Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Research Study On Students Perception Of Blind Date...
he researcher was a nonparticipant observer of two class sessions facilitated by Ms. Hardison. During the lesson, the researcher took field notes that focused on student comments while engrossed in the lesson. A survey (see Appendix 1) was also constructed and used that contained five Likert-scale questions (1=Not At All; 2= Somewhat; 3= Very/Extremely) and three open-ended questions. Students completed the survey upon the conclusion of the introduction to poetry lesson at the end of class. Data was analyzed using an ethnographic approach with a realist design to determine high school students’ perception of Blind Date Poetry introduction compared to other forms of poetry introductions they had previously experienced. Field notes and open ended questions were coded through identifying relevant comments that was organized into categories. Likert-scale questions were analyzed through an excel program to determine the participant s’ view of the introductory lesson. Findings The findings concerning student perspective of the active learning poetry introduction were highly positive. The open-ended questions in the survey asked students what they liked about the lesson, and a majority stated that the introduction was fun. One student stated, â€Å"I was engaged the whole time and did not get bored at all. Time flew by and reading the different poems was very interesting! Loved todays lesson!†These perspectives were supported by the Likert-scale section of the survey as 80Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words  | 158 Pagesï » ¿Plagiarism Bibliography Buckwalter, J. A., Wright, T., Mogoanta, L. and Alman, B. (2012), Plagiarism: An assault on the integrity of scientific research. J. Orthop. Res., 30: 1867 1868. Granitz, N. and Loewy, D. (2007). Applying Ethical Theories: Interpreting and Responding to Student Plagiarism. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(3), 293-306. Luke, B. and Kearins, K. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Emily, Cody And Lucas Were The Ones At Home - 873 Words
When I enter the home the first thing I noticed was that only Emily, Cody and Lucas were the ones at home. Benjamin, Logan and Drew were out with their therapist for the afternoon. Emily and Cody we re upstairs playing but after about 5 minutes Ms. Orbach and I heard a door slamming. We went upstairs to check on them. At some point Cody no longer wanted to play with Emily and this made Emily very upset. Ms. Orbach told them to come downstairs and play and they are not allowed to play upstairs by themselves. Once they were downstairs in the living room Cody went to the dining table to color and Emily was playing with her dolls on the floor. Lucas was moving between the two of them. Ms. Orbach and I then began our conversation about the second parent mentor. I explained to her the reason for the second parent mentor. They would be another set of eyes into the house , so we can get more things done throughout the day. It would also be someone there to help supervise the six children. Since they break off into different sections of the house. I explained it to her in a way that it is about getting more help versus pushing her to do it all on her own. She told to me, she is not the one, who said no to the second Parent Mentor, It was the Judge during one of her court dates. Her husband s lawyer also made some comments to the Judge. He did not think it was a good idea for her to have a second Mentor. After the judge heard what the lawyers had to said the Judge agreed she
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Internet Addiction Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept Free Essays
How long does a year take when it’s going away? This was a question asked by Dunbar to a very highly disciplined soldier right before explaining, rising in almost furious passion, how fast life goes and that the only way that can slow it down is the slow, tedious, and overall unpleasant aspects of life. Granted this conversation took place in a work of fiction; however, how Dunbar insisted that he spend most of his time on base shooting skeet simply because it made his life seem to pass slower does draw parallels to how we distract ourselves today. Unlike in the 50’s when Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Addiction: Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept or any similar topic only for you Order Now Heller first introduced us to his pleasantly insane world that was Catch-22, today we have the amazing expanse of information and entertainment known as the Internet as well as the multitude of mediums for accessing it: computers, tablets, cellphones, televisions, even the very confines of our car can read Facebook updates. But with this quickly growing rise in demand for technology, status updates, and quick amusement, there is also a growth in research on a literal addiction to the Internet and technology. Many in the social sciences worry that we may be looking at a dependence on the superficial global connection, one that I fear may leave us with an incapable generation of social media dependents. Internet addiction is seen as an impulse-control disorder, much like other addictions such as to gambling or sexual activity, where users are unable to resist urges or impulses to access the Internet. In a recent study done by Dr. Kimberly Young of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, it was found that out of the nearly four hundred surveyed that were categorized as Internet dependent a resounding number had experienced academic, relationship, financial, or occupational problems that could be directly linked to excessive Internet use (Table 1).  One of the most alarming of these were those whose real relationships were affected with plenty sad and at times disturbing anecdotes of people becoming too absorbed in the lures of the online community; for example, one mother had forgot about some of the more basic needs of her own children such as picking them up from school or making them dinner (Young 1-5). The academic arena is one that has been most recently seen affected. When surveyed at the Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom, about 39% of students 11 to 18 years old said that texting had taken its toll on their ability to proper write English. Probably more concerning was the 59.2% that openly admitted to plagiarism, â€Å"inserting information straight from the Internet into schoolwork, without actually reading or changing it, and then, shockingly, a third of those said that they considered that acceptable schoolwork (Goodwin). Then you have Californian psychologist Larry D. Rosen who referred to the â€Å"Google effect,†what he described as â€Å"an inability to remember facts brought on by the realization [sic] they are all available via Google (â€Å"Rise †8). What we see here can be construed as just laziness on part of this generation, a stereotype that I would agree with if not for the overwhelming evidence that suggests that this issue runs so much deeper, namely how we interact with each other when we are offline. The detrimental effects that dependence on the Internet has on people is further outlined in the report â€Å"Technology Overload: Explaining, Diagnosing, And Dealing With Techno-Addiction†by Nada Kakabadse, a professor of management and business research at University of Northampton in the United Kingdom. His commentary was hardly optimistic: â€Å"Being hooked into ICT [information and communication technology] devices and ignoring ‘offline’ social interaction can lead to chronic insomnia, relationship break-up, job-loss, premature burn-out and accidents as a result of inattentiveness to daily detail.The harm to both the individual and society is immense. Idolatry of ICT gadgets such as the PDA, BlackBerry, mobile phone, has serious consequences, especially when ‘online’ behavior begins to interfere with an ‘offline’ life. †(Claburn) Vesile Oktan revealed in another report on the effects that Internet dependence had on students at the Karadeniz Technical University in Turkey on their ability to cope and control emotions. While his findings did indicate that Internet addiction was a reliable predictor in poor emotions management, he also point out previous studies that supported this such as young people with virtual gaming addictions had low self-control and discipline. He went on to discuss how this addiction could be a behavioral pattern that compensated, however inadequately, for failures in life (Oktan 3-5). A very similar examination from Greece only showed consistency; when comparing a younger demographic (ages 12-18) to their respective parents over the course of two years, it was found that without preventative initiative Internet addiction grew in the children. The biggest predictor variable for this addiction was parental bonding rather than actual security as many parents underestimated their children’s involvement (Siomos). These two reports show a consistent connection between how people interact outside the digital world and how they both are affected and effect how one develops uncontrollable cravings. What the spectacular resources the Internet has to offer surely can’t be refuted as invaluable. The ability to quickly and effectively communicate with each other over vast distances and almost instantaneously is a recent luxury that we at times take for granted. The use of the Internet and its many outlets does make for a good distraction in much of the same way Dunbar made use of the shooting range in Catch-22 even though he detested actually doing target practice. Unfortunately, in this situation, what we can take for granted also has its capacity to consume and entrap us with its ease of access and being easily relatible unlike standard social situations when offline where one has to make compromises (Young 5). Many experts would rather not classify this issue as an actual addiction, citing that it is more of a means to an end such as how gambling addicts will switch to the Internet poker rooms when they can no longer get their fix from actual casinos or vice versa (Ritchie). I firmly believe that this is a real problem in society that will eventually prevent many people from achieving success as this continues to monopolize their time, effort, and mental processes. I would almost go as far to say that I have my own difficulties with this; case and point: I would readily say that this essay would have been completed in a timely manner if it had not been of the constant distraction from reality that the Internet provides. I will conclude with an anecdote that very clearly displays where many undiagnosed individuals are going if this issue is not given proper attention. I challenge you to read this and reflect on other well researched and described addictions such as with alcohol, gambling, and sexual activity. Then I pose to you a question: if we are dealing with a very similar problem with a medium that is as vast as it is accessible, long could a life take when it’s going away? â€Å"When Johnny’s grandmother died unexpectedly, the family was devastated. Fifteen-year-old Johnny seemed to be coping well, but would continue to spend at least six hours a day playing online role-play game [sic] World of Warcraft; sometimes up to 10 hours at the weekend. It was not until months later, after he had cut down on his gaming, that the impact of the death really hit home. Johnny went to visit his grandfather and was horrified to relearn that his grandmother had gone and would not be coming back. â€Å"He did acknowledge it, but was so immersed in World of Warcraft at the time that when he got off the game, he was shocked and very upset that she wasn’t there, says Dr. Richard Graham, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist who subsequently treated Johnny for his gaming addiction. â€Å"The time Johnny spent gaming had steadily increased over the years until he was spending every available hour on his Xbox. He completely lost all interest in school and his grades inevitably suffered. It was only after a couple of months of treatment that Johnny started to re-engage with the people around him. ‘That emotional impact had been frozen in time,’ says Dr Graham. ‘Even when there was a death in the family, something as crucial as mourning didn’t take place.'†(Ritchie) How to cite Internet Addiction: Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept, Essay examples
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