in the creation of a helpful and trustful relationship. This can be described as the strongest tool in a relationship because it demonstrates caring for each other. The major characteristics that the nurse holds in order to develop this kind of relationship are warmth which is demonstrated towards the patient, empathy which shows that the nurse Cleary understands what the patient is going through and congruence. The nurse employs the use of both verbal and nonverbal methods to make the communication effective (Watson, 1999). The theory has also been used to improve the use scientific process as one way of solving problems. The design is very necessary in a nursing career as it is the most important decision making tool. The scientific method of solving problems is the only available method that enables prediction and control. The process also offers a room for self-correction. The theory has preferably described the caring science as one should not always be objective and neutral. The theory also promotes the learn ing and teaching role. This is vital because the nurse needs to focus on learning from others as well as teaching them (Watson, 1999). Framework of Jean Watson’s theory The theory describes the nursing process to be carried out in a number of steps. This will provide a platform for decision making in the workplace. The use of the theory will greatly help in solving problems in the structure. The first step in decision making is achieved by assessing the issue at hand. This can also be termed as the problem. The assessment of the problem is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Faculty of management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Faculty of management - Essay Example According to her, Canadian businesses have stagnant growth because they not only lack resources but they have also not enough motivation for growth. Canadian Banks have conservative notions about businesses that discourage people to be creative. She nevertheless thinks that some of the government initiatives like Canada Export Development and Sustainable development Technologies have encouraged businesses to exploit new opportunities of growth in emerging economies. I agree with Allen that businesses must innovate to compete and expand. But at the same time, government must create facilitating environment for growth. In the current environment of advancing technology and globalization, business has become highly competitive. Moreover, process of globalization has changed the dynamics of global business. Emerging markets of South East Asia, Middle East and BRIC countries offer huge potential for businesses. They are high growth markets with high income where demand for new product can be easily created (Hook, 2001). This is a very important factor that must be exploited by the business community. Growth of business contributes to the growth and development of nations. Thus, it becomes imperative that businesses must constantly make efforts to expand and grow. R&D facilities promote innovation of ideas, new product development and innovation in business processes for greater productivity. Furthermore, innovative approach and resource based strategy provide the firms with unique value creating capabilities that give them distinct advantage against their rivals. As such, they emerge as critical elem ents that facilitate businesses to compete successfully and grow even in adverse circumstances (Coombe and Georghiou, 2002). Indeed, government initiatives are major incentives for businesses to look for new opportunities and motivate them for diversifying their interests. But unless and until they are backed by conducive environment of growth,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Xenophobia Through The Social Theory Sociology Essay
The Xenophobia Through The Social Theory Sociology Essay In this essay Id like to analyze the phenomenon of xenophobia in Ukraine. This topic corresponds to the issue of limits of tolerance. To start this paper its crucial to define what the tolerance is. Basically tolerance is will or capability to endure, allow and accept the existing opinion or behaviour, which the person dislikes or disagrees with. This definition makes it clear that the ties between two notions of tolerance and xenophobia are undoubted. The context, in which the xenophobia is investigated here, is quiet interesting. Ukraine has got its independence in 1991, but before that for almost 400 centuries (with the exception of few years during the interwar period) it was a part of different Russian empires, Polish states and Habsburg Empire. Therefore, the conditions of Ukrainian nation formation were really interesting. To my mind this process is still in progress, thats why nowadays we have such an interesting case of xenophobia phenomenon there. The question my essay is going to answer is: What are the reasons of xenophobia in Ukraine? To answer it I need to fulfill following steps: 1. To review the contemporary approaches to the studying of xenophobia. 2. To analyze the results of two sociological researches on xenophobia in the state in 1995 and 2006. 3. To propose and analyze the reasons of xenophobia in Ukraine. The structure of my essay is closely related to the steps, which I mentioned above. Therefore, the first part will give the theoretical basis for the data analysis, which will be done in the second part. The third part will be more theoretical as Im going to find out which reasons play the key role for xenophobia level in Ukraine. The central place in the logic of my essay is occupied by the results of researches made by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, one of the leading sociology research agencies in Ukraine. As I mentioned above two researches were made in 1995 and 2006 correspondently. During each of these researches a little bit more than 2000 people were interviewed. The results of these researches are representative for the adult population of Ukraine (18+). Part 1. Theory overview 1.1. Xenophobia through the social theory Before turning to statistical data it is crucial to see which theoretical basis this topic has, thats why I decided to look at xenophobia through the prism of social science theories. The generally accepted content of the notion of xenophobia can be expressed by the following theses: 1. This is the condition of fear towards strangers or simply something unknown, unusual and strange; 2. Hatred, intolerance and hostility towards representatives of other races, religion, culture, foreigners or representatives of other regions as well as towards something unknown, unusual and strange. [1] This definition proves that the phenomenon of xenophobia has not only individual character, but also has the social nature as it is made of social reasons, factors of influence and consequences. Basically, the investigation of xenophobia is grounded on the following sociological concepts and theoretical explications: Other, Strange, identification, ethnocentrism, cultural compatibility, nation and nationalism, collective ideas, tolerance and racism. The notion of xenophobia is ontologically connected to the categories of Other and Strange. G. W. F. Gegel, E. Gusserl, M. Haidegger and others made a great contribution to the development and investigation of these categories. It is crucial to mention that the Other is not obligatory the Strange. According to G. Simmel, B. Vandelfels and E. Goffman the Strangers are not simply unknown people, but they are uninvited guests in ones world, who are not going to leave it. They come today to stay here tomorrow, but even if they stay they continue being the strangers. In other words, getting closer physically doesnt mean becoming closer spiritually. The realization of Their existance allows us to constitute ourselves and to isolate our We from them. [2] From this point of view xenophobia fits the theory We (not strange) They (the Strange) very well. The next dimension, which xenophobia can be investigated through, is the concepts of identities. In different times the problem of identity and identification was developed by E. Fromm, G. H. Mead, A. Giddens, E. Erickson, J. Habermas, K. Horney, E. Smith, etc. People have numerous identities, force and volume of which varies depending on different factors. The structure of identity develops during the whole life according to the change of social context. Identification has opposite nature and foreknows the statement that they are different from us. The beginning of xenophobia can be seen when the stating of peculiarity is replaced with hard valuating contrasting (they are worse than we are, we are their victims, etc.). [3] Usually it is connected with the phenomenon of negative identification, when self-affirmation occurs through the humiliation of others. To my mind this approach to xenophobia is very logical and well-grounded. In time of globalization in contemporary societies the ethnic (national) community predominates in peoples identification. Respectively, the issue of ethnic identity gains a great value and a special status. From this point of view in such a situation ethnic identity causes intolerance towards representatives of other ethnic groups. [4] Here we can see how xenophobia is born as a result of the Others deviation from the accepted by majority unitary cultural norm and the xenophobic person considers him/herself to be the standard of this cultural norm. To my opinion its time to turn to the theories of ethnocentrism and cultural compatibility. The notion of ethnocentrism was introduced by L. Gumplowicz and was defined as the reasons, which make every people believe that it occupies the highest place not only among the contemporary peoples and nations, but also comparing to all peoples of the past. [5] For ethnocentrism it is typically: 1. To accept own group as a standard for the evaluation of other groups (own is always right, natural and the best). It causes groups inner consolidation; 2. To recognize the other groups as worse ones. Its accompanied by hostility, distrust and disrespect to the members of other groups. These tendencies can exist separately from each other, but for xenophobia the last feature is obligatory condition. So, this is how xenophobia can be studied from the ethnocentrism point of view. Considering xenophobia its important to stress that xenophobic world-view includes negative collective ideas, social stereotypes and prejudices. The stereotypes can have neutral or even positive character, but xenophobia is a consequence of negative stereotypes only. These negative stereotypes influence much the formation of social consciousness, defines the disfigured way of social and cross-cultural communication. This phenomenon is common for individuals and social groups. Therefore, to understand xenophobia it is crucial to investigate the stereotypes of social environment, but not the individuals prejudice. From the point of xenophobia its more logical to speak about collective ideas (the notion proposed by E. Durkheim). [6] During the end of 19th beginning of 20th centuries the racial myths became a part of nationalistic arguments. Therefore, the overview of approaches to investigate xenophobia wont be full without turning to theory of nations and nationalism. Diverse understanding of nation is expressed in different approaches of understanding of nationalism. In contemporary tradition of national studies nationalism is characterized as either neutral, or good, and only sometimes as negative phenomenon. The discussion around the question of nation and nationalism still takes place. But there is no doubt that the radical aggressive manifestation of nationalism (chauvinism) is one of xenophobia types. For sure, xenophobia should be considered in terms of bipolarity, when its other pole is the phenomenon of tolerance. One of the ways to analyze xenophobia is to observe its opposite side. The notion of tolerance was discussed in works of M. Weber, G. W. F. Gegel, T. Hobbes, J. Locke and others. The real revolution of tolerance theory was made by the theory of personal autonomy of J. St. Mill. He claimed the authority of individual freedom. An individual is absolutely sovereign in his actions. His/her freedom can be limited if his actions harm or trouble other members of society. Starting from the times when this theory was elaborated the principle of personal freedom became the basis of toleration and human rights in liberal theory. [7] Thereby, this overview provides an understanding of existing approaches to investigate xenophobia as social phenomenon. I named and discussed briefly basic theories to approach intolerance expressed in xenophobia. The concepts of Other, Strange, identification, ethnocentrism, cultural compatibility, nation and nationalism, collective ideas, tolerance and racism constructed the basis for further investigation of the issue Im interested in. For me the central place in this overview is taken by identity and issues related to it. In this essay we are going to see how human (social) identity influences xenophobia in Ukrainian case. Nevertheless, I would assume that all named above theories are applicable for the case, which is discussed in this paper, but Im going to stress on the most important just for that very case of Ukraine. Part 2. Analysis of empirical data 2.1. Bogardus scale Its important to describe Bogardus scale briefly as this method was used for the researches, results of which are going to be discussed in this paper. The testing scale of xenophobia was named after its creator Emory S. Bogardus. It was elaborated to estimate willingness of people to take part in social contacts on different levels with representatives of varying social groups (for instance, different ethnic, racial and socio-lingual groups, sexual minorities, etc). [8] The Bogardus scale asks how close people would accept the representative of each group, which research interested in (the answer 1.00 represents no social distance at all as its the closest possible social contact): to accept as family member (no social distance); as the close friends; as neighbors; as colleague; as the citizens of the same country; as the visitors of the country, where responder is coming from; the responder wants to exclude this person from his/her country. [9] The Scale of Xenophobia proposed by Bogardus is based on the method of cumulating as the respondents answer, the social distance, which the respondent chooses, means that he/she also accepts bigger social distances (according to the scale) with a member of social group, which he-she asked about. This method was criticized much, because it simplified the meaning of different social contacts, because family relations as well as close friendship cant be compared to interactions of far-away type. Nevertheless, this scale started being used in 1925 and is still used. This is not the only way to measure social distance, but it was applied for the researches, which are discussed in this paper. 2.2. Xenophobia in Ukraine. General overview To make the general overview of xenophobia in the country the best way is to see the dynamics of xenophobia rates change in time. Lets see the Figure 1, which represents the table comparing the xenophobia index in Ukraine in 1995 and 2006. Its obvious that in Ukraine the xenophobia index towards all ethnic, ethnic-lingual and racial groups presented in the table increased. Hierarchy of dislikes almost didnt change except of Americans, intolerance towards who increased of 0.9 points. Ethnic/Racial/Ethnic-lingual Group 1995 2006 Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians 1,72 2,06 Russian-speaking Ukrainians 1,84 2,23 Russians 2,05 2,39 Jews 3,71 4,13 Polishes 3,82 4,37 Germans 3,92 4,56 Americans 3,72 4,63 Black people 5,01 5,42 Figure 1. The xenophobia index in Ukraine towards several ethnic/racial/ethnic-lingual groups. 1995 and 2006. [10] The table also shows that the highest rate of intolerance was towards black people, the members of different racial group, both in 1995 and in 2006. Intolerance rates towards the representatives of different ethnic groups, which are culturally distant (Americans and Europeans), are a bit lower comparing to the black people. The smallest social distances are towards ethnically and culturally close ethnic groups. To observe the real picture of xenophobia it is crucial to consider the following percentage of those, who according the researches results wanted the member of other nations to become the member of their families. So, 59% of Ukrainian population want to accept Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainian as a family member, 13% of responders said yes to accepting Americans as their families and only 5% considered as possible to include a black person to their family. Moreover, the percentage of those, who wouldnt let the representatives of the named above groups in Ukraine, makes the picture even more impressive: 0,5% of responders dont want to see Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians in Ukraine (!), 9% are against Americans presence in the state and 21% of population said no to black peoples arrival to Ukraine. [11] There are some basic theories of xenophobic dislikes. So Im going to see in which ways the xenophobia is usually explained by the theorists of this phenomenon in Europe and the USA. According to Theodor W. Adorno intolerance is an element of authoritarian system, which depresses personality and makes people seek for some objects to wreak their anger on. But this theory has nothing in common with image of scapegoat, because this object should be historically grounded and perform as incontestable element of tradition and it has to be defined quite well by the existing well-known stereotypes [12] . He created this theory regarding anti-Semitism and ethnical prejudice in authoritarian societies. Investigating post-war intolerance in the USA and Germany he didnt probably realize the topicality of his invention for the democratic Eastern Europe in 1990s and even 2000s. Another theory, which can be relevant for the Ukrainian case and is worse to be considered, is economic theory. Its explanation is quiet different, but fits Ukrainian reality for my mind. Gordon W. Allport argued that prejudice increases when the members of different unequal ethnic and racial groups contact each other, when one group dominates the other one. It means that not every experience of contact with representatives of other ethnical groups leads to decreasing of stereotypes. In other words the experience of interaction between members of different ethnic/racial groups is positive and successful if only they are equal by social status and they do not compete against each other. [13] The theory of cognitive-linguistic orientation stresses on the fact that stereotypes are to simplify the communication inside the social group and to strengthen sense of belonging to this social group between its members. This rule especially works during the radical social change periods, when group interests and mechanism of group protection form. [14] Three theories were proposed, which to my mind explain xenophobia in Europe and the USA well. Moreover, it fits Ukrainian case as Ukraine belongs to post-authoritarian states of Eastern Europe, which face a lot of difficulties on the way of following the democracy and improving democratic values in societies, thats why we can assume that authoritarian personality, who is intolerant to others, is still widespread. Following the second theory we can also suppose transformation of economy to lead to phobia increase on the ground of economical competition. The opening of Ukrainian market after the years of closed plan economy faced and is facing resistance from ordinary Ukrainian. Im sure that low living standard caused by economical instability and weak economy of Ukraine led to the fear of new economic reality, which is followed by intolerance increase. Unfortunately any comparisons of Ukraine to other states are senseless as Ukrainian xenophobia situation is quite different because of intolerant attitude of Ukrainians towards each other and even themselves. This peculiarity makes me look deeper for other possible reasons of xenophobia in Ukraine; otherwise the reasons named above would be enough. 2.3. Xenophobia in Ukraine: internal dimension The results of the researches, which are discussed in this paper, were also analyzed on the basis of the geographical division. Usually Ukraine is divided into two ethnic-lingual parts East and West, but KIIS divided it into 5 sub-regions (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Map of Ukraine: this dimension is used for data analysis in 2006. 2 orange parts are Ukrainian-speaking and 3 blue sub-regions are mostly Russian-speaking. [15] The detailed analysis of ethnic evaluations and attitudes, which were made on the basis of this researchs results (see the Figure 3), declared that Eastern and Western parts of Ukraine differ from each other by the level and character of xenophobia attitudes. From the table presented below it is possible to see that the level of xenophobia is higher among the Western Ukrainians than among the population of Eastern Ukrain. The table, which shows the xenophobia rate by large Ukrainian ethnic-lingual groups, is also presented below (see Figure 4). This table as well as the previous one shows the percentage of respondents who agree to accept the representative of these large ethnic-lingual groups as a family member. The lower the percentage is, the higher rate of xenophobia is. to accept as a family member West, % W.-C., % E.- C., % South, % East, % Ukrain.-speaking Ukrainian 58,5 65 57,5 58 52 Rus.-speaking Ukrainians 27 62 57 65,5 62 Russians 19 52 55 58 62 Jews 7 15 10 23 11 Figure 3. Willingness to accept representative of large ethnic-social groups as a family member by regions (2006). [16]     to accept as family member All respondents of 2006, % U-s Ukrainians, % R-s Ukrainians, % Russians, % Ukrain.-speaking Ukrainian 59 60 61 53 Rus.-speaking Ukrainian 55 42 64 67 Russian 49 33 56 74 Jew 14 9 17 20 Figure 4. Willingness of large Ukrainian ethnic-lingual groups to accept the representative of these groups as a family member (2006). [17]     So, according to these tables the highest level of intolerance towards related cultural and ethnic groups is in the Western Ukraine and among Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians. The data of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine claims that the situation was the same in 1992 [18] . The highest xenophobia rate in this region and among this group of Ukrainians is towards Jews and Russians comparing to the other ethnic-lingual groups. The tables data also show that both groups of Ukrainians, Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking, has a low-level tolerance towards the members of their own groups. Only 60-64% of respondents agree to accept a member of their ethnic-lingual group as a family member. Thereby, in this part the results of researches made by KIIS in 1995 and 2006 were analyzed. The general overview of xenophobia level in Ukraine indicated the most tolerated and not tolerated groups. From this point of view Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians were the most tolerated group in Ukrainian society, but black people were tolerated much less. In general during 1995-2006 the level of xenophobia increased much. I turned to three theories to ground the xenophobia: Adornos depressed personality theory, economic and cognitive-linguistic theories. Post-socialist depression, the fear of new economic realities and low economic development of country (causing the low standard of living), dominance of stereotypes in interaction/communication with representatives of other ethnic and racial groups represent main social reasons for high level of xenophobia in a country. The increase of it can be explained by long-term no change in socio-economic situation in the state. Of course, these theori es explains partly the xenophobia in Ukraine, but to my mind Ukrainian case needs detailed individual approach as it has peculiarities. The Ukrainian xenophobia peculiarity is xenophobia inside dominant national community. According to KIIS data of 2006 there is xenophobic tension between Ukrainian-speaking and Russian speaking groups of Ukrainians. Moreover, there is xenophobia inside each of these groups towards the members of each of them. This part of the paper declared the low level of tolerance in Ukrainian society towards all possible ethic-lingual/ethnic/racial groups. To my mind there are three different ways to explain this phenomenon of intolerance in the Western Ukraine. Part 3. Theoretical argumentation of research results 3.1. Structural theory The first explanation is based on the structure of peoples settlements as from this point of view the Western Ukrainian region is quite different from the Eastern part. Statistics are quite interesting, they show that half of the Western population lives in countryside, but only 10% of Eastern Ukrainians live in villages. [19] Its crucial to emphasize that difference between the urban and rural areas is still very big in the meaning of education and wealth. In some villages it is even hard to get access to the basic school education. The villagers are less educated than townsmen are, thats why its possible to assume that the level of education is higher on the East than on the West of Ukraine. This can partly explain the xenophobia level differences in both regions of Ukraine. This approach was called structural (the structure of settlements) by sociologists [20] . The lower toleration level in rural areas can be also grounded on economic factors. During the independence period the economic situation became much worse in countryside comparing to cities. Here we can go back to T. W. Adornos theory about depressed personality. In contemporary Ukrainian village we have classical case, when people being unsatisfied with their life blame other people in their misfortune. In Western Ukrainian case Jews, Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians are blamed. On the East of Ukraine traditionally (from the USSR times) they blame Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians and foreigners from the West. Nevertheless, it is obvious that economic factor-based explanation is not enough. The Western Ukrainian case turns to the deeper historical and cultural roots of this phenomenon. Western Ukrainians have already got the image of enemy, they hand this image down from parents to children. In the situation of radical social change they use it more actively. Of course, the image Im speaking about is embodied in a Russian. This image is very well supported by the stereotypes. Russian is a symbol of enslavement of Soviets times (the attitudes to this on the East is much differs). I propose to take a look at the table, which is to present the xenophobia rates in Western and Eastern cities and villages. This will make it clearer if this difference between both regions xenophobia depends more on structural or historical/cultural reasons Ethnic or Ethnic-lingual group Western region Eastern region City Village City Village Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians 2,33 2,02 1,97 1,82 Russian-speaking Ukrainians 3,38 3,48 1,61 1,61 Russians 3,67 3,86 1,61 1,44 Figure 5. Xenophobia rate in Ukrainian city and village by regions (researches for 2005 and 2006). [21] The data from the table testify against the structural theory but not at all as we can mention the small difference between the citys and the villages xenophobia rates. It is also easy to notice that city and village from one region have more in common in their attitudes than villagers and townsmen from different parts of Ukraine. 3.2. Insecure majority To explain the phenomenon of xenophobia in both large Ukrainian ethnic-lingual groups Id like to turn to the theory presented by K. Liebkind in 1996 [22] . According to Liebkinds point of view minorities and majorities can be observed through the dimension into secure and insecure in order to investigate the way how minorities get along together with majority. I think that Ukrainian case fits in with this theory much. This theory sees two types of majorities and minorities in this perspective. The group of insecure majority is defined by the defensive internal identity, which is constructed on strong ethnic or national basis. Interacting with minority usually insecure majority declines their demands. Secure majoritys identification is vice-versa constructed on weak ethnic or national basis; moreover, it doesnt accent its own identity much. Obviously, this kind of majority respects the rights of minorities more and tries to fulfill their demands while including them into the society where they rule. The other side of this coin is minorities. Insecure minorities are opposite to insecure minorities, which were presented above. This group has a very weak ethnic or national basis, thats why their identifications construction goes beyond the scope of their group. In the case of insecure minority the assimilation is widespread while including them into the society ruled by majority. For the representatives of insecure minority the community of majority is the standard, which they strive for. In case, if assimilation as the only possible method of insecure minority inclusion fails, this group is supposed to be marginalized. The secure minority position is simpler as they admit their own particularity and wants to be recognized by the social majority. Its inner identification is built on the strong ethnic or national ground. [23] By-turn she noted that this scheme allows to invent different combinations of its components. He also mentioned that this distinction of majorities and minorities has another consequence while forming new states. If, for example, a secure minority happens to create its own state, its more likely that this minority will become an insecure intolerant majority. [24] Turning to Ukrainian case after the analysis of this scheme I realized that from the point of view of these categories in Ukraine we deal with two groups, one of which is insecure majority on the Western part of Ukraine, and another group is secure majority of the South-East of the country. Of course, this distinction is far from perfect as I assume there are no pure categories in real life, but anyway for the purposes of this essay Im able to make some generalizations on the basis of contemporary Ukrainian socio-political life. In XIX century the leaders and inspirers of Ukrainian national building considered the Western Ukraine to be Ukrainian Piedmont as Ukrainian national building was mostly promoted by Lviv. The national idea was the thing, which the West carried all the time in the interest of whole contemporary Ukraine. Even now this region is highly nationalistic (I will turn to this issue in the next part). As it was said above the identification of Western Ukrainians is based on high national profile. The radical right parties are highly popular there (this fact also has some correlation with xenophobia rate). It can be explained by historical path of this region. The situation is much different on the East. I consider Eastern Ukraine to be secure majority. It means that population of this region has no strong nationality-based identity, because its identity is citizenship-based (I will turn to this later in the next part). Eastern Ukrainians never cared much about the Ukrainian nationalism, b
Friday, October 25, 2019
Cosquer Cave Essay -- Place Descriptive Essays
Cosquer Cave Lying 125 feet below sea level, an historic treasure hid unseen to humans for thousands of years. Prehistoric humans first left their mark there nearly 27,000 years ago, but it was not until 1985 that modern humans discovered these treasures. This ancient landmark is now known as Cosquer Cave. It is a unique cave not only for the images found there, but also because of its unusual entrance. The cave is located on Cape Morgiou, in the Calanques, which is near Marseilles (â€Å"The Cosquer Cave†). Marseilles is in the south of France along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The only entrance to the cave is through a tunnel that is 125 feet below the water and 575 feet long (â€Å"Cosquer Grotto†). This long, sloping tunnel leads to the large, air-filled main chamber of the cave. Cosquer Cave is named after its discoverer, professional deep-sea diver Henri Cosquer. Cosquer discovered this cave by accident while on a dive in 1985. Although he visited the cave several times after the initial discovery, he was unable to reach the main chamber until September of 1985. Upon discovering the main chamber, he noticed calcite draperies, submerged stalagmites and crystals of aragonite, but nothing else. It was not until 1991 that Cosquer finally alerted officials of his discovery (Jaobs â€Å"Grotto Cosquer†). This was prompted by his finding of the first painting in the cave, a stenciled hand done in red. After notifying the officials, explorers began an intensive search for more artwork. Their findings were amazing. To date, there are about 125 documented images of animals, and fifty-five stenciled hands found in the cave (Jaobs â€Å"Grotto Cosquer†). As in many other caves, silhouettes and stencils o... .... â€Å"Archaeology: Cave Beneath the Sea.† â€Å"Cassis, 27 000 years of prehistory and history: Cosquer’s Cave.† â€Å"The Cosquer Cave.† â€Å"The Cosquer Cave: Marine Animals.† â€Å"Cosquer Grotto.†Harcourt School Publishers. Duckeck, Jochen. â€Å"Grotte Cosquer.† Jaobs, James Q. â€Å"Grotto Cosquer: The Dawn of Prehistoric Rock Art.†
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Same-sex Marriage in the Philippines
Most senatorial bets against same-sex marriage; Enrile is lone supporter ANDREO CALONZO, GMA NewsMarch 18, 2013 12:48pm 145 6 838 (Updated 11:17 p. m. ) Most senatorial bets for the May 2013 polls rejected the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Philippines, with Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile the only candidate expressing support for gay union, interviews conducted by GMA News Online revealed. Twenty-four of the 33 senatorial hopefuls said they are not keen on giving same-sex couples the chance to get married in the country, where over 80 percent of the citizens are Roman Catholics.Bangon Pilipinas senatorial candidate Eddie Villanueva, a religious leader who founded the Jesus is Lord Church, said he is against same-sex marriage because it is against Biblical teachings. â€Å"Sabi ng Good Book, huwag gayahin ‘yung nangyari sa Sodom and Gomorrah dahil darating ang paggunaw sa isang bansa ‘pag ‘yun ay ginawa,†Villanueva said in an interview. Ang Kapatiran Part y senatorial bet Rizalito David, meanwhile, said same-sex marriage is â€Å"against natural law. †â€Å"Ang lalaki, ang mapapangasawa niya ay babae, at sila'y mag-aanak at dadami ang sangkatauhan. Yan ang naturang batas at hindi kailanman nagkaroon sa natural law na pwede ang parehong babae o parehong lalaki,†David said in a separate interview. David's party lists in its political platform a â€Å"spiritual dimension†to â€Å"seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. †The issue on same-sex marriage recently came back to public attention with the election of a new head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis. As a cardinal, the new pontiff openly opposed a bill to legalize same-sex unions in Argentina. He even described child adoption by couples of the same-sex as a form of discrimination to the child. A chance for happiness' Only one senatorial hopeful, Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile, said he supports the legalization of gay unions in the Phil ippines. â€Å"Let's give everybody a chance for happiness. Let us not discriminate. If it is your inclination to be happy with a man, why discriminate against that? †Enrile said in a separate interview. He said his view on same-sex marriage was influenced by the years he spent living in the United States. â€Å"I have seen in other countries couples of the same sex who have lived very upright lives and raised children,†he explained. Legal recognition' Makabayan senatorial hopeful and Bayan Muna Rep. Teodoro Casino, who did not have a categorical stand on the issue, said he is open to giving some sort of â€Å"legal recognition†to couples of the same sex. â€Å"It's something I still have to study and learn. I'm willing to hear both sides, what the benefits and disadvantages are. I have an open mind,†Casino said. Liberal Party senatorial bet Paolo Benigno â€Å"Bam†Aquino IV, who rejected same-sex marriage, meanwhile said he is open to giving â€Å"some rights†to â€Å"long-term†same-sex couples.Former Akbayan Rep. Risa Hontiveros, who is also running under the administration slate, for her part said she â€Å"upholds the rights of same-sex couples to form families,†but added that passing an anti-discrimination bill in the country may be the proper first step towards allowing gay unions in the Philippines.  DVM/RSJ, GMA News Don’t expect Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage to have an impact here. It was a historical and an inspiring gesture, one that would galvanize a changing cultural perspective on same-sex relationships inside and outside America.Here, it would spark debates on our readiness for same-sex marriage, but don’t hold your breath: it won’t alter anything here fundamentally. Don’t even think that this would suddenly lead President Aquino to push his allies in Congress to enact a law legalizing same-sex marriage. It just won’t happ en. This is not to say that the social attitudes and behavior of Filipinos toward homosexuality and same-sex marriage are not changing. They are, and social media has triggered a shift in how we digest controversial topics that in the past have been filtered and controlled by traditional institutions, such as the Church and our schools.I’m not saying that Filipinos are now more pro-LGBT, but the overall mood is changing, and there’s more openness to engage in an issue that is still otherwise considered taboo. Social media has democratized access to a wider range of narratives and stories on LGBTs and made them part of our common experiences, creating a climate that could help dismantle oppressive stereotypes about homosexuality. The bullying of LGBT kids in American schools, for instance, a Canadian transgender joining the Miss Universe, the coming out of Hollywood celebrities – these have all catalyzed conversations here.And while we know that these happened el sewhere, we have embraced the universal elements of these stories. More importantly, social media has given us access to participate in these conversations. To respond to a homophobic slur in the past meant writing press releases or letters to the editors, the fate of which would depend on the mood of the editors. Today, Facebook and Twitter could help anyone – the in-your-face LGBT activist, the closeted bakla, and their fag hags – push alternative perspectives on LGBTs, and influence how opinion gatekeepers and icons see the issue. Why the difficulty?If social attitudes are gradually shifting, why then is it hard to push for LGBT rights and same-sex marriage here in the Philippines? Many would automatically blame the Catholic taliban, and how it has been trying to control our political institutions. I think it is a wrong framing of the problem, and it grants the Catholic hierarchy a degree of influence that doesn’t exist. The Church has no control over public opinion, as proven by the continuing popularity of the RH Bill despite the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines's opposition to it and by the failure of the Catholic Church to mobilize the so-called â€Å"Catholic vote. What we perceive to be the Church’s political influence in fact indicates a fundamental weakness in our political institutions, a democratic flaw that makes our system beholden to interest groups like the Catholic taliban. The Church is powerful; the problem is that the state is weak. Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships, whether through marriage or civil unions, would not happen by engaging or reforming the Catholic hierarchy. It is after all the business of the Church hierarchy to be dogmatic, and we should just let it collapse under the weight of its internal contradictions.We should be engaging and reforming the state and make it modern, inclusive, and truly representative. Strategic battleground For the LGBT community, that would require a change in strategy. One, it means that LGBTs must reframe the debate on homosexuality along secular and non-religious terms. While I understand why Catholic LGBTs want to carve a more tolerant space within the Catholic faith, the more strategic battleground is in the Constitution, not the Bible.Same-sex marriage is understandably a sensitive religious issue, but it is above all about our sectarian values – about basic fairness and our constitutional rights, about human dignity regardless of the sex of the people we love. Two, we need to be more forthright about gay love and gay sex. For many years, LGBT activists have skirted the issue of same-sex partnerships and gay marriage as a non-priority, relegating it under more crucial issues, like discrimination in schools and the workplace.This sends the wrong signal – that same-sex partnerships are secondary and unimportant, when ironically the root of discrimination against LGBTs is the rejection of same-sex partnerships , both the sexual and romantic sides of it. We need to embrace gay sex and gay love and feel less guilty about them. A modern state, embracing gay sex and gay love. Who said that marriage is easy? – Rappler. com (The author is coordinator of Akbayan's LGBT Collective and a member of the Philippine National AIDS Council. ) BY JONAS BAGAS POSTED ON 05/11/2012 4:04 PM | UPDATED 05/13/2012 10:45 PMUpdated March 2013 Quick facts on key provisions State law and/or constitutional provision limits marriage to relationships between a man and a woman: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California*, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming California voters adopted a constitutional provision li miting marriage to relationships between a man and a woman in November 2008. This provision was challenged in federal court and ruled unconstitutional. Enforcement of this decision has been delayed pending a U. S. Supreme Court decision on the case. Supreme Court hearings are scheduled for March 2013 and a decision is expected by June 2013. State issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples: Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington and the District of ColumbiaStates allows civil unions, providing state-level spousal rights to same-sex couples: Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, Rhode Island Three of these states (Delaware, Hawaii and Illinois) also have laws limiting marriage to relationships between a man and a woman. Note: In Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire, same-sex marriage has replaced civil unions. State grants nearly all state-level spousal rights to unmarried couples (domestic partnerships)*: California, Neva da, Oregon, Washington** **Effective June 30, 2014 domestic partnerships in Washington will be limited to couples who are 62 years of age or older.State provides some state-level spousal rights to unmarried couples (domestic partnerships)*: Hawaii, Maine, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia State legislatures have been deeply involved in the public debates about how to define marriage and whether the official recognition of â€Å"marriage†should be limited to relationships involving one man and one woman or that same-sex couples should also be entitled to â€Å"marriage. †State legislatures have gone both ways in this debate: either enacting â€Å"defense of marriage†laws and constitutional provisions or, going the opposite direction, adopting laws allowing same sex marriage.Five states have adopted civil unions for same-sex couples that provide the same legal rights as marriage. Most states have adopted prohibitions of same-sex marriage. Most states do so by adopting â€Å"defense of marriage†language that defines marriage in their state constitution and/or state law in a way similar to the language in the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"the word ‘marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. †Other states prohibit same sex marriages or marriages between persons of the same sex or gender.Thirty states have placed that language in their state constitutions (26 of these states also have statutory provisions adopting this language). A further eight states have statutory language adopting the restrictive language. Note that this count does include California, where federal courts have invalidated a 2008 initiative that added constitutional language defining marriage as limited to unions involving one man and one woman. The challenge to that constitutional provision is to be heard by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2013. Nine states and the District of Columbia currently allow same-sex marriages.In Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Iowa, the states’ highest courts ruled that the state constitution required that same-sex couples be accorded the same marriage rights as opposite-sex couples. In Vermont, New Hampshire, the District of Columbia and New York, Maryland and Washington, legislative bodies have passed statutory changes that allow same-sex marriages. In Maine, the legislature passed a same-sex marriage law in 2009, which was repealed in a voter referendum. In 2012, Maine voteres reversed course and approved a same-sex marriage statute. Same-sex marriages are currently being performed in those states.Several states have also expanded the legal rights available to spouses in same-sex relationships while also limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples with civil unions and domestic partnerships. Same Sex Marriages in the Philippines (Affrmative) Resolved: Same sex marriages should be legalized in the Philippines. Let me start with a quote. If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: â€Å"Hello. Can't work today, still queer. †That was by Robin Tyler. Instead of saying hey, I’m pulling off a sickie today, you say hey, sorry if I can’t go to workâ€â€I’m still gay. Can you imagine that kind of situation?If so, let’s start asking ourselves today. Why do homosexuals have to be discriminated anyway? Do they harm you or anyone in the society you live in? Same sex marriages have been an issue in the Philippines for a long time now, but since we live in a predominantly Christian country, people simply avoid further discussion of such. According to the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of Philippines, Article 2, Section 6; the separation of the church and state shall be inviolable. Meaning, no matter how grave the social issue may be, the church can never contradict the decision of the government and vice versa.It has been widely understood that the Roman Cat holic church will always be against same sex marriages considering the fact that their beliefs and principles are based from the sacred scripture. However, citizens who do not opt to engage into religious ceremonies have the option to be conjugated by means of civil wedding. It has been said under Article 7 of The Family Code of the Philippines, that marriage may be officiated by a person other than a priest, rabbi, imam or minister. Included are any incumbent members of the judiciary within the court's jurisdiction.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
African American Immigration Essay
Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Is Odysseus a Hero Essay Example
Is Odysseus a Hero Essay Example Is Odysseus a Hero Essay Is Odysseus a Hero Essay Is Odysseus a Hero? What is a hero? In my opinion, a hero is someone who accomplishes spectacular feats and puts others before himself. According to my definition, Odysseus, the main character in the epic poem The Odyssey, deserves the title of hero. This is due to three reasons; he is skilled in battle, ingenious and loyal. One way a hero accomplishes feats of valor is to have physical prowess, which Odysseus does. Odysseus’ skill in battle was shown throughout the course of the Trojan War, in which he was a military commander.To have survived the entire ten year war, Odysseus must have been very strong and battle hardened, else he would have perished due to his enemies. Another instance where Odysseus’ battle skills were shown was when he blinded the Cyclops with a spear. Not only did he have to be brave to take on the task, he also had the strength and skill to stab the Cyclops in the eye and blind him, ultimately allowed he and his men to escape. If Odysseus did not have the strength to plunge the spear all the way into the Cyclops’ eye, then he wouldn’t have been totally blinded as he was.Odysseus’ strength was exhibited when he strung the bow and killed all of the suitors in his hall after he returned to Ithaca. The bow was so hard to string, that none of the suitors could do it. Odysseus on the other hand, strung the bow without breaking a sweat. He then went on to punish the suitors for attempting to take his kingdom by taking their lives without suffering a single wound. This is the ultimate display of Odysseus’ skill in battle, which can be an instrumental part of being a hero. Being clever and ingenious is another way a hero, such as Odysseus, can accomplish extraordinary feats.A textbook example of the use of intelligence to accomplish a feat is the ending of the Trojan War with the Trojan Horse. Odysseus’ plan was so creative, that the Trojans had no idea that the horse could have been housing enemy forces. It is due to Odysseus’ plan that his forces were able to burn the city of Troy to the ground. Another example of Odysseus’ cleverness is when he told the Cyclops his name was Nhbdy. This way, when the Cyclops wailed that he was blind, the other Cyclopes would think that he was actually blinded by nobody, arousing no suspicion.If Odysseus had told the Cyclops his actual name, the other Cyclopes would have come to aid the blinded Cyclops, which would have been the end of the soldiers. When Odysseus disguised himself as an old man in his own house when he returned to Ithaca, he was definitely using his brain to his advantage. Had he tried to waltz in as himself, the suitors would have evicted, or even killed Odysseus in fear of him. However, Odysseus realized this and disguised himself so he would be of no interest to the suitors as he wasn’t a threat and was later able to retake his throne.Heroes have the responsibility of putting others before themselves and Odysseus does this on occasion by being loyal to his men. For example, when the Cyclops asked Odysseus where his ship was, he lied about its actual location. This is because he did not want to put any more men in danger than he already did. Had he told the Cyclops were his ship actually was, Odysseus’ soldiers could have been endangered but instead he took their lives into account. Another example of Odysseus’ loyalty is when he rescued his scouts from the Lotus Eaters.Odysseus could have chosen to leave the men behind, but he felt it was his responsibility to save them; he was putting their lives ahead of his and risked his own life for his men’s. Loyalty on Odysseus’ part was exhibited once again on the island of Circe. When Circe turned his men into pigs, he chose to stay with Circe and save his men rather than just leave without them. If he wanted to, Odysseus could have left his men behind and continued to Ithaca, but he was loyal and refused to leave the island without them.This proves that he valued their lives over his own and is therefore considered a hero in this regard. Through his skill in battle, intelligence and loyalty, Odysseus has proven to be a hero in all regards. In fact, Odysseus is referred to as a Greek Hero after all. If society didn’t find heroes fit to be looked up to, then there wouldn’t be stories written about them. In reality, heroes are the ones who uphold society for all others and we should be grateful for them.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Gypsum essays
Gypsum essays The mineral gypsum is the most common sulfate mineral found mostly in sedimentary rocks. Its chemical formula, CaSO4 2H2O, explains its chemistry as a hydrated calcium sulfate mineral. Gypsum has a variety of colors including white, colorless, yellowish white, greenish white, or brown and it has a white streak color. Its pearly luster gives it a pretty glow, and some forms of gypsum would make nice jewelry if it was stronger, as its hardness it two. When gypsum is heated it changes to a powder form. If water is then added to the powder is can become hard when drying and set to the shape it is molded in. Gypsum has many uses in out every day life that we often overlook. It is used to make plaster-of-Paris, which has many reasons itself, but its also used to make floor underlayments, plasters and cements for art and casting, soil fertilizer, fake snow in Hollywood as well as scenery, road and surface repairs, as well as dry wall. Companies like USG, United States Gypsum, sell different forms of the minerals for all sorts of different projects requiring plaster. USG might buy its source of gypsum from Germany, because there are many cities in Germany that mine Gypsum. The cities of Heimkenie, Wald Schmiede, Seefrotte, Nixsee Valley, Slazaspring, Rhumequw, and the Cave of Segberg are all mines in Germany. One of the locations in the USA, the Alablaster Caverns in Okalahoma City, is the largest gypsum cave in the world. The Caverns are such a perfect environment for gypsum to grow because the fine soil creates clear crystals. The clay in the soil gives the formations an interesting hourglass shape. This gave is so special because it is open to the public and they are allowed to search for crystals. To remove the crystals, they are instructed to dig a 1-2ft hole and let the water fill it in. The water loosens to soil and allows the crystals to show and they come out easily. The crystals only have a hardness of two, ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Becoming Wonderful; Leaving Wonderland
Telling stories of Alice’s greatadventures, I stand in my ninth grade english classroom, a desolate young girl whose only passion is to be a writer, yet here she stands performing someone else’s work. The desks sit in a broad semi-circle, taking much inspiration from a greek theatre and I stand at the center of it all, performing a Lewis Carroll poem. My voice shakes sending shivers down my spine as I preform. The timid, tiny thirteen year old I was wanted nothing more than to show my class that I was a writer and somehow, I thought I could convey that by reading someone else’s work. Nonetheless, when my teacher asked who wanted to compete in the school wide poetry competition, I couldn’t even raise my hand. I just let my ambition slowly cease out. That was one of the few opportunities I had to express my passion for writing and literature in my first two years of high school. However, it wasn’t the lack of opportunity that shook me, it was the fact that opportunities wouldn’t be handed to me, it was the first time I realized that if I wanted something to happen, I had to go for it. For a while, I let this tsunami of self-doubt forecast in my life, throwing me briefly off course. As I felt myself sinking further done a rabbit hole of loneliness and disparity. I slowly seemed to find myself crying an ocean of tears that I would soon drown in. I didn’t want the inevitable to be true. Thankfully, I quickly realized there are two ways out of this rabbit hole: 1. I stay, still, where I am, never expressing my writing, waiting for opportunity or 2. Express my writing, take each opportunity and run with it, get out of the rabbit hole with self-determination. With this realization, I shifted my point of view, to option two. I wrote my pain into sonnets and stories that, in tenth grade,I was finally able to preform in front of my class with no shivers just utter confidence. I took the lessons I had learned in freshman and sophomore year, and thoroughly applied them throughout my junior year. I began submitting stories to competitions, I applied for newspaper, and tried out for slam poetry. I did things that would never have happened to me in the ninth grade because I didn’t wait for them to happen  I made them happen. Now, I can say: I am a writer. I am not just a girl too scared to perform someone else’s work or a girl whose work is filled by her pain; but a girl whose pain inspired her work, whose fear only pushes her farther out of her box. Out of that box and on to a stage, I stand, the theater seats filled to it’s brim with almost 400 hundred people, I approach the stage, the bright, white lights nearly b lind me but I don’t let it deter me. Now I can’t see anyone’s face but even if I could I don’t think I would shake. Today, I can stand, in front of a microphone, in front of a much larger audience. Not performing someone else’s poem. I am preforming my own work.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Globalisation - Essay Example This would require that the nations concerned should open their markets for international trade, international investment, international finance and labour movements – a process which would result in interdependency and lead to integration of the economies of the concerned countries with attendant benefits to all. From an individual country or a business point of view, globalisation is also a matter of strategy in the overall process described above. This strategy is best defined as the attempt to reap the highest benefits from out of the natural endowments of a country / business – be it in terms of raw materials, technology, skilled manpower etc. and reach the world markets with greater competitiveness. Viewed from this perspective, the term globalisation defines both a threat and an opportunity; a threat if a dominant economy or a business house commands the world markets, and an opportunity when even a small player can look at the entire world as his potential market to exploit. the term. Deepak Nayyar puts it best in his words: â€Å"It is, in part, an integration of markets (for goods, services, technology, financial assets and even money) on the demand side, and, in part, an integration of production (horizontal and vertical) on the supply side (Nayyar, 2006). International trade had been taking place for nearly a thousand years both on the land and sea routes. The items of exchange were mainly spices, silks and precious stones; in other words, only a limited number of highly valued exotic items. This trade was being conducted by individual traders. international trade - exchanging finished manufactured goods for raw materials, although Great Britain as the supreme imperial power, controlled the raw materials prices from its colonies as well as the prices of finished goods sold in its colonies. Further, to supplement its work force, it deployed substantial number of indentured labourers from the Indian subcontinent to places like the South
Performance Management - Research and Assessment Term Paper
Performance Management - Research and Assessment - Term Paper Example SM Energy Company has a goal planning sessions which undertakes development of goals by the employees which are later approved by managers (Aguinis, # 10). The business strategy in SM energy is done through cascading goals in order to support the process of performance management effectively and efficiently. Board of directors is the ones who sets and approves the goals and the goals are communicated to the organization by the management. The company has formulated training and education for workers which are formulated based on performance management. Performance management is an ongoing activity. Each employee should be kept updated thus why training is vital (Rausch, #34). SM Energy employee’s views performance management as effective and fair because they do not dispute its process. Evaluation of performance is done twice per year. Employees should be given the chance to give their opinions concerning performance management thus enhancing the handling performances issues that are difficult. Poor performance is well addressed in SM Energy Company. It is majorly based on progressive discipline. Before taking disciplinary actions, coaching is done first and later performance improvement plan is used to address the problem. Performance improvement plan is described as a structured document that discusses mainly the problem or the influence of the problem on department, person or the organization. It acts as a letter of warning before one is terminated from the organization. There are several measure that SM energy company employs like any other organization to determine whether the performance management process is effective. The first one is that at the end of each year they observe the distribution of ratings. This means that majority of the employees are meeting their set goals. Another measure is Lake Woebegone effect, this is the feeling that each person should be above average
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Ethics - Essay Example Business does not exist independent of the society, and consequently politics. The participation and involvement of the businesses in the corrupt practices and policies of the governments has also been to some extent responsible for the developments which led to the ongoing protest movements that are challenging governments in the Middle-East. The emerging concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) calls for positive interactions on the part of the corporate entities with the communities in view of the fact that the companies are part of the communities and in turn the community is one of the stakeholders of the companies. Nasr, S. (2006) points out that if implementing corporate governance standards in joint venture companies has proven to be difficult, trying to apply them to family businesses is an even more difficult task. This is because such businesses are more about family than they are about business. The economy of the Middle East countries is dominated mostly by the f amily businesses. However, the broad picture emerging in a society is required to be well understood both by the family and professional entities for a sustainable development in the long run. ... e towards the environmental responsibility of the mankind, this aptly reflects the limits in terms of exploitation whether socially, economically or politically by the various vested interest groups. Blowfield, M & Murray, A. (2008, p.24) state â€Å"There are various ways of categorizing the main issues that fall under the corporate responsibility†. He has listed out Business ethics, Legal compliance, Philanthropy and community investment, Environmental management, Sustainability, Animal rights, Human rights, Worker rights and welfare, Market relations, Corruption and Corporate governance as prominent areas of corporate responsibility activity today. The agriculture and business are the cornerstones for development of the communities or societies in the world. The industrial development over the period of time has played an important role in the economic development of the countries relegating agriculture to the secondary place. Blowfield and Murray have placed business ethic s in the forefront as its corporate responsibility, and the influence of the business enterprises in the society and politics has been growing phenomenally over the period of time. The importance of business in the scheme of things has been further stressed by the phrase ‘Corruption and Corporate governance’ implying that corruption and corporate governance is closely interlinked. When we say corruption in the corporate companies, logically it is implied that the business influences ‘politics’ negatively by way of corruption to further their corporate interests. The business enterprises in the Middle East countries acting as a conduit for the movement of monies out of the countries to the safe havens have facilitated corruption in these countries perpetrated by the political forces.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Internaional Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Internaional Accounting - Essay Example Russia borders on the Arctic Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean, and Europe. The neighbouring countries are China, North Korea, Finland, Georgia, etc. (Russia: Introduction n.pag.). It is an independent economy having a budget expenditure of around $372 billion and the unemployment rate being 6.6% (Russia: Statistics n.pag.). In the year of 1990, the economy changed itself from being a centrally planned to that of a free market economy (Russia: Economy n.pag.). FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT IN RUSSIA\ According to Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Russia has been ranked among the top five economies for alluring foreign direct investment (FDI) (Doing Business in Russia n.pag.). The country has shown a good figure in terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2011 where the Government debt was around 10% of GDP and the inflation rate being 6%. The Government is also planning to invest around $1.5 trillion for developing the country’s economy for the upcoming three years. However, the figure of FDI has not grown substantially as it is just accounting to an amount nearly $40 billion coming to the third year. And that means there are not many multinationals or foreign companies investing in the country (Doing Business in Russia n.pag.). BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT For doing business in Russia, there are certain accounting principles that one needs to follow. Each and every registered company or firm is required to prepare individual RAS financial statements for each financial year ending on the 31st of December. The framing of the financial statements are prescribed by the Ministry of Finance, and it includes a two-year’ comparative balance sheet, profit and loss accounts, a statement for equity changes, and a one-year’s comparative cash-flow statement. Supplementary notes are also required (Financial Reporting Framework in Russia n.pag.). Various international organizations like the World Bank and IMF are giving their supporting hand to the Russian Federation in order to improve the GDP rate. According to a study by the World Bank, the following data has been figured out (World Bank n.pag.). Figure one. Graph showing the growth of GDP over the years in comparison with Europe & Central Asia: Source: World Bank Here we can see that in Russia, the growth of GDP was very low in 2003 and gradually became somewhat consistent over the years of 2006 and 2007. There were no production in 2009, but it came to a considerable position in 2010 and 2011. According to IMF, this has also been found that Russia has been the largest borrower. Hence IMF is examining what Russia, in return, has produced or improved before sanctioning any more funds (Russia: The IMF’s biggest failure n.pag.). LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Taking the legal environment into consideration, if a person gets engaged into a tax or commercials dispute in Russia, according to the Court of Law, he/she will have to approach the arbitrazh courts. The procedure starts with filling in a form, and the whole procedure, in original, takes around 9 to 12 months to get completed. There are also some business regulations that are practiced in Russia which are the competition policy and the policy of price controlling (Business Environment in Russia n.pag.). Russia adopted the Civil Law for its jurisdiction in order to compete with the Western-European nation states by strengthening political and economic power (The Common Law and Civil Law Traditions n.pag.). Investor protection and
Culture and Religion - Shrine Pilgrimage in Turkmenistan Essay - 1
Culture and Religion - Shrine Pilgrimage in Turkmenistan - Essay Example These groups find their linkage with four caliphs of Islam. Owlat people are given special respect by tribes of Turkmenistan and their property is inviolable in Turkmenistan. This status of inviolable property has strengthened the Owlat people by ensuring economic stability. Pilgrimage of shrines is the activity that kept people of Turkmenistan on the path of Islam. Despite all the banes of soviet rule on pilgrimage activities, people kept visiting the holy sites because of their emotional and spiritual attachments. After getting the independence from soviet rule, the pilgrimage activities once again flourished in Turkmenistan. Importance of holy activities and their impact on human life and on culture is discussed in detail in paragraphs to follow: Pilgrimage culture prevailed by early tribal settlement in Turkmenistan and this culture and trends were brought by â€Å"Oghuz Khan†. Turkmen follow â€Å"holy groups†known as â€Å"Owlat†. Six Owlet groups are respected according to level of their spiritual powers. These groups find their linkage with four caliphs of Islam and ultimately with Prophet (peace be upon him). Turk people started considering Owlat people for different festivals of life like, marriage, life cycle, cultivation of crops and religious guidance etc. Every important work of human life used to get started with the hands of an Owlat, for the reasons of good end. â€Å"Gonambashi†is the term used for head of a cemetery in Turkmenistan. Gonambashi is the first man buried and around him, other people of community are buried. Gonambashi was respected for its spiritual powers to help people coming to his grave. â€Å"Keramatlier†is another word used during shrine activity that means â€Å"place of miracles†. According to soviet specialists, Muslims of 20th century called themselves â€Å"half Muslims†, because of not following real teachings of Islam. Soviet rule aimed at anti religious
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Respnse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Respnse - Essay Example To speed up delivery and installation at customer sites, I had insisted that service engineer be attached to this team, which was sanctioned by the Executive Director. Our internal quality processed required that the externally sourced goods be verified and checked before installation at customer sites. This activity was controlled by the service manager. He would deliberately delay the process, as je was upset that I had transgressed into his sphere of power. Entertainment expenses as part of marketing activities was only permitted for managers. Since I had the additional responsibility of liaison with public sector and government agencies, I was given a special concession for entertainment bills, with the requirement that the bill be countersigned by the Executive Director before reimbursement. Scrutiny of bills before passing it on to accounts for reimbursement was the responsibility of the HRM deputy manager. She would call me for verifications each time a bill was presented, per ked at a benefit that she did not enjoy, though we were in the same grade. 3. Do â€Å"organizational politics†have a place in effective leadership, or are they consistently counter-productive to leadership effectiveness? Discuss.
Culture and Religion - Shrine Pilgrimage in Turkmenistan Essay - 1
Culture and Religion - Shrine Pilgrimage in Turkmenistan - Essay Example These groups find their linkage with four caliphs of Islam. Owlat people are given special respect by tribes of Turkmenistan and their property is inviolable in Turkmenistan. This status of inviolable property has strengthened the Owlat people by ensuring economic stability. Pilgrimage of shrines is the activity that kept people of Turkmenistan on the path of Islam. Despite all the banes of soviet rule on pilgrimage activities, people kept visiting the holy sites because of their emotional and spiritual attachments. After getting the independence from soviet rule, the pilgrimage activities once again flourished in Turkmenistan. Importance of holy activities and their impact on human life and on culture is discussed in detail in paragraphs to follow: Pilgrimage culture prevailed by early tribal settlement in Turkmenistan and this culture and trends were brought by â€Å"Oghuz Khan†. Turkmen follow â€Å"holy groups†known as â€Å"Owlat†. Six Owlet groups are respected according to level of their spiritual powers. These groups find their linkage with four caliphs of Islam and ultimately with Prophet (peace be upon him). Turk people started considering Owlat people for different festivals of life like, marriage, life cycle, cultivation of crops and religious guidance etc. Every important work of human life used to get started with the hands of an Owlat, for the reasons of good end. â€Å"Gonambashi†is the term used for head of a cemetery in Turkmenistan. Gonambashi is the first man buried and around him, other people of community are buried. Gonambashi was respected for its spiritual powers to help people coming to his grave. â€Å"Keramatlier†is another word used during shrine activity that means â€Å"place of miracles†. According to soviet specialists, Muslims of 20th century called themselves â€Å"half Muslims†, because of not following real teachings of Islam. Soviet rule aimed at anti religious
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Organizational Structure Essay Example for Free
Organizational Structure Essay An organizational structure is a composition that specifies a companys hierarchical structure. There are various kinds of conformations that organizations can choose to build their business around. The organizational structure exemplifies the way in which control and business affairs have been appointed within the organization. Organizational structure encompasses the design of an organization though people positioning and responsibilities in order for organizational goals can be reached. Some of the time, a formal structure is not necessary due to a small informal business setting. In large organization responsibilities must be distributed. Hence, the reason that policies and procedures are established that assign responsibilities for numerous positions. The determination of these organizational functions (such as marketing, finance, human resources, and operations) influence and determine the organizational structure of your an organization. The three main types of organizational structures are functional structure, divisional structure, and matrix structure. Divisional Structure The structure that an organization is based around also is contingent on the enormity of the company. Divisional structure separates the faculty based on the commodity and customer demand verses geographical location. For example, each area within the organization is accountable for certain divisions. Each division has individual support systems such as finance department, marketing department, warehouse department, and maintenance department. Divisional structure is grants flexibility and is a decentralized structure. Divisional structure also grants quick adaptability to geographical changes. Divisional structure embellishes advancements in the market and industry and allows for various plans of action. However, this structure causes replication of resources due to each unit having the necessity of every resource. PepsiCo’s Organizational Design An example of an organization design around divisional structure is PepsiCo. PepsiCo is a flexible company that is constantly looking for new innovations and consistently adapts to the geographical market. PepsiCo has a decentralized organizational structure. The functional determinations are made in individual units with corporate control and direction. PepsiCo has one CEO and three division presidents. The companys hierarchical structure continues as each division is broken down into market units. Each market unit has a director. Furthermore each market unit is divided into regional units, then down the chain to sales units. Each unit has its own resources, such as marketing, finance, human resources, and operations departments. PepsiCo determines responsibilities by departmentalization. Departmentalization is a conglomeration of common duties and characterization of tasks. The influences of departmentalization are function, product, geographic, process and customer. PepsiCo maintains a span of control by making sure of correct distribution of responsibility among employees and task obligations are accounted for. For example, units are tasked with weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly forecast for sales, operations, overhead, and labor. Reports are sent weekly to account for these actions. Human resources departments are in each division to ensure control over the organization. There are guidelines and procedures in place to ensure the rules are being followed across the globe. Formalization sets the standard for the administered responsibility. Each unit at PepsiCo has management teams in place to ensure control of task performances. For example, a if a location has been tasked with a 1,000 case distribution for week one in the period and the sales teams are severely falling short on sales, management will step in to centralize the issue, reiterate the method of actions, and ensure the actions are conducted in a certain manner to achieve results. PepsiCo is multinational organization made up of three units which are PepsiCo Americas Foods, PepsiCo Americas Beverages and PepsiCo International. This structure allows the organization to focus on manifesting international markets, which will grant independence revenues, enabling focus on better product advancement. The organization is spread across the globe. However, the control is local, unlike a matrix structure that is located only in a single area (PepsiCo 2012). Matrix Structure A matrix structure formalizes line teams as well as the typical divisional hierarchy. The matrix structure is a hybrid between the functional and divisional structure, effectively creating independent business units for each product or service created or each unique market targeted. The matrix-structured organization is a project-based business that divides individual groups based on functional specializations. Variation of the matrix structure divides the authority by both functional and project areas. The functional manager heads up the functional areas of the organization. The project supervisor oversees the assigned project. This allows for management to focus on areas of proficiency. Companies such as General Motors has based its organization around the matrix structure due to the ability to specialize in specific areas, and organizational communication through other fields. General Motors believes the differentiation of ideas creates innovational determinations. The matrix structure also allows the human resources department to be shared throughout the organization. General Motors is made up of one main chief information officer (CIO) and several divisional CIOs that control the functionalities in the organization. General Motors also has process information officers that work in various areas of expertise across the organization. General Motors believes the matrix structure develops global commercialism (Daft 2007). Functional Structure Functional Structured organizations group tasks according to the target. Functional structured organizations work well for organizations that have a need for departments to rely on expertise of its faculty. A major disadvantage to a functional structured organization is the communication boundaries due to variation in departments that work individually. One company that a functional structure works well is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is one of America’s largest retailers. Wal-Mart is designed by a functional structure. Wal-Mart’s target market is a consumer with median incomes. Wal-Mart has a limited amount of functions in specialized areas with in the organization. Wal-Mart does not produce its goods, but has enough buying power to supply the demanded products. The organizational structure and large size enables the buying power to purchase goods at low prices. This buying power enables Wal-Mart to offer its target market lower prices creating a competitive edge over other retailers. A functional structured organization; such as Wal-Mart have a chief executive officer, limited executive staff, and department heads in domineering areas of expertise such as accounting, marketing, human resources and warehouse. Wal-Mart’s headquarters and executive staff is made up of a Chief of Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board and Board of Directors, with supporting committees. Conclusion Determining an organizations structural design that will be the most effective for a specific company has great significance on organizational success. Using an unsuitable design structure can be consequential in communication, product development, customer service, and countless situations of other organizational issues. Organizational structure can determine the successful outcome of the organization. Reference Bateman, T. S., Snell, S. A. (2011). Management: Leading Collaborating in a Competitive World (ninth ed.). New York, NY: McGrall Hill. Retrieved May 7, 2012 (2012). PepsiCo. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from Daft, Richard (2007). Organizational Theory and Design (ninth ed.). Manson, OH: Thompson Higher Education. Retrieved May 7, 2012.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Royal Engineer Regiment (RER) Leadership in the Military
Royal Engineer Regiment (RER) Leadership in the Military CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The Royal Engineer Regiment (RER), being one of the combat support arms in the Malaysian Army has the role and tasks of assisting the Army in the field of engineering. This paper will highlight the command and control of RER Interpersonal Leadership in the construction projects management. The main role and task of RER is to carry out major construction tasks including improvement and maintenance beyond the capabilities of the Regiment or any engineering organization. There is normally an army engineer officer at all levels of command to advise the commander on engineering requirements Project management for engineering and construction presents the principles and techniques of managing engineering and construction projects from the owners study through design and construction to completion. It emphasizes project management during the early stages of project development because the ability to influence the quality, cost, and schedule of a project can best be achieved during the early stage of command and control. This paper will focus on the mental side of RER leadership for handling construction projects rather than the technology side of the projects. This paper integrates interpersonal dynamic of army engineer leadership dominating personal power enhancing numerous examples, experiences and comments to illustrate the material presented in the text. We will learn from the leaders of the past whose behaviors and actions shape our ever-changing world. Most important, is transformational of leadership approaches are the â€Å"secret†behind the success of our greatest leaders or the powerful Islamic teaching arouse the personal competence and loyalty? The intended audience of this paper is not limited to the today army leaders but for leaders of tomorrow who will hopefully benefit from the lessons of this research paper as they face the challenges of globalization in an increasingly interconnected world. With the discussions and illustrations, this paper is led through the multifunctional professionalism and confidence of RER linking the components of a project into a comprehensive work plan to guide the entire project to successful completion. 1.1.1 LEADERSHIP IS A PROCESS In my opinion, theres something quite different between army engineer leaders and civilian engineer leaders. An army engineer leaders must be able to handle multiples tasks. These groups work together in a superior-subordinate concept for command positions and formal leadership for engineering project management. All leaders take similar oaths upon entry to the Army. From day one, new Second Lieutenants are thrust into positions of significant responsibility. As a young nineteen to twenty-two years old leader, they are directly responsible for thirty to fifty-four soldiers. AsRER officers progress through the ranks, they continue to develop their leadership in RER design and construction projects. As a result, they will be given positions of increased responsibility and can eventually lead 120 to 318 soldiers. Where else would a young engineer with only a few years experience have the skill set to lead that many people? The corporate world, engineering consultant or construction would rarely ever let a new engineer university graduate supervise 30 peop le. In fact, some army engineer officers take their both technical expertise and army leadership skills and leave the RER. Their technical and army leadership skills are in such high demand, they can easily market themselves in the corporate world. As an army engineer officer, our duties will be diverse but extremely important. Army Engineer leadership is based on a concept of duty, service and perhaps importantly self-sacrifice. To join the army, we must pass a physical examination and sign the enlistment contract. With the enlistment contract, well agree to certain options such as the time frame of our active duty and our enlistment date. All army engineers participate in a course that introduces them to life as a soldier. The basic combat training centre at Kolej Tentera Darat and Pusat Asas Latihan Tentera Darat are a part of our course, will teach the same skills that are taught to other soldiers, so we will be prepared to fire weapons, engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, stay in good physical shape and otherwise succeed in a combat situation. As an Army field engineer (Jurutera Medan), we will work in a team to ensure that units dont have mobility problems when completing missions. We view our obligations to followers as a moral responsibility and we teach this value priority to junior leaders. We will be responsible for performing constructing bridges, demolition, clear routes, generating electrical power, constructing obstacles to serve as defense positions and training our team members including administrations, but our exact duties will vary from day to days. Our training will teach the skills we need to do our job as safely as possible. A useful skill to have and to become an army engineer is LEADERSHIP. We should be able to make quick and focused decisions to successfully complete our mission. Also, we need to be confident, intelligent, self-disciplined and enterprising. Army Field Engineering Institute or Institut Kejuruteraan Medan Tentera Darat (IKEM) role is to train all officers and soldiers in the RER as well as officers and other ranks from the Army in engineer related courses. With that concept in mind, IKEM developed a modular concept built around engineer staff/technical courses. IKEM was designed to train staff officer skills specialise in the field of engineering and these will allow the mind to better absorb and understand concepts and thus increase overall retention and depth of knowledge to the Army engineer. One of the keys to our success has been the many ideas, comments and concerns from the field. The diversity of the RER requires multiple assignments oriented training opportunities for its officers. Exposure to multiple and diverse jobs will provide breadth to an officers knowledge. Just as the Army Engineer transforms to the Objective Force to meet the challenges of the 21st century security environment, so too must the Army tran sform its education system to train and educate the leaders who will command and control that force. The Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) is the first university in Malaysia that provided for the countrys need in modern armed forces educations transformation. The university is fully a military university. There are 11 courses that are offered and these are balance of the fields in management, sciences and engineering. But aside from the academics, the students though are graded through their military leadership and physical fitness. These changes seek to provide the right education in the right medium to the right leader at the right time and place. The RER must have an ability to read a changing situation and react fastest. The adage â€Å"first in, last out †aptly applies to its significance and manifestation of its importance in supportingthe Army in discharging its roles. During my short 17 years of army engineer experience, Ive had the opportunity to serve with several dynamic leaders. These leaders all possessed similar traits such as vision, leadership, decisiveness, technical and tactical expertise, intelligence and compassion. Ive taken bits and peaces from each leader and formed my very own leadership style.A commander must be a motivated achiever with a â€Å"can do†attitude. RER commanders qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational, and experiential. RER project management requires a multi-discipline focus to coordinate the overall needs of a project with reliance on others to provide the technical expertise. RER commander must be able to delegate authority and responsibility to others and still retain focus on the linking process between disciplines. RER Commander cannot become overly involved in detailed tasks or take over the discipline they are educated in, but should focus on the project objectives. 1.1.2 DEFINITION OF RER ENGINEERING PROJECT The RER project includes both construction and major repair/maintenance project. RER construction project is defined as all military construction work or any contribution authorized necessary to produce a complete and useable facility or a complete and useable improvement to an existing facility. Generally, construction includes: The erection, installation or assembly of a new facility. The addition, expansion, extension, alteration, relocation, or replacement of an existing facility. Site preparation, excavation, filling, landscaping, land improvements, utility connections and installed equipment. Repair or maintenance project means to restore a real property facility, system or component to such a condition that it may effectively be used for its designated functional purpose. When repairing a facility, the components of the facility may be repaired by replacement and such replacement may be up to current standards or codes. RER project practice may be construction only or a combination of design and construction. A project consists of three components: scope, budget and schedule. When a project first assigned to a commander, it is important that three of these components be clearly defined. Scope represents the work to be accomplished, for example, the quantity and quality of work. Budget refers to costs and schedule refers to the logical sequencing and timing of the work to be performed. The quality of a project must meet the owners satisfaction and is an integral part of project management as illustrated in figure 1. Figure 1 is shown as an equilateral triangle to represent an important principle of RER project management. Any increase in the scope of work requires a corresponding increase in budget and schedule. Conversely, any decrease in scope of work results in a corresponding decrease in budget and schedule. For example, any adjustment in budget and/or schedule requires a corresponding adjustment in scope. It is the duty of an engineer commander to ensure that the project scope, budget, and schedule are linked together. Budgeting is important because it establishes the amount of money the owner will spend to obtain the project and the amount of money that the design and construction organizations will be compensated for performing the work. The construction phase is important because most of the project budget is expended during construction. Also, the operation and maintenance of the completed project is highly dependent on the quality of work that is performed during construction. Quality is an element that is integrated into and between all parts of a project: scope, budget and schedule. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Today, project management has reached a maturity level in which it is applied in the RER building and construction projects. Commander faces dilemmas that require choices between competing sets of values and priorities. The best commander recognizes and faces them with a commitment to do the right thing the right way. What does the right things mean? Does it mean the morally right things? The ethically right things? The right things for the squadron to be successful? and whos to say what the right things are? Effective team work is a key element in any successful project. Teamwork must be start early in the process, and it must be continuous throughout the live of a projects. Why do communications fail? Focus on personal power, there are therefore no easy answers to the questions from where and when did the powerful religious dimensions first begin to make an impact on interpersonal dynamic of RER spiritual power in the accomplishment of the project. RER linking specific challenges to be faced and overcome through professionalism and confidence to bring a project successful completion. In the concept of duty and service, RER must be fit and perform under mental and physical pressure. How does RER could organize one project in the multifunctional roles with multiple tasks continue to fit in the plan that had been scheduled? In the concept of human nature, how does the RER can survive by pushing them in the panic button in line with low spiritual power? Will the completion of the project help that organization accomplish its goals? 1.3 AIM OF RESEARCH The research will analyze the interpersonal dynamic of RER leaders and its relationship between his leadership and RER management in the construction project, as showing in the figure 2 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The research will cover the following objectives: Explore interpersonal dynamic in organization for good management, powerful leadership, and effective project management team. Discuss leadership roles from an Islamic perspectivewhich taking the examples of the past leader feature. Establishes personal power for dominating the work as the key to success. Effectiveness study of project management countermeasure as an important point of reference for improvement projects planned for the future. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH RER moves forward into the 21st century to meet the challenges of a changing strategic and operational landscape. RER commanders qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational, and experiential. Commander in such circumstances must be led in ways that inspire, rather than require, trust and confidence to hold high levels of responsibility. When followers have trust and confidence in a dynamic commander, they are transformed into willing, rather than merely compliant, agents. Much of the leadership practiced in todays Army achieves compliance from followers. Unfortunately, the compliance is not enough. The process of influencing followers behaviors accomplished the commanders goal by pushing them in the panic button. Some RER projects end, either as a casualty because of excessive cost and/or schedule overrun, or failure to accomplish their performance expectations. Engineering situations had enforced some engineer leaders bringing strong technical skills to the job site, but few possess the management skills it takes to successful coordinate the many phases of a construction projects. Also some current army engineer officers required technical engineering skills improvement initiative for supporting their expertise to plan and organise each stage of the projects. These lack of managerial and technical expertise is often the underlying reason for project delay, excessive spending, and ultimately dissatisfied. The significance of this paper is to help us be more effective in leadership situations by helping us better understand the complex challenges of commander command and control in RER. 1.6 LITERATURE REVIEW Indeed, there are a few books and articles that gave a brief account on the activities related to the research which provide to be useful for the literature review in the preparation of this study. Some of the literatures reviewed are listed below: a. Achieving Effective Performance for Unit Commanders written by Brig Gen Abdullah bin Babu, Lt Col Allatif Mohd Noh and Lt Col A.Endry Nixon published by Ministry of Defence Malaysia, 2002. This book explained the development of human resource, organization, information of technology, logistic, policies and instruction become the sinews of a more professionally focused and pragmatic Army driven by knowledge. It also provides insights and suggestive tools for commanders to use astutely as a competitive advantage in their pursuance for effective performance. b. Management i n Engineering: Principle and Practice Second Edition written by Gail Freeman-Bell and James Balkwill by Prentice Hall, 1996. This book presents the principle and techniques of managing engineering and construction projects from the conceptual phase, through design and construction and to completion. Much of the information in this book is based on formal and informal discussions with these project managers who are actively involved in the practice of project management. It informations related to the research where it has common elements of effective project management that have been successfully applied in practice. c. Total Construction Project Management written by George J. Ritz by McGraw-Hill Inc, 1994. This book is designed to give a construction manager the essential tools to survive and prosper in a highly competitive environment. Its significance in developing construction management and technology skills where both of it parallel paths to total construction management. It also emphasizes the person who is in responsible charge of the field activities must practice total construction project management to meet their project and personal goals. In the RER, the mental side of constructions management is frequently been used. Thus, this book is extremely beneficial to this research. d. Military Review The Professional Journal of The United State-Leadership, August 1994. This journal is review about World War II almanac. The author discussed about the theory of leadership where provided unique perspectives on leadership in both traditional and nontraditional applications that have much to offer to those who would lead. The authors also present their views on the rule of law and human right where there are a few issues that need to be addressed. e. Manual Procedure of Regiment Engineer Regiment (MP 4.1.1 TD). This manual provided sufficient information for staff and commanders at all levels in the course of their planning with regard to employment and deployment of engineers. There are three parts in this manual which are Organization, Command and Employment of Engineers as a Part One, Conduct of Battle as a Part Two and Engineer Operations as a Part Three. Each part had clarified briefly any matters of engineer needs to fulfilled its roles and functions. 1.7 LIMITATION OF RESEARCH This paper sources limited to the common RER construction projects through my personal thoughts and opinions on the management aspect. This paper is designed primarily, offer just one persons views on how to be a better army engineer and commander. There are a limited numbers of publications by the Services on the subject.As an army engineer officer is under the rules to be safeguard of all information that maintained by the Government of Malaysia as defense strategic and security . It is not to be divulged to a non-security organization unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence. It is also not to be used for other than military purpose and it is strictly not to be released to another country without the consent of the Ministry of Defence. Hence, the appointment for discussions will depend on the time availability of correspondents. 1.8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology is based on the lessons of the past leaders features. As an army engineer experience in working with numbers of construction projects in the RER much of the information in this research is based on formal and informal discussions with these project army engineer officers and commanders, who are actively, involved in the practice of RER construction projects. A common example is used throughout this research to illustrate the project management. Secondary data and information were uses as qualitative methodology with source from Al- Quran and Hadis, books and articles in journals found in the libraries. Besides, the study also utilized the facility offered by the Internet, which is a rich minefield of information recent on views, issues and updates. 1.9 ORGANIZATION OF CHAPTERS The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter One begins by interpreting interpersonal dynamic. Next, discuss of project leadership that is importance because commander states that leadership is not a property of the individual but a complex relationship among many variables. Finally, defines general principles related to project management and presenting RER major constructions, improvement and maintenance project review role of Engineer Command and Control. The basic principles must be fully understood because many of the problems associated with project management are caused by failure to apply them. Chapter Two seeks to propagate the idea that interpersonal dynamic from an islamic perspective. Defining personal power of commander as the capacity or potential to exert influence and influence tactics as the degree of change in a persons attitudes, values or behaviors. Take the example of the story of Salahudin Al-Ayubis victory in the re-capture of Jerusalem; the powerful religious dimensions of the army engineer should arouse the personal competence and loyalty (jihad fi-sabilillah). Chapter Three begin to discuss the important of personal management skill to be a good planner, delegator and communicator with the progress of the battle of Badr commanded by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. RER leadership must set priorities and develop a system to manage time. Next, this paper is highlight the successful project management can best be described as effective communications between the people who perform the work that is necessary to complete the projects. Finally, stress on the important of construction phase because the quality of the completed project is highly dependent on the workmanship and management of construction. Chapter Four focus on major conditions that must be present for building effective project teams where its becoming increasingly more important. Taken a lesson from the battle of Uhud, Engineer commander have to organize and manage their teams across organizational lines. This paper considerable attention has been given to the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept that emphasizes teamwork at all levels of an organization to improve the quality of the project and achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Chapter Five concludes that RER leaders has a duty to perform, preserve and enhance the unity, strength, tranquility and development of society through interpersonal dynamic and highlights the project management countermeasure as an important point of reference for improvement projects planned for the future. One of the most important points in this chapter is situational engineering which manages the interaction between the leader, the followers and the situations with a high level of lateral interdependence. CHAPTER 2 POWER AND INFLUENCE 2.1 BACKGROUND Power is like a coin. It has two sides. One side is the official authority or legal power that is given to an individual who is occupying an organizational position of RER such as Engineer Commander. On the other side of the power is the influence that an individual has with regard to the organization of RER. The first sides of power stated in this chapter are legitimate power, personal power, expert power and referent power. The second side cannot be delegated. It depends on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the individual and the competency that there are able to develop and sustain in the management of the project and in their dealings with the higher commander in RER. Most failures in the management of the projects are as follows: Failure to define the specificity of authority and responsibility of the Engineer Commander in the RER project. Negative attitudes on the part of project, functional and Chief of Engineer (CE) and team members who support a sharing of authority and responsibility over the resources to be used to support that projects. Lack of familiarity with the theoretical construction and the context in which that organizational design is applied. Failure of Engineer Commander to promote synergy and unity within and between RER levels and with outside organizational so that resources, results and rewards can be shared. This type of promotion requires true team work, discussion, cooperation of all RER committee, education and the opening and maintenance of many lines of communication. 2.2 SOURCES OF LEADERSHIP Leaders who can reward and punish followers may have a greater capacity to influence followers than those leaders who cannot use rewards or punishments. Legitimate power depends on a persons organizational role. Legitimate power means a leader has authority because he has been assigned a particular role in an organization. For example, in military the colonel can order compliance with uniform standards. However, follower or situational characteristics may diminish a leaders potential to influence followers as when the leader has less his personal power. Expert Power is the power of knowledge. Knowledge has always been of paramount importance as a source of development. In the military profession, it is extremely important to be aware of the continuous changes in military affair. The RER needs to equip itself with relevant knowledge and skills to face these complex challenges. Powerful individuals enhance learning from experiences. One way to counteract the problems stemming from a lack of expertise is to build strong interpersonal ties with subordinates. Referent power refers to the behavior and religion practices together have due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the subordinates. When subordinates admirer a leader and see him as a role model, he has referent power. The story of Salahudin Al-Ayubis victory in the re-capture of Jerusalem is an important part of history that Muslims must study. However, in studies on the history victories in the crusades, figurism or heroism in the army is emphasized. This is not necessarily the better approach. Such an approach distracts us from the real illnesses present among Muslims, which become the reason for our defeat waiting for the distances a person from the role that he should be playing even while waiting for the appearance of a leader figure to bring about solutions to problems. To quote Salahudin Al-Ayubi as an example: â€Å"Salahuddin Al Ayyubi was born to an aristocratic family in Tikrit (Kurdistan-Iraq) in 1138 CE. His education was simple: the Quran, Hadith, some mathematics, law, literature, genealogy: of men and horses. Initially, he did not seem to have any special interest in military sciences. In 1169 at the age of 31, he was appointed both Commander-in-chief of the Syrian troops and vizier of Egypt. He was the Muslim ruler of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Palestine and one of the most famous of Muslim heroes. Salahuddin was 26 when was sent as a commander to aid the Fatimid rulers of Egypt against the Crusaders who were joined by a unit of the Egyptian army. In wars against the Christian crusaders, he achieved final success with the disciplined capture of Jerusalem (Oct. 2, 1187), ending its 88-year occupation by the Franks. The great Christian counterattack of the Third Crusade was the stalemated by Salahuddins remarkable leadership and military brilliance. He had a great love for Islam and he tried hard to root out the Crusaders. For this purpose, he maintained a strong army. To Salahuddin, Jihad started from the inside. He had to watch himself and his aids and soldiers to make sure that they behaved in compliance with Devine commandments in all spheres of life, spiritual, moral and material. Hence, when his advisor suggested to him, why do you not save the money you give in charity to the poor and religious teachers, and spend it in our war efforts? Salahuddin replied: I could not do that because the prayers of poor people and religious teachers were such a source of strength in wars†. UsingSalahuddin Al Ayyubi as a role model of leadership, it is indeed time for the RER leadership to carry out a serious introspection and internal correction of oneself. Leaders must be aware of how good they can perform and how their behavior affects the performance. A leader may need to change his behavior before trying to change the behavior of his subordinates. Salahuddins singleness of purpose induced his subordinates to rearm both physically and spiritually. Salahuddins every act was inspired by edifying works especially on the jihad itself. Salahuddins personal power in religion practice and moralities had won the hearts of his subordinates, so that he could accomplished his goal. Today, the RER leadership uses the approaches of getting work done through fear, or centralizing decision making, or decentralizing decision making, and some even allow the group to establish its own goals and make its own decisions. By using these approaches, do not mean the goal is cannot accompli sh but they may separates harmonizes environments between the leaders and subordinates. Our current generation has so much to learn from Salahuddin. But first let us remind ourselves that history generally tells us about the bravery and leadership of commanders of war and rulers. Islamic History taught in school also tells us of the bravery and the rule of Islamic leaders, from the honourable Prophet Muhammad SAW to the fall of Islam in Ottoman Turkey. This finally created awareness among the people that in fighting for the Islamic cause, they should begin with the local power struggle. In the RER construction project this matter may affect the quality of work performance that will be presented project results as shown in Appendix A. The RER leadership must also prepare to take a new direction to explore and study some of the traits relate physical factor, some abilities, many to personalities and social characteristics to support the roles of activity, intelligence, knowledge, dominance and self-confidence. May be we can begin to learn and practice the first step by taking the example of Salahuddin which through assertive moral rejuvenation to fit a genuine part of own way of life. 2.3 INFLUENCE TACTICS AND POWER Influence tactics are the actual behaviors used by a leader to change the attitudes, opinions, or behaviors of a target person. Commanders who have only legitimate power may be able to use only legitimizing, pushing or pressure tactics to influence his subordinates. Dont threaten or dont push them in the panic button. I know its done by some of our leaders, but I dont go for it. If people are running scared or tension, theyre not going to make the good job or the right decisions. Theyll make the job or decisions to please the commander rather than recommend what has to be done. Commander should attempts to get in a good mood before making a request. People typically use soft tactics when theyre at a disadvantage, when they aspect resistance or when they will personally benefit if the attempt is successful. People typically use rational tactics (logical arguments or factual evidence) when parties are relatively equal in power and when resistance is not anticipated. Some leaders are able to influence others through their relative expertise in particular areas. We may not have state of the art technology or weapons in the region but having the best interpersonal leader who can think critically, analytically and professionally would make a difference in the management of the project. Soldiers who have been in combat or project before are valued for the lessons learned and wisdom they can share with others. Because expert power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to the rest of the members of the group, it is possible for followers to have considerably more expert power than leaders in certain situations. For example, new RER officer often possess less knowledge of the jobs and task performed in a particular work unit than the followers do. In this case, the followers can potentially wield considerable influence when decisions are made regarding work procedures, new equipment or Royal Engineer Regiment (RER) Leadership in the Military Royal Engineer Regiment (RER) Leadership in the Military CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The Royal Engineer Regiment (RER), being one of the combat support arms in the Malaysian Army has the role and tasks of assisting the Army in the field of engineering. This paper will highlight the command and control of RER Interpersonal Leadership in the construction projects management. The main role and task of RER is to carry out major construction tasks including improvement and maintenance beyond the capabilities of the Regiment or any engineering organization. There is normally an army engineer officer at all levels of command to advise the commander on engineering requirements Project management for engineering and construction presents the principles and techniques of managing engineering and construction projects from the owners study through design and construction to completion. It emphasizes project management during the early stages of project development because the ability to influence the quality, cost, and schedule of a project can best be achieved during the early stage of command and control. This paper will focus on the mental side of RER leadership for handling construction projects rather than the technology side of the projects. This paper integrates interpersonal dynamic of army engineer leadership dominating personal power enhancing numerous examples, experiences and comments to illustrate the material presented in the text. We will learn from the leaders of the past whose behaviors and actions shape our ever-changing world. Most important, is transformational of leadership approaches are the â€Å"secret†behind the success of our greatest leaders or the powerful Islamic teaching arouse the personal competence and loyalty? The intended audience of this paper is not limited to the today army leaders but for leaders of tomorrow who will hopefully benefit from the lessons of this research paper as they face the challenges of globalization in an increasingly interconnected world. With the discussions and illustrations, this paper is led through the multifunctional professionalism and confidence of RER linking the components of a project into a comprehensive work plan to guide the entire project to successful completion. 1.1.1 LEADERSHIP IS A PROCESS In my opinion, theres something quite different between army engineer leaders and civilian engineer leaders. An army engineer leaders must be able to handle multiples tasks. These groups work together in a superior-subordinate concept for command positions and formal leadership for engineering project management. All leaders take similar oaths upon entry to the Army. From day one, new Second Lieutenants are thrust into positions of significant responsibility. As a young nineteen to twenty-two years old leader, they are directly responsible for thirty to fifty-four soldiers. AsRER officers progress through the ranks, they continue to develop their leadership in RER design and construction projects. As a result, they will be given positions of increased responsibility and can eventually lead 120 to 318 soldiers. Where else would a young engineer with only a few years experience have the skill set to lead that many people? The corporate world, engineering consultant or construction would rarely ever let a new engineer university graduate supervise 30 peop le. In fact, some army engineer officers take their both technical expertise and army leadership skills and leave the RER. Their technical and army leadership skills are in such high demand, they can easily market themselves in the corporate world. As an army engineer officer, our duties will be diverse but extremely important. Army Engineer leadership is based on a concept of duty, service and perhaps importantly self-sacrifice. To join the army, we must pass a physical examination and sign the enlistment contract. With the enlistment contract, well agree to certain options such as the time frame of our active duty and our enlistment date. All army engineers participate in a course that introduces them to life as a soldier. The basic combat training centre at Kolej Tentera Darat and Pusat Asas Latihan Tentera Darat are a part of our course, will teach the same skills that are taught to other soldiers, so we will be prepared to fire weapons, engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, stay in good physical shape and otherwise succeed in a combat situation. As an Army field engineer (Jurutera Medan), we will work in a team to ensure that units dont have mobility problems when completing missions. We view our obligations to followers as a moral responsibility and we teach this value priority to junior leaders. We will be responsible for performing constructing bridges, demolition, clear routes, generating electrical power, constructing obstacles to serve as defense positions and training our team members including administrations, but our exact duties will vary from day to days. Our training will teach the skills we need to do our job as safely as possible. A useful skill to have and to become an army engineer is LEADERSHIP. We should be able to make quick and focused decisions to successfully complete our mission. Also, we need to be confident, intelligent, self-disciplined and enterprising. Army Field Engineering Institute or Institut Kejuruteraan Medan Tentera Darat (IKEM) role is to train all officers and soldiers in the RER as well as officers and other ranks from the Army in engineer related courses. With that concept in mind, IKEM developed a modular concept built around engineer staff/technical courses. IKEM was designed to train staff officer skills specialise in the field of engineering and these will allow the mind to better absorb and understand concepts and thus increase overall retention and depth of knowledge to the Army engineer. One of the keys to our success has been the many ideas, comments and concerns from the field. The diversity of the RER requires multiple assignments oriented training opportunities for its officers. Exposure to multiple and diverse jobs will provide breadth to an officers knowledge. Just as the Army Engineer transforms to the Objective Force to meet the challenges of the 21st century security environment, so too must the Army tran sform its education system to train and educate the leaders who will command and control that force. The Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) is the first university in Malaysia that provided for the countrys need in modern armed forces educations transformation. The university is fully a military university. There are 11 courses that are offered and these are balance of the fields in management, sciences and engineering. But aside from the academics, the students though are graded through their military leadership and physical fitness. These changes seek to provide the right education in the right medium to the right leader at the right time and place. The RER must have an ability to read a changing situation and react fastest. The adage â€Å"first in, last out †aptly applies to its significance and manifestation of its importance in supportingthe Army in discharging its roles. During my short 17 years of army engineer experience, Ive had the opportunity to serve with several dynamic leaders. These leaders all possessed similar traits such as vision, leadership, decisiveness, technical and tactical expertise, intelligence and compassion. Ive taken bits and peaces from each leader and formed my very own leadership style.A commander must be a motivated achiever with a â€Å"can do†attitude. RER commanders qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational, and experiential. RER project management requires a multi-discipline focus to coordinate the overall needs of a project with reliance on others to provide the technical expertise. RER commander must be able to delegate authority and responsibility to others and still retain focus on the linking process between disciplines. RER Commander cannot become overly involved in detailed tasks or take over the discipline they are educated in, but should focus on the project objectives. 1.1.2 DEFINITION OF RER ENGINEERING PROJECT The RER project includes both construction and major repair/maintenance project. RER construction project is defined as all military construction work or any contribution authorized necessary to produce a complete and useable facility or a complete and useable improvement to an existing facility. Generally, construction includes: The erection, installation or assembly of a new facility. The addition, expansion, extension, alteration, relocation, or replacement of an existing facility. Site preparation, excavation, filling, landscaping, land improvements, utility connections and installed equipment. Repair or maintenance project means to restore a real property facility, system or component to such a condition that it may effectively be used for its designated functional purpose. When repairing a facility, the components of the facility may be repaired by replacement and such replacement may be up to current standards or codes. RER project practice may be construction only or a combination of design and construction. A project consists of three components: scope, budget and schedule. When a project first assigned to a commander, it is important that three of these components be clearly defined. Scope represents the work to be accomplished, for example, the quantity and quality of work. Budget refers to costs and schedule refers to the logical sequencing and timing of the work to be performed. The quality of a project must meet the owners satisfaction and is an integral part of project management as illustrated in figure 1. Figure 1 is shown as an equilateral triangle to represent an important principle of RER project management. Any increase in the scope of work requires a corresponding increase in budget and schedule. Conversely, any decrease in scope of work results in a corresponding decrease in budget and schedule. For example, any adjustment in budget and/or schedule requires a corresponding adjustment in scope. It is the duty of an engineer commander to ensure that the project scope, budget, and schedule are linked together. Budgeting is important because it establishes the amount of money the owner will spend to obtain the project and the amount of money that the design and construction organizations will be compensated for performing the work. The construction phase is important because most of the project budget is expended during construction. Also, the operation and maintenance of the completed project is highly dependent on the quality of work that is performed during construction. Quality is an element that is integrated into and between all parts of a project: scope, budget and schedule. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Today, project management has reached a maturity level in which it is applied in the RER building and construction projects. Commander faces dilemmas that require choices between competing sets of values and priorities. The best commander recognizes and faces them with a commitment to do the right thing the right way. What does the right things mean? Does it mean the morally right things? The ethically right things? The right things for the squadron to be successful? and whos to say what the right things are? Effective team work is a key element in any successful project. Teamwork must be start early in the process, and it must be continuous throughout the live of a projects. Why do communications fail? Focus on personal power, there are therefore no easy answers to the questions from where and when did the powerful religious dimensions first begin to make an impact on interpersonal dynamic of RER spiritual power in the accomplishment of the project. RER linking specific challenges to be faced and overcome through professionalism and confidence to bring a project successful completion. In the concept of duty and service, RER must be fit and perform under mental and physical pressure. How does RER could organize one project in the multifunctional roles with multiple tasks continue to fit in the plan that had been scheduled? In the concept of human nature, how does the RER can survive by pushing them in the panic button in line with low spiritual power? Will the completion of the project help that organization accomplish its goals? 1.3 AIM OF RESEARCH The research will analyze the interpersonal dynamic of RER leaders and its relationship between his leadership and RER management in the construction project, as showing in the figure 2 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The research will cover the following objectives: Explore interpersonal dynamic in organization for good management, powerful leadership, and effective project management team. Discuss leadership roles from an Islamic perspectivewhich taking the examples of the past leader feature. Establishes personal power for dominating the work as the key to success. Effectiveness study of project management countermeasure as an important point of reference for improvement projects planned for the future. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH RER moves forward into the 21st century to meet the challenges of a changing strategic and operational landscape. RER commanders qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational, and experiential. Commander in such circumstances must be led in ways that inspire, rather than require, trust and confidence to hold high levels of responsibility. When followers have trust and confidence in a dynamic commander, they are transformed into willing, rather than merely compliant, agents. Much of the leadership practiced in todays Army achieves compliance from followers. Unfortunately, the compliance is not enough. The process of influencing followers behaviors accomplished the commanders goal by pushing them in the panic button. Some RER projects end, either as a casualty because of excessive cost and/or schedule overrun, or failure to accomplish their performance expectations. Engineering situations had enforced some engineer leaders bringing strong technical skills to the job site, but few possess the management skills it takes to successful coordinate the many phases of a construction projects. Also some current army engineer officers required technical engineering skills improvement initiative for supporting their expertise to plan and organise each stage of the projects. These lack of managerial and technical expertise is often the underlying reason for project delay, excessive spending, and ultimately dissatisfied. The significance of this paper is to help us be more effective in leadership situations by helping us better understand the complex challenges of commander command and control in RER. 1.6 LITERATURE REVIEW Indeed, there are a few books and articles that gave a brief account on the activities related to the research which provide to be useful for the literature review in the preparation of this study. Some of the literatures reviewed are listed below: a. Achieving Effective Performance for Unit Commanders written by Brig Gen Abdullah bin Babu, Lt Col Allatif Mohd Noh and Lt Col A.Endry Nixon published by Ministry of Defence Malaysia, 2002. This book explained the development of human resource, organization, information of technology, logistic, policies and instruction become the sinews of a more professionally focused and pragmatic Army driven by knowledge. It also provides insights and suggestive tools for commanders to use astutely as a competitive advantage in their pursuance for effective performance. b. Management i n Engineering: Principle and Practice Second Edition written by Gail Freeman-Bell and James Balkwill by Prentice Hall, 1996. This book presents the principle and techniques of managing engineering and construction projects from the conceptual phase, through design and construction and to completion. Much of the information in this book is based on formal and informal discussions with these project managers who are actively involved in the practice of project management. It informations related to the research where it has common elements of effective project management that have been successfully applied in practice. c. Total Construction Project Management written by George J. Ritz by McGraw-Hill Inc, 1994. This book is designed to give a construction manager the essential tools to survive and prosper in a highly competitive environment. Its significance in developing construction management and technology skills where both of it parallel paths to total construction management. It also emphasizes the person who is in responsible charge of the field activities must practice total construction project management to meet their project and personal goals. In the RER, the mental side of constructions management is frequently been used. Thus, this book is extremely beneficial to this research. d. Military Review The Professional Journal of The United State-Leadership, August 1994. This journal is review about World War II almanac. The author discussed about the theory of leadership where provided unique perspectives on leadership in both traditional and nontraditional applications that have much to offer to those who would lead. The authors also present their views on the rule of law and human right where there are a few issues that need to be addressed. e. Manual Procedure of Regiment Engineer Regiment (MP 4.1.1 TD). This manual provided sufficient information for staff and commanders at all levels in the course of their planning with regard to employment and deployment of engineers. There are three parts in this manual which are Organization, Command and Employment of Engineers as a Part One, Conduct of Battle as a Part Two and Engineer Operations as a Part Three. Each part had clarified briefly any matters of engineer needs to fulfilled its roles and functions. 1.7 LIMITATION OF RESEARCH This paper sources limited to the common RER construction projects through my personal thoughts and opinions on the management aspect. This paper is designed primarily, offer just one persons views on how to be a better army engineer and commander. There are a limited numbers of publications by the Services on the subject.As an army engineer officer is under the rules to be safeguard of all information that maintained by the Government of Malaysia as defense strategic and security . It is not to be divulged to a non-security organization unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence. It is also not to be used for other than military purpose and it is strictly not to be released to another country without the consent of the Ministry of Defence. Hence, the appointment for discussions will depend on the time availability of correspondents. 1.8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology is based on the lessons of the past leaders features. As an army engineer experience in working with numbers of construction projects in the RER much of the information in this research is based on formal and informal discussions with these project army engineer officers and commanders, who are actively, involved in the practice of RER construction projects. A common example is used throughout this research to illustrate the project management. Secondary data and information were uses as qualitative methodology with source from Al- Quran and Hadis, books and articles in journals found in the libraries. Besides, the study also utilized the facility offered by the Internet, which is a rich minefield of information recent on views, issues and updates. 1.9 ORGANIZATION OF CHAPTERS The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter One begins by interpreting interpersonal dynamic. Next, discuss of project leadership that is importance because commander states that leadership is not a property of the individual but a complex relationship among many variables. Finally, defines general principles related to project management and presenting RER major constructions, improvement and maintenance project review role of Engineer Command and Control. The basic principles must be fully understood because many of the problems associated with project management are caused by failure to apply them. Chapter Two seeks to propagate the idea that interpersonal dynamic from an islamic perspective. Defining personal power of commander as the capacity or potential to exert influence and influence tactics as the degree of change in a persons attitudes, values or behaviors. Take the example of the story of Salahudin Al-Ayubis victory in the re-capture of Jerusalem; the powerful religious dimensions of the army engineer should arouse the personal competence and loyalty (jihad fi-sabilillah). Chapter Three begin to discuss the important of personal management skill to be a good planner, delegator and communicator with the progress of the battle of Badr commanded by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. RER leadership must set priorities and develop a system to manage time. Next, this paper is highlight the successful project management can best be described as effective communications between the people who perform the work that is necessary to complete the projects. Finally, stress on the important of construction phase because the quality of the completed project is highly dependent on the workmanship and management of construction. Chapter Four focus on major conditions that must be present for building effective project teams where its becoming increasingly more important. Taken a lesson from the battle of Uhud, Engineer commander have to organize and manage their teams across organizational lines. This paper considerable attention has been given to the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept that emphasizes teamwork at all levels of an organization to improve the quality of the project and achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Chapter Five concludes that RER leaders has a duty to perform, preserve and enhance the unity, strength, tranquility and development of society through interpersonal dynamic and highlights the project management countermeasure as an important point of reference for improvement projects planned for the future. One of the most important points in this chapter is situational engineering which manages the interaction between the leader, the followers and the situations with a high level of lateral interdependence. CHAPTER 2 POWER AND INFLUENCE 2.1 BACKGROUND Power is like a coin. It has two sides. One side is the official authority or legal power that is given to an individual who is occupying an organizational position of RER such as Engineer Commander. On the other side of the power is the influence that an individual has with regard to the organization of RER. The first sides of power stated in this chapter are legitimate power, personal power, expert power and referent power. The second side cannot be delegated. It depends on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the individual and the competency that there are able to develop and sustain in the management of the project and in their dealings with the higher commander in RER. Most failures in the management of the projects are as follows: Failure to define the specificity of authority and responsibility of the Engineer Commander in the RER project. Negative attitudes on the part of project, functional and Chief of Engineer (CE) and team members who support a sharing of authority and responsibility over the resources to be used to support that projects. Lack of familiarity with the theoretical construction and the context in which that organizational design is applied. Failure of Engineer Commander to promote synergy and unity within and between RER levels and with outside organizational so that resources, results and rewards can be shared. This type of promotion requires true team work, discussion, cooperation of all RER committee, education and the opening and maintenance of many lines of communication. 2.2 SOURCES OF LEADERSHIP Leaders who can reward and punish followers may have a greater capacity to influence followers than those leaders who cannot use rewards or punishments. Legitimate power depends on a persons organizational role. Legitimate power means a leader has authority because he has been assigned a particular role in an organization. For example, in military the colonel can order compliance with uniform standards. However, follower or situational characteristics may diminish a leaders potential to influence followers as when the leader has less his personal power. Expert Power is the power of knowledge. Knowledge has always been of paramount importance as a source of development. In the military profession, it is extremely important to be aware of the continuous changes in military affair. The RER needs to equip itself with relevant knowledge and skills to face these complex challenges. Powerful individuals enhance learning from experiences. One way to counteract the problems stemming from a lack of expertise is to build strong interpersonal ties with subordinates. Referent power refers to the behavior and religion practices together have due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the subordinates. When subordinates admirer a leader and see him as a role model, he has referent power. The story of Salahudin Al-Ayubis victory in the re-capture of Jerusalem is an important part of history that Muslims must study. However, in studies on the history victories in the crusades, figurism or heroism in the army is emphasized. This is not necessarily the better approach. Such an approach distracts us from the real illnesses present among Muslims, which become the reason for our defeat waiting for the distances a person from the role that he should be playing even while waiting for the appearance of a leader figure to bring about solutions to problems. To quote Salahudin Al-Ayubi as an example: â€Å"Salahuddin Al Ayyubi was born to an aristocratic family in Tikrit (Kurdistan-Iraq) in 1138 CE. His education was simple: the Quran, Hadith, some mathematics, law, literature, genealogy: of men and horses. Initially, he did not seem to have any special interest in military sciences. In 1169 at the age of 31, he was appointed both Commander-in-chief of the Syrian troops and vizier of Egypt. He was the Muslim ruler of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Palestine and one of the most famous of Muslim heroes. Salahuddin was 26 when was sent as a commander to aid the Fatimid rulers of Egypt against the Crusaders who were joined by a unit of the Egyptian army. In wars against the Christian crusaders, he achieved final success with the disciplined capture of Jerusalem (Oct. 2, 1187), ending its 88-year occupation by the Franks. The great Christian counterattack of the Third Crusade was the stalemated by Salahuddins remarkable leadership and military brilliance. He had a great love for Islam and he tried hard to root out the Crusaders. For this purpose, he maintained a strong army. To Salahuddin, Jihad started from the inside. He had to watch himself and his aids and soldiers to make sure that they behaved in compliance with Devine commandments in all spheres of life, spiritual, moral and material. Hence, when his advisor suggested to him, why do you not save the money you give in charity to the poor and religious teachers, and spend it in our war efforts? Salahuddin replied: I could not do that because the prayers of poor people and religious teachers were such a source of strength in wars†. UsingSalahuddin Al Ayyubi as a role model of leadership, it is indeed time for the RER leadership to carry out a serious introspection and internal correction of oneself. Leaders must be aware of how good they can perform and how their behavior affects the performance. A leader may need to change his behavior before trying to change the behavior of his subordinates. Salahuddins singleness of purpose induced his subordinates to rearm both physically and spiritually. Salahuddins every act was inspired by edifying works especially on the jihad itself. Salahuddins personal power in religion practice and moralities had won the hearts of his subordinates, so that he could accomplished his goal. Today, the RER leadership uses the approaches of getting work done through fear, or centralizing decision making, or decentralizing decision making, and some even allow the group to establish its own goals and make its own decisions. By using these approaches, do not mean the goal is cannot accompli sh but they may separates harmonizes environments between the leaders and subordinates. Our current generation has so much to learn from Salahuddin. But first let us remind ourselves that history generally tells us about the bravery and leadership of commanders of war and rulers. Islamic History taught in school also tells us of the bravery and the rule of Islamic leaders, from the honourable Prophet Muhammad SAW to the fall of Islam in Ottoman Turkey. This finally created awareness among the people that in fighting for the Islamic cause, they should begin with the local power struggle. In the RER construction project this matter may affect the quality of work performance that will be presented project results as shown in Appendix A. The RER leadership must also prepare to take a new direction to explore and study some of the traits relate physical factor, some abilities, many to personalities and social characteristics to support the roles of activity, intelligence, knowledge, dominance and self-confidence. May be we can begin to learn and practice the first step by taking the example of Salahuddin which through assertive moral rejuvenation to fit a genuine part of own way of life. 2.3 INFLUENCE TACTICS AND POWER Influence tactics are the actual behaviors used by a leader to change the attitudes, opinions, or behaviors of a target person. Commanders who have only legitimate power may be able to use only legitimizing, pushing or pressure tactics to influence his subordinates. Dont threaten or dont push them in the panic button. I know its done by some of our leaders, but I dont go for it. If people are running scared or tension, theyre not going to make the good job or the right decisions. Theyll make the job or decisions to please the commander rather than recommend what has to be done. Commander should attempts to get in a good mood before making a request. People typically use soft tactics when theyre at a disadvantage, when they aspect resistance or when they will personally benefit if the attempt is successful. People typically use rational tactics (logical arguments or factual evidence) when parties are relatively equal in power and when resistance is not anticipated. Some leaders are able to influence others through their relative expertise in particular areas. We may not have state of the art technology or weapons in the region but having the best interpersonal leader who can think critically, analytically and professionally would make a difference in the management of the project. Soldiers who have been in combat or project before are valued for the lessons learned and wisdom they can share with others. Because expert power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possesses relative to the rest of the members of the group, it is possible for followers to have considerably more expert power than leaders in certain situations. For example, new RER officer often possess less knowledge of the jobs and task performed in a particular work unit than the followers do. In this case, the followers can potentially wield considerable influence when decisions are made regarding work procedures, new equipment or
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