Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Produce a written analysis of learning theory related to planning, Essay
Produce a composed examination of learning hypothesis identified with arranging, arrangement, conveyance and asessment of your educating and learning programs - Essay Example Our lives could be exceptionally muddled in the event that we couldn't learn in light of the fact that it would imply that we would not be satisfactorily accessible to our general public. We would sit as vegetables or void shells alone in some dim room since we would not realize that there was whatever else. We would just sit in light of the fact that there was nothing to give us that there was more to life than what we were doing around then. Since learning is by all accounts a confounded circumstance we as people have recognized that we have to comprehend what realizing is about and how it influences us and our general surroundings. We additionally need to know how it influences individuals on a worldwide level. Since learning is so imperative to all that we do it is essential to dissect learning hypothesis to perceive any reason why it identifies with how we as educators cerate learning programs. Early learning scholar had their premise in both instruction and brain science. Numerous analysts considered learning and affected the field. The main learning scholar that rings a bell is Jean Piaget. Piaget invested his energy with exceptionally little youngsters and concluded that kids didn't think like grown-ups however that they had their own points of view that had their own request and rationale (Papert, 1999, p. 1). In spite of the fact that he later made his four phases of advancement his genuine intrigue was in epistemology. The hypothesis of information was intriguing to him so he concentrated broadly it from a logical viewpoint (Papert, p. 3). As per Papert, a previous understudy of Piagets: The center of Piaget is his conviction that taking a gander at how information creates in youngsters will clarify the idea of information as a rule. Regardless of whether this has in fact prompted further getting stays, such as everything about Piaget, controversial. In the previous decade Piaget has been overwhelmingly tested by the current style of review information as an inherent property of the mind. (Papert, p. 3). The Behaviorists and specifically B.F. Skinner
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Young Blacks and the Crisis African-American Culture free essay sample
The slithers confronting youthful blacks, likewise alluded to as the hip jump age, Is one that is multifaceted and contains different layers. Youthful Blacks today are being confronted with various difficulties inside their locale and inside society all in all. These difficulties incorporate, rising joblessness, racial profiling, elevated levels of imprisonment, the AIDS plague, an expanding age hole, just as developing training accomplishment gap.When coupling these numerous difficulties with the glorification of medications, viciousness, cash, and the debasement of ladies that Is frequently remoter inside the hip jump culture, the eventual fate of youthful blacks In todays society stays in danger and in emergency. Along these lines the inquiry remains, how would we address the emergency confronting African American youth today? There is no uncertainty that the response to this inquiry won't simple. We should initially decide, who is this purported hip bounce age, and take a gander at the history and rise of this age of youngsters inside African American culture. We will compose a custom exposition test on Youthful Blacks and the Crisis African-American Culture or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page We should then investigate how this age was molded. What are the occasions and events that have formed this age and added to the emergency this age currently faces? This incorporates an assessment of the general public, culture, governmental issues, and mainstream society of the sasss and sasss, which the hip bounce age experienced childhood in. When we look at and comprehend those issues that have formed this youthful age of African Americans, we would then be able to start to investigate answers for the emergency that has contrarily influenced huge numbers of todays dark youth.Although the difficulties are many, so are the potential outcomes of defeating the emergency numerous youthful Black individuals face. The arrangement Involves the African American people group, just as society as entire meeting up to confront the difficulties this age is doing combating. It includes an assessment of open approach and a solid glance at our administration. Lastly, it includes a genuine scrutin ize of the hip jump culture and mainstream society that have such an enormous impact on African American youth today. Who makes up the hip jump age, and who does this segment comprise of?The term help bounce age Is utilized generally to depict the age experiencing childhood In the sasss and 1 buffs. Many have named this gathering of youngsters as Generation X. Be that as it may, when talking explicitly about youthful Black individuals, for some the term hip bounce age was substantially more fitting. One of the main coiners of the term was Baker Kitting, head editorial manager of The Source: the magazine of hip-bounce music culture and governmental issues, during the sasss. Kitting characterizes the age as those conceived between 1965-1984, essentially those experiencing childhood In post-social equality Black America (Sultana, 2002).Although hip bounce music, culture, and governmental issues have changed significantly over the very nearly multi year range that makes up the hip jump age, a considerable lot of the issues and difficulties confronting this age of youngsters have stayed predictable. As K itting noted, people may highlight distinctive characterizing vents, yet all offer a completely clear comprehension of transitioning in a period of post-isolation and worldwide financial matters (Kitting, 2002). Basically, the hip bounce age comprises of Black adolescents that know about the advancement that has been the battle that remaining parts for youthful African Americans living in todays society.Despite the advancement made during the sasss Civil Rights Movement, youthful Black individuals are as yet confronted with new types of prejudice such a racial profiling and redlining. Also, they should manage enormous differences in work and instruction in contrast with their white partners. The truth of such difficulties have left Black adolescents feeling marginalia and detached to society in general, as they battle to manage the emergency before them. Let us presently look at the difficulties and issues that have affected the transitioning and of the hip jump age, and added to the emergency they face.Unlike their folks, who might be viewed as a component of the Baby Boomer age, the hip bounce age was molded by occasions and open strategy happening after the social equality development. Th e isolation and Jim Crow laws that were a piece of the transitioning for the gen X-er age, was not experienced by the hip bounce age. Rather, the hip jump ages transitioning was affected by progressively unpretentious types of prejudice and separation, for example, racial profiling. The development of racial profiling can be intensely added to the Reagan organizations notable War on Drugs starting in the sasss.This open arrangement catastrophe had an extremely enormous submit birthing racial profiling rehearses that despite everything exist today. Racial profiling depends on the possibility that most medication offenses are submitted by minorities (Harris, 1999). As opposed to what many may accept most of medication dealers are not for the most part Black. In a UCLA exceptional report Harris noticed that, as per the administrations own reports, 80% of the nation cocaine clients are white, and the run of the mill cocaine client is a working class, white resident. In any case, law requirement strategies that focused on downtown medication exchange were noticeably filling the Jails and detainment facilities with minor ity sedate law guilty parties, taking care of the misinterpretation that most medication clients and sellers were Black and Latino. In this way a medication dispatch profile with indisputable racial suggestions grabbed hold in law implementation. (Harris, 1999) This medication dispatch profile filled in as the reason for baseless stops ND searches of vehicles driven by non-white individuals just as the unjustifiable stops and searches of Black individuals in shopping centers, air terminals, and even on the streets.This practice of racial profiling prompted a lopsided number of youthful Blacks being captured and detained during the sasss and sasss. An investigation by the Justice Department demonstrated that at the state level the quantity of Blacks imprisoned for sedate offenses expanded 707% somewhere in the range of 1985 and 1995, contrasted with just 306% of Whites (Kitting, 2002). By 1996 62% of medication guilty parties confessed to state detainment facilities were Black, contrasted with 36% that were White. This unbalanced number of youthful Blacks being detained has massively influenced the hip bounce age in a significant way.The stunning number of youthful Black that are imprisoned, has prompted a negative picture of crystallization as identified with Black youth. Since such a large number of Black youth are detained, it is anything but difficult to accept that they should likewise be the ones carrying out the most wrongdoings. Hence more minorities are captured, sentenced, and Jailed, taking care of into the previously mentioned tranquilize messenger profile, bringing about more captures of minorities, and sustaining the generalization that most violations are submitted by Black individuals (Harris, 999). As this repeating design proceeds, it is additionally fortified by the medias out of line depiction of Blacks as criminals.According to Kitting (2002), a recent report found that Being that numerous Americans rely upon the news as a wellspring of data, they are constantly being deluded about youthful Black individuals and their relationship with wrongdoing. Notwithstanding the lopsidedly high detainment of youthful Blacks, there is likewise an excessively high number of Black jobless youth, adding to the emergency among those in the hip boun ce age. In the article, The Black-White Jobless Gap, Simms and McDaniel report that just one of every three of Blacks between the ages of 16 and 24 have a Job, while just 16% of Whites are jobless (Simms and McDaniel, 2010).These lopsided figures can for the most part be credited to the absence of instruction or accomplishment hole that exists between youthful Whites and Blacks. Tragically, numerous youthful African Americans in the backtalk did not have the training expected to contend in a developing worldwide society, and lamentably this cycle proceeds, as insights show that 20-30% of Black guys drop out of school preceding graduation (Encourage, 1997) Therefore, they had to low-talented, low-paying sways, which were not many and far between.Those experiencing childhood in the hip bounce age basically didn't have the open doors their folks had as incompetent specialists, having the chance to work in the steel, elastic, and car businesses. When the hip jump age started to go into the workforce, a large number of these enterprises had evaporated. As indicated by Dry. Pedro Encourage (1997), considers have indicated that Black guys specifically are generally seen as less attractive representatives and in this manner are considerably less inclined to be recruited in many Jobs. The ascent of joblessness just drove o an ascent of neediness among numerous hip bo unce ages, consequently adding to the developing standardization and disappointment of Black youth. As sentiments of standardization became because of racial profiling, the crystallization of youthful Blacks, and the absence of work openings, numerous youthful Blacks started to go to an existence of wrongdoing. With no suitable business viewpoints, numerous young people went to the underground medication showcase as the best way to get by as neediness in numerous downtowns proceeded to increase.This prompted an expansion in pack movement and medication exchange. Tragically, numerous African American young people felt they could improve monetarily in the medication exchange than in standard society (Kitting, 2002). The road group attitude overflowed into the jail populace of youthful Blacks. As progressively Black youth were imprisoned, there was an ascent of jail posses. Before long the distinction between Black road posses, Black jail packs, and Black youth culture when all is said in done was hard to separate, in this manner adding to the crystallization of youthful Blacks.Soon the line was indistinct in any event, for hip jump ages, driving numerous youthful Black youth to connect guiltiness with Blackness (Kitting, 2002). This can generally be ascribed to the changing face
Sunday, August 2, 2020
SIPA 2015 APPLICATION IS NOW AVAILABLE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The anticipation is over. The 2015 SIPA MIA/MPA application is now available online. If you are interested in applying for the 2015-2016 academic year, please create an account and get started. Select an email address you use regularly and a password that you will remember. There are two entry points to our 2-year MIA/MPA program Spring and Fall. Please select the appropriate term you wish to begin your program of study. Spring applicants should submit their application by October 15; spring applications are reviewed on a rolling basis which means the earlier you submit your application, the earlier you will hear back from us. If fall is a more ideal time for you to begin your studies, you should submit your application and all supporting documents no later than February 5, 2015. There are two additional (and equally important) application deadlines to take note. If you like to plan early, we offer, for the first time, an EARLY ACTION option. If you submit a completed application by November 1, 2014, the Admissions Committee will review and render a decision before the new year. An early decision is only offered to those who meet the November 1 deadline. Applications submitted after November 1 will not receive a decision before March 14. And if you wish to be considered for a SIPA merit scholarship, you must submit your application by January 5, 2015. Admitted students who are selected to receive a SIPA fellowship will be notified in March of their award. Looking forward to meeting you. 2015 SIPA Application
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Research Study On Students Perception Of Blind Date...
he researcher was a nonparticipant observer of two class sessions facilitated by Ms. Hardison. During the lesson, the researcher took field notes that focused on student comments while engrossed in the lesson. A survey (see Appendix 1) was also constructed and used that contained five Likert-scale questions (1=Not At All; 2= Somewhat; 3= Very/Extremely) and three open-ended questions. Students completed the survey upon the conclusion of the introduction to poetry lesson at the end of class. Data was analyzed using an ethnographic approach with a realist design to determine high school students’ perception of Blind Date Poetry introduction compared to other forms of poetry introductions they had previously experienced. Field notes and open ended questions were coded through identifying relevant comments that was organized into categories. Likert-scale questions were analyzed through an excel program to determine the participant s’ view of the introductory lesson. Findings The findings concerning student perspective of the active learning poetry introduction were highly positive. The open-ended questions in the survey asked students what they liked about the lesson, and a majority stated that the introduction was fun. One student stated, â€Å"I was engaged the whole time and did not get bored at all. Time flew by and reading the different poems was very interesting! Loved todays lesson!†These perspectives were supported by the Likert-scale section of the survey as 80Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words  | 158 Pagesï » ¿Plagiarism Bibliography Buckwalter, J. A., Wright, T., Mogoanta, L. and Alman, B. (2012), Plagiarism: An assault on the integrity of scientific research. J. Orthop. Res., 30: 1867 1868. Granitz, N. and Loewy, D. (2007). Applying Ethical Theories: Interpreting and Responding to Student Plagiarism. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(3), 293-306. Luke, B. and Kearins, K. 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A comprehensive collection of these up-to-date news clippings, research papers, lab studies, reports, documents, opinions and court judgments etc have now been made available by the Centre for Science and Environment at www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/taxonomy/term/2544. Links to selected CSE research papers and lab report. http://www.downtoearth.org.in/webexclusives/factsheet_1.htm http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.orgRead MorePeculiarities of Euphemisms in English and Difficulties in Their Translation19488 Words  | 78 Pagescategories according to a particular theme facilitates the process of learning. In my diploma paper we have set forth to study the use and translation of euphemisms and doubletalk in modern political articles at a deeper level, their types and ways of their translation from English into Russian in everyday life of humanity. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Emily, Cody And Lucas Were The Ones At Home - 873 Words
When I enter the home the first thing I noticed was that only Emily, Cody and Lucas were the ones at home. Benjamin, Logan and Drew were out with their therapist for the afternoon. Emily and Cody we re upstairs playing but after about 5 minutes Ms. Orbach and I heard a door slamming. We went upstairs to check on them. At some point Cody no longer wanted to play with Emily and this made Emily very upset. Ms. Orbach told them to come downstairs and play and they are not allowed to play upstairs by themselves. Once they were downstairs in the living room Cody went to the dining table to color and Emily was playing with her dolls on the floor. Lucas was moving between the two of them. Ms. Orbach and I then began our conversation about the second parent mentor. I explained to her the reason for the second parent mentor. They would be another set of eyes into the house , so we can get more things done throughout the day. It would also be someone there to help supervise the six children. Since they break off into different sections of the house. I explained it to her in a way that it is about getting more help versus pushing her to do it all on her own. She told to me, she is not the one, who said no to the second Parent Mentor, It was the Judge during one of her court dates. Her husband s lawyer also made some comments to the Judge. He did not think it was a good idea for her to have a second Mentor. After the judge heard what the lawyers had to said the Judge agreed she
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Internet Addiction Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept Free Essays
How long does a year take when it’s going away? This was a question asked by Dunbar to a very highly disciplined soldier right before explaining, rising in almost furious passion, how fast life goes and that the only way that can slow it down is the slow, tedious, and overall unpleasant aspects of life. Granted this conversation took place in a work of fiction; however, how Dunbar insisted that he spend most of his time on base shooting skeet simply because it made his life seem to pass slower does draw parallels to how we distract ourselves today. Unlike in the 50’s when Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Addiction: Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept or any similar topic only for you Order Now Heller first introduced us to his pleasantly insane world that was Catch-22, today we have the amazing expanse of information and entertainment known as the Internet as well as the multitude of mediums for accessing it: computers, tablets, cellphones, televisions, even the very confines of our car can read Facebook updates. But with this quickly growing rise in demand for technology, status updates, and quick amusement, there is also a growth in research on a literal addiction to the Internet and technology. Many in the social sciences worry that we may be looking at a dependence on the superficial global connection, one that I fear may leave us with an incapable generation of social media dependents. Internet addiction is seen as an impulse-control disorder, much like other addictions such as to gambling or sexual activity, where users are unable to resist urges or impulses to access the Internet. In a recent study done by Dr. Kimberly Young of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, it was found that out of the nearly four hundred surveyed that were categorized as Internet dependent a resounding number had experienced academic, relationship, financial, or occupational problems that could be directly linked to excessive Internet use (Table 1).  One of the most alarming of these were those whose real relationships were affected with plenty sad and at times disturbing anecdotes of people becoming too absorbed in the lures of the online community; for example, one mother had forgot about some of the more basic needs of her own children such as picking them up from school or making them dinner (Young 1-5). The academic arena is one that has been most recently seen affected. When surveyed at the Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom, about 39% of students 11 to 18 years old said that texting had taken its toll on their ability to proper write English. Probably more concerning was the 59.2% that openly admitted to plagiarism, â€Å"inserting information straight from the Internet into schoolwork, without actually reading or changing it, and then, shockingly, a third of those said that they considered that acceptable schoolwork (Goodwin). Then you have Californian psychologist Larry D. Rosen who referred to the â€Å"Google effect,†what he described as â€Å"an inability to remember facts brought on by the realization [sic] they are all available via Google (â€Å"Rise †8). What we see here can be construed as just laziness on part of this generation, a stereotype that I would agree with if not for the overwhelming evidence that suggests that this issue runs so much deeper, namely how we interact with each other when we are offline. The detrimental effects that dependence on the Internet has on people is further outlined in the report â€Å"Technology Overload: Explaining, Diagnosing, And Dealing With Techno-Addiction†by Nada Kakabadse, a professor of management and business research at University of Northampton in the United Kingdom. His commentary was hardly optimistic: â€Å"Being hooked into ICT [information and communication technology] devices and ignoring ‘offline’ social interaction can lead to chronic insomnia, relationship break-up, job-loss, premature burn-out and accidents as a result of inattentiveness to daily detail.The harm to both the individual and society is immense. Idolatry of ICT gadgets such as the PDA, BlackBerry, mobile phone, has serious consequences, especially when ‘online’ behavior begins to interfere with an ‘offline’ life. †(Claburn) Vesile Oktan revealed in another report on the effects that Internet dependence had on students at the Karadeniz Technical University in Turkey on their ability to cope and control emotions. While his findings did indicate that Internet addiction was a reliable predictor in poor emotions management, he also point out previous studies that supported this such as young people with virtual gaming addictions had low self-control and discipline. He went on to discuss how this addiction could be a behavioral pattern that compensated, however inadequately, for failures in life (Oktan 3-5). A very similar examination from Greece only showed consistency; when comparing a younger demographic (ages 12-18) to their respective parents over the course of two years, it was found that without preventative initiative Internet addiction grew in the children. The biggest predictor variable for this addiction was parental bonding rather than actual security as many parents underestimated their children’s involvement (Siomos). These two reports show a consistent connection between how people interact outside the digital world and how they both are affected and effect how one develops uncontrollable cravings. What the spectacular resources the Internet has to offer surely can’t be refuted as invaluable. The ability to quickly and effectively communicate with each other over vast distances and almost instantaneously is a recent luxury that we at times take for granted. The use of the Internet and its many outlets does make for a good distraction in much of the same way Dunbar made use of the shooting range in Catch-22 even though he detested actually doing target practice. Unfortunately, in this situation, what we can take for granted also has its capacity to consume and entrap us with its ease of access and being easily relatible unlike standard social situations when offline where one has to make compromises (Young 5). Many experts would rather not classify this issue as an actual addiction, citing that it is more of a means to an end such as how gambling addicts will switch to the Internet poker rooms when they can no longer get their fix from actual casinos or vice versa (Ritchie). I firmly believe that this is a real problem in society that will eventually prevent many people from achieving success as this continues to monopolize their time, effort, and mental processes. I would almost go as far to say that I have my own difficulties with this; case and point: I would readily say that this essay would have been completed in a timely manner if it had not been of the constant distraction from reality that the Internet provides. I will conclude with an anecdote that very clearly displays where many undiagnosed individuals are going if this issue is not given proper attention. I challenge you to read this and reflect on other well researched and described addictions such as with alcohol, gambling, and sexual activity. Then I pose to you a question: if we are dealing with a very similar problem with a medium that is as vast as it is accessible, long could a life take when it’s going away? â€Å"When Johnny’s grandmother died unexpectedly, the family was devastated. Fifteen-year-old Johnny seemed to be coping well, but would continue to spend at least six hours a day playing online role-play game [sic] World of Warcraft; sometimes up to 10 hours at the weekend. It was not until months later, after he had cut down on his gaming, that the impact of the death really hit home. Johnny went to visit his grandfather and was horrified to relearn that his grandmother had gone and would not be coming back. â€Å"He did acknowledge it, but was so immersed in World of Warcraft at the time that when he got off the game, he was shocked and very upset that she wasn’t there, says Dr. Richard Graham, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist who subsequently treated Johnny for his gaming addiction. â€Å"The time Johnny spent gaming had steadily increased over the years until he was spending every available hour on his Xbox. He completely lost all interest in school and his grades inevitably suffered. It was only after a couple of months of treatment that Johnny started to re-engage with the people around him. ‘That emotional impact had been frozen in time,’ says Dr Graham. ‘Even when there was a death in the family, something as crucial as mourning didn’t take place.'†(Ritchie) How to cite Internet Addiction: Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Roald Dahl Essays - Food And Drink, Willy Wonka, Fiction
Roald Dahl Everything in Dahl's books includes either scary fiction or adventure. In 1973 Dahl was awarded for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The book in its time was very popular for children. Between 1980 and 1990, over eleven million of his children's books were sold in paperback form-considerably more than the total number of children born there in the same period. I will discuss Roald Dahl's life, his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and how you can apply his stories to you life. Dahl's life was filled with tragedy because of all his family's deaths and hard-ships. In Dahl's childhood he was always in some kind of trouble. If someone was mean to Dahl he planned a way to get back at him. Dahl was in kindergarten from 1922-1923. The school's name was Elmtree House. From 1923-1925, Dahl went to Llandaff Cathedral School. He started to go to that school from seven years of age until he was nine. He went to St. Peter's from age nine to thirteen (1925-1929). His final school was Repton and Shell. He went there from age 13-20 (1929-1936). It may seem odd he Dahl went to the school until he was twenty, but you have to keep in mind this was an English school. Each day on the way to and from school, seven years old Dahl and his friends passed by a sweet shop. Unable to resist the lure of "Bootlace Liquorice" and "Gobstoppers"- the children would pile into the store and buy as much candy as they could with their allowance. It is memories like this that contribute to Dahl's work. This specific memory is much alike his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a boy named Charlie is very poor. Charlie hears of a contest concerning golden tickets. Willie Wonka made the contest where there is a golden ticket hidden in five chocolate bars. After buying several chocolate bars, Charlie gets the last golden ticket in a chocolate bar he bought. After entering Willie Wonka's great Chocolate Factory, many children were disobedient. Actually, all the kids were disobedient and did exactly what Mr. Wonka told them not to do. Charlie felt bad, about not obeying Mr. Wonka and gave back an "Everlasting Gobstopper" that Mr. Wonka gave him, because he felt bad he didn't deserve it. For his sincerity, kindness, and for being quick to say sorry, Mr. Wonka gave Charlie the chocolate factory. God does not like disobedience. God clearly states he will bless those who obey and there will be a curse for those who disobey. There is always the chance for forgiveness, though, if you ask. By asking for forgiveness, Charlie was given the factory. This should be a strong example that by doing the right thing, your decision may affect others. Obeying those in authority is simple. All you have to do is listen. God wants us to obey those in authority. God also wants those in authority to obey him. God should always come first. I hope I have strongly brought across to you that of which I wanted to convey. I merely wanted to help you understand Roald Dahl's life, his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and how you could apply his stories to you life. Roald Dahl's books are much like the Children of today. Many children today like candy and adventure.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Mountaintop by Katori Hall
The Mountaintop by Katori Hall Great theater can emerge from a simple yet evocative question: What if? Katori Hall, winner of the Blackburn Prize for outstanding women playwrights, asks the question: What did Martin Luther King Jr. do the night before he died? Who did he talk to? What did he say? Her play attempts to answer these questions, albeit in an imaginative rather than realistic way. The Mountaintop took home Englands Olivier Award for best play. In fall 2011, the plays poignant message resonated on Broadway, starring featuring Samuel L. Jackson and Angela Bassett. About the Playwright Born in 1981, Katori Hall is a young, vibrant new voice in modern theater. Much of her work derives from her experiences in her hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. According to her official website, her major works include: Hoodoo Love (Cherry Lane Theatre)Remembrance (Womens Project)Saturday Night/Sunday MorningWHADDABLOODCLOT!!!The Hope WellOur Lady of KibehoPussy Valley Her most recent work (as of 2012) is Hurt Village; set in a housing project in Memphis it depicts a returning Iraq veterans struggle to find a position in his disintegrating community, along with a place in his daughters wounded heart. (The Signature Theatre). However, Halls most renowned work to date is the historical/spiritual drama, The Mountaintop. The Plot The Mountaintop is a two-person drama about the last day of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The entire play is set in the Lorraine hotel room, the evening before his assassination. King is alone, trying to create yet another powerful speech. When he orders a cup of coffee from room service, a mysterious woman arrives, bringing much more than a late-night beverage. What follows is a reflective, often funny, often touching conversation in which Dr. King examines his achievements, his failures, and his unfinished dreams. Other Plays About Martin Luther King, Jr This is not the first time that a speculative drama has explored Dr. Kings amazing legacy. The Meeting, by Jeff Stetson, explores the contrasting methods and the common dreams of two dignified civil rights leaders (Malcolm X and Dr. King) who sacrificed their lives fighting for justice. Theme Analysis of The Mountaintop: SPOILER ALERT: Its not easy to analyze the messages of this play without revealing surprise elements of The Mountaintop. So, reader beware, I am about to ruin the big surprise in the play. The mysterious woman who seems to be a hotel maid is named Camae (short for Carrie May which might be code for carry me). At first, she seems to be a perfectly normal (beautiful, outspoken) maid, who is in favor of social change, but not necessarily in favor of all of Dr. Kings methods. As a storytelling device, Camae allows the audience to witness a more personal and irreverent side of Dr. King, one that the cameras and public appearances rarely captured. Camae is also willing to debate with the reverend on social matters, strongly and eloquently expressing her own views on racism, poverty, and the slowly progressing civil rights movement. It soon becomes clear, however, that Camae is not what she appears. She is not a maid. She is an angel, a recently created angel, in fact. Her first assignment is to inform Martin Luther King, Jr. that he is going to die very soon. Here the play shifts its focus. What begins as a behind-the-scenes look at one of Americas greatest leaders (in all his frustration and frailty), ultimately becomes a struggle to accept ones mortality and prepare for a journey into what Hamlet calls the undiscovered country. As one might expect, King isnt happy to find out that he is going to die. In some ways, his dialogue is reminiscent to Everyman, the morality play from 15th century Europe. The key difference, however, is that Everyman represents an average person who has failed to live a saintly life. Dr. King doesnt profess to be a saint (in fact, both the angel and King mention his extra-marital affairs), but he does rightly argue that he has been fighting a just cause and that he is the best person to continue the struggle for equality. During the last half of the play, King experiences the different stages of coping with death: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Arguably the best part of these stages is the bargaining portion when Dr. King actually gets to talk to God over the telephone. If The Mountaintop sounds morbid, theres actually a lot of humor and whimsy throughout this play. Camae is a feisty and foul-mouthed angel, and she is proud to announce that her wings are her breasts and that God is a woman. The play concludes with not only acceptance but joy and celebration for what has been accomplished, as well as a firm reminder of the dreams that have yet to come to fruition.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Hard Determinism
Hard Determinism Hard determinism is a philosophical position that consists of two main claims: Determinism is true.Free will is an illusion. The distinction between â€Å"hard determinism†and â€Å"soft determinism†was first made by the American philosopher William James (1842-1910). Both positions insist on the truth of determinism: that is, they both assert that every event, including every human action, is the necessary result of prior causes operating according to the laws of nature. But whereas soft determinists claim that this is compatible with our having free will, hard determinists deny this. While soft determinism is a form of compatibilism, hard determinism is a form of incompatibilism. Arguments for hard determinism Why would anyone want to deny that human beings have free will? The main argument is simple. Ever since the scientific revolution, led by the discoveries of people like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton, science has largely presupposed that we live in a deterministic universe. The principle of sufficient reason asserts that every event has a complete explanation. We may not know what that explanation is, but we assume that everything that happens can be explained. Moreover, the explanation will consist of identifying the relevant causes and laws of nature that brought about the event in question. To say that every event is determined by prior causes and the operation of laws of nature means that it was bound to happen, given those prior conditions. If we could rewind the universe to a few seconds before the event and play the sequence through again, we’d get the same result. Lightning would strike in exactly the same spot; the car would break down at exactly the same time; the goalkeeper would save the penalty in exactly the same way; you would choose exactly the same item from the restaurant’s menu. The course of events is predetermined and therefore, at least in principle, predictable. One of the best-known statements of this doctrine was given by the French scientist Pierre-Simon Laplace (11749-1827). He wrote: We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes. Science cannot really prove that determinism is true. After all, we often do encounter events for which we don’t have an explanation. But when this happens, we don’t assume that we are witnessing an uncaused event; rather, we just assume that we haven’t discovered the cause yet. But the remarkable success of science, and especially its predictive power, is a powerful reason for supposing that determinism is true. For with one notable exception–quantum mechanics (about which see below) the history of modern science has been a history of the success of deterministic thinking as we have succeeded in making increasingly accurate predictions about everything, from what we see in the sky to how our bodies react to particular chemical substances. Hard determinists look at this record of successful prediction and conclude that the assumption it rests on–every event is causally determined–is well-established and allows for no exceptions. That means that human decisions and actions are as predetermined as any other event. So the common belief that we enjoy a special sort of autonomy, or self-determination, because we can exercise a mysterious power we call â€Å"free will,†is an illusion. An understandable illusion, perhaps, since it makes us feel that we are importantly different from the rest of nature; but an illusion all the same. What about quantum mechanics? Determinism as an all-encompassing view of things received a severe blow in the 1920s with the development of quantum mechanics, a branch of physics dealing with the behavior of subatomic particles. According to the widely accepted model proposed by Werner Heisenberg and Niels Bohr, the subatomic world contains some indeterminacy. For instance, sometimes an electron jumps from one orbit around its atom’s nucleus to another orbit, and this is understood to be an event without a cause. Similarly, atoms will sometimes emit radioactive particles, but this, too, is viewed as an event without a cause. Consequently, such events cannot be predicted. We can say that there is, say, a 90% probability that something will happen, meaning that nine times out of ten, a specific set of conditions will produce that happening. But the reason we can’t be more precise is not because we are lacking a relevant piece of information; it is just that a degree of indeterminacy is built i nto nature. The discovery of quantum indeterminacy was one of the most surprising discoveries in the history of science, and it has never been universally accepted. Einstein, for one, could not countenance it, and still today there are physicists who believe that the indeterminacy is only apparent, that eventually a new model will be developed which reinstates a thoroughly deterministic point of view. At present, though, quantum indeterminacy is generally accepted for much the same sort of reason that determinism is accepted outside quantum mechanics: the science that presupposes it is phenomenally successful. Quantum mechanics may have dented the prestige of determinism as a universal doctrine, but that doesn’t mean it has salvaged the idea of free will. There are still plenty of hard determinists around. This is because when it comes to macro objects like human beings and human brains, and with macro events such as human actions, the effects of quantum indeterminacy is thought to be negligible to non-existent. All that is needed to rule out free will in this realm  is what is sometimes called â€Å"near determinism.†This is what it sounds like–the view that determinism holds throughout most of nature. Yes, there may be some subatomic indeterminacy. But what is merely probabilistic at the subatomic level still translates into deterministic necessity when we are talking about the behavior of larger objects. What about the feeling that we have free will? For most people, the strongest objection to hard determinism has always been the fact that when we choose to act in a certain way, it feels as if our choice is free: that is, it feels as if we are in control and exercising a power of self-determination. This is true whether we are making life-altering choices such as deciding to get married, or trivial choices such as opting for apple pie rather than cheesecake. How strong is this objection? It is certainly convincing to many people. Samuel Johnson probably spoke for many when he said, â€Å"We know our will is free, and there’s an end to it!† But the history of philosophy and science contains many examples of claims that seem obviously true to common sense but turn out to be false. After all, it feels as if the earth is still while the sun moves around it; it seems as if material objects are dense and solid when in fact they consist mainly of empty space. So the appeal to subjective impressions, to how things feel is problematic. On the other hand, one could argue that the case of free will is different from these other examples of common sense being wrong. We can accommodate the scientific truth about the solar system or the nature of material objects fairly easily. But it’s hard to imagine living a normal life without believing that you are responsible for your actions. The idea that we are responsible for what we do underlies our willingness to praise and blame, reward and punish, take pride in what we do or feel remorse. Our whole moral belief system and our legal system seem to rest on this idea of individual responsibility. This points to a further problem with hard determinism. If every event is causally determined by forces beyond our control, then this must include the event of the determinist concluding that determinism is true. But this admission seems to undermine the whole idea of arriving at our beliefs through a process of rational reflection. It also seems to render pointless the whole business of debating issues like free will and determinism, since it is already predetermined who will hold what view. Someone making this objection doesn’t have to deny that all our thought processes have correlated physical processes going on in the brain. But there is still something odd about treating one’s beliefs as the necessary effect of these brain processes rather than as the result of reflection. On these grounds, some critics view hard determinism as self-refuting. Related links Soft determinism Indeterminism and free will Fatalism
Monday, February 17, 2020
Ethics in Business Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethics in Business Today - Essay Example Along with this, ethics also helps in reducing employee turnover thereby enhancing the range of efficiency, if maintained properly. Therefore, from the above points, it might be revealed that ethics acts as the catalyst that helps the business to enhance its dominance and supremacy in the market among other existing rival players. So, ethics is extremely essential for any business organization, operating in current scenario. Other than this, ethical policies and behaviors help an organization or business to attract more investors that might enhance the share prices to a significant extent among other rival players. Side by side ethics also helps in recruiting experienced and skilled employees within the organization that may prove effective in enhancing the total productivity of the organization. Thus, recruitment of talented staffs helps in development of varied types of inventive products and services for its customers thereby satisfying their changing needs and demands. This might help an organization in enhancing its brand value and loyalty within the minds of the target customers. As a result, its level of sustainability might get enhanced significantly. Consequently, ethics also helps in enhancing the inner morale of the employees so as to cope up with the inconveniences in turbulent situations. As a result of such type of inner confidence and willpower of the employees, the organization might become able to tackle the effects of the tough situations thereby retaining its previous image and values. However, this might be possible only if cooperation and team work might be maintained among all the members of the organization. Thus, it might be revealed that ethics is that type of inner psychology that might help an organization to develop a strong image and may also destroy its portfolio in the market among others (Plastin, 2013). Other than this, ethical decision making within an organization also helps in enhancing employee growth and their performance t owards the assigned duties and responsibilities. Due to which, the organization might become able to fulfill its target objectives and goals, which is extremely essential for any organization in this era. As a result, the organization might enhance its level of dominance within the market that may reduce the intensity of the new entrants to enter the segment. Along with this, the level of distinctiveness of the organization might also get enhanced thereby amplifying its output and profitability by a significant extent. As a result, the position and reputation of the organization might get improved in this aggressive market among other operating rivals. Hence, according to me ethics is important for any organization or a business for the following reasons presented below: Employee commitment Employee Growth Investor and stakeholders loyalty and commitment Improvement of the confidence power of the shareholders Improvement of the level of customer satisfaction Improvement in the relat ionship with the stakeholders Enhancement of the productivity of the organization Improvement of the level of performance Improvement of revenues and profit margin Improvement of reputation and image of the organizati
Monday, February 3, 2020
Critical Thinking Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critical Thinking Reflection - Essay Example Decline in SNAP benefits will translate to the government focusing on other essential economic projects meant to cushion favorable living standards instead of taxing citizens heavily in order to cater for supplementary issues. Mainly, this involves both exploring as well as thinking in such a way the predicament or situation facing a person normally appears different than how it would have had an initial pose. This is encompasses seeking alternatives in a move to obtain solutions after analyzing varied assumptions without hastily resulting to ungrounded judgments. In this case, assumption recognition usually entails lodging adequate scrutiny of varied beliefs, which underlie preferred choices meant to resolve a certain problem. Its application is extremely essential in both practical life and in resolving scholarly matters. Thinking skills such as creative and critical approach usually are helpful in aiding one express idea in a logical manner and contrary to what numerous people may be assuming is the best alternative in resolving a certain issue. Hence, bring about mental inquiry essential in being creative as well as innovative. However, these skills are not bound to one subject or field because one is able to think and solve problems in any way encountered. To ensure my use of critical thinking in future I need to focus on enhancing own critical approach in each aspect without accepting the ordinary way of perceiving situations. Therefore, I must at least get used to working out different problems during the days. Steenland, Sally. Faith in Values: How to Reduce Poverty and Save Taxpayers $4.6 Billion Per Year. Center for American Progress. 19Th March 2014. Web. 21St September 2014.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Comparison Between Two Methodologies By Using Nimsad Information Technology Essay
Comparison Between Two Methodologies By Using Nimsad Information Technology Essay The main objective of this assignment is to do comparison between two various methodologies such as SSADM Structured Systems Analysis and Development Methodology and ETHICS Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computer-based Work Systems by using NIMSAD framework. Both methodologies have shown their own concept of identifying problem situation and finding solution to fix the problems. Avison and Fitzgerald (1995) show the definition of information system development methodology as a collection of procedures, techniques, tools, and documentation assistance which will help the system developers in their efforts to implement a new information system and they also mentioned the methodology with the above collections. There are two principles for comparing methodologies: The first one is Academic reason, this is for understanding the diagnosis of the methodology. The Second one is Practical reason; this is to select a methodology, group or part of the methodology for a particular application and. There are lots of methodologies exists. There may be many comparisons can determine and define the methodology (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). So, we must know the basic rules of the two methodologies before start doing comparison. The comparison and views of the methodologies will be shown below. SSDAM (Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method) Structured System Analysis and Design method is a framework that adopts Structure approach to the analysis and design of the information systems alike previous structured methods such as Yourdon in 1976,DeMarco in 1979 . It is sequential development process called as waterfall method. It was produced for Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) and also the UK government now known as Office of Government Commerce (OGC). In 1981 UK government was taken this method as a compulsory for all projects but since then the other countries and some private organization used it greatly (Ashworth et al, 1995).SSADM supports the developers and project managers in understanding four questions they are What is to be done, When it is to be done, How it is to be done, Where the resultant inform is to be documented (Bentley et al, 1995).Some history of this methodology since 1980, Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency determines the analysis and design methods. In the year of 1981 Learmonth Burchett Management Systems (LBMS) method has chosen from shortlist of five. In the year of 1983 SSADM made mandatory for all new information system developments. Version 2 of SSADM was released in 1984. Version 3 of SSADM was released and that was adapted by NCC in 1986. After 1988, SSADM certificate of Proficiency launched, SSADM promoted as open standard. Version 4 of SSADM has released in 1990. (Websites: http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~steve/1/tsld005.htm). This is a wide methodology and also flexible to apply at any kind of problem situation. It divides the works or projects into distinct units (Downs et al, 1992).SSADM is a basic assumption that systems have an underlying, generic, data structure which changes very little over time (Ashworth et al,1990). The SSADM version 4 has formed five important frames such as, Feasibility Study (FS), Requirements Analysis (RA), Requirements Specification (RS), Logical System Specification (LS) and Physical Design (PD). This five-module framework has seven stages and each stage has explained exactly with their own strategy, controls, and activity, this helps the main purpose of the project management technique (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995; Downs et al, 1992). Diagram: The Feasibility Study (FS) is first module of the methodology; it holds the position of stage 0, this phase has four steps: First one is prepare for study to know measurement of evaluation of the project; then define the problem by using comparison between requirements with current position; selection of Feasibility from among others; the final one is to submit a report of the Feasibility. Data flow diagram and flow documents are used in this technique (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). Requirement Analysis (RA) is one of the most important stages of SSADM. This involved with describing the requirements of information systems. This is a fundamental level for business purpose. It has two stages; a major aim of the first stage is to make understand fully about the system for analysts. Analyst should investigate the feasibility of the project if before stage was not done and also the problem situation should be described by using data models and data flow models; Interviewing to the employees and users also included in this stage. The second one is Business System option; during this stage the analysts would determine such business system options by group actions for their customers. The previous stage has named that, a business system option is a potential solution to the system requirements. This includes boundaries of the solution and inputs and outputs. Requirement Specification (RS) is a single stage and it makes over the description of the current environment and business system option which was made by Requirements Analysis. Clients of this system would select business option at the end of RA. During this stage analysts should combine the investigation of all the stages results from 1 to 3 by keep the business option, to develop a specification of the system. It also describes actual function of the system. Entity-event modelling and rational data analysis are the techniques used in this stage. During the stage 3, various models of the system are being developed such as, Data Flow Model (DFM) and Logical Data Model (LDM).This stage brings details the DFM and LDM. The function definition has unites into one for specification process design at this stage. The next module, Logical System Specification (LS) has two stages in it. Such as stage 4 and stage 5, Technical System Option considered as stage 4 and Logical design as stage 5. Technical System Option is the final stage for analysis phase and conversion to the literal system design. Many execution chances are suggested to select nearly suitable solution similar to stage 2. This technical system options are measured by financial cost and performance of the system and limitations etc. After the stage 4, Logical Design took place as a stage 5, the works and investigation has been done as same like before stage. The main execution of Logical Design is about human factor. It defines dialogue and updates enquiries in non-procedural manner, which is independent of any implementation strategy. Physical Design (PD) is the final module of this system. It is the best choice of possible technical and logical solution, the designer combines the result of the previous stages to build the final aim of the system. This is stage 6 and outcomes in PD for the data and processes (Ashworth et al, 1990, Bentley et al, 1995, Downs et al, 1992). The above essay tells that, SSADM has a well-defined structure and easy to understand by everyone. Many of the UK University has taken this information system in comprehensively and completely. These models and diagrams are giving complete definitions for the final users and developers to understand (Ashworth et al, 1990, Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). ETHICS (Effective Technique and Human Implementation of Computer-based Systems) Ethics methodology came up out of work started by Enid Mumford at Manchester Business School in 1969. Since then, it has been used in industries and the health services. Much experience gained from these usages (Mumford, 1997). Ethics is acronym, but this approach is to represent the ethical position. This is the information system development, which strongly supports the human participation (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). This methodology is well-known for its importance and interest in the human side of systems design (Jayaratna, 1994). It includes the socio-technical view for the system to be effective and this technology should be applicable for social and organisational factors. It also means that a valuable quality of working life and increased job satisfaction of the users is one of the major objective of this system design process. Mumford determines the essential quality of socio-technical approach as one which recognizes the interaction of technology and people and produces the work systems which are both technically efficient and have social characteristics which lead to high job satisfaction; and job satisfaction as the attainment of a good fit between what the employee is seeking from his work-and his job needs, expectations and aspirations-and what he is required to do in his job-the organisational job requirements which mould his experience(Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). To determine the concept of fit is used to describe the job satisfaction in five fields: Firstly, knowledge fit as a good fit lives when employees should accept that their skills are being adequately utilized and their knowledge being improved to make them efficiently; Physical fit is the second area that means; job must suitable for the employee status, encouragement of the progress and work interest; thirdly efficiency fit, it composed of the effort-reward bargain, work controls and supervisory controls; fourthly the task structured fit, that measures the level to the employees task are considered as being fulfilling and demanding; and the final area is ethical fit, this is also represents social value fit and determines whether the employer organisation be compatible with values of employee(Avison and Fitzgerald 1995). Ethics is a methodology that based on human participation and socio technical character. The Ethics design group consist of users, managers and technical experts. The objective of this methodology helps the design group in the way of identifying and formulating the problem, and also it will set objectives and develop alternatives, and allow other actions like implementing and evaluating new system. It aims to construct the computer based system that provides job satisfaction and achieve the efficiency needs of the organisation (Jayaratna, 1994). During this development, the importance placed on both the human and social and the technical views of the system. Users formulate social alternatives to improve job satisfaction, and experts formulate technical alternatives to improve business efficiency. The above aspects are emphasis to identify the best socio-technical fit under the common cost, resource and other environment constraints (Wong, 2001). Here, the ETHICS steps are executed by the design group: Why change? By enquiring about the problem situation of the current system, design group try to get objective through regular meetings and some discussions to answer the question: why do we need to change. This step gives clear reasons about why the changing system needed (Mumford, 1993). System Boundaries. The design team tries to identify the boundaries of the system and also how it is interfaces with other system. Description of Existing System. This step aims to educate the design group to know how the existing system works. Everyone in this group has more comprehensible of previous system before moving to the new system. 4, 5 and 6 Definition of the key objectives, tasks and information needs. Identify the key objectives for the design groups; the task required to achieve these objectives and information is needed to carry out the tasks. 7. Diagnosis of Efficiency Needs. The design group tries to identify the weak link in the system and that is to be documented. These are main reason for errors. Everyone outside the team help to identify the efficiency need. This could be the opportunity for the team to get involved in the development process. 8. Diagnosis of Job Satisfaction Needs. This is achieved by the standard questionnaire given in the ETHICS methodology. As we know earlier ETHICS is a human-cantered method for others to gain the job satisfaction. The design team tries to identify people needs and also ways to increase satisfaction by using ETHICS questionnaire. This questionnaire covers knowledge fit, physical fit, efficiency fit, task structured fit and ethical fit. 9. Future Analysis The new system need to be designed in the way that apart from just being better from previous system, it should also be able to cope with future changes that may occur in the technological, business and organisation or fashion. 10. Specifying and weighting Efficiency and Job Satisfaction Needs and Objectives Mumford identifies that this is the key step for the whole methodology. Objectives are set according to the diagnosis results of the three previous steps. It can be very difficult task and must involve everyone in the organisation. 11. Organizational Design of the New System. This is the logical and conceptual design of the new system. It should be performed in parallel with next step. The output of this step is detailed about the organizational changes which are needed for the job efficiency and satisfaction objectives. 12. Technical Options. The physical design has been taken by this step for new system. There are some various technical systems like hardware, software and GUI would be investigated and evaluated. By end of this step, most suitable one helps to achieve target of the project and job satisfaction. 13. Preparation of Detailed Design Work. In this step the selected system is designed in detail. The previous documentation is recorded and groups are defined, tasks, responsibilities are allocated and finally relationships are created. 14. Implementation. This is the important step of the development project. The design group now applies the success implementation of design. This connects closely to planning the implementation process in detail. 15. Evaluation. After the successful implementation, the system is assured it is meeting its main objectives, particularly in relation to efficiency and job satisfaction (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995, Mumford, 1993). Mumford recognizes that implementing this methodology is not an easy one; also she is making the addition point that participative may not work at the powerful situations where the objectives of the system have as a part of the reduction of cost and redundancies. Aylors and Myers suggest that participation may be achieved will be dependent on culture and politics of the organisation more than individuals (Avison and Taylor, 1995). However, many organizations are trying to establish the participation approach in flexible and more useful manner. The comparison between two methodologies (SSADM ETHICS): As we said in the introduction before, we will do comparison between two methodologies mentioned above by using NIMSAD (Normative Information Model-Based System Analysis and Design) framework. These methodologies are compared in detail by using the different steps. This framework consists of three steps and one of the steps contains eight stages fewer than three phases and all the stages steps are correctly evaluated. The steps and stages of the framework will be explained below, The Problem Situation (the methodology context). The Intended Problem Solver (the methodology user). The Problem Solving Process (the methodology). Phase 1- Problem Formation: Stage 1- Understanding the situation of concern. Stage 2- Performing the diagnosis. Stage 3- Defining the prognosis outline. Stage 4- Defining Problem Stage 5- Deriving notional systems. Phase 2- Solution Design: Stage 6- Performing the conceptual/logical design. Stage 7- Performing the physical design. Phase 3- Design Implementation Stage 8- Implementation of design. Evaluation. Problem Situation: This framework will be involved with clients and defines different between the action world and thinking world. This step explains that the problem situation lives in only on action world but the problem solving situation will be in both world. A diagrammatic model cannot catch the elements of an organisation, but they could be used to clarify the concepts and components. This clearly tells that the problem solvers own knowledge and skills will not help to understand the problem situation unless he/she know the organisational language (Jayaratna). In Ethics, the problem situation of the existing system is clearly analysed through the regular meetings and proper discussion. This step could be a main cause for the system change plan. The boundaries of the system have been identified by the design group and also they try to determine how boundaries are connected and communicated with other system (Mumford, 1993).When compare to Ethics, SSADM investigate and study about the problem situation and they will confirm the position from user. These results are explained by the data flow diagram Diagram of problem solving situation: Intended Problem Solver: The intended problem solver is who originate within the organisation or outside of it. We have begun to discuss about the agreement of role and the act of forming relationship to be effective. The NIMSAD framework explains that the intended problem solver adds the single man component to the process and their Mental Construct is used. In Ethics, after the analysis process, this step shows that the design group is been educated about the problem which will make them clear view of the existing problem situation. The main aim of the problem solver is to achieve the job satisfaction and efficiency needs. But in SSADM, the problem solver is fully trained and skilled. They will not get any advice like Ethics and have to understand the problem and find the solution of their own. Diagram for the intended problem solver: Problem Solving Process: NIMSAD defines three important phases and eight detailed stages in this step and can be applicable for any problem solving process. This framework cannot be assumed and this should be achieved at the right time. This methodology could be structured process to alter transformation from current situation to the desired situation. Phase 1.Problem Formulation: Stage1.Understanding the Situation of concern: Understanding the problem is fully based on each one of our mental construct. This stage will build boundaries to determine the field of interest and clear communication of boundaries to avoid danger and this focused on investigation and establish concerned situation. In Ethics as mentioned above, the problem situation is identified. After that the boundaries are set accordingly for evaluating the problem. Then the designer will start gathering the points to solve a problem. In SSADM, the problem is been assumed as a data flow diagram and this will be used to solve the problems. So they will start making points to evaluate the problems. Stage2.Perfoming the Diagnosis: Diagnosis is clearly communicated expression of understanding and that is gained from investigating the problem situation. This is a static expression and also identified by the tool for problem solver or prescribed by the methodology. Mental construct and situation concern are the dynamic process of the expression. Action World cannot be represented by only in diagrammatic way but, it can be a certain priority for the problem solver. In Ethics, diagnosis is to identify the weak link which creates errors and make a document of them for future use. The weak links are the reasons for errors in the system. Everyone from outside can help to determine the efficiency needs. This will be an opportunity for them to get involve. Ethics is human-centered method and its aims to get job satisfaction from each of the employers. A new system should be developed or designed for to cope with the future changes. Diagnosis is a big opportunity for the whole management to get involve for the result (Mumford, 1993). In SSADM, the developers have not been advised or educated to cope the problem situation. The designers should know what the system actually need and they should study and decide about problem. The designers will keep the current records and previous documents Stage3. Defining the prognosis outline: Prognosis pointed a diagrammatically by various outline shape and also it is a desired situation. The prognosis outline compares the current situation with desired situation for to identify the problem. This stays only in outline rather than elaborated. It is presented in few methodologies because, this is an intellectual and political skills. Ethics problem situation has been done in various outlines, and the designers will get feedback from others or inside of the organisation to handle the situation as much as possible. In SSADM, problem elements of the existing system could be chosen by the user among some options like business. Analyst should design the system requirements for how the users exactly want. Stage4.Defining Problem: After clarifying the before stages rationale, the problem solver can look at the system prevention from moving from current to desired state. It will try to find the explanation of problem statements. This process defines that the problem looks at the mapping of two comprehended states. Jayaratna defined that this process is critical and identify the absence of the aspects and this must be based on some form of questions what and why, not how and whom. In Ethics, the design team tries to determine the way to increase the job satisfaction by asking questions. There are some key steps involved in this step as mentioned in before stage. Everyone from the organization must get involve for the development process. In SSADM, the problem cannot be solved by simply looking and thinking as prognosis does. So result of the feasibility study should be combined by the analyst with business option. Stage5.Deriving Notional Systems: Notional system is achieved after completing the Diagnosis to Prognosis as current to desired situation by mapping for to defeat the identified problems and alter the transformation. This model allows the structured problem situation and that can be unstructured or ill-structured and this may be difficult to find. In Ethics, prefers no diagrammatic representation for the changing process. All the design group and analyst will be educated and advised properly for the development process to get good results (Mumford, 1983). SSADM, it is a validating necessary step for the user. The data flow diagrams are used to achieve the actual model of the system requirements. There will be priority for the users need and also feedbacks after increasing prototype for next process. Phase2. Solution Design: Stage6.Perfoming the conceptual/logical design: Diagnosis model is basis for the creation or change of structures, roles, task, functions, information and attitudes of the notional system. This stage is also providing a chance for to re-evaluate the previous stage. In this event, the boundary situation and its contents are considered. In Ethics, the job satisfaction is achieved by the modification from result of this stage. This stage will study that, this is been done by the logical design for developing the system. SSADM use the data flow diagrams for all of the logical design techniques. The designers will perform their operation by changing the diagrams according to the requirements and guidelines. This organisation of system checks the requirements for the system development process. Stage7. Performing the Physical Design: The physical design provides the ways and entails of implementing the logical design. It also points that physical constrains and resources available to implement the logical design. The physical design is regarded with two questions to perform, how it could be done and who is going to do this. The criteria of the physical design determine the decision of the appropriate model, such as Efficiency, Reliability, Security, and Accuracy, upgradeability and Availability, etc. In Ethics, this stage is followed by the logical design. It is investigated and evaluated using the hardware, software, and GUI. In order to achieve the design of the system. In SSADM, the physical design checks whether, it reaches the users specification or the needs of the developing system. Then the system is passed to the programmer from the developer and from here the implementation of the system begins. Phase 3.Design Implementation: Stage8.Implementatoin of the design: It is concerned with the organization of the notional system inside the context of the problem situation. The writing code practice and requiring knowledge and skill in itself, is the component of the implementation process. The competence at translating model from thinking world to action world will be the tested in the implementation stage. Ethics plays vital role in the implementation of the design. The design group complete the entire system and produced to user, then gets the feedback from user. If there are any changes in the developed system, they have to restart the entire system. This is considered as a main drawback in this method (Mumford, 1993). When compare to Ethics, SSADM is well organised, because in this methodology the design group explains the system in each and every stage and then proceed to the forthcoming stages. Evaluation: The entire purpose of NIMSAD framework is evaluating all the methodologies. Evaluation is nothing but asking question, so this framework concerned with the user for to ask questions from the first three steps for the evaluation process. Then the problem solver will ask questions related to the problem situation, then their own the mental construct and experience will be taken for the evaluation. In Ethics, this is the final step of the methodology after completing the implementation part. This evaluation process checks whether the system is achieved the job satisfaction and efficiency needs which is the main objectives of the system. When compare to the Ethics, SSADM does not give more importance to this stage, because it will get feedbacks from the user at each and every stage. Conclusion: There are lot of essential differences between the SSADM and ETHICS as we have looked in the previous sections. The ETHICS methodology aims to attain balance between the designers and available technologies. It provides good opportunity for the developers to work in flexible, highly co-operative environment. Some people believe that ETHICS is impractical because, unskilled cannot design in the right manner and management never take that. The socio-technical approach is the solution for problem situation. As we discussed earlier, ETHICS will not be the right solution like other methodologies, it has both negatives and limitations. The people should trust themselves and try to learn the system to achieve great job efficiency. Every organization attains the profit and business objectives by the combination of job satisfaction and job efficiency. As we discussed earlier, SSADM is a structured subsystem and this will be one of the main reason for easy understanding and studying the system and also causes for well-defined subsystems. The final users and developers can understand the exact definitions through diagrams and models. SSADM is a growing development method and it helps to distinguish the physical and logical parts of the design. The final users of the SSADM involves in the development process. It gives an idea about to use different techniques of this framework such as how, why, when, and where. It gives three various system views for the developers (Ashworth et al, 1990).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Kitchen Best Essay
Individual case study: Kitchen Best Kitchen Best is the typical family owned SME, specialized in the Kitchen appliance production, with Headquarter in Hong Kong and manufacturing plant based in China, in the Guandong province. The main problems concerning the company, are all related with its managing and governance system. The company has been run for years by its founder, Cha Dong, who managed it in a paternalistic way, establishing very strong relationships with most of its senior Staff. His management style reflected the old business culture, characterized by high sense of belonging to the â€Å"family†and an high degree of acceptance of the practice of kickbacks, considered the normal way to run business in China. When Cha Dong, at the end off its career, left the management to its son, Henry Chan, all the governance shortcomings came to light. Henry Chan, who received a Western education, had a more international approach, less involved than its father in the operationa l activities of the company and more focused on its ambitious targets. He prospected to double the revenues of the company entering the US and EU market directly, while continuing to serve the Asian market, where its father focused until that day. Its expertise in the Western culture would have helped the enter in such markets, making the project ambitious but feasible, on the other side focusing in such a target would have meant ignoring the management aspects of its role, who are the basis for the success of a company. Furthermore Henry Chan lack of operational expertise, so he completely relies on Ma Luk, the company’s operations Director, to whom his father delegated the entire operational activities of the factory, during its lasts years of management. He had in that way a great independence and power, given by its expertise and close connection with clients and suppliers. He had also a low level of coordination with Henry Chan, to whom he formally reported, but still su bstantially referred to Chang Dong for important issues. In fact the Kitchen Best founder had still a strong managerial presence in the company, as all its employees trusted him completely, we can asses that the managerial transition did not happened in substantial terms. The company’s culture reflects the old managerial style of the founder: the selection and training of employees is done on a familiar contact base, not relying on impartial standards of efficiency. The lack of standards in training and recruitment, the high degree of toleration of kickbacks, together with the high independence in the operational decisions, are all factors that contributed to the bad management of the Staff. To Ma Luk, too much power was delegated, with no substantial control, due to the lack of technical skills of Henry Chan. Moreover his strong ties with clients and suppliers were created through kickbacks, tolerated by the father and after by his son, partially to provide a certain continuation in management and partially for fear of losing most of the crucial contacts. Sze, on the other side, trained Macy Wei, Quality Control Manager, affecting so the impartiality required by her role. Looking at the Trust and Advice Network inside the company, we will s urely underline a strong connection between Sze and Macy Wei, as between Ma Luk and Cha Dong, while the actual manager of the company will result isolated and not connected to the main key figures of Kitchen Best. The communication Network will also reveal important managerial considerations. The communication is formal, non effective and one-way: from the bottom to the top, with a total absence of feedback from Henry Chan. A radical change is so necessary in the company’s culture and governance system, starting with a zero tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. Kickbacks are reducing the competitiveness of the company and is severely punished by criminal laws both in China and Macao, where the company operates. This corruptive system is also exposing the company to many problems: one of its key customers, Honghua, has adopted a zero tolerance policy to kickbacks and the company is re-evaluating all its suppliers under standards of competitiveness. To cope with these issues, Henry Chan should concentrate more in the operational part of the company, gaining expertise and position himself strongly at the head of the company. First of all, he should establish a code of ethics, as a first step to change the old and paternalistic company’s culture, by inserting Western elements such as standards and ethics principles. The Code of Ethics should be a formal statement, containing ethical principles related with employees responsibilities and Business integrity. On the other side, Standards should be settled and implemented, with a zero toleration of sub-standards, especially when Selecting, Hiring, Training and Promoting employees. Promotions should be based on performance and compliance with the Codes. Moreover an External Independent Auditor should be hired to control that all the members of the company, and also its suppliers are complying with standards and Codes. After all, Henry Chan should communicate in an effective w ay the radical measures adopted, explaining to the Stuff how fundamental is for the company to meet the standards established, to enhance its competitiveness in order to better serve its actual Asian clients and to enter the US and EU market. Repeating past errors, such as the Shago or Haus de Metro Incidents, will be fatal for the future of the company: suppliers will be chosen according to their competitiveness and no more on family or friendship relationship base. For that reason a specific Code of behavior for Suppliers has to be implemented too. In conclusion, to make the corporate governance transformation of Kitchen Best feasible, Henry Chan should definitely strengthen its position and impose a more ethic behavior inside the company. To do so, he should enter into the Trust Network, establishing a trust relationship with its Stuff, not being afraid of scolding them when necessary and partially divesting their strength in the customer and suppliers relationships. He should Invest much more time in operational and managerial tasks, as the growth and success of the company depend on them. He should also implement a bi-side communication with its employees, reporting periodically their performances through Feedbacks. When Henry Chan will have adopted all these measures and implemented all the Standards and Codes, his father will be divested from its role, reducing so its influence in the company’s decisions, who reflected the old paternalistic culture, favorable to the unethical practice of facilitating payments.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Italian Verb Conjugations Vincere
vincere: to conquer, defeat, beat; to overcome, overwhelmIrregular second-conjugation Italian verbTransitive verb (takes a direct object) or intransitive verb (does not take a direct object) conjugated with the auxiliary verb avere Indicative/Indicativo Presente io vinco tu vinci lui, lei, Lei vince noi vinciamo voi vincete loro, Loro vincono Imperfetto io vincevo tu vincevi lui, lei, Lei vinceva noi vincevamo voi vincevate loro, Loro vincevano Passato Remoto io vinsi tu vincesti lui, lei, Lei vinse noi vincemmo voi vinceste loro, Loro vinsero Futuro Semplice io vincer tu vincerai lui, lei, Lei vincer noi vinceremo voi vincerete loro, Loro vinceranno Passato Prossimo io ho vinto tu hai vinto lui, lei, Lei ha vinto noi abbiamo vinto voi avete vinto loro, Loro hanno vinto Trapassato Prossimo io avevo vinto tu avevi vinto lui, lei, Lei aveva vinto noi avevamo vinto voi avevate vinto loro, Loro avevano vinto Trapassato Remoto io ebbi vinto tu avesti vinto lui, lei, Lei ebbe vinto noi avemmo vinto voi aveste vinto loro, Loro ebbero vinto Future Anteriore io avr vinto tu avrai vinto lui, lei, Lei avr vinto noi avremo vinto voi avrete vinto loro, Loro avranno vinto Subjunctive/Congiuntivo Presente io vinca tu vinca lui, lei, Lei vinca noi vinciamo voi vinciate loro, Loro vincano Imperfetto io vincessi tu vincessi lui, lei, Lei vincesse noi vincessimo voi vinceste loro, Loro vincessero Passato io abbia vinto tu abbia vinto lui, lei, Lei abbia vinto noi abbiamo vinto voi abbiate vinto loro, Loro abbiano vinto Trapassato io avessi vinto tu avessi vinto lui, lei, Lei avesse vinto noi avessimo vinto voi aveste vinto loro, Loro avessero vinto Conditional/Condizionale Presente io vincerei tu vinceresti lui, lei, Lei vincerebbe noi vinceremmo voi vincereste loro, Loro vincerebbero Passato io avrei vinto tu avresti vinto lui, lei, Lei avrebbe vinto noi avremmo vinto voi avreste vinto loro, Loro avrebbero vinto Imperative/Imperativo Presente vinci vinca vinciamo vincete vincano Infinitive/Infinito Presente vincere Passato avere vinto Participle/Participio Presente vincente Passato vinto Gerund/Gerundio Presente vincendo Passato avendo vinto
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Literary Features in The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in...
Symbolism is used in different ways in both the novels, ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ and I have explored the ways in which two different authors have used this literary feature to enhance meaning behind their novels. Fitzgerald uses colour imagery throughout ‘The Great Gatsby’, especially using the colour white which cleverly changes meaning as the story progresses. When the reader is first introduced to both Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker, they are first described as being â€Å"dressed in white†which portrays a sense of innocence and purity about them, especially as Fitzgerald then uses the metaphor â€Å"short flight around the room†which makes them appear angelic and portrays them as very beautiful, almost perfect women 1. This image demonstrated for the colour white is slowly diminished as the story continues as I believe Fitzgerald then uses it to establish a sense of corruptness and coldness within the upper class, this is evident when Nick dreams about a woman on a stretcher who is wearing a â€Å"white evening dress†. Fitzgerald juxtaposes the innocence and purity with her hand which is â€Å"cold with jewels†ultimately recreating the image in the readers mind of the colour white which creates a more sinister and corrupt meaning which then begins to become evident in the majority of the upper class. It also proves the carelessness and selfishness of the upper class as she is left alone and that most of this class seem to have a â€Å"cold†personality. DarrenShow MoreRelated`` Fun Home, By Alison Bechdel1163 Words  | 5 Pagesstereotypical role within the family; Bruce didn’t act like a macho-man dad, and Alison wasn’t playing dress up with all the other little girls. Though their personas seem compatible, the stark difference in their gender affiliations was a source of great tension between Alison and her father. Not only does Alison approach herself and her father as â€Å"inversions†of each other, but she also makes note of how she attempts to emphasize her masculinity while her father tries to prevent her from expressingRead MorePassivity Vs. Passion In The Perks Of Being A Wallflower Essay1651 Words  | 7 Pageslettermans jacket. He questions many things, such as mathematics, though his teacher eventually tells him to stop asking why? and to simply memorize the formulas--which he does, resulting in his earning an A in the class. But most of all, he is a great friend, the kind that would let his gay friend--scorn from a lost lover--kiss him goodnight, because that‘s what friends are for(161). There are many characters in the book who introduce Charlie to new and different art forms. Most notable inRead MorePassivity vs. Passion in the Perks of Being a Wallflower1658 Words  | 7 Pageslettermans jacket. He questions many things, such as mathematics, though his teacher eventually tells him to stop asking why? and to simply memorize the formulas--which he does, resulting in his earning an A in the class. But most of all, he is a great friend, the kind that would let his gay friend--scorn from a lost lover--kiss him goodnight, because that‘s what friends are for(161). There are many characters in the book who introduce Charlie to new and different art forms. Most notable inRead More Censorship in Schools Essay3746 Words  | 15 Pagesin the school (Symons Harmon, 1995). The most common causes of the censorship of books in high schools are profanity, sexuality, violence, witchcraft, and new age thinking (Brinkley, 1999). However it can be argued that bad language can serve a literary purpose, sexuality can help to answer teens’ questions about sex, and violence â€Å"is justified†¦if it portrays historical events or current social conditions†(Brinkley, 1999, p. 128). Brown (1994) claims that censors are prone to attacking books thatRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A New Hope 2190 Words  | 9 Pagesof mentor Obi-Wan. In the end though, Luke, Han and Leia are celebrated in taking down the Death Star, saving the lives of many. Chapter 3: – Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires Response What are the essentials of the Vampire story? Apply this to a literary work you have read or viewed. A vampire story consists of the catastrophic corruption of a young, presumably virginal young women by an older, exploitative man who walks away from the devastating scene unaffected. An example of this can be found
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